\item Kern is the project manager, but prefers not to be a "gate keeper".
+ This means that the developers are expected to be self-motivated,
+ and once they have experience submit directly to the SVN. However,
+ it is a good idea to have your patches reviewed prior to submitting,
+ and it is a bad idea to submit monster patches because no one will
+ be able to properly review them. See below for more details on this.
\item There are growing numbers of contributions (very good).
debugging, documentation, and maintenance responsibilities.
+\subsection*{Patches for Released Versions}
+\index{Patches for Released Versions}
+\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Patches for Released Versions}
+If you fix a bug in a released version, you should, unless it is
+an absolutely trivial bug, create and release a patch file for the
+bug. The procedure is as follows:
+Fix the bug in the branch and in the trunk.
+Make a patch file for the branch and add the branch patch to
+the patches directory in both the branch and the trunk.
+The name should be 2.2.4-xxx.patch where xxx is unique, in this case it can
+be "restore", e.g. 2.2.4-restore.patch. Add to the top of the
+file a brief description and instructions for applying it -- see for example
+2.2.4-poll-mount.patch. The best way to create the patch file is as
+ (edit) 2.2.4-restore.patch
+ (input description)
+ (end edit)
+ svn diff >>2.2.4-restore.patch
+check to make sure no extra junk got put into the patch file (i.e.
+it should have the patch for that bug only).
+If there is not a bug report on the problem, create one, then add the
+patch to the bug report.
+Uthen upload it to the 2.2.x release of bacula-patches.
+So, end the end, the patch file is:
+\item Attached to the bug report
+\item In Branch-2.2/bacula/patches/...
+\item In the trunk
+\item Loaded on Source Forge bacula-patches 2.2.x release. When
+ you add it, click on the check box to send an Email so that all the
+ users that are monitoring SF patches get notified.
\subsection*{SVN Usage}
\index{SVN Usage}
they are used in low level routines such as the low level device file dev.c in
the Storage daemon or in the low level Catalog routines. These routines do not
generally have access to the Job Control Record and so they return error
-messages reformatted in a memory buffer. Mmsg() is the way to do this.
+essages reformatted in a memory buffer. Mmsg() is the way to do this.
{\bf mehrere Laufwerke}
-Damit der Autochanger zuverl\"{a}{\ss}ig funktioniert, muss zus\"[a}tzlich ein Autochanger-Eintrag erstellt werden.
+Damit der Autochanger zuverl\"{a}{\ss}ig funktioniert, muss zus\"{a}tzlich ein Autochanger-Eintrag erstellt werden.
list -- gibt eine Zeile pro Tape im Autochanger aus.
Das Format ist: <Slot>:<Barcode>. Wobei
der {\bf Slot} eine Zahl (nicht null) ist, die der Slot-Nummer entspricht,
- und {\bf Barcode} ist, falls vorhanden, der Barcode des Tapes,
- ansonsten ist {\bf Barcode} leer.
+ und {\bf Barcode} ist, falls vorhanden, der Barcode des Tapes,
+ ansonsten ist {\bf Barcode} leer.
slots -- gibt die absolute Anzahl der Slots im Autochanger zur\"{u}ck.
wenn er Null ist, werden die gelieferten Daten akzeptiert.
Wenn der R\"{u}ckgabewert nicht Null ist, wird eine entsprechende Fehlermeldung ausgegeben und
Bacula wird ein manuelles laden des Tapes in das laufwerk erwarten.
\index[general]{Client }
Dieser Wert gibt einen Client-Namen oder eine Liste von Client-Namen an, dia auf dem aktuellen
Volume gefunden werden soll. Gew\"{o}hnliche regul\"{a}re Ausdr\"{u}cke k\"{o}nnen benutzt werden,
- um einen entsprechenden Job-Namen zu finden. Der Job-Name-Filter funktioniert nicht,
+ um einen entsprechenden Job-Namen zu finden. Der Client-Filter funktioniert nicht,
wenn Sie mehrere Jobs gleichzeitig haben laufen lassen.
Dieser Wert ist optional und wird von Bacula nicht zum zur\"{u}cksichern ben\"{o}tigt.
Auch wenn Bacula regelm\"{a}{\ss}ig Datei-Eintr\"{a}ge l\"{o}scht, wird die {\bf MySQL}-Datenbank
st\"{a}ndig gr\"{o}{\ss}er werden. Um dies zu vermeiden, muss die Datenbank komprimiert werden.
Normalerweise kennen gro{\ss}e kommerzielle Datenbanken, wie Oracle, bestimmte Kommandos
-um den verschwendeten Festplattenplatz wieder freizugeben.
-MySQL has the {\bf OPTIMIZE TABLE} command that you can use, and SQLite
-version 2.8.4 and greater has the {\bf VACUUM} command. We leave it to you to
-explore the utility of the {\bf OPTIMIZE TABLE} command in MySQL.
+um den verschwendeten Festplattenplatz wieder freizugeben. MySQL hat das {\bf OPTIMIZE TABLE}
+Kommando und bei SQLite (Version 2.8.4 und gr\"{o}{\ss}er) k\"{o}nnen Sie das {\bf VACUUM}
+Kommando zu diesem Zweck benutzen. Wir \"{u}berlassen es Ihnen, die N\"{u}tzlichkeit von
+{\bf OPTIMIZE TABLE} oder {\bf VACUUM} zu ermitteln.
-All database programs have some means of writing the database out in ASCII
-format and then reloading it. Doing so will re-create the database from
-scratch producing a compacted result, so below, we show you how you can do
-this for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.
+Alle Datenbanken haben Hilfsmittel, um die enthaltenen Daten im ASCII-Format in eine Datei zu schreiben
+und diese Datei dann auch wieder einzulesen. Wenn man das tut, wird die Datenbank erneut erzeugt, was ein
+sehr kompaktes Datenbank-Format als Ergebnis hat. Weiter unten zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie das bei
+MySQL, SQLite und PostgreSQL durchf\"{u}hren k\"{o}nnen.
-For a {\bf MySQL} database, you could write the Bacula database as an ASCII
-file (bacula.sql) then reload it by doing the following:
+Bei einer {\bf MySQL} Datenbank k\"{o}nnen Sie den Inhalt der Katalog-Datenbank mit den folgenden Kommandos
+in eine ASCII-Datei (bacula.sql) schreiben und neu in die Datenbank importieren:
-Depending on the size of your database, this will take more or less time and a
-fair amount of disk space. For example, if I cd to the location of the MySQL
-Bacula database (typically /opt/mysql/var or something similar) and enter:
+Abh\"{a}gig von der Gr\"{o}{\ss}e Ihrer Datenbank, wird dies mehr oder weniger Zeit und auch Festplattenplatz
+ben\"{o}tigen. Zum Beispiel, wenn ich in das Verzeichnis wechsle, wo meine MySQL-Datenbank liegt (typischerweise
+/var/lib/mysql) und diese Kommando ausf\"{u}hre:
-I get {\bf 620,644} which means there are that many blocks containing 1024
-bytes each or approximately 635 MB of data. After doing the {\bf mysqldump}, I
-had a bacula.sql file that had {\bf 174,356} blocks, and after doing the {\bf
-mysql} command to recreate the database, I ended up with a total of {\bf
-210,464} blocks rather than the original {\bf 629,644}. In other words, the
-compressed version of the database took approximately one third of the space
-of the database that had been in use for about a year.
+bekomme ich die Ausgabe {\bf 620,644}, was bedeutet dass das Verzeichnis bacula 620.644 Bl\"{o}cke
+von 1024 Bytes auf der Festplatte belegt, meine Datenbank enth\"{a}lt also ca. 635 MB an Daten.
+Nachdem ich das {\bf mysqldump} ausgef\"{u}hrt habe, ist die dabei entstandene Datei bacula.sql
+{\bf 174.356} Bl\"{o}cke gro{\ss}, wenn diese Datei wieder mit dem Kommando {\bf mysql bacula < bacula.sql}
+in die Datenbank importiert wird, ergibt sich eine Datenbankgr\"{o}{\ss}e von nur noch {\bf 210.464}
+Bl\"{o}cken. Mit anderen Worten, die komprimierte Version meiner Datenbank, die seit ca. 1 Jahr
+in Benutzung ist, ist ungef\"{a}hr nur noch ein Drittel so gro{\ss} wie vorher.
-As a consequence, I suggest you monitor the size of your database and from
-time to time (once every six months or year), compress it.
+Als Konsequenz wird empfohlen, auf die Gr\"{o}{\ss}e der Datenbank zu achten und sie von Zeit zu Zeit
+(alle sechs Monate oder j\"{a}hrlich) zu komprimieren.
-\section{Repairing Your MySQL Database}
-\index[general]{Database!Repairing Your MySQL }
-\index[general]{Repairing Your MySQL Database }
-If you find that you are getting errors writing to your MySQL database, or
-Bacula hangs each time it tries to access the database, you should consider
-running MySQL's database check and repair routines. The program you need to
-run depends on the type of database indexing you are using. If you are using
-the default, you will probably want to use {\bf myisamchk}. For more details
-on how to do this, please consult the MySQL document at:
-If the errors you are getting are simply SQL warnings, then you might try
-running dbcheck before (or possibly after) using the MySQL database repair
-program. It can clean up many of the orphaned record problems, and certain
-other inconsistencies in the Bacula database.
-A typical cause of MySQL database problems is if your partition fills. In
-such a case, you will need to create additional space on the partition or
-free up some space then repair the database probably using {\bf myisamchk}.
-Recently my root partition filled and the MySQL database was corrupted.
-Simply running {\bf myisamchk -r} did not fix the problem. However,
-the following script did the trick for me:
+\section{Reparatur Ihrer MySQL Datenbank}
+\index[general]{Datenbank!Reparatur Ihrer MySQL }
+\index[general]{Reparatur Ihrer MySQL Datenbank }
+Wenn Sie bemerken, dass das Schreiben der MySQL-Datenbank zu Fehlern f\"{u}hrt,
+oder das der Director-Dienst h\"{a}ngt, wenn er auf die Datenbank zugreift,
+sollten Sie sich die MySQL Datenbank\"{u}berpr\"{u}fungs- und Reparaturprogramme ansehen.
+Welches Programm Sie laufen lassen sollten, h\"{a}ngt von der von Ihnen benutzten Datenbank-
+Indizierung zusammen. Wenn Sie das Standardverfahren nutzen, werden Sie vermutlich {\bf myisamchk}
+laufen lassen. F\"{a}r n\"{a}here Information lesen Sie bitte auch:
+Falls die auftretenden Fehler einfache SQL-Warnungen sind, sollten Sie zuerst das von Bacula mitgelieferte
+dbcheck-Programm ausf\"{u}hren, bevor Sie die MySQL-Datenbank-Reparaturprogramme nutzen.
+Dieses Programm kann verwaiste Datenbankeintr\"{a}ge finden und andere Inkonsistenzen in der
+Katalog-Datenbank beheben.
+Eine typische Ursache von Datenbankproblemen ist das Volllaufen einer Partition.
+In solch einem Fall muss entweder zus\"{a}tzlicher Platz geschaffen werden, oder
+belegter Platz freigegeben werden, bevor die Datenbank mit {\bf myisamchk} repariert werden kann.
+Hier ist ein Beispiel, wie man eine korrupte Datenbank reparieren k\"{o}nnte, falls nach dem Vollaufen
+einer Partition die Datenbankprobleme mit {\bf myisamchk -r} nicht behoben werden k\"{o}nnen:
+kopieren Sie folgende Zeilen in ein Shell-Script names {\bf repair}:
-I invoked it with the following commands:
+dieses Shell-Script, wird dann wie folgt aufgerufen:
-Then after ensuring that the database was correctly fixed, I did:
+nachdem sichergestellt ist, dass die Datenbank wieder korrekt funktioniert,
+kann man die alten Datenbank-Dateien l\"{o}schen:
cd /var/lib/mysql/bacula
-\section{MySQL Table is Full}
-\index[general]{Database!MySQL Table is Full}
-\index[general]{MySQL Table is Full}
+\section{MySQL-Tabelle ist voll}
+\index[general]{Datenbank!MySQL-Tabelle ist voll}
+\index[general]{MySQL-Tabelle ist voll}
-If you are running into the error {\bf The table 'File' is full ...},
-it is probably because on version 4.x MySQL, the table is limited by
-default to a maximum size of 4 GB and you have probably run into
-the limit. The solution can be found at:
+Falls ein Fehler wie {\bf The table 'File' is full ...} auftritt,
+passiert das vermutlich, weil bei den MySQL-Versionen 4.x die Tabellengr\"{o}{\ss}e
+standardm\"{a}{\ss}ig auf 4 GB begrenzt ist und Sie dieses Limit erreicht haben.
+Hinweise zu der maximal m\"{o}glichen Tabellengr\"{o}{\ss}e gibt es auf
-You can display the maximum length of your table with:
+Sie k\"{o}nnen sich die maximale Tabellengr\"{o}{\ss}e mit:
-If the column labeled "Max\_data\_length" is around 4Gb, this is likely
-to be the source of your problem, and you can modify it with:
+anzeigen lassen. Wenn die Spalte {\bf max\_data\_length} ca. 4 GB entspricht,
+dann ist dass das Problem. Sie k\"{o}nnen die maximale Gr\2{o}{\ss}e mittels:
-Alternatively you can modify your /etc/my.conf file before creating the
-Bacula tables, and in the [mysqld] section set:
+anpassen. Alternativ k\"{o}nnen Sie auch die /etc/my.cnf editieren, bevor Sie die Bacula-Tabellen erstellen,
+setzen Sie im Abschnitt [mysqld]:
-The above myisam data pointer size must be made before you create your
-Bacula tables or it will have no effect.
-The row and pointer size changes should already be the default on MySQL
-version 5.x, so making these changes should only be necessary on MySQL 4.x
-depending on the size of your catalog database.
+Die myisam Data-Pointer-Gr\"{o}{\ss}e muss vor dem anlegen der Bacula-Katalog-Datenbank oder ihrer Tabellen
+gesetzt sein, um wirksam zu sein.
+Die MAX\_ROWS und Pointer-Anpassungen sollten bei MySQL-Versionen > 5.x nicht n\"{o}tig sein,
+somit sind diese \"{A}nderungen nur bei MySQL 4.x, in Abh\"{a}gigkeit von Ihrer Katalog-Datenbank-Gr\"{o}{\ss}e,
-\section{MySQL Server Has Gone Away}
-\index[general]{Database!MySQL Server Has Gone Away}
-\index[general]{MySQL Server Has Gone Away}
-If you are having problems with the MySQL server disconnecting or with
-messages saying that your MySQL server has gone away, then please read
-the MySQL documentation, which can be found at:
+\section{MySQL-Server Has Gone Away-Fehler}
+\index[general]{Datenbank!MySQL-Server Has Gone Away-Fehler}
+\index[general]{MySQL-Server Has Gone Away-Fehler}
+Fall Sie Probleme damit haben, dass Ihr MySQL-Server nicht mehr erreichbar ist, oder Meldungen wie
+"MySQL server has gone away" erscheinen, dann lesen Sie bitte die MySQL-Dokumentation auf:
-\section{Repairing Your PostgreSQL Database}
-\index[general]{Database!Repairing Your PostgreSQL }
-\index[general]{Repairing Your PostgreSQL Database }
+\section{Reparatur Ihrer PostgreSQL Datenbank}
+\index[general]{Datenbank!Reparatur Ihrer PostgreSQL }
+\index[general]{Reparatur Ihrer PostgreSQL Datenbank}
-The same considerations apply that are indicated above for MySQL. That is,
-consult the PostgreSQL documents for how to repair the database, and also
-consider using Bacula's dbcheck program if the conditions are reasonable for
-using (see above).
+Dieselben \"{U}berlegungen, wie oben f\"{u}r MySQL angef\"{u}hrt, sind auch hier g\"{u}ltig.
+Lesen Sie die PostgreSQL-Dokumentation um zu erfahren, wie Sie Ihre Datenbank reparieren k\"{o}nnen.
+Erw\"{a}gen Sie auch den Einsatz von Bacula's dbcheck-Programm, falls es sinnvoll erscheint (siehe oben).
-\section{Database Performance Issues}
-\index[general]{Database Performance Issues}
-There are a considerable number of ways each of the databases can be
-tuned to improve the performance. Going from an untuned database to one
-that is properly tuned can make a difference of a factor of 100 or more
-in the time to insert or search for records.
-For each of the databases, you may get significant improvements by adding
-additional indexes. The comments in the Bacula make\_xxx\_tables give some
-indications as to what indexes may be appropriate. Please see below
-for specific instructions on checking indexes.
-For MySQL, what is very important is to use the examine the
-my.cnf file (usually in /etc/my.cnf).
-You may obtain significant performances by switching to
-the my-large.cnf or my-huge.cnf files that come with the MySQL source
-For SQLite3, one significant factor in improving the performance is
-to ensure that there is a "PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL;" statement.
-This reduces the number of times that the database flushes the in memory
-cache to disk. There are other settings for this PRAGMA that can
-give even further performance improvements at the risk of a database
-corruption if your system crashes.
-For PostgreSQL, you might want to consider turning fsync off. Of course
-doing so can cause corrupted databases in the event of a machine crash.
-There are many different ways that you can tune PostgreSQL, the
-following document discusses a few of them:
+Es gibt viele Wege, die verschiedenen von Bacula unterst\"{u}tzten Datenbanken abzustimmen, um ihre Leistung zu erh\"{o}hen.
+Zwischen einer schlecht und gut abgestimmten Datenbank kann ein Geschwindigkeitsunterschied von 100 und mehr liegen,
+wenn es darum geht Datenbankeintr\"{a}ge zu schreiben oder zu suchen.
+Bei jeder der Datenbanken, k\"{o}nnen Sie erhebliche Verbesserungen erwarten, wenn Sie weitere Indexe hinzuf\"{u}gen.
+Die Kommentare in den Bacula make\_xxx\_tables-Scripts (z.B. make\_postgres\_tables) geben einige Hinweise,
+wof\"{u}r Indexe geeignet sind. Sehen Sie bitte auch unten f\"{u}r genaue Informationen, wie Sie Ihre Indexe
+\"{u}berpr\"{u}fen k\"{o}nnen.
+F\"{u}r MySQL ist es sehr wichtig, die my.cnf-Datei durchzusehen (gw\"{o}hnlich /etc/my.cnf)
+Eventuell k\"{o}nnen Sie die Leistung wesentlich erh\"{o}hen, wenn Sie die Konfigurationsdateien
+my-large.cnf oder my-huge.cnf aus dem MySQL-Quellcode verwenden.
+F\"{u}r SQLite3 ist ein wichtiger Punkt, dass in der Konfiguration die Angabe "PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL;"
+vorhanden ist. Dadurch werden die Zeitabst\"{a}nde vergr\"{o}{\ss}ert, in denen die Datenbank ihren RAM-Zwischenspeicher
+auf die Festplatte schreibt. Es gibt noch andere Einstellungen f\"{u}r PRAGMA die die Effizienz steigern k\"{o}nnen,
+aber auch das Risiko einer Datenbankbesch\"{a}digung beim Absturz des Systems erh\"{o}hen.
+Bei PostgreSQL sollten Sie eventuell in Betracht ziehen "fsync'' abzuschalten,
+aber auch das kann bei Systemabst\"{u}rzen zu Datenbankprobleme f\"{u}hren.
+Es gibt viele Wege die Leistungsf\"{a}higkeit von PostgreSQL zu steigern,
+diese Internetseiten erkl\"{a}ren ein paar von ihnen (auf englisch):
-There is also a PostgreSQL FAQ question number 3.3 that may
-answer some of your questions about how to improve performance
-of the PostgreSQL engine:
+Auch in den PostgreSQL FAQ's finden sich Hinweise die Performanz zu verbessern:
-% TODO: verify above is correct. is this okay for book?
-Also for PostgreSQL, look at what "effective\_cache\_size". For a 2GB memory
-machine, you probably want to set it at 131072, but don't set it too high.
-In addition, for a 2GB system, work\_mem = 256000 and
-maintenance\_work\_mem = 256000 seem to be reasonable values. Make
-sure your checkpoint\_segments is set to at least 8.
-\section{Performance Issues Indexes}
-\index[general]{Database Performance Issues Indexes}
-One of the most important considerations for improving performance on
-the Bacula database is to ensure that it has all the appropriate indexes.
-Several users have reported finding that their database did not have
-all the indexes in the default configuration. In addition, you may
-find that because of your own usage patterns, you need additional indexes.
-The most important indexes for performance are the three indexes on the
-{\bf File} table. The first index is on {\bf FileId} and is automatically
-made because it is the unique key used to access the table. The other
-two are the JobId index and the (Filename, PathId) index. If these Indexes
-are not present, your performance may suffer a lot.
-\subsection{PostgreSQL Indexes}
-On PostgreSQL, you can check to see if you have the proper indexes using
-the following commands:
+Bei PostgreSQL sollten Sie auch auf die "effective\_cache\_size" achten.
+F\"{u}r ein System mit 2GB Arbeitsspeicher k\"{o}nnen Sie sie auf 131072 setzen,
+aber setzen Sie sie nicht zu hoch. Zus\"{a}tzlich sind "work_mem = 256000" und
+"maintenance\_work\_mem = 256000", f\"{u}r Systeme mit 2GB Speicher, sinnvolle Werte.
+Stellen Sie sicher das "checkpoint_segments" auf mindestens 8 gesetzt ist.
+\section{Datenbank-Leistung und Indexe}
+\index[general]{Datenbank-Leistung und Indexe}
+\index[general]{Leistung!Datenbank und Indexe}
+Eine der wichtigsten Aspekte die Leistungsf\"{a}higkeit der Bacula-Datenbank sicherzustellen ist zu \"{u}berpr\"{u}fen,
+ob alle Indexe richtig sind. Mehrere Benutzer haben angemerkt, dass ihre Datenbank in der Standardkonfiguration
+nicht alle notwendigen Indexe hatte. Auch werden Sie eventuell, abh\"{a}ngig von Ihrem Anwendungszweck,
+zus\"{a}tzlich Indexe ben\"{o}tigen.
+Die wichtigsten Indexe f\"{u}r eine schnelle Datenbank sind die drei Indexe auf der {\bf File}-Tabelle.
+Der erste Index ist auf der {\bf FileId} und wird automatisch anglegt, da es der eindeutige Schl\"{u}ssel ist,
+um auf die Tabelle zuzugreifen. Die anderen beiden sind der {\bf JobId}-Index und der {\bf Filename, PathId}-Index.
+Wenn einer dieser Indexe fehlt, verlieret Ihre Datenbank enorm an Performanz.
+\subsection{PostgreSQL Indexe}
+Bei PostgreSQL k\"{o}nnen Sie mit dem folgenden Kommandos \"{u}berpr\"{u}fen ob Sie alle Indexe haben:
-If you do not see output that indicates that all three indexes
-are created, you can create the two additional indexes using:
+Wenn Sie keine Ausgaben sehen die anzeigen das alle drei Indexe vorhanden sind,
+k\"{o}nnen Sie die beiden zus\"{a}tzlichen Indexe mit:
\subsection{MySQL Indexes}
-On MySQL, you can check if you have the proper indexes by:
+Bei MySQL k\"{o}nnen Sie die Indexe mit:
-If the indexes are not present, especially the JobId index, you can
-create them with the following commands:
+Wenn Indexe fehlen, besonders der {\bf JobId}-Index, kann er mit:
-Though normally not a problem, you should ensure that the indexes
-defined for Filename and Path are both set to 255 characters. Some users
-reported performance problems when their indexes were set to 50 characters.
-To check, do:
+erzeugt werden.
+Obgleich das normalerweise kein Problem darstellt, sollten Sie sicherstellen, dass Ihre Indexe f\"{u}r {\bf Filename} und {\bf PathId}
+beide auf 255 Zeichen gesetzt sind. Einige Benutzer berichten von Problemem mit Indexen die auf 50 Zeichen gesetzt sind.
+Um das zu kontrollieren, f\"{u}hren Sie:
-and what is important is that for Filename, you have an index with
-Key\_name "Name" and Sub\_part "255". For Pth, you should have a Key\_name
-"Path" and Sub\_part "255". If one or the other does not exist or the
-Sub\_part is less that 255, you can drop and recreate the appropriate
-index with:
+F\"{u} die Dateinamen ist es wichtig, dass Sie einen Index haben mit dem Key\_name "Name" und dem Sub\_part "255".
+F\"{u} den Pfad m\"{u}ssen Sie einen Index mit dem Key\_name "Path" und dem Sub\_part "255" haben.
+Wenn einer der Indexe nicht existiert oder der Sub\_part kleiner 255 ist, k\"{o}nnen Sie den Index neu anlegen indem Sie
+die folgende Kommandos benutzen:
\subsection{SQLite Indexes}
-On SQLite, you can check if you have the proper indexes by:
+Bei SQLite k\"{o}nnen Sie so die Indexe \"{u}berpr\"{u}fen:
-If the indexes are not present, especially the JobId index, you can
-create them with the following commands:
+Falls ein Index fehlt, im besonderen der {\bf JobId}-Index, k\"{o}nnen Sie ihn mit den folgenden Befehlen erstellen:
-\section{Compacting Your PostgreSQL Database}
-\index[general]{Database!Compacting Your PostgreSQL }
-\index[general]{Compacting Your PostgreSQL Database }
+\section{Komprimieren Ihrer PostgreSQL Datenbank}
+\index[general]{Datenbank!Komprimieren Ihrer PostgreSQL }
+\index[general]{Komprimieren Ihrer PostgreSQL Datenbank }
-Over time, as noted above, your database will tend to grow. I've noticed that
-even though Bacula regularly prunes files, PostgreSQL has a {\bf VACUUM}
-command that will compact your database for you. Alternatively you may want to
-use the {\bf vacuumdb} command, which can be run from a cron job.
+\"{U}ber die Zeit, wie schon oben angemerkt, wird Ihre Datenbank wachsen.
+Auch wenn Bacula regelm\"{a}{\ss}ig alte Daten l\"{o}scht, wird das PostgreSQL Kommando {\bf VACUUM}
+Ihnen helfen die Datenbank zu komprimieren. Alternativ wollen Sie eventuell das {\bf vacuumdb}-Kommande nutzen,
+das vom cron-Dienst gestartet werden kann.
-All database programs have some means of writing the database out in ASCII
-format and then reloading it. Doing so will re-create the database from
-scratch producing a compacted result, so below, we show you how you can do
-this for PostgreSQL.
+Alle Datenbanken haben Hilfsmittel, um die Daten in eine ASCII-Datei zu schreiben um sie dann erneut einzulesen.
+Wenn Sie das tun, wird die Datenbank komplett neu aufgebaut und so eine kompaktere Version entstehen.
+Wie Sie so etwas tun k\"{o}nnen, zeigt Ihnen das folgende PostgreSQL Beispiel.
-For a {\bf PostgreSQL} database, you could write the Bacula database as an
-ASCII file (bacula.sql) then reload it by doing the following:
+Bei einer PostgreSQL-Datenbank lassen Sie die Daten in eine ASCII-Datei schreiben und neu einlesen,
+wenn Sie diese Kommandos ausf\"{u}hren:
-Depending on the size of your database, this will take more or less time and a
-fair amount of disk space. For example, you can {\bf cd} to the location of
-the Bacula database (typically /usr/local/pgsql/data or possible
-/var/lib/pgsql/data) and check the size.
-There are certain PostgreSQL users who do not recommend the above
-procedure. They have the following to say:
-PostgreSQL does not
-need to be dumped/restored to keep the database efficient. A normal
-process of vacuuming will prevent the database from every getting too
-large. If you want to fine-tweak the database storage, commands such
-as VACUUM FULL, REINDEX, and CLUSTER exist specifically to keep you
-from having to do a dump/restore.
-Finally, you might want to look at the PostgreSQL documentation on
-this subject at
-\section{Compacting Your SQLite Database}
-\index[general]{Compacting Your SQLite Database }
-\index[general]{Database!Compacting Your SQLite }
-First please read the previous section that explains why it is necessary to
-compress a database. SQLite version 2.8.4 and greater have the {\bf Vacuum}
-command for compacting the database.
+Abh\"{a}gig von Ihrer Datenabnkgr\"{o}{\ss}e wird dieser Vorgang mehr oder weniger Zeit und Festplattenplatz in anspruch nehmen.
+Sie sollten vorher in das Arbeitsverzeichnis Ihrer Datenbank wechseln (typischerweise /var/lib/postgres/data) und die Gr\"{o}[\ss}e \"{u}berpr\"{u}fen.
+Bestimmte PostgreSQL-Nutzer empfehlen nicht die oben genannte Prozedur, sie sind der Meinung:
+bei PostgreSQL ist es nicht notwendig, die Daten zu exportieren um sie dann wieder einzulesen.
+Das normale Ausf\"{u}hren des {\bf VACUUM}-Kommandos reicht, um die Datenbank performant zu halten.
+Wenn Sie es ganz genau machen wollen, benutzen Sie speziellen Kommandos {\bf VACUUM FULL, REINDEX} und {\bf CLUSTER}
+um sich den Umweg \"{u}ber das exportiren und wiedereinlesen der Daten zu ersparen.
+Zum Schlu{\ss} wollen Sie vielleicht noch einen Blick auf die zugeh\"{o}rige PostgreSQL-Dokumentation werfen,
+Sie finden sie (auf englisch) unter:
+\section{Komprimieren Ihrer SQLite Datenbank}
+\index[general]{Komprimieren Ihrer SQLite Datenbank}
+\index[general]{Datenbank!Komprimieren Ihrer SQLite }
+Lesen Sie bitte zuerst die vorherigen Abschnitte die erkl\"{a}ren, warum es erforderlich ist, eine Datenbank zu komprimieren.
+SQLite-Versionen gr\"{o}{\ss}er 2.8.4 haben das {\bf Vacuum}-Kommando um die Datenbank zu komprimieren:
-As an alternative, you can use the following commands, adapted to your system:
+Als Alternative k\"{o}nnen Sie auch die folgenden Kommandos (auf Ihr System angepasst) benutzen:
-Where {\bf working-directory} is the directory that you specified in the
-Director's configuration file. Note, in the case of SQLite, it is necessary to
-completely delete (rm) the old database before creating a new compressed
+Wobei {\bf working-directory} das Verzeichnis ist, dass Sie in Ihrer Director-Dienst-Konfiguration angegeben haben.
+Beachten Sie bitte, dass es im Fall von SQLite erforderlich ist, die alte Datenbank komplett zu l\"{o}schen,
+bevor die komprimierte Version angelegt werden kann.
\section{Migrating from SQLite to MySQL}
\index[general]{MySQL!Migrating from SQLite to }
-\section*{Customizing the Configuration Files}
+\chapter{Customizing the Configuration Files}
\index[general]{Files!Customizing the Configuration }
\index[general]{Customizing the Configuration Files }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Customizing the Configuration Files}
When each of the Bacula programs starts, it reads a configuration file
specified on the command line or the default {\bf bacula-dir.conf}, {\bf
(thanks to Aristides Maniatis for the above graphic)
-\subsection*{Resource Directive Format}
+\section{Character Sets}
+\index[general]{Character Sets}
+Bacula is designed to handle most character sets of the world,
+US ASCII, German, French, Chinese, ... However, it does this by
+encoding everything in UTF-8, and it expects all configuration files
+(including those read on Win32 machines) to be in UTF-8 format.
+UTF-8 is typically the default on Linux machines, but not on all
+Unix machines, nor on Windows, so you must take some care to ensure
+that your locale is set properly before starting Bacula.
+To ensure that Bacula configuration files can be correctly read including
+foreign characters the {bf LANG} environment variable
+must end in {\bf .UTF-8}. An full example is {\bf en\_US.UTF-8}. The
+exact syntax may vary a bit from OS to OS, and exactly how you define
+it will also vary. On most newer Win32 machines, you can use {\bf notepad}
+to edit the conf files, then choose output encoding UTF-8.
+Bacula assumes that all filenames are in UTF-8 format on Linux and
+Unix machines. On Win32 they are in Unicode (UTF-16), and will
+be automatically converted to UTF-8 format.
+\section{Resource Directive Format}
\index[general]{Resource Directive Format }
\index[general]{Format!Resource Directive }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Resource Directive Format}
Although, you won't need to know the details of all the directives a basic
knowledge of Bacula resource directives is essential. Each directive contained
lower case characters and spaces.
Each resource definition MUST contain a Name directive, and may optionally
-contain a Description directive (or record). The Name directive is used to
+contain a Description directive. The Name directive is used to
uniquely identify the resource. The Description directive is (will be) used
during display of the Resource to provide easier human recognition. For
\$HOME/bacula/bin/working. In general, if you want spaces in a name to the
right of the first equal sign (=), you must enclose that name within double
quotes. Otherwise quotes are not generally necessary because once defined,
-quoted strings and unquoted strings are all equal.
+quoted strings and unquoted strings are all equal.
-\index[general]{Comments }
When reading the configuration file, blank lines are ignored and everything
after a hash sign (\#) until the end of the line is taken to be a comment. A
this manual, you will not see many semicolons.
-\subsubsection*{Upper and Lower Case and Spaces}
-\index[general]{Spaces!Upper and Lower Case and }
-\index[general]{Upper and Lower Case and Spaces }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Upper and Lower Case and Spaces}
+\subsection{Upper and Lower Case and Spaces}
+\index[general]{Spaces!Upper/Lower Case}
+\index[general]{Upper and Lower Case and Spaces}
Case (upper/lower) and spaces are totally ignored in the resource directive
keywords (the part before the equal sign).
be accepted. Names may contain up to 127 characters. Currently, a name may
contain any ASCII character. Within a quoted string, any character following a
backslash (\textbackslash{}) is taken as itself (handy for inserting
-blackslashes and double quotes (").
+backslashes and double quotes (").
Please note, however, that Bacula resource names as well as certain other
-names (e.g. Volume names) will in the future be severely limited to permit
-only letters (including ISO accented letters), numbers, and a few special
-characters (space, underscore, ...). All other characters and punctuation will
-be illegal.
+names (e.g. Volume names) must contain only letters (including ISO accented
+letters), numbers, and a few special characters (space, underscore, ...).
+All other characters and punctuation are invalid.
-\subsubsection*{Including other Configuration Files}
+\subsection{Including other Configuration Files}
\index[general]{Including other Configuration Files }
\index[general]{Files!Including other Configuration }
\index[general]{Using @ to include other files}
-\index[general{@{\bf filename}}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Including other Configuration Files}
+\index[general]{@{\bf filename}}
If you wish to break your configuration file into smaller pieces, you can do
so by including other files using the syntax @{\bf filename} where {\bf
filename} is the full path and filename of another file. The @filename
-specification can be given anywhere a primitive token would appear.
+specification can be given anywhere a primitive token would appear.
-\subsubsection*{Recognized Primitive Data Types}
+\subsection{Recognized Primitive Data Types}
\index[general]{Types!Recognized Primitive Data }
\index[general]{Recognized Primitive Data Types }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Recognized Primitive Data Types}
When parsing the resource directives, Bacula classifies the data according to
the types listed below. The first time you read this, it may appear a bit
be quoted.
\item [name-string]
- \index[fd]{name-string }
+ \index[fd]{name-string}
A name-string is similar to a name, except that the name may be quoted and
can thus contain additional characters including spaces. Name strings are
limited to 127 characters in length. Name strings are typically used on the
\item [string]
- \index[fd]{string }
+ \index[fd]{string}
A quoted string containing virtually any character including spaces, or a
non-quoted string. A string may be of any length. Strings are typically
values that correspond to filenames, directories, or system command names. A
backslash. Likewise to include a backslash.
\item [directory]
- \index[dir]{directory }
+ \index[dir]{directory}
A directory is either a quoted or non-quoted string. A directory will be
passed to your standard shell for expansion when it is scanned. Thus
constructs such as {\bf \$HOME} are interpreted to be their correct values.
\item [password]
- \index[dir]{password }
- This is a Bacula password and it is stored internally in MD5 hashed format.
+ \index[dir]{password}
+ This is a Bacula password and it is stored internally in MD5 hashed format.
\item [integer]
- \index[dir]{integer }
- A 32 bit integer value. It may be positive or negative.
+ \index[dir]{integer}
+ A 32 bit integer value. It may be positive or negative.
\item [positive integer]
\index[dir]{positive integer }
A 32 bit positive integer value.
\item [long integer]
- \index[dir]{long integer }
+ \index[dir]{long integer}
A 64 bit integer value. Typically these are values such as bytes that can
exceed 4 billion and thus require a 64 bit value.
\item [size]
-\index[dir]{size }
A size specified as bytes. Typically, this is a floating point scientific
input format followed by an optional modifier. The floating point input is
stored as a 64 bit integer value. If a modifier is present, it must
\item [seconds]
- \index[dir]{seconds }
- seconds
+ \index[dir]{seconds}
+ seconds
\item [minutes]
- \index[dir]{minutes }
+ \index[dir]{minutes}
minutes (60 seconds)
\item [hours]
hours (3600 seconds)
\item [days]
- \index[dir]{days }
+ \index[dir]{days}
days (3600*24 seconds)
\item [weeks]
- \index[dir]{weeks }
- weeks (3600*24*7 seconds)
+ \index[dir]{weeks}
+ weeks (3600*24*7 seconds)
\item [months]
\index[dir]{months }
-\subsection*{Resource Types}
+\section{Resource Types}
\index[general]{Types!Resource }
\index[general]{Resource Types }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Resource Types}
The following table lists all current Bacula resource types. It shows what
resources must be defined for each service (daemon). The default configuration
-\subsection*{Names, Passwords and Authorization}
+\section{Names, Passwords and Authorization}
\index[general]{Authorization!Names Passwords and }
\index[general]{Names, Passwords and Authorization }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Names, Passwords and Authorization}
In order for one daemon to contact another daemon, it must authorize itself
with a password. In most cases, the password corresponds to a particular name,
unique to each Job created by the daemons and is not specified in any .conf
-\subsection*{Detailed Information for each Daemon}
+\section{Detailed Information for each Daemon}
\index[general]{Detailed Information for each Daemon }
\index[general]{Daemon!Detailed Information for each }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Detailed Information for each Daemon}
The details of each Resource and the directives permitted therein are
described in the following chapters.
- \ilink{Console}{_ChapterStart36} -- to define the resources for
+ \ilink{Console}{ConsoleConfChapter} -- to define the resources for
the Console program (user interface to the Director). It defines which
Directors are available so that you may interact with them.
- \ilink{Director}{_ChapterStart40} -- to define the resources
+ \ilink{Director}{DirectorChapter} -- to define the resources
necessary for the Director. You define all the Clients and Storage daemons
that you use in this configuration file.
- \ilink{Client}{_ChapterStart25} -- to define the resources for
+ \ilink{Client}{FiledConfChapter} -- to define the resources for
each client to be backed up. That is, you will have a separate Client
resource file on each machine that runs a File daemon.
- \ilink{Storage}{_ChapterStart31} -- to define the resources to
+ \ilink{Storage}{StoredConfChapter} -- to define the resources to
be used by each Storage daemon. Normally, you will have a single Storage
daemon that controls your tape drive or tape drives. However, if you have
tape drives on several machines, you will have at least one Storage daemon
-%---------The file header---------------------------------------------
+% TODO: maybe get rid of centering
-\usepackage[english]{babel} %language selection
+\chapter{GNU Free Documentation License}
+\index[general]{GNU Free Documentation License}
+\index[general]{License!GNU Free Documentation}
- citecolor=black,
- filecolor=black,
- linkcolor=black,
- urlcolor=black,
- pdftex}
-\section*{GNU Free Documentation License}
-\index[general]{GNU ree Documentation License}
-\index[general]{License!GNU ree Documentation}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{GNU ree Documentation License}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{1. APPLICABILITY AND DEFINITIONS}
This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{2. VERBATIM COPYING}
You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{3. COPYING IN QUANTITY}
{\Large\bf 4. MODIFICATIONS}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{4. MODIFICATIONS}
You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{5. COMBINING DOCUMENTS}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{6. COLLECTIONS OF DOCUMENTS}
You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{7. AGGREGATION WITH INDEPENDENT WORKS}
{\Large\bf 8. TRANSLATION}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{8. TRANSLATION}
{\Large\bf 9. TERMINATION}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{9. TERMINATION}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{10. FUTURE REVISIONS OF THIS LICENSE}
{\Large\bf ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents}
+% TODO: this is too long for table of contents
To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of
-\subsection*{The FileSet Resource}
+\section{The FileSet Resource}
-\index[general]{Resource!FileSet }
-\index[general]{FileSet Resource }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{FileSet Resource}
+\index[general]{FileSet Resource}
The FileSet resource defines what files are to be included or excluded in a
backup job. A {\bf FileSet} resource is required for each backup Job. It
of the Include/Exclude contents). Each time a new FileSet is created,
Bacula will ensure that the next backup is always a Full save.
+\section{Character Sets}
+\index[general]{Character Sets}
+Bacula is designed to handle most character sets of the world,
+US ASCII, German, French, Chinese, ... However, it does this by
+encoding everything in UTF-8, and it expects all configuration files
+(including those read on Win32 machines) to be in UTF-8 format.
+UTF-8 is typically the default on Linux machines, but not on all
+Unix machines, nor on Windows, so you must take some care to ensure
+that your locale is set properly before starting Bacula.
+On most modern Win32 machines, you can edit the conf files with {\bf
+notebook} and choose output encoding UTF-8.
+To ensure that Bacula configuration files can be correctly read including
+foreign characters the {bf LANG} environment variable
+must end in {\bf .UTF-8}. An full example is {\bf en\_US.UTF-8}. The
+exact syntax may vary a bit from OS to OS, and exactly how you define
+it will also vary.
+Bacula assumes that all filenames are in UTF-8 format on Linux and
+Unix machines. On Win32 they are in Unicode (UTF-16), and will
+be automatically converted to UTF-8 format.
\item [FileSet]
Start of the FileSet resource. One {\bf FileSet} resource must be
defined for each Backup job.
\item [Name = \lt{}name\gt{}]
The name of the FileSet resource. This directive is required.
\item [Ignore FileSet Changes = \lt{}yes|no\gt{}]
\index[dir]{Ignore FileSet Changes}
- If this directive is set to {\bf yes}, any changes you make to the FileSet
- Include or Exclude lists will be ignored and not cause Bacula to immediately
- perform a Full backup. The default is {\bf no}, in which case, if you change
- the Include or Exclude, Bacula will force a Full backup to ensure that
- everything is properly backed up. It is not recommended to set this directive
- to yes. This directive is available in Bacula version 1.35.4 or later.
+\index[dir]{Directive!Ignore FileSet Changes}
+ Normally, if you modify the FileSet Include or Exclude lists,
+ the next backup will be forced to a Full so that Bacula can
+ guarantee that any additions or deletions are properly saved.
+ If this directive is set to {\bf yes}, any changes you make to the
+ FileSet Include or Exclude lists, will not force a Full during
+ subsequent backups.
+ The default is {\bf no}, in which case, if you change the Include or
+ Exclude, Bacula will force a Full backup to ensure that everything is
+ properly backed up. We strongly recommend against setting this
+ directive to yes, since doing so may cause you to have an incomplete
+ set of backups.
\item [Enable VSS = \lt{}yes|no\gt{}]
\index[dir]{Enable VSS}
+\index[dir]{Directive!Enable VSS}
If this directive is set to {\bf yes} the File daemon will be notified
that the user wants to use a Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) backup
- for this job. The default is {\bf no}. This directive is effective
+ for this job. The default is {\bf yes}. This directive is effective
only for VSS enabled Win32 File daemons. It permits a consistent copy
of open files to be made for cooperating writer applications, and for
applications that are not VSS away, Bacula can at least copy open files.
\lt{}file-list\gt{} \} ]
\index[dir]{Include \{ [ Options \{\lt{}file-options\gt{}\} ...]
\lt{}file-list\gt{} \} }
\item [Options \{ \lt{}file-options\gt{} \} ]
\index[dir]{Options \{ \lt{}file-options\gt{} \} }
\item [Exclude \{ \lt{}file-list\gt{} \}]
\index[dir]{Exclude \{ \lt{}file-list\gt{} \} }
Note, see below for the definition of \lt{}file-list\gt{}.
The Include resource may also contain one or more Options resources that
specify options such as compression to be applied to all or any subset of
-the files found when processing the file-list for backup.
+the files found when processing the file-list for backup. Please see
+below for more details concerning Options resources.
There can be any number of {\bf Include} resources within the FileSet, each
having its own list of directories or files to be backed up and the backup
Multiple Options resources may be specified one after another. As the
files are found in the specified directories, the Options will applied to
the filenames to determine if and how the file should be backed up. The
-Options resources are applied in the order they are specified in the
-FileSet until the first one that matches.
+wildcard and regular expression pattern matching parts of the
+Options resources are checked in the order they are specified in the
+FileSet until the first one that matches. Once one matches, the
+compression and other flags within the Options specification will
+apply to the pattern matched.
A key point is that in the absence of an Option or no other Option is
matched, every file is accepted for backing up. This means that if
resources that may be present. This means that any wild cards must appear
before an Options resource without wild cards.
-If for some reason, Bacula applies all the Options resources to a file
-under consideration for backup, but there are no matches (generally because
-of wild cards that don't match), Bacula as a default will then backup the
-file. This is quite logical if you consider the case of no Options, where
-you want everything to be backed up, and it is important to keep in
-mind when excluding as mentioned above.
+If for some reason, Bacula checks all the Options resources to a file under
+consideration for backup, but there are no matches (generally because of wild
+cards that don't match), Bacula as a default will then backup the file. This
+is quite logical if you consider the case of no Options clause is specified,
+where you want everything to be backed up, and it is important to keep in mind
+when excluding as mentioned above.
-However, one additional point is that
-in the case that no match was found, Bacula will use the options found in
-the last Options resource. As a consequence, if you want a particular set
-of "default" options, you should put them in an Options resource after
-any other Options.
+However, one additional point is that in the case that no match was found,
+Bacula will use the options found in the last Options resource. As a
+consequence, if you want a particular set of "default" options, you should put
+them in an Options resource after any other Options.
It is a good idea to put all your wild-card and regex expressions inside
double quotes to prevent conf file scanning problems.
\item [compression=GZIP]
-\index[fd]{compression }
- All files saved will be software compressed using the GNU ZIP compression
- format. The compression is done on a file by file basis by the File daemon.
- If there is a problem reading the tape in a single record of a file, it will
- at most affect that file and none of the other files on the tape. Normally
- this option is {\bf not} needed if you have a modern tape drive as the drive
- will do its own compression. In fact, if you specify software compression at
- the same time you have hardware compression turned on, your files may
- actually take more space on the volume.
- Software compression is very important if you are writing your Volumes to a
- file, and it can also be helpful if you have a fast computer but a slow
- network, otherwise it is generally better to rely your tape drive's hardware
- compression. As noted above, it is not generally a good idea to do both software
- and hardware compression.
- Specifying {\bf GZIP} uses the default compression level six (i.e. {\bf GZIP}
- is identical to {\bf GZIP6}). If you want a different compression level (1
- through 9), you can specify it by appending the level number with no
- intervening spaces to {\bf GZIP}. Thus {\bf compression=GZIP1} would give
- minimum compression but the fastest algorithm, and {\bf compression=GZIP9}
- would give the highest level of compression, but requires more computation.
- According to the GZIP documentation, compression levels greater than 6
- generally give very little extra compression and are rather CPU intensive.
+ All files saved will be software compressed using the GNU ZIP
+ compression format. The compression is done on a file by file basis by
+ the File daemon. If there is a problem reading the tape in a single
+ record of a file, it will at most affect that file and none of the other
+ files on the tape. Normally this option is {\bf not} needed if you have
+ a modern tape drive as the drive will do its own compression. In fact,
+ if you specify software compression at the same time you have hardware
+ compression turned on, your files may actually take more space on the
+ volume.
+ Software compression is very important if you are writing your Volumes
+ to a file, and it can also be helpful if you have a fast computer but a
+ slow network, otherwise it is generally better to rely your tape drive's
+ hardware compression. As noted above, it is not generally a good idea
+ to do both software and hardware compression.
+ Specifying {\bf GZIP} uses the default compression level 6 (i.e. {\bf
+ GZIP} is identical to {\bf GZIP6}). If you want a different compression
+ level (1 through 9), you can specify it by appending the level number
+ with no intervening spaces to {\bf GZIP}. Thus {\bf compression=GZIP1}
+ would give minimum compression but the fastest algorithm, and {\bf
+ compression=GZIP9} would give the highest level of compression, but
+ requires more computation. According to the GZIP documentation,
+ compression levels greater than six generally give very little extra
+ compression and are rather CPU intensive.
\item [signature=SHA1]
-\index[fd]{signature }
- An SHA1 signature will be computed for all The SHA1 algorithm is purported to
- be some what slower than the MD5 algorithm, but at the same time is
- significantly better from a cryptographic point of view (i.e. much fewer
- collisions, much lower probability of being hacked.) It adds four more bytes
- than the MD5 signature. We strongly recommend that either this option or MD5
- be specified as a default for all files. Note, only one of the two options
- MD5 or SHA1 can be computed for any file.
+ An SHA1 signature will be computed for all The SHA1 algorithm is
+ purported to be some what slower than the MD5 algorithm, but at the same
+ time is significantly better from a cryptographic point of view (i.e.
+ much fewer collisions, much lower probability of being hacked.) It adds
+ four more bytes than the MD5 signature. We strongly recommend that
+ either this option or MD5 be specified as a default for all files.
+ Note, only one of the two options MD5 or SHA1 can be computed for any
+ file.
\item [signature=MD5]
- \index[fd]{signature }
- An MD5 signature will be computed for all files saved. Adding this option
- generates about 5\% extra overhead for each file saved. In addition to the
- additional CPU time, the MD5 signature adds 16 more bytes per file to your
- catalog. We strongly recommend that this option or the SHA1 option be
- specified as a default for all files.
+ An MD5 signature will be computed for all files saved. Adding this
+ option generates about 5\% extra overhead for each file saved. In
+ addition to the additional CPU time, the MD5 signature adds 16 more
+ bytes per file to your catalog. We strongly recommend that this option
+ or the SHA1 option be specified as a default for all files.
\item [verify=\lt{}options\gt{}]
-\index[fd]{verify }
The options letters specified are used when running a {\bf Verify
Level=Catalog} as well as the {\bf DiskToCatalog} level job. The options
letters may be any combination of the following:
inodes, number of links, size, and MD5 changes.
\item [onefs=yes|no]
- If set to {\bf yes} (the default), {\bf Bacula} will remain on a single file
- system. That is it will not backup file systems that are mounted on a
- subdirectory. If you are using a *nix system, you may not even be aware
- that there are several different filesystems as they are often
- automatically mounted by the OS (e.g. /dev, /net, /sys, /proc, ...).
- With Bacula 1.38.0 or later, it will inform you when it decides not
- to traverse into another filesystem. This can be very useful if you
- forgot to backup a particular partition. An example of the
- informational message in the job report is:
+ If set to {\bf yes} (the default), {\bf Bacula} will remain on a single
+ file system. That is it will not backup file systems that are mounted
+ on a subdirectory. If you are using a *nix system, you may not even be
+ aware that there are several different filesystems as they are often
+ automatically mounted by the OS (e.g. /dev, /net, /sys, /proc, ...).
+ With Bacula 1.38.0 or later, it will inform you when it decides not to
+ traverse into another filesystem. This can be very useful if you forgot
+ to backup a particular partition. An example of the informational
+ message in the job report is:
+rufus-fd: /misc is a different filesystem. Will not descend from / into /misc
+rufus-fd: /net is a different filesystem. Will not descend from / into /net
+rufus-fd: /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs is a different filesystem. Will not descend from /var/lib/nfs into /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs
+rufus-fd: /selinux is a different filesystem. Will not descend from / into /selinux
+rufus-fd: /sys is a different filesystem. Will not descend from / into /sys
+rufus-fd: /dev is a different filesystem. Will not descend from / into /dev
+rufus-fd: /home is a different filesystem. Will not descend from / into /home
+ Note: in previous versions of Bacula, the above message was of the form:
-rufus-fd: Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /misc
-rufus-fd: Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /net
-rufus-fd: Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs
-rufus-fd: Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /selinux
-rufus-fd: Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /sys
-rufus-fd: Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /dev
-rufus-fd: Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /home
+Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /misc
If you wish to backup multiple filesystems, you can explicitly
list each filesystem you want saved. Otherwise, if you set the onefs option
to {\bf no}, Bacula will backup all mounted file systems (i.e. traverse mount
also be backed up. Normally, it is preferable to set {\bf onefs=yes} and to
explicitly name each filesystem you want backed up. Explicitly naming the
filesystems you want backed up avoids the possibility of getting into a
- infinite loop recursing filesystems. Another possiblity is to
- use {\bf onefs=no} and to set {\bs fstype=ext2, ...}.
+ infinite loop recursing filesystems. Another possibility is to
+ use {\bf onefs=no} and to set {\bf fstype=ext2, ...}.
See the example below for more details.
If you think that Bacula should be backing up a particular directory
Also be aware that even if you include {\bf /home} in your list
of files to backup, as you most likely should, you will get the
- informational message about Filesystem change prohibited when Bacula is
- processing the {\bf /} directory.
+ informational message that "/home is a different filesystem" when
+ Bacula is processing the {\bf /} directory. This message does not
+ indicate an error. This message means that while examining the
+ {\bf File =} referred to in the second part of the message, Bacula will
+ not descend into the directory mentioned in the first part of the message.
+ However, it is possible that the separate filesystem will be backed up
+ despite the message. For example, consider the following FileSet:
+ File = /
+ File = /var
+ where {\bf /var} is a separate filesystem. In this example, you will get a
+ message saying that Bacula will not decend from {\bf /} into {\bf /var}. But
+ it is important to realise that Bacula will descend into {\bf /var} from the
+ second File directive shown above. In effect, the warning is bogus,
+ but it is supplied to alert you to possible omissions from your FileSet. In
+ this example, {\bf /var} will be backed up. If you changed the FileSet such
+ that it did not specify {\bf /var}, then {\bf /var} will not be backed up.
\item [portable=yes|no]
-\index[dir]{portable }
- If set to {\bf yes} (default is {\bf no}), the Bacula File daemon will backup
- Win32 files in a portable format, but not all Win32 file attributes will be
- saved and restored. By default, this option is set to {\bf no}, which means
- that on Win32 systems, the data will be backed up using Windows API calls and
- on WinNT/2K/XP, all the security and ownership attributes will be properly
- backed up (and restored). However this format is not portable to other
- systems -- e.g. Unix, Win95/98/Me. When backing up Unix systems, this option
- is ignored, and unless you have a specific need to have portable backups, we
- recommend accept the default ({\bf no}) so that the maximum information
- concerning your files is saved.
+ If set to {\bf yes} (default is {\bf no}), the Bacula File daemon will
+ backup Win32 files in a portable format, but not all Win32 file
+ attributes will be saved and restored. By default, this option is set
+ to {\bf no}, which means that on Win32 systems, the data will be backed
+ up using Windows API calls and on WinNT/2K/XP, all the security and
+ ownership attributes will be properly backed up (and restored). However
+ this format is not portable to other systems -- e.g. Unix, Win95/98/Me.
+ When backing up Unix systems, this option is ignored, and unless you
+ have a specific need to have portable backups, we recommend accept the
+ default ({\bf no}) so that the maximum information concerning your files
+ is saved.
\item [recurse=yes|no]
-\index[fd]{recurse }
- If set to {\bf yes} (the default), Bacula will recurse (or descend) into all
- subdirectories found unless the directory is explicitly excluded using an
- {\bf exclude} definition. If you set {\bf recurse=no}, Bacula will save the
- subdirectory entries, but not descend into the subdirectories, and thus will
- not save the files or directories contained in the subdirectories. Normally,
- you will want the default ({\bf yes}).
+ If set to {\bf yes} (the default), Bacula will recurse (or descend) into
+ all subdirectories found unless the directory is explicitly excluded
+ using an {\bf exclude} definition. If you set {\bf recurse=no}, Bacula
+ will save the subdirectory entries, but not descend into the
+ subdirectories, and thus will not save the files or directories
+ contained in the subdirectories. Normally, you will want the default
+ ({\bf yes}).
\item [sparse=yes|no]
-\index[dir]{sparse }
Enable special code that checks for sparse files such as created by
ndbm. The default is {\bf no}, so no checks are made for sparse files.
You may specify {\bf sparse=yes} even on files that are not sparse file.
\item [readfifo=yes|no]
-\index[fd]{readfifo }
If enabled, tells the Client to read the data on a backup and write the
data on a restore to any FIFO (pipe) that is explicitly mentioned in the
FileSet. In this case, you must have a program already running that
exec > /dev/null
+\item [noatime=yes|no]
+ If enabled, and if your Operating System supports the O\_NOATIME file
+ open flag, Bacula will open all files to be backed up with this option.
+ It makes it possible to read a file without updating the inode atime
+ (and also without the inode ctime update which happens if you try to set
+ the atime back to its previous value). It also prevents a race
+ condition when two programs are reading the same file, but only one does
+ not want to change the atime. It's most useful for backup programs and
+ file integrity checkers (and bacula can fit on both categories).
+ This option is particularly useful for sites where users are sensitive
+ to their MailBox file access time. It replaces both the {\bf keepatime}
+ option without the inconveniences of that option (see below).
+ If your Operating System does not support this option, it will be
+ silently ignored by Bacula.
\item [mtimeonly=yes|no]
-\index[dir]{mtimeonly }
If enabled, tells the Client that the selection of files during
Incremental and Differential backups should based only on the st\_mtime
value in the stat() packet. The default is {\bf no} which means that
to use this option.
\item [keepatime=yes|no]
-\index[dir]{keepatime }
The default is {\bf no}. When enabled, Bacula will reset the st\_atime
(access time) field of files that it backs up to their value prior to
the backup. This option is not generally recommended as there are very
to use {\bf mtimeonly = yes} as well as keepatime (thanks to
Rudolf Cejka for this tip).
+\item [checkfilechanges=yes|no]
+ On versions 2.0.4 or greater,
+ if enabled, the Client will checks size, age of each file after
+ their backup to see if they have changed during backup. If time
+ or size mismatch, an error will raise.
+ zog-fd: Client1.2007-03-31_09.46.21 Error: /tmp/test mtime changed during backup.
+ In general, it is recommended to use this option.
\item [hardlinks=yes|no]
- When enabled (default), this directive will cause hard inks to be
+ When enabled (default), this directive will cause hard links to be
backed up. However, the File daemon keeps track of hard linked files and
will backup the data only once. The process of keeping track of the
hard links can be quite expensive if you have lots of them (tens of
system will not be restored identically to the original.
\item [wild=\lt{}string\gt{}]
-\index[dir]{wild }
Specifies a wild-card string to be applied to the filenames and
directory names. Note, if {\bf Exclude} is not enabled, the wild-card
will select which files are to be included. If {\bf Exclude=yes} is
Multiple wild-card directives may be specified, and they will be applied
in turn until the first one that matches. Note, if you exclude a
directory, no files or directories below it will be matched.
- It is recommended to enclose the string in double quotes.
-\item [wildfile=\lt{}string\gt{}]
-\index[dir]{wildfile }
- Specifies a wild-card string to be applied to filenames only. No
- directories will be matched by this directive. Note, if {\bf Exclude}
- is not enabled, the wild-card will select which files are to be
- included. If {\bf Exclude=yes} is specified, the wild-card will select
- which files are to be excluded. Multiple wild-card directives may be
- specified, and they will be applied in turn until the first one that
- matches.
+ You may want to test your expressions prior to running your
+ backup by using the bwild program. Please see the
+ \ilink{Utilities}{bwild} chapter of this manual for
+ more. You can also test your full FileSet definition by using
+ the \ilink{estimate}{estimate} command in the Console
+ chapter of this manual.
It is recommended to enclose the string in double quotes.
- An example of excluding with the WildFile option on Win32 machines is
- presented below.
\item [wilddir=\lt{}string\gt{}]
-\index[dir]{wilddir }
Specifies a wild-card string to be applied to directory names only. No
filenames will be matched by this directive. Note, if {\bf Exclude} is
not enabled, the wild-card will select directories files are to be
specified, and they will be applied in turn until the first one that
matches. Note, if you exclude a directory, no files or directories
below it will be matched.
It is recommended to enclose the string in double quotes.
+ You may want to test your expressions prior to running your
+ backup by using the bwild program. Please see the
+ \ilink{Utilities}{bwild} chapter of this manual for
+ more. You can also test your full FileSet definition by using
+ the \ilink{estimate}{estimate} command in the Console
+ chapter of this manual.
An example of excluding with the WildDir option on Win32 machines is
presented below.
+\item [wildfile=\lt{}string\gt{}]
+ Specifies a wild-card string to be applied to non-directories. That
+ is no directory entries will be matched by this directive.
+ However, note that the match is done against the full path and filename,
+ so your wild-card string must take into account that filenames
+ are preceded by the full path.
+ If {\bf Exclude}
+ is not enabled, the wild-card will select which files are to be
+ included. If {\bf Exclude=yes} is specified, the wild-card will select
+ which files are to be excluded. Multiple wild-card directives may be
+ specified, and they will be applied in turn until the first one that
+ matches.
+ It is recommended to enclose the string in double quotes.
+ You may want to test your expressions prior to running your
+ backup by using the bwild program. Please see the
+ \ilink{Utilities}{bwild} chapter of this manual for
+ more. You can also test your full FileSet definition by using
+ the \ilink{estimate}{estimate} command in the Console
+ chapter of this manual.
+ An example of excluding with the WildFile option on Win32 machines is
+ presented below.
\item [regex=\lt{}string\gt{}]
-\index[dir]{regex }
Specifies a POSIX extended regular expression to be applied to the
- filenames and directory names.
- This directive is available in version 1.35 and later. If {\bf
+ filenames and directory names, which include the full path. If {\bf
Exclude} is not enabled, the regex will select which files are to be
included. If {\bf Exclude=yes} is specified, the regex will select
which files are to be excluded. Multiple regex directives may be
specified within an Options resource, and they will be applied in turn
- until the first one that matches. Note, if you exclude a
- directory, no files or directories below it will be matched.
+ until the first one that matches. Note, if you exclude a directory, no
+ files or directories below it will be matched.
It is recommended to enclose the string in double quotes.
+ The regex libraries differ from one operating system to
+ another, and in addition, regular expressions are complicated,
+ so you may want to test your expressions prior to running your
+ backup by using the bregex program. Please see the
+ \ilink{Utilities}{bwild} chapter of this manual for
+ more. You can also test your full FileSet definition by using
+ the \ilink{estimate}{estimate} command in the Console
+ chapter of this manual.
\item [regexfile=\lt{}string\gt{}]
-\index[dir]{regexfile }
- Specifies a POSIX extended regular expression to be applied to filenames
- only. No directories will be matched by this directive. Note, if {\bf
- Exclude} is not enabled, the regex will select which files are to be
- included. If {\bf Exclude=yes} is specified, the regex will select
- which files are to be excluded. Multiple regex directives may be
+ Specifies a POSIX extended regular expression to be applied to
+ non-directories. No directories will be matched by this directive.
+ However, note that the match is done against the full path and
+ filename, so your regex string must take into account that filenames
+ are preceded by the full path.
+ If {\bf Exclude} is not enabled, the regex will select which files are
+ to be included. If {\bf Exclude=yes} is specified, the regex will
+ select which files are to be excluded. Multiple regex directives may be
specified, and they will be applied in turn until the first one that
It is recommended to enclose the string in double quotes.
+ The regex libraries differ from one operating system to
+ another, and in addition, regular expressions are complicated,
+ so you may want to test your expressions prior to running your
+ backup by using the bregex program. Please see the
+ \ilink{Utilities}{bregex} chapter of this manual for
+ more.
\item [regexdir=\lt{}string\gt{}]
-\index[dir]{regexdir }
Specifies a POSIX extended regular expression to be applied to directory
names only. No filenames will be matched by this directive. Note, if
{\bf Exclude} is not enabled, the regex will select directories
regex directives may be specified, and they will be applied in turn
until the first one that matches. Note, if you exclude a directory, no
files or directories below it will be matched.
It is recommended to enclose the string in double quotes.
+ The regex libraries differ from one operating system to
+ another, and in addition, regular expressions are complicated,
+ so you may want to test your expressions prior to running your
+ backup by using the bregex program. Please see the
+ \ilink{Utilities}{bregex} chapter of this manual for
+ more.
\item [exclude=yes|no]
-\index[dir]{exclude }
- The default is {\bf no}. When enabled, any files matched within the Options
- will be excluded from the backup.
+ The default is {\bf no}. When enabled, any files matched within the
+ Options will be excluded from the backup.
\item [aclsupport=yes|no]
-\index[dir]{aclsupport }
The default is {\bf no}. If this option is set to yes, and you have the
POSIX {\bf libacl} installed on your system, Bacula will backup the file
and directory UNIX Access Control Lists (ACL) as defined in IEEE Std
(perhaps reiserfs) that does not have ACLs, the ACLs will be ignored.
\item [ignore case=yes|no]
-\index[dir]{ignore case }
- The default is {\bf no}, except on Windows systems where the default
- is {\bf yes}. When this directive is set to {\bf yes} all the case
- of character will be ignored in wild-card and regex comparisons.
- That is an uppercase A will match a lowercase a.
+\index[dir]{ignore case}
+\index[dir]{Directive!ignore case}
+ The default is {\bf no}. On Windows systems, you will almost surely
+ want to set this to {\bf yes}. When this directive is set to {\bf yes}
+ all the case of character will be ignored in wild-card and regex
+ comparisons. That is an uppercase A will match a lowercase a.
\item [fstype=filesystem-type]
-\index[dir]{fstype }
This option allows you to select files and directories by the
filesystem type. The permitted filesystem-type names are:
\item [hfsplussupport=yes|no]
-\index[dir]{hfsplussupport }
This option allows you to turn on support for Mac OSX HFS plus
finder information.
+\item [strippath=\lt{}integer\gt{}]
+ This option will cause {\bf integer} paths to be stripped from
+ the front of the full path/filename being backed up. This can
+ be useful if you are migrating data from another vendor or if
+ you have taken a snapshot into some subdirectory. This directive
+ can cause your filenames to be overlayed with regular backup data,
+ so should be used only by experts and with great care.
{\bf \lt{}file-list\gt{}} is a list of directory and/or filename names
specified with a {\bf File =} directive. To include names containing spaces,
-enclose the name between double-quotes.
+enclose the name between double-quotes. Wild-cards are not interpreted
+in file-lists. They can only be specified in Options resources.
There are a number of special cases when specifying directories and files in a
{\bf file-list}. They are:
- will produce a list of all the local partitions on a RedHat Linux system.
+ will produce a list of all the local partitions on a Red Hat Linux system.
Note, the above line was split, but should normally be written on one line.
Quoting is a real problem because you must quote for Bacula which consists of
preceding every \textbackslash{} and every " with a \textbackslash{}, and
If you know what filesystems you have mounted on your system, e.g.
- for RedHat Linux normally only ext2 and ext3, you can backup
- all local fileystems using something like:
+ for Red Hat Linux normally only ext2 and ext3, you can backup
+ all local filesystems using something like:
\item Any file-list item preceded by a less-than sign (\lt{}) will be taken
- to be a file. This file will be read on the Director's machine at the time
+ to be a file. This file will be read on the Director's machine (see
+ below for doing it on the Client machine) at the time
the Job starts, and the data will be assumed to be a list of directories or
files, one per line, to be included. The names should start in column 1 and
should not be quoted even if they contain spaces. This feature allows you to
Ludovic Strappazon has pointed out that this feature can be used to backup a
full Microsoft Windows disk. Simply boot into the system using a Linux Rescue
disk, then load a statically linked Bacula as described in the
- \ilink{ Disaster Recovery Using Bacula}{_ChapterStart38} chapter of
+ \ilink{ Disaster Recovery Using Bacula}{RescueChapter} chapter of
this manual. Then save the whole disk partition. In the case of a disaster,
you can then restore the desired partition by again booting with the rescue
disk and doing a restore of the partition.
you must ensure that there is a reader program or Bacula will block, and
after one minute, Bacula will time out the write to the fifo and move on
to the next file.
+\item A file-list may not contain wild-cards. Use directives in the
+ Options resource if you wish to specify wild-cards or regular expression
+ matching.
-\subsubsection*{FileSet Examples}
+\section{FileSet Examples}
\index[general]{Examples!FileSet }
\index[general]{FileSet Examples}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{FileSet Examples}
The following is an example of a valid FileSet resource definition. Note,
the first Include pulls in the contents of the file {\bf /etc/backup.list}
Options {
wilddir = /proc
wilddir = /tmp
- wildfile = ".journal"
- wildfile = ".autofsck"
+ wildfile = "/.journal"
+ wildfile = "/.autofsck"
exclude = yes
File = /
be backed up too (i.e. that is the default rule).
To accomplish what we want, we must explicitly exclude all other files.
-We do this with the fillowing:
+We do this with the following:
Options {
Exclude = yes
- RegexFile = "^.?*$"
+ RegexFile = ".*"
File = /myfile
The problem is that the above will include everything in /home. To get
things to work correctly, you need to start with the idea of exclusion
instead of inclusion. So, you could simply exclude all directories
-except the two you want using:
+except the two you want to use:
FileSet {
wilddir = "/home/b*"
Options {
- RegexDir = "^.?*$"
+ RegexDir = ".*"
exclude = yes
File = /home
-I haven't actually tried the above two examples, so you may need to
-tweak them to get them to work right.
-\subsubsection*{Backing up Raw Partitions}
+\section{Backing up Raw Partitions}
\index[general]{Backing up!Partitions }
\index[general]{Backing up Raw Partitions }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Backing up Raw Partitions}
The following FileSet definition will backup a raw partition:
RunBeforeJob} directive.
-\subsubsection*{Excluding Files and Directories}
+\section{Excluding Files and Directories}
\index[general]{Directories!Excluding Files and }
\index[general]{Excluding Files and Directories }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Excluding Files and Directories}
You may also include full filenames or directory names in addition to using
wild-cards and {\bf Exclude=yes} in the Options resource as specified above by
-\subsubsection*{Windows FileSets}
+\section{Windows FileSets}
\index[general]{Windows FileSets }
\index[general]{FileSets!Windows }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Windows FileSets}
If you are entering Windows file names, the directory path may be preceded by
the drive and a colon (as in c:). However, the path separators must be
specified in Unix convention (i.e. forward slash (/)). If you wish to include
\item Filenames are case sensitive, so you must use the correct case.
-\item To exclude a directory, you must not have a trailing slash on the
+\item To 2~exclude a directory, you must not have a trailing slash on the
directory name.
-\item If you have spaces in your filename, you must enclose the entire name
+\item I2~f you have spaces in your filename, you must enclose the entire name
in double-quote characters ("). Trying to use a backslash before the space
will not work.
-\item If you are using the old Exclude syntax (noted below), you may not
- specify a drive letter in the exclude. The new syntax noted above should work
- fine including driver letters.
+\item If you are using the old Exclude syntax (noted below), you may not
+ specify a drive letter in the exclude. The new syntax noted above
+ should work fine including driver letters.
Thanks to Thiago Lima for summarizing the above items for us. If you are
\paragraph*{A Windows Example FileSet}
\index[general]{FileSet!Windows Example }
\index[general]{Windows Example FileSet }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{paragraph}{Windows Example FileSet}
The following example was contributed by Russell Howe. Please note that
for presentation purposes, the lines beginning with Data and Internet
\paragraph*{Windows NTFS Naming Considerations}
\index[general]{Windows NTFS Naming Considerations }
\index[general]{Considerations!Windows NTFS Naming }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{paragraph}{Windows NTFS Naming Considerations}
NTFS filenames containing Unicode characters should now be supported
as of version 1.37.30 or later.
-\subsubsection*{Testing Your FileSet}
+\section{Testing Your FileSet}
\index[general]{FileSet!Testing Your }
\index[general]{Testing Your FileSet }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Testing Your FileSet}
If you wish to get an idea of what your FileSet will really backup or if your
exclusion rules will work correctly, you can test it by using the {\bf
estimate} command in the Console program. See the
-\ilink{estimate command}{estimate} in the Console chapter of this
+\ilink{estimate}{estimate} in the Console chapter of this
+As an example, suppose you add the following test FileSet:
+FileSet {
+ Name = Test
+ Include {
+ File = /home/xxx/test
+ Options {
+ regex = ".*\.c$"
+ }
+ }
+You could then add some test files to the directory {\bf /home/xxx/test}
+and use the following command in the console:
+estimate job=<any-job-name> listing client=<desired-client> fileset=Test
+to give you a listing of all files that match.
Wenn Bacula zuvor schon installiert worden war, werden die Programmdateien überschrieben werden, die Konfigurationsdateien jedoch erhalten bleiben. An die Namen der ``neuen'' Konfigurationsdateien wird ein {\bf .new} angehängt. Wenn Sie Bacula bereits installiert und betrieben hatten, werden Sie diese normalerweise verwerfen wollen oder ignorieren.
\subsection*{Einen File-Dämon oder Client-Prozess kompilieren}
-\index[general]{Kompilierung!eines File-Dämons oder Client_Prozesses }
+\index[general]{Kompilierung!eines File-Dämons oder Client-Prozesses }
\index[general]{Einen File-Dämon oder Client-Prozess kompilieren }
\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Einen File-Dämon oder Client-Prozess kompilieren}
-\section*{Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL}
+\chapter{Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL}
\index[general]{PostgreSQL!Installing and Configuring }
\index[general]{Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL}
-\subsection*{Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL -- Phase I}
-\index[general]{Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL -- Phase I }
-\index[general]{Phase I!Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL -- }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL --
-Phase I}
+If you are considering using PostreSQL, you should be aware
+of their philosophy of upgrades, which could be
+destabilizing for a production shop. Basically at every major version
+upgrade, you are required to dump your database in an ASCII format,
+do the upgrade, and then reload your database (or databases). This is
+because they frequently update the "data format" from version to
+version, and they supply no tools to automatically do the conversion.
+If you forget to do the ASCII dump, your database may become totally
+useless because none of the new tools can access it due to the format
+change, and the PostgreSQL server will not be able to start.
+If you are building PostgreSQL from source, please be sure to add
+the {\bf \verb:--:enable-thread-safety} option when doing the ./configure
+for PostgreSQL.
+\section{Installing PostgreSQL}
+\index[general]{PostgreSQL!Installing }
If you use the {\bf ./configure \verb:--:with-postgresql=PostgreSQL-Directory}
-statement for configuring {\bf Bacula}, you will need PostgreSQL version 7.3
-or later installed. NOTE! PostgreSQL versions earlier than 7.3 do not work
+statement for configuring {\bf Bacula}, you will need PostgreSQL version 7.4
+or later installed. NOTE! PostgreSQL versions earlier than 7.4 do not work
with Bacula. If PostgreSQL is installed in the standard system location, you
need only enter {\bf \verb:--:with-postgresql} since the configure program will
search all the standard locations. If you install PostgreSQL in your home
will be useful. Even if you are not using FreeBSD, the article will contain
useful configuration and setup information.
+If you configure the Batch Insert code in Bacula (attribute inserts are
+10 times faster), you {\bf must} be using a PostgreSQL that was built with
+the {\bf \verb:--:enable-thread-safety} option, otherwise you will get
+data corruption. Most major Linux distros have thread safety turned on, but
+it is better to check. One way is to see if the PostgreSQL library that
+Bacula will be linked against references pthreads. This can be done
+with a command such as:
+ nm /usr/lib/libpq.a | grep pthread_mutex_lock
+The above command should print a line that looks like:
+ U pthread_mutex_lock
+if does, then everything is OK. If it prints nothing, do not enable batch
+inserts when building Bacula.
After installing PostgreSQL, you should return to completing the installation
of {\bf Bacula}. Later, after Bacula is installed, come back to this chapter
to complete the installation. Please note, the installation files used in the
second phase of the PostgreSQL installation are created during the Bacula
+Installation. You must still come back to complete the second phase of the
+PostgreSQL installation even if you installed binaries (e.g. rpm, deb,
-\subsection*{Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL -- Phase II}
-\index[general]{Phase II!Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL -- }
-\index[general]{Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL -- Phase II }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL --
-Phase II}
+\section{Configuring PostgreSQL}
+\index[general]{PostgreSQL!Configuring PostgreSQL -- }
At this point, you should have built and installed PostgreSQL, or already have
a running PostgreSQL, and you should have configured, built and installed {\bf
\item ./create\_bacula\_database
This script creates the PostgreSQL {\bf bacula} database.
- If it fails, it is probably because the database is owned by a
- user other than yourself. On many systems, the database owner is
- {\bf pgsql} and on others such as RedHat and Fedora it is {\bf postgres}.
- You can find out which it is by examining your /etc/passwd file.
- To create a new user under either your name or with say the name
+ Before running this command, you should carefully think about
+ what encoding sequence you want for the text fields (paths, files, ...).
+ Ideally, the encoding should be set to UTF8. However, many Unix systems
+ have filenames that are not encoded in UTF8, either because you have
+ not set UTF8 as your default character set or because you have imported
+ files from elsewhere (e.g. MacOS X). For this reason, Bacula uses
+ SQL\_ASCII as the default encoding. If you want to change this,
+ please modify the script before running it.
+ If running the script fails, it is probably because the database is
+ owned by a user other than yourself. On many systems, the database
+ owner is {\bf pgsql} and on others such as Red Hat and Fedora it is {\bf
+ postgres}. You can find out which it is by examining your /etc/passwd
+ file. To create a new user under either your name or with say the name
{\bf bacula}, you can do the following:
(enter root password)
- password pgsql (or postgres)
- (enter a password for this account)
- exit
su pgsql (or postgres)
- (enter password just created)
createuser kern (or perhaps bacula)
Shall the new user be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
Shall the new user be allowed to create more new users? (y/n) (choose
Also, I had an authorization problem with the password. In the end,
-I had to modify my {\bf pg_hba.conf} file (in /var/lib/pgsql on my machine)
+I had to modify my {\bf pg\_hba.conf} file (in /var/lib/pgsql/data on my machine)
- local all all ident
+ local all all ident sameuser
- local all all trust
+ local all all trust sameuser
my regression scripts without having a password.
A more secure way to perform database authentication is with md5
-password hashes. Begin by editing the {\bf pg_hba.conf} file, and
+password hashes. Begin by editing the {\bf pg\_hba.conf} file, and
just prior the the existing ``local'' and ``host'' lines, add the line:
and restart the Postgres database server (frequently, this can be done
-using "/etc/init.d/postgresql restart") to put this new authentication
-rule into effect.
+using "/etc/init.d/postgresql restart" or "service postgresql restart") to
+put this new authentication rule into effect.
Next, become the Postgres administrator, postgres, either by logging
on as the postgres user, or by using su to become root and then using
-Next, you'll have to add this password to two locations in the
+You'll have to add this password to two locations in the
bacula-dir.conf file: once to the Catalog resource and once to the
RunBeforeJob entry in the BackupCatalog Job resource. With the
password in place, these two lines should look something like:
Even with the files containing the database password properly
restricted, there is still a security problem with this approach: on
some platforms, the environment variable that is used to supply the
-password to Postgres is unavoidable made available to all users of the
+password to Postgres is available to all users of the
local system. To eliminate this problem, the Postgres team have
deprecated the use of the environment variable password-passing
mechanism and recommend the use of a .pgpass file instead. To use
the user (so root:root for the copy in ~root, and so on), and the mode
set to 600, limiting access to the owner of the file.
-\subsection*{Re-initializing the Catalog Database}
+\section{Re-initializing the Catalog Database}
\index[general]{Database!Re-initializing the Catalog }
\index[general]{Re-initializing the Catalog Database }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Re-initializing the Catalog Database}
After you have done some initial testing with {\bf Bacula}, you will probably
want to re-initialize the catalog database and throw away all the test Jobs
Where you should replace {\bf /dev/nst0} with the appropriate tape drive
device name for your machine.
-\subsection*{Installing PostgreSQL from RPMs}
+\section{Installing PostgreSQL from RPMs}
\index[general]{PostgreSQL!Installing from RPMs}
\index[general]{Installing PostgreSQL from RPMs}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Installing PostgreSQL from RPMs}
If you are installing PostgreSQL from RPMs, you will need to install
both the PostgreSQL binaries and the client libraries. The client
-libraries are ususally found in a devel package, so you must
+libraries are usually found in a devel package, so you must
+ postgresql-server
+ postgresql-libs
-This will be the same with most other package managers too.
+These will be similar with most other package managers too. After
+installing from rpms, you will still need to run the scripts that set up
+the database and create the tables as described above.
-\subsection*{Converting from MySQL to PostgreSQL}
+\section{Converting from MySQL to PostgreSQL}
\index[general]{PostgreSQL!Converting from MySQL to }
\index[general]{Converting from MySQL to PostgreSQL }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Converting from MySQL to PostgreSQL}
The conversion procedure presented here was worked out by Norm Dressler
\lt{}ndressler at dinmar dot com\gt{}
- mysqldump -f -t -n >bacula-backup.dmp>
+ mysqldump -f -t -n >bacula-backup.dmp
-\item Reseqence your tables with the following commands:
+\item Resequence your tables with the following commands:
a test backup to make sure everything is working properly.
-\subsection*{Upgrading PostgreSQL}
+\section{Upgrading PostgreSQL}
\index[general]{Upgrading PostgreSQL }
\index[general]{Upgrading!PostgreSQL }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Upgrading PostgreSQL}
If you upgrade PostgreSQL, you must reconfigure, rebuild, and re-install
Bacula otherwise you are likely to get bizarre failures. If you
to modify the bacula.spec file to account for the new PostgreSQL version.
install from rpms and you upgrade PostgreSQL, you must also rebuild Bacula.
\index[general]{Credits }
Many thanks to Dan Langille for writing the PostgreSQL driver. This will
surely become the most popular database that Bacula supports.
+\chapter{The Restore Command}
+\index[general]{Command!Console Restore}
+\index[general]{Console Restore Command}
-\section*{The Bacula Console Restore Command}
-\index[general]{Command!Bacula Console Restore }
-\index[general]{Bacula Console Restore Command }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Bacula Console Restore Command}
\index[general]{General }
Below, we will discuss restoring files with the Console {\bf restore} command,
-which is the recommended way of doing it. However, there is a standalone
-program named {\bf bextract}, which also permits restoring files. For more
-information on this program, please see the
-\ilink{Bacula Utility Programs}{bextract} chapter of this manual.
-You will also want to look at the {\bf bls} program in the same chapter, which
-allows you to list the contents of your Volumes. Finally, if you have an old
-Volume that is no longer in the catalog, you can restore the catalog entries
-using the program named {\bf bscan}, documented in the same
-\ilink{Bacula Utility Programs}{bextract} chapter.
+which is the recommended way of doing restoring files. It is not possible
+to restore files by automatically starting a job as you do with Backup,
+Verify, ... jobs. However, in addition to the console restore command,
+there is a standalone program named {\bf bextract}, which also permits
+restoring files. For more information on this program, please see the
+\ilink{Bacula Utility Programs}{bextract} chapter of this manual. We
+don't particularly recommend the {\bf bextract} program because it
+lacks many of the features of the normal Bacula restore, such as the
+ability to restore Win32 files to Unix systems, and the ability to
+restore access control lists (ACL). As a consequence, we recommend,
+wherever possible to use Bacula itself for restores as described below.
+You may also want to look at the {\bf bls} program in the same chapter,
+which allows you to list the contents of your Volumes. Finally, if you
+have an old Volume that is no longer in the catalog, you can restore the
+catalog entries using the program named {\bf bscan}, documented in the same
+\ilink{Bacula Utility Programs}{bscan} chapter.
In general, to restore a file or a set of files, you must run a {\bf restore}
job. That is a job with {\bf Type = Restore}. As a consequence, you will need
-\subsection*{The Restore Command}
-\index[general]{Command!Restore }
-\index[general]{Restore Command }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Restore Command}
+\section{The Restore Command}
+\index[general]{Restore Command}
Since Bacula maintains a catalog of your files and on which Volumes (disk or
tape), they are stored, it can do most of the bookkeeping work, allowing you
restored. This mode is somewhat similar to the standard Unix {\bf restore}
program's interactive file selection mode.
-If your Files have been pruned, the {\bf restore} command will be unable
-to find any files to restore. See below for more details on this.
+If a Job's file records have been pruned from the catalog, the {\bf
+restore} command will be unable to find any files to restore. See below
+for more details on this.
Within the Console program, after entering the {\bf restore} command, you are
presented with the following selection prompt:
+There are a lot of options, and as a point of reference, most people will
+want to slect item 5 (the most recent backup for a client). The details
+of the above options are:
\item Item 1 will list the last 20 jobs run. If you find the Job you want,
you can then select item 3 and enter its JobId(s).
\item Item 3 allows you the enter a list of comma separated JobIds whose
files will be put into the directory tree. You may then select which
- files from those JobIds to restore.
-\item Item 4 allows you to enter any arbitrary SQL command. This is probably
- the most primitive way of finding the desired JobIds, but at the same time,
- the most flexible. Once you have found the JobId(s), you can select item 3
- and enter them.
-\item Item 5 will automatically select the most recent Full backup and all
+ files from those JobIds to restore. Normally, you would use this option
+ if you have a particular version of a file that you want to restore and
+ you know its JobId. The most common options (5 and 6) will not select
+ a job that did not terminate normally, so if you know a file is
+ backed up by a Job that failed (possibly because of a system crash), you
+ can access it through this option by specifying the JobId.
+\item Item 4 allows you to enter any arbitrary SQL command. This is
+ probably the most primitive way of finding the desired JobIds, but at
+ the same time, the most flexible. Once you have found the JobId(s), you
+ can select item 3 and enter them.
+\item Item 5 will automatically select the most recent Full backup and all
subsequent incremental and differential backups for a specified Client.
These are the Jobs and Files which, if reloaded, will restore your
system to the most current saved state. It automatically enters the
- JobIds found into the directory tree. This is probably the most
- convenient of all the above options to use if you wish to restore a
- selected Client to its most recent state.
+ JobIds found into the directory tree in an optimal way such that only
+ the most recent copy of any particular file found in the set of Jobs
+ will be restored. This is probably the most convenient of all the above
+ options to use if you wish to restore a selected Client to its most
+ recent state.
There are two important things to note. First, this automatic selection
will never select a job that failed (terminated with an error status).
will then propose doing a full restore (non-selective) of those JobIds.
This is possible because Bacula still knows where the beginning of the
Job data is on the Volumes, even if it does not know where particular
- files are located.
+ files are located or what their names are.
\item Item 6 allows you to specify a date and time, after which Bacula will
automatically select the most recent Full backup and all subsequent
incremental and differential backups that started before the specified date
- and time.
+ and time.
\item Item 7 allows you to specify one or more filenames (complete path
required) to be restored. Each filename is entered one at a time or if you
prefix a filename with the less-than symbol (\lt{}) Bacula will read that
- file and assume it is a list of filenames to be restored. The filename entry
- mode is terminated by entering a blank line.
+ file and assume it is a list of filenames to be restored. If you
+ prefix the filename with a question mark (?), then the filename will
+ be interpreted as an SQL table name, and Bacula will include the rows
+ of that table in the list to be restored. The table must contain the
+ JobId in the first column and the FileIndex in the second column.
+ This table feature is intended for external programs that want to build
+ their own list of files to be restored.
+ The filename entry mode is terminated by entering a blank line.
\item Item 8 allows you to specify a date and time before entering the
filenames. See Item 7 above for more details.
As an example, suppose that we select item 5 (restore to most recent state).
-It will then ask for the desired Client, which on my system, will print all
+If you have not specified a client=xxx on the command line, it
+it will then ask for the desired Client, which on my system, will print all
the Clients found in the database as follows:
8: RufusVerify
9: Watchdog
Select Client (File daemon) resource (1-9):
-You will probably have far fewer Clients than this example, and if you have
-only one Client, it will be automatically selected. In this case, I enter
+You will probably have far fewer Clients than this example, and if you have
+only one Client, it will be automatically selected. In this case, I enter
{\bf Rufus} to select the Client. Then Bacula needs to know what FileSet is
-to be restored, so it prompts with:
+to be restored, so it prompts with:
The defined FileSet resources are:
1: Full Set
- 2: Kerns Files
+ 2: Other Files
Select FileSet resource (1-2):
-I choose item 1, which is my full backup. Normally, you will only have a
-single FileSet for each Job, and if your machines are similar (all Linux) you
-may only have one FileSet for all your Clients.
+If you have only one FileSet defined for the Client, it will be selected
+automatically. I choose item 1, which is my full backup. Normally, you
+will only have a single FileSet for each Job, and if your machines are
+similar (all Linux) you may only have one FileSet for all your Clients.
At this point, {\bf Bacula} has all the information it needs to find the most
recent set of backups. It will then query the database, which may take a bit
move around the directory tree and to select files.
If you want all the files to automatically be marked when the directory
-tree is built, enter the command {\bf restore all}.
+tree is built, you could have entered the command {\bf restore all}, or
+at the \$ prompt, you can simply enter {\bf mark *}.
Instead of choosing item 5 on the first menu (Select the most recent backup
for a client), if we had chosen item 3 (Enter list of JobIds to select) and we
Bootstrap records written to /home/kern/bacula/working/restore.bsr
-The restore job will require the following Volumes:
- DLT-19Jul02
- DLT-04Aug02
+The job will require the following
+ Volume(s) Storage(s) SD Device(s)
+ DLT-19Jul02 Tape DLT8000
+ DLT-04Aug02 Tape DLT8000
128401 files selected to restore.
Run Restore job
JobName: kernsrestore
Bootstrap: /home/kern/bacula/working/restore.bsr
Where: /tmp/bacula-restores
Replace: always
-FileSet: Kerns Files
+FileSet: Other Files
Client: Rufus
-Storage: SDT-10000
-JobId: *None*
+Storage: Tape
+When: 2006-12-11 18:20:33
+Catalog: MyCatalog
+Priority: 10
OK to run? (yes/mod/no):
files have been restored from that volume, it will request Volume {\bf
-\subsection*{Selecting Files by Filename}
+\section{Selecting Files by Filename}
\index[general]{Selecting Files by Filename }
\index[general]{Filename!Selecting Files by }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Selecting Files by Filename}
If you have a small number of files to restore, and you know the filenames,
you can either put the list of filenames in a file to be read by Bacula, or
Bootstrap: /home/kern/bacula/working/restore.bsr
Where: /tmp/bacula-restores
Replace: always
-FileSet: Kerns Files
+FileSet: Other Files
Client: Rufus
Storage: DDS-4
When: 2003-09-11 10:20:53
to continue and to select another option to be modified.
-\subsection*{Command Line Arguments}
+\section{Command Line Arguments}
\index[general]{Arguments!Command Line }
\index[general]{Command Line Arguments }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Command Line Arguments}
If all the above sounds complicated, you will probably agree that it really
isn't after trying it a few times. It is possible to do everything that was
\item {\bf before=YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS} -- specify a date and time to which
the system should be restored. Only Jobs started before the specified
date/time will be selected, and as is the case for {\bf current} Bacula will
-automatically find the most recent prior Full save and all Differential and
-Incremental saves run before the date you specify. Note, this command is not
-too user friendly in that you must specify the date/time exactly as shown.
+ automatically find the most recent prior Full save and all Differential and
+ Incremental saves run before the date you specify. Note, this command is not
+ too user friendly in that you must specify the date/time exactly as shown.
\item {\bf file=filename} -- specify a filename to be restored. You must
specify the full path and filename. Prefixing the entry with a less-than
+ sign
(\lt{}) will cause Bacula to assume that the filename is on your system and
-contains a list of files to be restored. Bacula will thus read the list from
-that file. Multiple file=xxx specifications may be specified on the command
+ contains a list of files to be restored. Bacula will thus read the list from
+ that file. Multiple file=xxx specifications may be specified on the command
+ line.
\item {\bf jobid=nnn} -- specify a JobId to be restored.
\item {\bf pool=pool-name} -- specify a Pool name to be used for selection of
Volumes when specifying options 5 and 6 (restore current system, and restore
current system before given date). This permits you to have several Pools,
-possibly one offsite, and to select the Pool to be used for restoring.
+ possibly one offsite, and to select the Pool to be used for restoring.
+\item {\bf where=/tmp/bacula-restore} -- restore files in {\bf where} directory.
\item {\bf yes} -- automatically run the restore without prompting for
modifications (most useful in batch scripts).
- \end{itemize}
+\item {\bf strip\_prefix=/prod} -- remove a part of the filename when restoring.
+\item {\bf add\_prefix=/test} -- add a prefix to all files when restoring (like
+ where) (can't be used with {\bf where=}).
+\item {\bf add\_suffix=.old} -- add a suffix to all your files.
+\item {\bf regexwhere=!a.pdf!a.bkp.pdf!} -- do complex filename manipulation
+ like with sed unix command. Will overwrite other filename manipulation.
+\section{Using File Relocation}
+\index[general]{Using File Relocation}
+The \textbf{where=} option is simple, but not very powerful. With file
+relocation, Bacula can restore a file to the same directory, but with a
+different name, or in an other directory without recreating the full path.
+You can also do filename and path manipulations, implemented in Bacula
+2.1.8 or later, such as adding a suffix to all your files, renaming files
+or directories, etc. Theses options will overwrite {\bf where=} option.
+For example, many users use OS snapshot features so that file
+\texttt{/home/eric/mbox} will be backed up from the directory
+\texttt{/.snap/home/eric/mbox}, which can complicate restores. If you use
+\textbf{where=/tmp}, the file will be restored to
+\texttt{/tmp/.snap/home/eric/mbox} and you will have to move the file to
+\texttt{/home/eric/mbox.bkp} by hand. In this case, you could use
+\textbf{strip\_prefix=/.snap} and \textbf{add\_suffix=.bkp} options and
+Bacula will restore the file to its original location -- that is
+To use this feature, there are command line options as described in
+the \ilink{restore section}{restorefilerelocation} of this manual;
+you can modify your restore job before running it; or you can
+add options to your restore job in as described in
+Parameters to modify:
+ 1: Level
+ 2: Storage
+ 10: File Relocation
+Select parameter to modify (1-12):
+This will replace your current Where value
+ 1: Strip prefix
+ 2: Add prefix
+ 3: Add file suffix
+ 4: Enter a regexp
+ 5: Test filename manipulation
+ 6: Use this ?
+Select parameter to modify (1-6):
+\subsection{RegexWhere format}
+The format is very close to that used by sed or Perl (\texttt{s/replace this/by
+ that/}) operator. A valid regexwhere expression has three fields :
+\item a search expression (with optionnal submatch)
+\item a replacement expression (with optionnal back references \$1 to \$9)
+\item a set of search options (only case-insensitive ``i'' at this time)
+Each field is delimited by a separator specified by the user as the first
+character of the expression. The separator can be one of the following:
+<separator-keyword> = / ! ; % : , ~ # = &
+You can use several expressions separated by a commas.
-\subsection*{Restoring Directory Attributes}
+Orignal filename & Computed filename & RegexWhere & Comments \\
+\texttt{c:/system.ini} & \texttt{c:/system.old.ini} & \texttt{/.ini\$/.old.ini/} & use \$ as end of filename\\
+\texttt{/prod/u01/pdata/} & \texttt{/rect/u01/rdata} & \texttt{/prod/rect/,/pdata/rdata/} & using two regexp\\
+\texttt{/prod/u01/pdata/} & \texttt{/rect/u01/rdata} & \texttt{!/prod/!/rect/!,/pdata/rdata/} & using \texttt{!} instead of \texttt{/}\\
+\texttt{C:/WINNT} & \texttt{d:/WINNT} & \texttt{/c:/d:/i} & using case-insensitive pattern matching \\
+%\subsubsection{Using group}
+%Like with Perl or Sed, you can make submatch with \texttt{()},
+% i Do case-insensitive pattern matching.
+\section{Restoring Directory Attributes}
\index[general]{Attributes!Restoring Directory }
\index[general]{Restoring Directory Attributes }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Restoring Directory Attributes}
Depending how you do the restore, you may or may not get the directory entries
back to their original state. Here are a few of the problems you can
\item You backed up on one machine and are restoring to another that is
either a different OS or doesn't have the same users/groups defined. Bacula
- does the best it can in these situations.
-\item You are restoring into a directory that is already created and has file
- creation restrictions. Bacula tries to reset everything but without walking
- up the full chain of directories and modifying them all during the restore,
- which Bacula does and will not do, getting permissions back correctly in
- situation depends to a large extent on your OS.
-\item You selected one or more files in a directory, but did not select the
- directory entry to be restored. In that case, if the directory is not on
- Bacula simply creates the directory with some default attributes which may
- not be the same as the original. If you do not select a directory and all
- contents to be restored, you can still select items within the directory to
- be restored by individually marking those files, but in that case, you
- individually use the "markdir" command to select all higher level
- directory entries (one at a time) to be restored if you want the directory
- entries properly restored.
+ does the best it can in these situations. Note, Bacula has saved the
+ user/groups in numeric form, which means on a different machine, they
+ may map to different user/group names.
+\item You are restoring into a directory that is already created and has
+ file creation restrictions. Bacula tries to reset everything but
+ without walking up the full chain of directories and modifying them all
+ during the restore, which Bacula does and will not do, getting
+ permissions back correctly in this situation depends to a large extent
+ on your OS.
+\item You are doing a recursive restore of a directory tree. In this case
+ Bacula will restore a file before restoring the file's parent directory
+ entry. In the process of restoring the file Bacula will create the
+ parent directory with open permissions and ownership of the file being
+ restored. Then when Bacula tries to restore the parent directory Bacula
+ sees that it already exists (Similar to the previous situation). If you
+ had set the Restore job's "Replace" property to "never" then Bacula will
+ not change the directory's permissions and ownerships to match what it
+ backed up, you should also notice that the actual number of files
+ restored is less then the expected number. If you had set the Restore
+ job's "Replace" property to "always" then Bacula will change the
+ Directory's ownership and permissions to match what it backed up, also
+ the actual number of files restored should be equal to the expected
+ number.
+\item You selected one or more files in a directory, but did not select the
+ directory entry to be restored. In that case, if the directory is not
+ on disk Bacula simply creates the directory with some default attributes
+ which may not be the same as the original. If you do not select a
+ directory and all its contents to be restored, you can still select
+ items within the directory to be restored by individually marking those
+ files, but in that case, you should individually use the "markdir"
+ command to select all higher level directory entries (one at a time) to
+ be restored if you want the directory entries properly restored.
+\item The {\bf bextract} program does not restore access control lists
+ (ACLs), nor will it restore non-portable Win32 data (default) to Unix
+ machines.
-\subsection*{Restoring on Windows}
+\section{Restoring on Windows}
\index[general]{Restoring on Windows }
\index[general]{Windows!Restoring on }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Restoring on Windows}
If you are restoring on WinNT/2K/XP systems, Bacula will restore the files
with the original ownerships and permissions as would be expected. This is
with SYSTEM ownership and permissions. In this case, you may have problems
accessing the newly restored files.
-To avoid this problem, you should create any alternate directory before doing
-restore. Bacula will not change the ownership and permissions of the directory
-if it is already created as long as it is not one of the directories being
-restored (i.e. written to tape).
+To avoid this problem, you should create any alternate directory before
+doing the restore. Bacula will not change the ownership and permissions of
+the directory if it is already created as long as it is not one of the
+directories being restored (i.e. written to tape).
The default restore location is {\bf /tmp/bacula-restores/} and if you are
restoring from drive {\bf E:}, the default will be
the problem.
-\subsection*{Restoring Files Can Be Slow}
+\section{Restoring Files Can Be Slow}
\index[general]{Slow!Restoring Files Can Be }
\index[general]{Restoring Files Can Be Slow }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Restoring Files Can Be Slow}
Restoring files is generally {\bf much} slower than backing them up for several
reasons. The first is that during a backup the tape is normally already
For all the above reasons the restore process is generally much slower than
backing up (sometimes it takes three times as long).
-\subsection*{Problems Restoring Files}
+\section{Problems Restoring Files}
\index[general]{Files!Problems Restoring }
\index[general]{Problems Restoring Files }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Problems Restoring Files}
The most frequent problems users have restoring files are error messages such
\item Set "Block Positioning = no" in your Device resource and try the
restore. This is a new directive and untested.
\item Set "Minimum Block Size = 512" and "Maximum Block Size = 512" and
- try the restore. Again send me the full job report output. If you are able
- to
- determine the block size your drive was previously using, you should try
- that size if 512 does not work.
+ try the restore. If you are able to determine the block size your drive
+ was previously using, you should try that size if 512 does not work.
+ This is a really horrible solution, and it is not at all recommended
+ to continue backing up your data without correcting this condition.
+ Please see the Tape Testing chapter for more on this.
\item Try editing the restore.bsr file at the Run xxx yes/mod/no prompt
- before starting the restore job and remove all the VolBlock statements.
- These
- are what causes Bacula to reposition the tape, and where problems occur if
- you have a fixed block size set for your drive. The VolFile commands also
- cause repositioning, but this will work regardless of the block size.
+ before starting the restore job and remove all the VolBlock statements.
+ These are what causes Bacula to reposition the tape, and where problems
+ occur if you have a fixed block size set for your drive. The VolFile
+ commands also cause repositioning, but this will work regardless of the
+ block size.
\item Use bextract to extract the files you want -- it reads the Volume
- sequentially if you use the include list feature, or if you use a .bsr file,
- but remove all the VolBlock statements after the .bsr file is created (at
- the
- Run yes/mod/no) prompt but before you start the restore.
+ sequentially if you use the include list feature, or if you use a .bsr
+ file, but remove all the VolBlock statements after the .bsr file is
+ created (at the Run yes/mod/no) prompt but before you start the restore.
-\subsection*{Example Restore Job Resource}
+\section{Restore Errors}
+\index[general]{Restore Errors}
+There are a number of reasons why there may be restore errors or
+warning messages. Some of the more common ones are:
+\item [file count mismatch]
+ This can occur for the following reasons:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item You requested Bacula not to overwrite existing or newer
+ files.
+ \item A Bacula miscount of files/directories. This is an
+ on-going problem due to the complications of directories,
+ soft/hard link, and such. Simply check that all the files you
+ wanted were actually restored.
+ \end{itemize}
+\item [file size error]
+ When Bacula restores files, it checks that the size of the
+ restored file is the same as the file status data it saved
+ when starting the backup of the file. If the sizes do not
+ agree, Bacula will print an error message. This size mismatch
+ most often occurs because the file was being written as Bacula
+ backed up the file. In this case, the size that Bacula
+ restored will be greater than the status size. This often
+ happens with log files.
+ If the restored size is smaller, then you should be concerned
+ about a possible tape error and check the Bacula output as
+ well as your system logs.
+\section{Example Restore Job Resource}
\index[general]{Example Restore Job Resource }
\index[general]{Resource!Example Restore Job }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Example Restore Job Resource}
be their original locations.
-\subsection*{File Selection Commands}
+\section{File Selection Commands}
\index[general]{Commands!File Selection }
\index[general]{File Selection Commands }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{File Selection Commands}
After you have selected the Jobs to be restored and Bacula has created the
in-memory directory tree, you will enter file selection mode as indicated by
This command is the same as the {\bf help} command.
-\subsection*{Restoring When Things Go Wrong}
+\section{Restoring When Things Go Wrong}
\index[general]{Restoring When Things Go Wrong }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Restoring When Things Go Wrong}
+\index[general]{Restoring Your Database}
This and the following sections will try to present a few of the kinds of
-problems that can come up making restoring more difficult. I'll try to
+problems that can come up making restoring more difficult. We will try to
provide a few ideas how to get out of these problem situations.
+In addition to what is presented here, there is more specific information
+on restoring a \ilink{Client}{restore_client} and your
+\ilink{Server}{restore_server} in the \ilink{Disaster Recovery Using
+Bacula}{RescueChapter} chapter of this manual.
+ My database is broken.
For SQLite, use the vacuum command to try to fix the database. For either
MySQL or PostgreSQL, see the vendor's documentation. They have specific tools
- that check and repair databases.
+ that check and repair databases, see the \ilink{database
+ repair}{DatabaseRepair} sections of this manual for links to vendor
+ information.
Assuming the above does not resolve the problem, you will need to restore
- or rebuild your catalog.
+ or rebuild your catalog. Note, if it is a matter of some
+ inconsistencies in the Bacula tables rather than a broken database, then
+ running \ilink{dbcheck}{dbcheck} might help, but you will need to ensure
+ that your database indexes are properly setup. Please see
+ the \ilink{Database Performance Issues}{DatabasePerformance} sections
+ of this manual for more details.
How do I restore my catalog?
+\item[Solution with a Catalog backup]
If you have backed up your database nightly (as you should) and you
have made a bootstrap file, you can immediately load back your
database (or the ASCII SQL output). Make a copy of your current
restore job. If you are using the default bacula-dir.conf, this
Job will be named {\bf RestoreFiles}. Most likely it will prompt
you with something such as:
Run Restore job
OK to run? (yes/mod/no):
A number of the items will be different in your case. What you want to
do is: to use the mod option to change the Bootstrap to point to your
saved bootstrap file; and to make sure all the other items such as
Client, Storage, Catalog, and Where are correct. The FileSet is not
used when you specify a bootstrap file. Once you have set all the
correct values, run the Job and it will restore the backup of your
- database. You will then need to follow the instructions for your
+ database, which is most likely an ASCII dump.
+ You will then need to follow the instructions for your
database type to recreate the database from the ASCII backup file.
+ See the \ilink {Catalog Maintenance}{CatMaintenanceChapter} chapter of
+ this manual for examples of the command needed to restore a
+ database from an ASCII dump (they are shown in the Compacting Your
+ XXX Database sections).
+ Also, please note that after you restore your database from an ASCII
+ backup, you do NOT want to do a {\bf make\_bacula\_tables} command, or
+ you will probably erase your newly restored database tables.
+\item[Solution with a Job listing]
If you did save your database but did not make a bootstrap file, then
recovering the database is more difficult. You will probably need to
use bextract to extract the backup copy. First you should locate the
the critical items are the Volume name(s), the Volume Session Id and the
Volume Session Time. If you know those, you can easily restore your
22-Apr 10:22 HeadMan: Start Backup JobId 7510,
22-Apr 10:23 HeadMan: Bacula 1.37.14 (21Apr05): 22-Apr-2005 10:23:06
FD termination status: OK
SD termination status: OK
Termination: Backup OK
From the above information, you can manually create a bootstrap file,
and then follow the instructions given above for restoring your database.
A reconstructed bootstrap file for the above backup Job would look
like the following:
Where we have inserted the Volume name, Volume Session Id, and Volume
Session Time that correspond to the values in the job report. We've also
used a FileIndex of one, which will always be the case providing that
specified, so the restore code must search all data in the Volume to find
the requested file. A fully specified bootstrap file would have the File
and Blocks specified as follows:
+ Once you have restored the ASCII dump of the database,
+ you will then to follow the instructions for your
+ database type to recreate the database from the ASCII backup file.
+ See the \ilink {Catalog Maintenance}{CatMaintenanceChapter} chapter of
+ this manual for examples of the command needed to restore a
+ database from an ASCII dump (they are shown in the Compacting Your
+ XXX Database sections).
+ Also, please note that after you restore your database from an ASCII
+ backup, you do NOT want to do a {\bf make\_bacula\_tables} command, or
+ you will probably erase your newly restored database tables.
+\item [Solution without a Job Listing]
+ If you do not have a job listing, then it is a bit more difficult.
+ Either you use the \ilink{bscan}{bscan} program to scan the contents
+ of your tape into a database, which can be very time consuming
+ depending on the size of the tape, or you can use the \ilink{bls}{bls}
+ program to list everything on the tape, and reconstruct a bootstrap
+ file from the bls listing for the file or files you want following
+ the instructions given above.
+ There is a specific example of how to use {\bf bls} below.
\item [Problem]
I try to restore the last known good full backup by specifying
item 3 on the restore menu then the JobId to restore. Bacula
and restores nothing.
Most likely the File records were pruned from the database either due
to the File Retention period expiring or by explicitly purging the
Job. By using the "llist jobid=nn" command, you can obtain all the
important information about the job:
llist jobid=120
Then you can find the Volume(s) used by doing:
select VolumeName from JobMedia,Media where JobId=1 and JobMedia.MediaId=Media.MediaId;
Finally, you can create a bootstrap file as described in the previous
problem above using this information.
know the Volume to which it was backed up.
\item [Solution]
- Use {\bf bls} to indicate where it is on the tape. For example:
+ Either bscan the tape (see below for bscanning), or better use {\bf bls}
+ to find where it is on the tape, then use {\bf bextract} to
+ restore the database. For example,
Available queries:
- 1: List Job totals:
- 2: List up to 20 places where a File is saved regardless of the directory:
- 3: List where the most recent copies of a file are saved:
- 4: List last 20 Full Backups for a Client:
- 5: List all backups for a Client after a specified time
- 6: List all backups for a Client
- 7: List Volume Attributes for a selected Volume:
- 8: List Volumes used by selected JobId:
- 9: List Volumes to Restore All Files:
- 10: List Pool Attributes for a selected Pool:
- 11: List total files/bytes by Job:
- 12: List total files/bytes by Volume:
- 13: List Files for a selected JobId:
- 14: List Jobs stored in a selected MediaId:
- 15: List Jobs stored for a given Volume name:
-Choose a query (1-15):
+ 1: List up to 20 places where a File is saved regardless of the
+ 2: List where the most recent copies of a file are saved
+ 3: List last 20 Full Backups for a Client
+ 4: List all backups for a Client after a specified time
+ 5: List all backups for a Client
+ 6: List Volume Attributes for a selected Volume
+ 7: List Volumes used by selected JobId
+ 8: List Volumes to Restore All Files
+ 9: List Pool Attributes for a selected Pool
+ 10: List total files/bytes by Job
+ 11: List total files/bytes by Volume
+ 12: List Files for a selected JobId
+ 13: List Jobs stored on a selected MediaId
+ 14: List Jobs stored for a given Volume name
+ 15: List Volumes Bacula thinks are in changer
+ 16: List Volumes likely to need replacement from age or errors
+Choose a query (1-16):
+ I didn't backup my database. What do I do now?
+ This is probably the worst of all cases, and you will probably have
+ to re-create your database from scratch and then bscan in all your
+ Volumes, which is a very long, painful, and inexact process.
+There are basically three steps to take:
+\item Ensure that your SQL server is running (MySQL or PostgreSQL)
+ and that the Bacula database (normally bacula) exists. See the
+ \ilink{Installation}{CreateDatabase} chapter of the manual.
+\item Ensure that the Bacula databases are created. This is also
+ described at the above link.
+\item Start and stop the Bacula Director using the propriate
+ bacula-dir.conf file so that it can create the Client and
+ Storage records which are not stored on the Volumes. Without these
+ records, scanning is unable to connect the Job records to the proper
+ client.
+When the above is complete, you can begin bscanning your Volumes. Please
+see the \ilink{bscan}{bscan} section of the Volume Utility Tools of this
+chapter for more details.
-\textsuperscript{\textregistered}}} - RPM Packaging FAQ}
+\chapter{Bacula RPM Packaging FAQ}
\index[general]{FAQ!Bacula\textsuperscript{\textregistered} - RPM Packaging }
\index[general]{Bacula\textsuperscript{\textregistered} - RPM Packaging FAQ }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Bacula\textsuperscript{\textregistered} - RPM
-Packaging FAQ}
packages. Do I need to be root?}{faq4}
\ilink{I'm building my own rpms but on all platforms and compiles I get an
- unresolved dependancy for something called
+ unresolved dependency for something called
+ /usr/afsws/bin/pagsh.}{faq5}
+ \ilink{I'm building my own rpms because you don't publish for my platform.
+ Can I get my packages released to sourceforge for other people to use?}{faq6}
+ \ilink{Is there an easier way than sorting out all these command line options?}{faq7}
+ \ilink{I just upgraded from 1.36.x to 1.38.x and now my director daemon won't start. It appears to start but dies silently and I get a "connection refused" error when starting the console. What is wrong?}{faq8}
+ \ilink{There are a lot of rpm packages. Which packages do I need for what?}{faq9}
\index[general]{Answers }
{\bf How do I build Bacula for platform xxx?}
-The bacula spec file contains defines to build for several platforms: RedHat
-7.x (rh7), RedHat 8.0 (rh8), RedHat 9 (rh9), Fedora Core (fc1), Whitebox
-Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 3.0 (wb3), Mandrake 10.x (mdk) and SuSE 9.x (su9).
-The package build is controlled by a mandatory define set at the beginning of
-the file. These defines basically just control the dependency information that
- gets coded into the finished rpm package.
-The platform define may be edited in the spec file directly (by default all
-defines are set to 0 or "not set"). For example, to build the RedHat 7.x
-package find the line in the spec file which reads
+ The bacula spec file contains defines to build for several platforms:
+ Red Hat 7.x (rh7), Red Hat 8.0 (rh8), Red Hat 9 (rh9), Fedora Core (fc1,
+ fc3, fc4, fc5, fc6, fc7), Whitebox Enterprise Linux 3.0 (wb3), Red Hat Enterprise Linux
+ (rhel3, rhel4), Mandrake 10.x (mdk), Mandriva 2006.x (mdv) CentOS (centos3, centos4)
+ Scientific Linux (sl3, sl4) and SuSE (su9, su10, su102). The package build is controlled by a mandatory define set at the beginning of the file. These defines basically just control the dependency information that gets coded into the finished rpm package as well
+ as any special configure options required. The platform define may be edited
+ in the spec file directly (by default all defines are set to 0 or "not set").
+ For example, to build the Red Hat 7.x package find the line in the spec file
+ which reads
{\bf How do I control which database support gets built?}
-Another mandatory build define controls which database support is compiled,
-one of build\_sqlite, build\_mysql or build\_postgresql. To get the MySQL
-package and support either set the
+ Another mandatory build define controls which database support is compiled,
+ one of build\_sqlite, build\_mysql or build\_postgresql. To get the MySQL
+ package and support either set the
%define mysql 0
+ OR
+ %define mysql4 0
+ OR
+ %define mysql5 0
%define mysql 1
+ OR
+ %define mysql4 1
+ OR
+ %define mysql5 1
rpmbuild -ba --define "build_rh7 1" --define "build_mysql 1" bacula.spec
+ rpmbuild -ba --define "build_rh7 1" --define "build_mysql4 1" bacula.spec
+ rpmbuild -ba --define "build_rh7 1" --define "build_mysql5 1" bacula.spec
{\bf What other defines are used?}
-Two other building defines of note are the depkgs\_version and tomsrtbt
-identifiers. These two defines are set with each release and must match the
-version of those sources that are being used to build the packages. You would
-not ordinarily need to edit these.
+ Three other building defines of note are the depkgs\_version, docs\_version and
+ \_rescuever identifiers. These two defines are set with each release and must
+ match the version of those sources that are being used to build the packages.
+ You would not ordinarily need to edit these. See also the Build Options section
+ below for other build time options that can be passed on the command line.
{\bf I'm getting errors about not having permission when I try to build the
-packages. Do I need to be root?}
-No, you do not need to be root and, in fact, it is better practice to build
-rpm packages as a non-root user. Bacula packages are designed to be built by
-a regular user but you must make a few changes on your system to do this. If
-you are building on your own system then the simplest method is to add write
-permissions for all to the build directory (/usr/src/redhat/). To accomplish
-this, execute the following command as root:
+ packages. Do I need to be root?}
+ No, you do not need to be root and, in fact, it is better practice to
+ build rpm packages as a non-root user. Bacula packages are designed to
+ be built by a regular user but you must make a few changes on your
+ system to do this. If you are building on your own system then the
+ simplest method is to add write permissions for all to the build
+ directory (/usr/src/redhat/, /usr/src/RPM or /usr/src/packages).
+ To accomplish this, execute the following command as root:
chmod -R 777 /usr/src/redhat
+ chmod -R 777 /usr/src/RPM
+ chmod -R 777 /usr/src/packages
-If you are working on a shared system where you can not use the method above
-then you need to recreate the /usr/src/redhat directory tree with all of its
-subdirectories inside your home directory. Then create a file named {\tt
-.rpmmacros} in your home directory (or edit the file if it already exists)
+If you are working on a shared system where you can not use the method
+above then you need to recreate the appropriate above directory tree with all
+of its subdirectories inside your home directory. Then create a file named
+{\tt .rpmmacros}
+in your home directory (or edit the file if it already exists)
and add the following line:
+Another handy directive for the .rpmmacros file if you wish to suppress the
+creation of debug rpm packages is:
+ %debug_package %{nil}
- {\bf I'm building my own rpms but on all platforms and compiles I get an
-unresolved dependency for something called /usr/afsws/bin/pagsh.}
-This is a shell from the OpenAFS (Andrew File System). If you are seeing this
-then you chose to include the docs/examples directory in your package. One of
-the example scripts in this directory is a pagsh script. Rpmbuild, when
-scanning for dependencies, looks at the shebang line of all packaged scripts
-in addition to checking shared libraries. To avoid this do not package the
-examples directory.
+ {\bf I'm building my own rpms but on all platforms and compiles I get an
+ unresolved dependency for something called /usr/afsws/bin/pagsh.} This
+ is a shell from the OpenAFS (Andrew File System). If you are seeing
+ this then you chose to include the docs/examples directory in your
+ package. One of the example scripts in this directory is a pagsh
+ script. Rpmbuild, when scanning for dependencies, looks at the shebang
+ line of all packaged scripts in addition to checking shared libraries.
+ To avoid this do not package the examples directory. If you are seeing this
+ problem you are building a very old bacula package as the examples have been
+ removed from the doc packaging.
-\item {\bf Support for RHEL4, CentOS 4 and x86_64}
-The examples below
-explicit build support for RHEL4 (I think) and CentOS 4. Build support
-for x86_64 has also been added. Test builds have been done on CentOS but
-not RHEL4.
+ \label{faq6}
+ {\bf I'm building my own rpms because you don't publish for my platform.
+ Can I get my packages released to sourceforge for other people to use?} Yes,
+ contributions from users are accepted and appreciated. Please examine the
+ directory platforms/contrib-rpm in the source code for further information.
+ \label{faq7}
+ {\bf Is there an easier way than sorting out all these command line options?} Yes,
+ there is a gui wizard shell script which you can use to rebuild the src rpm package.
+ Look in the source archive for platforms/contrib-rpm/rpm\_wizard.sh. This script will
+ allow you to specify build options using GNOME dialog screens. It requires zenity.
+ \label{faq8}
+ {\bf I just upgraded from 1.36.x to 1.38.x and now my director daemon
+won't start. It appears to start but dies silently and I get a "connection
+refused" error when starting the console. What is wrong?} Beginning with
+1.38 the rpm packages are configured to run the director and storage
+daemons as a non-root user. The file daemon runs as user root and group
+bacula, the storage daemon as user bacula and group disk, and the director
+as user bacula and group bacula. If you are upgrading you will need to
+change some file permissions for things to work. Execute the following
+commands as root:
+ chown bacula.bacula /var/bacula/*
+ chown root.bacula /var/bacula/bacula-fd.9102.state
+ chown bacula.disk /var/bacula/bacula-sd.9103.state
+Further, if you are using File storage volumes rather than tapes those
+files will also need to have ownership set to user bacula and group bacula.
+ \label{faq9}
+ {\bf There are a lot of rpm packages. Which packages do I need for
+what?} For a bacula server you need to select the packsge based upon your
+preferred catalog database: one of bacula-mysql, bacula-postgresql or
+bacula-sqlite. If your system does not provide an mtx package you also
+need bacula-mtx to satisfy that dependancy. For a client machine you need
+only install bacula-client. Optionally, for either server or client
+machines, you may install a graphical console bacula-gconsole and/or
+bacula-wxconsole. The Bacula Administration Tool is installed with the
+bacula-bat package. One last package, bacula-updatedb is required only when
+upgrading a server more than one database revision level.
+\item {\bf Support for RHEL3/4, CentOS 3/4 and x86\_64}
+ The examples below show
+ explicit build support for RHEL4 and CentOS 4. Build support
+ for x86\_64 has also been added. Test builds have been done on CentOS but
+ not RHEL4.
rpmbuild --rebuild \
--define "build_rhel4 1" \
--define "build_sqlite 1" \
- bacula-1.36.2-4.src.rpm
+ bacula-1.38.3-1.src.rpm
rpmbuild --rebuild \
--define "build_rhel4 1" \
--define "build_postgresql 1" \
- bacula-1.36.2-4.src.rpm
+ bacula-1.38.3-1.src.rpm
rpmbuild --rebuild \
--define "build_rhel4 1" \
- --define "build_mysql 1" \
--define "build_mysql4 1" \
- bacula-1.36.2-4.src.rpm
+ bacula-1.38.3-1.src.rpm
For CentOS substitute '--define "build_centos4 1"' in place of rhel4.
-\subsection*{Build Options}
+\section{Build Options}
\index[general]{Build Options}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Build Options}
The spec file currently supports building on the following platforms:
-# RedHat builds
+Red Hat builds
--define "build_rh7 1"
--define "build_rh8 1"
--define "build_rh9 1"
-# Fedora Core build
+Fedora Core build
--define "build_fc1 1"
--define "build_fc3 1"
--define "build_fc4 1"
+--define "build_fc5 1"
+--define "build_fc6 1"
+--define "build_fc7 1"
-# Whitebox Enterprise build
+Whitebox Enterprise build
--define "build_wb3 1"
-# RedHat Enterprise builds
+Red Hat Enterprise builds
--define "build_rhel3 1"
--define "build_rhel4 1"
-# CentOS build
+CentOS build
+--define "build_centos3 1"
--define "build_centos4 1"
-# SuSE build
+Scientific Linux build
+--define "build_sl3 1"
+--define "build_sl4 1"
+SuSE build
--define "build_su9 1"
+--define "build_su10 1"
+--define "build_su102 1"
-# Mandrake build
+Mandrake 10.x build
--define "build_mdk 1"
-MySQL support:
+Mandriva build
+--define "build_mdv 1"
+MySQL support:
+for mysql 3.23.x support define this
--define "build_mysql 1"
-# if using mysql 4.x define this and mysql above
-# currently: Mandrake 10.x, SuSE 9.x, RHEL4
+if using mysql 4.x define this,
+currently: Mandrake 10.x, Mandriva 2006.0, SuSE 9.x & 10.0, FC4 & RHEL4
--define "build_mysql4 1"
+if using mysql 5.x define this,
+currently: SuSE 10.1 & FC5
+--define "build_mysql5 1"
PostgreSQL support:
--define "build_postgresql 1"
Sqlite support:
--define "build_sqlite 1"
+Build the client rpm only in place of one of the above database full builds:
+--define "build_client_only 1"
+X86-64 support:
+--define "build_x86_64 1"
+Supress build of bgnome-console:
+--define "nobuild_gconsole 1"
+Build the WXWindows console:
+requires wxGTK >= 2.6
+--define "build_wxconsole 1"
+Build the Bacula Administration Tool:
+requires QT >= 4
+--define "build_bat 1"
+Build python scripting support:
+--define "build_python 1"
+Modify the Packager tag for third party packages:
+--define "contrib_packager Your Name <youremail@site.org>"
+\section{RPM Install Problems}
+\index[general]{RPM Install Problems}
+In general the RPMs, once properly built should install correctly.
+However, when attempting to run the daemons, a number of problems
+can occur:
+\item [Wrong /var/bacula Permissions]
+ By default, the Director and Storage daemon do not run with
+ root permission. If the /var/bacula is owned by root, then it
+ is possible that the Director and the Storage daemon will not
+ be able to access this directory, which is used as the Working
+ Directory. To fix this, the easiest thing to do is:
+ chown bacula:bacula /var/bacula
+ Note: as of 1.38.8 /var/bacula is installed root:bacula with
+ permissions 770.
+\item [The Storage daemon cannot Access the Tape drive]
+ This can happen in some older RPM releases where the Storage
+ daemon ran under userid bacula, group bacula. There are two
+ ways of fixing this: the best is to modify the /etc/init.d/bacula-sd
+ file so that it starts the Storage daemon with group "disk".
+ The second way to fix the problem is to change the permissions
+ of your tape drive (usually /dev/nst0) so that Bacula can access it.
+ You will probably need to change the permissions of the SCSI control
+ device as well, which is usually /dev/sg0. The exact names depend
+ on your configuration, please see the Tape Testing chapter for
+ more information on devices.
-\section*{Testing Your Tape Drive With Bacula}
+\chapter{Testing Your Tape Drive With Bacula}
\index[general]{Testing Your Tape Drive With Bacula}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Testing Your Tape Drive With Bacula}
This chapter is concerned with testing and configuring your tape drive to make
sure that it will work properly with Bacula using the {\bf btape} program.
-\subsection*{Summary of Steps to Take to Get Your Tape Drive Working}
-\index[general]{Working!Summary of Steps to Take to Get Your Tape Drive}
-\index[general]{Summary of Steps to Take to Get Your Tape Drive Working}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Summary of Steps to Take to Get Your Tape
-Drive Working}
+\section{Get Your Tape Drive Working}
In general, you should follow the following steps to get your tape drive to
work with Bacula. Start with a tape mounted in your drive. If you have an
+\item Make sure that Bacula (the Storage daemon) is not running
+ or that you have {\bf unmount}ed the drive you will use
+ for testing.
\item Use tar to write to, then read from your drive:
-\item Make sure you have a valid and correct Device resource corresponding to
- your drive. For Linux users, generally, the default one works. For FreeBSD
- users, there are two possible Device configurations (see below).
+\item Make sure you have a valid and correct Device resource corresponding
+ to your drive. For Linux users, generally, the default one works. For
+ FreeBSD users, there are two possible Device configurations (see below).
+ For other drives and/or OSes, you will need to first ensure that your
+ system tape modes are properly setup (see below), then possibly modify
+ you Device resource depending on the output from the btape program (next
+ item). When doing this, you should consult the \ilink{Storage Daemon
+ Configuration}{StoredConfChapter} of this manual.
+\item If you are using a Fibre Channel to connect your tape drive to
+ Bacula, please be sure to disable any caching in the NSR (network
+ storage router, which is a Fibre Channel to SCSI converter).
\item Run the btape {\bf test} command:
-It isn't necessary to run the autochanger part of the test at this time, but
-do not go past this point until the basic test succeeds. If you do have
-an autochanger, please be sure to read the
-\ilink{Autochanger chapter}{_ChapterStart18} of this manual.
+ It isn't necessary to run the autochanger part of the test at this time,
+ but do not go past this point until the basic test succeeds. If you do
+ have an autochanger, please be sure to read the \ilink{Autochanger
+ chapter}{AutochangersChapter} of this manual.
\item Run the btape {\bf fill} command, preferably with two volumes. This
can take a long time. If you have an autochanger and it is configured, Bacula
will automatically use it. If you do not have it configured, you can manually
- issue the appopriate {\bf mtx} command, or press the autochanger buttons to
+ issue the appropriate {\bf mtx} command, or press the autochanger buttons to
change the tape when requested to do so.
-\item FreeBSD users, run the {\bf tapetest} program, and make sure your
- system is patched if necessary. See below for more details.
-\item Run Bacula, and backup a reasonably small directory, say 60 Megabytes.
- Do three successive backups of this directory.
-\item Stop Bacula, then restart it. Do another full backup of the same
- directory. Then stop and restart Bacula.
+\item FreeBSD users, if you have a pre-5.0 system run the {\bf tapetest}
+ program, and make sure your system is patched if necessary. The tapetest
+ program can be found in the platform/freebsd directory. The instructions
+ for its use are at the top of the file.
+\item Run Bacula, and backup a reasonably small directory, say 60
+ Megabytes. Do three successive backups of this directory.
+\item Stop Bacula, then restart it. Do another full backup of the same
+ directory. Then stop and restart Bacula.
\item Do a restore of the directory backed up, by entering the following
restore command, being careful to restore it to an alternate location:
restore select all done
-Do a {\bf diff} on the restored directory to ensure it is identical to the
-original directory.
+ Do a {\bf diff} on the restored directory to ensure it is identical to the
+ original directory. If you are going to backup multiple different systems
+ (Linux, Windows, Mac, Solaris, FreeBSD, ...), be sure you test the restore
+ on each system type.
\item If you have an autochanger, you should now go back to the btape program
and run the autochanger test:
-Adjust your autochanger as necessary to ensure that it works correctly. See
-the Autochanger chapter of this manual for a complete discussion of testing
-your autochanger.
+ Adjust your autochanger as necessary to ensure that it works correctly. See
+ the Autochanger chapter of this manual for a complete discussion of testing
+ your autochanger.
+\item We strongly recommend that you use a dedicated SCSI
+ controller for your tape drives. Scanners are known to induce
+ serious problems with the SCSI bus, causing it to reset. If the
+ SCSI bus is reset while Bacula has the tape drive open, it will
+ most likely be fatal to your tape since the drive will rewind.
+ These kinds of problems show up in the system log. For example,
+ the following was most likely caused by a scanner:
+Feb 14 17:29:55 epohost kernel: (scsi0:A:2:0): No or incomplete CDB sent to device.
+Feb 14 17:29:55 epohost kernel: scsi0: Issued Channel A Bus Reset. 1 SCBs aborted
If you have reached this point, you stand a good chance of having everything
completed. In particular, you may want to look at the
\ilink{ Tips for Resolving Problems}{problems1} section below.
-\subsubsection*{Problems When no Tape in Drive}
+\subsection{Problems When no Tape in Drive}
\index[general]{Problems When no Tape in Drive}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Problems When no Tape in Drive}
When Bacula was first written the Linux 2.4 kernel permitted opening the
drive whether or not there was a tape in the drive. Thus the Bacula code is
based on the concept that if the drive cannot be opened, there is a serious
problem, and the job is failed.
With version 2.6 of the Linux kernel, if there is no tape in the drive, the
-OS will wait 2 minutes (default) then return a failure, and consequently,
+OS will wait two minutes (default) and then return a failure, and consequently,
Bacula version 1.36 and below will fail the job. This is important to keep
-in mind, because if you use and option such as {\bf Offline on Unmount =
+in mind, because if you use an option such as {\bf Offline on Unmount =
yes}, there will be a point when there is no tape in the drive, and if
another job starts or if Bacula asks the operator to mount a tape, when
Bacula attempts to open the drive (about a 20 minute delay), it will fail
which will give you more time to mount the next tape before the job is
-\subsubsection*{Specifying the Configuration File}
+\subsection{Specifying the Configuration File}
\index[general]{File!Specifying the Configuration}
\index[general]{Specifying the Configuration File}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Specifying the Configuration File}
Starting with version 1.27, each of the tape utility programs including the
{\bf btape} program requires a valid Storage daemon configuration file
in the current directory, but you may specify a different configuration file
using the {\bf -c} option.
-\subsubsection*{Specifying a Device Name For a Tape}
+\subsection{Specifying a Device Name For a Tape}
\index[general]{Tape!Specifying a Device Name For a}
\index[general]{Specifying a Device Name For a Tape}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Specifying a Device Name For a Tape}
{\bf btape} {\bf device-name} where the Volume can be found. In the case of a
tape, this is the physical device name such as {\bf /dev/nst0} or {\bf
/dev/rmt/0ubn} depending on your system that you specify on the Archive Device
directive. For the program to work, it must find the identical name in the
Device resource of the configuration file. If the name is not found in the
-list of phsical names, the utility program will compare the name you entered
-to the Device names (rather than the Archive device names). See below for
-specifying Volume names.
+list of physical names, the utility program will compare the name you entered
+to the Device names (rather than the Archive device names).
+When specifying a tape device, it is preferable that the "non-rewind"
+variant of the device file name be given. In addition, on systems such as
+Sun, which have multiple tape access methods, you must be sure to specify
+to use Berkeley I/O conventions with the device. The
+{\bf b} in the Solaris (Sun) archive specification {\bf /dev/rmt/0mbn} is
+what is needed in this case. Bacula does not support SysV tape drive
+See below for specifying Volume names.
-\subsubsection*{Specifying a Device Name For a File}
+\subsection{Specifying a Device Name For a File}
\index[general]{File!Specifying a Device Name For a}
\index[general]{Specifying a Device Name For a File}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Specifying a Device Name For a File}
If you are attempting to read or write an archive file rather than a tape, the
{\bf device-name} should be the full path to the archive location including
to the archive device name, and the filename is equivalent to the volume name.
This program permits a number of elementary tape operations via a tty command
interface. The {\bf test} command, described below, can be very useful for
-\subsubsection*{Using btape to Verify your Tape Drive}
+\subsection{Using btape to Verify your Tape Drive}
\index[general]{Using btape to Verify your Tape Drive}
\index[general]{Drive!Using btape to Verify your Tape}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Using btape to Verify your Tape Drive}
An important reason for this program is to ensure that a Storage daemon
configuration file is defined so that Bacula will correctly read and write
then almost certainly, you are running your drive in fixed block mode rather
-than variable block mode. Please see below for help on resolving that.
+than variable block mode. See below for more help of resolving fix
+versus variable block problems.
+It is also possible that you have your drive
+set in SysV tape drive mode. The drive must use BSD tape conventions.
+See the section above on setting your {\bf Archive device} correctly.
For FreeBSD users, please see the notes below for doing further testing of
your tape drive.
-\subsubsection*{Linux SCSI Tricks}
+\subsection{Linux SCSI Tricks}
\index[general]{Tricks!Linux SCSI}
\index[general]{Linux SCSI Tricks}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Linux SCSI Tricks}
You can find out what SCSI devices you have by doing:
+Typical output is:
+[0:0:0:0] disk ATA ST3160812AS 3.AD /dev/sda
+[2:0:4:0] tape HP Ultrium 2-SCSI F6CH /dev/st0
+[2:0:5:0] tape HP Ultrium 2-SCSI F6CH /dev/st1
+[2:0:6:0] mediumx OVERLAND LXB 0107 -
+[2:0:9:0] tape HP Ultrium 1-SCSI E50H /dev/st2
+[2:0:10:0] mediumx OVERLAND LXB 0107 -
+There are two drives in one autochanger: /dev/st0 and /dev/st1
+and a third tape drive at /dev/st2. For using them with Bacula, one
+would normally reference them as /dev/nst0 ... /dev/nst2. Not also,
+there are two different autochangers identified as "mediumx OVERLAND LXB".
+They can be addressed via their /dev/sgN designation, which can be
+obtained by counting from the beginning as 0 to each changer. In the
+above case, the two changers are located on /dev/sg3 and /dev/sg5. The one
+at /dev/sg3, controls drives /dev/nst0 and /dev/nst1; and the one at
+/dev/sg5 controles drive /dev/nst2.
+If you do not have the {\bf lsscsi} command, you can obtain the same
+information as follows:
cat /proc/scsi/scsi
-For example, I get the following:
+For the above example with the three drives and two autochangers,
+I get:
+Attached devices:
+Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
+ Vendor: ATA Model: ST3160812AS Rev: 3.AD
+ Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 05
+Host: scsi2 Channel: 00 Id: 04 Lun: 00
+ Vendor: HP Model: Ultrium 2-SCSI Rev: F6CH
+ Type: Sequential-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 03
+Host: scsi2 Channel: 00 Id: 05 Lun: 00
+ Vendor: HP Model: Ultrium 2-SCSI Rev: F6CH
+ Type: Sequential-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 03
+Host: scsi2 Channel: 00 Id: 06 Lun: 00
+ Vendor: OVERLAND Model: LXB Rev: 0107
+ Type: Medium Changer ANSI SCSI revision: 02
+Host: scsi2 Channel: 00 Id: 09 Lun: 00
+ Vendor: HP Model: Ultrium 1-SCSI Rev: E50H
+ Type: Sequential-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 03
+Host: scsi2 Channel: 00 Id: 10 Lun: 00
+ Vendor: OVERLAND Model: LXB Rev: 0107
+ Type: Medium Changer ANSI SCSI revision: 02
+As an additional example, I get the following (on a different machine from the
+above example):
-\subsection*{Tips for Resolving Problems}
+\section{Tips for Resolving Problems}
\index[general]{Problems!Tips for Resolving}
\index[general]{Tips for Resolving Problems}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Tips for Resolving Problems}
-\subsubsection*{Bacula Saves But Cannot Restore Files}
+\subsection{Bacula Saves But Cannot Restore Files}
\index[general]{Files!Bacula Saves But Cannot Restore}
\index[general]{Bacula Saves But Cannot Restore Files}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Bacula Saves But Cannot Restore Files}
If you are getting error messages such as:
\item The first and best is to always ensure that your drive is in variable
block mode. Note, it can switch back to fixed block mode on a reboot or if
another program uses the drive. So on such systems you need to modify the
-Bacula startup files to explicitly set:
+ Bacula startup files to explicitly set:
-or whatever is appropriate on your system.
+or whatever is appropriate on your system. Note, if you are running a Linux
+system, and the above command does not work, it is most likely because you
+have not loaded the appropriate {\bf mt} package, which is often called
+{\bf mt\_st}, but may differ according to your distribution.
\item The second possibility, especially, if Bacula wrote while the drive was
in fixed block mode, is to turn off block positioning in Bacula. This is done
by adding:
-\subsubsection*{Bacula Cannot Open the Device}
+\subsection{Bacula Cannot Open the Device}
\index[general]{Device!Bacula Cannot Open the}
\index[general]{Bacula Cannot Open the Device}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Bacula Cannot Open the Device}
If you get an error message such as:
for this tip.
-\subsubsection*{Incorrect File Number}
+\subsection{Incorrect File Number}
\index[general]{Number!Incorrect File}
\index[general]{Incorrect File Number}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Incorrect File Number}
When Bacula moves to the end of the medium, it normally uses the {\bf
ioctl(MTEOM)} function. Then Bacula uses the {\bf ioctl(MTIOCGET)} function to
-\subsubsection*{Incorrect Number of Blocks or Positioning Errors during btape
-\index[general]{Testing!Incorrect Number of Blocks or Positioning Errors
-during btape}
-\index[general]{Incorrect Number of Blocks or Positioning Errors during btape
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Incorrect Number of Blocks or Positioning
-Errors during btape Testing}
+\subsection{Incorrect Number of Blocks or Positioning Errors}
+\index[general]{Testing!Incorrect Number of Blocks or Positioning Errors}
+\index[general]{Incorrect Number of Blocks or Positioning Errors}
{\bf Bacula's} preferred method of working with tape drives (sequential
devices) is to run in variable block mode, and this is what is set by default.
To recover files from tapes written in fixed block mode, see below.
-\subsubsection*{Ensuring that the Tape Modes Are Properly Set -- {\bf Linux
+\subsection{Ensuring that the Tape Modes Are Properly Set -- {\bf Linux
\index[general]{Ensuring that the Tape Modes Are Properly Set -- Linux Only}
-\index[general]{Only!Ensuring that the Tape Modes Are Properly Set -- Linux}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Ensuring that the Tape Modes Are Properly
-Set -- Linux Only}
If you have a modern SCSI tape drive and you are having problems with the {\bf
test} command as noted above, it may be that some program has set one or more
man pages or documentation to figure out how to do the same thing. This should
not really be necessary though -- for example, on both Linux and Solaris
systems, the default tape driver options are compatible with Bacula.
+On Solaris systems, you must take care to specify the correct device
+name on the {\bf Archive device} directive. See above for more details.
You may also want to ensure that no prior program has set the default block
size, as happened to one user, by explicitly turning it off with:
+If you are running a Linux
+system, and the above command does not work, it is most likely because you
+have not loaded the appropriate {\bf mt} package, which is often called
+{\bf mt\_st}, but may differ according to your distribution.
If you would like to know what options you have set before making any of the
changes noted above, you can now view them on Linux systems, thanks to a tip
provided by Willem Riede. Do the following:
the other modes that Bacula needs to function properly.
-\subsubsection*{Checking and Setting Tape Hardware Compression and Blocking
-\index[general]{Checking and Setting Tape Hardware Compression and Blocking
-\index[general]{Size!Checking and Setting Tape Hardware Compression and
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Checking and Setting Tape Hardware
-Compression and Blocking Size}
+\subsection{Tape Hardware Compression and Blocking Size}
+\index[general]{Tape Hardware Compression and Blocking Size}
+\index[general]{Size!Tape Hardware Compression and Blocking Size}
As far as I can tell, there is no way with the {\bf mt} program to check if
your tape hardware compression is turned on or off. You can, however, turn it
work in such a situation because it will normally attempt to write blocks of
64,512 bytes, except the last block of the job which will generally be
shorter. The first thing to try is setting the default block size to zero
-using the {\bf mt \ -f \ /dev/nst0 \ defblksize \ 0} command as shown above.
-On FreeBSD, this would be something like: {\bf mt \ -f \ /dev/nsa0 \ blocksize
-\ 0}.
+using the {\bf mt -f /dev/nst0 defblksize 0} command as shown above.
+On FreeBSD, this would be something like: {\bf mt -f /dev/nsa0 blocksize 0}.
On some operating systems with some tape drives, the amount of data that
can be written to the tape and whether or not compression is enabled is
-determined by the density usually the {\bf mt \ -f \ /dev/nst0 setdensity xxx} command.
-Often {\bf mt \ -f \ /dev/nst0 \ status} will print out the current
+determined by the density usually the {\bf mt -f /dev/nst0 setdensity xxx} command.
+Often {\bf mt -f /dev/nst0 status} will print out the current
density code that is used with the drive. Most systems, but unfortunately
not all, set the density to the maximum by default. On some systems, you
can also get a list of all available density codes with:
-{\bf mt \ -f \ /dev/nst0 \ densities} or a similar {\bf mt} command.
+{\bf mt -f /dev/nst0 densities} or a similar {\bf mt} command.
Note, for DLT and SDLT devices, no-compression versus compression is very
often controlled by the density code. On FreeBSD systems, the compression
-mode is set using {\bf mt \ -f \ /dev/nsa0 \ comp xxx} where xxx is the
+mode is set using {\bf mt -f /dev/nsa0 comp xxx} where xxx is the
mode you want. In general, see {\bf man mt} for the options available on
your system.
+Note, some of the above {\bf mt} commands may not be persistent depending
+on your system configuration. That is they may be reset if a program
+other than Bacula uses the drive or, as is frequently the case, on reboot
+of your system.
If your tape drive requires fixed block sizes (very unusual), you can use the
following records:
To recover files from tapes written in fixed block mode, see below.
-\subsubsection*{Tape Modes on FreeBSD}
+\subsection{Tape Modes on FreeBSD}
\index[general]{FreeBSD!Tape Modes on}
\index[general]{Tape Modes on FreeBSD}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Tape Modes on FreeBSD}
On most FreeBSD systems such as 4.9 and most tape drives, Bacula should run
-mt \ -f \ /dev/nsa0 \ seteotmodel \ 2
-mt \ -f \ /dev/nsa0 \ blocksize \ 0
-mt \ -f \ /dev/nsa0 \ comp \ enable
+mt -f /dev/nsa0 seteotmodel 2
+mt -f /dev/nsa0 blocksize 0
+mt -f /dev/nsa0 comp enable
You might want to put those commands in a startup script to make sure your
-tape driver is properly initialized before running Bacula.
+tape driver is properly initialized before running Bacula, because
+depending on your system configuration, these modes may be reset if a
+program other than Bacula uses the drive or when your system is rebooted.
Then according to what the {\bf btape test} command returns, you will probably
need to set the following (see below for an alternative):
-mt \ -f \ /dev/nsa0 \ seteotmodel \ 1
-mt \ -f \ /dev/nsa0 \ blocksize \ 0
-mt \ -f \ /dev/nsa0 \ comp \ enable
+mt -f /dev/nsa0 seteotmodel 1
+mt -f /dev/nsa0 blocksize 0
+mt -f /dev/nsa0 comp enable
Fast Forward Space File = no
TWO EOF = yes
+The following Device resource works fine with Dell PowerVault 110T and
+120T devices on both FreeBSD 5.3 and on NetBSD 3.0. It also works
+with Sony AIT-2 drives on FreeBSD.
+Device {
+ ...
+ # FreeBSD/NetBSD Specific Settings
+ Hardware End of Medium = no
+ BSF at EOM = yes
+ Backward Space Record = no
+ Fast Forward Space File = yes
+ TWO EOF = yes
+On FreeBSD version 6.0, it is reported that you can even set
+Backward Space Record = yes.
-\subsubsection*{Determining What Tape Drives and Autochangers You Have on
-\index[general]{FreeBSD!Determining What Tape Drives and Autochangers You Have
-\index[general]{Determining What Tape Drives and Autochangers You Have on
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Determining What Tape Drives and
-Autochangers You Have on FreeBSD}
+\subsection{Finding your Tape Drives and Autochangers on FreeBSD}
+\index[general]{FreeBSD!Finding Tape Drives and Autochangers}
+\index[general]{Finding Tape Drives and Autochangers on FreeBSD}
On FreeBSD, you can do a {\bf camcontrol devlist} as root to determine what
drives and autochangers you have. For example,
-\subsubsection*{Using the OnStream driver on Linux Systems}
+\subsection{Using the OnStream driver on Linux Systems}
\index[general]{Using the OnStream driver on Linux Systems}
\index[general]{Systems!Using the OnStream driver on Linux}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Using the OnStream driver on Linux
Bacula version 1.33 (not 1.32x) is now working and ready for testing with the
OnStream kernel osst driver version 0.9.14 or above. Osst is available from:
-\subsection*{Hardware Compresson on EXB-8900}
+\section{Hardware Compression on EXB-8900}
\index[general]{Hardware Compression on EXB-8900}
\index[general]{EXB-8900!Hardware Compression}
-\addcontentsline{to}{subsection}{Hardware Compression on EXB-8900}
To active, check, or disable the hardware compression feature
on an EXB-8900, use the exabyte MammothTool. You can get it here:
-There is a solaris version of this tool. With option -C 0 or 1 you
+There is a Solaris version of this tool. With option -C 0 or 1 you
can disable or activate compression. Start this tool without any
options for a small reference.
-\subsubsection*{Using btape to Simulate Filling a Tape}
+\subsection{Using btape to Simulate Filling a Tape}
\index[general]{Using btape to Simulate Filling a Tape}
-\index[general]{Tape!Using btape to Simulate Filling a}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Using btape to Simulate Filling a
+\index[general]{Tape!Using btape to Simulate Filling}
Because there are often problems with certain tape drives or systems when end
of tape conditions occur, {\bf btape} has a special command {\bf fill} that
-\subsection*{Recovering Files Written to Tape With Fixed Block Sizes}
-\index[general]{Recovering Files Written to Tape With Fixed Block Sizes}
-\index[general]{Sizes!Recovering Files Written to Tape With Fixed Block}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Recovering Files Written to Tape With Fixed
-Block Sizes}
+\section{Recovering Files Written With Fixed Block Sizes}
+\index[general]{Recovering Files Written With Fixed Block Sizes}
If you have been previously running your tape drive in fixed block mode
(default 512) and Bacula with variable blocks (default), then in version
your files.
-\subsection*{Tape Blocking Modes}
+\section{Tape Blocking Modes}
\index[general]{Modes!Tape Blocking}
\index[general]{Tape Blocking Modes}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Tape Blocking Modes}
SCSI tapes may either be written in {\bf variable} or {\bf fixed} block sizes.
Newer drives support both modes, but some drives such as the QIC devices
sequentially recover each of the blocks it has written by using the same
number of sequential reads as it had written.
-\subsection*{Details of Tape Modes}
+\section{Details of Tape Modes}
\index[general]{Details of Tape Modes}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Details of Tape Modes}
Rudolf Cejka has provided the following information concerning
certain tape modes and MTEOM.
skipped. File number is always tracked for MTEOM.
Linux does support both SCSI SPACE Filemarks and End-of-data: When MTEOM
- is called in MT_ST_FAST_MTEOM mode, SCSI SPACE Filemarks with count =
- 8388607 is used. In the other case, SCSI SPACE End-of-data is used.
+ is called in MT\_ST\_FAST\_MTEOM mode, SCSI SPACE End-of-data is used.
+ In the other case, SCSI SPACE Filemarks with count =
+ 8388607 is used.
There is no real slow mode like in Solaris - I just expect, that for
older tape drives Filemarks may be slower than End-of-data, but not so
much as in Solaris slow mode. File number is tracked for MTEOM just
- without MT_ST_FAST_MTEOM - when MT_ST_FAST_MTEOM is used, it is not.
+ without MT\_ST\_FAST\_MTEOM - when MT\_ST\_FAST\_MTEOM is used, it is not.
FreeBSD does support both SCSI SPACE Filemarks and End-of-data, but when
MTEOD (MTEOM) is called, SCSI SPACE End-of-data is always used. FreeBSD
never use SCSI SPACE Filemarks for MTEOD. File number is never tracked
- for MTOED.
+ for MTEOD.
\item[Bacula level]
When {\bf Hardware End of Medium = Yes} is used, MTEOM is called, but it
If I use No, an action depends on Fast Forward Space File.
- Considering {\bf Hardware End of Medium = no}
+ When I set {\bf Hardware End of Medium = no}
and {\bf Fast Forward Space File = no}
- When I set the two to no, file positioning was very slow
- on my LTO-3:
- HEOM = no, FFSF = no: ~ 10 - 100 minutes
+ file positioning was very slow
+ on my LTO-3 (about ten to 100 minutes), but
-while even with {\bf Hardware End of Medium = no} but
-{\bf Fast Forward Space File = yes}, the time is 10 to
-100 times faster.
- HEOM = no, FFSF = yes: ~ 1 minute
+ with {\bf Hardware End of Medium = no} and
+{\bf Fast Forward Space File = yes}, the time is ten to
+100 times faster (about one to two minutes).
-\subsection*{Autochanger Errors}
+\section{Autochanger Errors}
\index[general]{Autochanger Errors}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Autochanger Errors}
If you are getting errors such as:
all access to the proper control device, and if you don't have any
SCSI disk drives (including SATA drives), you might want to change
the permissions on /dev/sg*.
+\section{Syslog Errors}
+\index[general]{Syslog Errors}
+If you are getting errors such as:
+: kernel: st0: MTSETDRVBUFFER only allowed for root
+you are most likely running your Storage daemon as non-root, and
+Bacula is attempting to set the correct OS buffering to correspond
+to your Device resource. Most OSes allow only root to issue this
+ioctl command. In general, the message can be ignored providing
+you are sure that your OS parameters are properly configured as
+described earlier in this manual. If you are running your Storage daemon
+as root, you should not be getting these system log messages, and if
+you are, something is probably wrong.
-\section*{Tips and Suggestions}
+\chapter{Tips and Suggestions}
\index[general]{Tips and Suggestions }
\index[general]{Suggestions!Tips and }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Tips and Suggestions}
\index[general]{Examples }
There are a number of example scripts for various things that can be found in
the {\bf example} subdirectory and its subdirectories of the Bacula source
-\subsection*{Upgrading Bacula Versions}
+For additional tips, please see the \elink{Bacula
+\section{Upgrading Bacula Versions}
\index[general]{Upgrading Bacula Versions }
\index[general]{Versions!Upgrading Bacula }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Upgrading Bacula Versions}
The first thing to do before upgrading from one version to another is to
-ensure that you don't overwrite or delete your production (current) version of Bacula until
-you have tested that the new version works.
+ensure that you don't overwrite or delete your production (current) version
+of Bacula until you have tested that the new version works.
If you have installed Bacula into a single directory, this is simple: simply
make a copy of your Bacula directory.
overwrite them providing that you do not do a {\bf make uninstall}.
If the new version of Bacula requires an upgrade to the database,
-you can upgrade it with the script {\bf update_bacula_tables}, which
+you can upgrade it with the script {\bf update\_bacula\_tables}, which
will be installed in your scripts directory (default {\bf /etc/bacula}),
or alternatively, you can find it in the
{\bf \lt{}bacula-source\gt{}/src/cats} directory.
-\subsection*{Getting Notified of Job Completion}
+\section{Getting Notified of Job Completion}
\index[general]{Getting Notified of Job Completion }
\index[general]{Completion!Getting Notified of Job }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Getting Notified of Job Completion}
One of the first things you should do is to ensure that you are being properly
notified of the status of each Job run by Bacula, or at a minimum of each Job
configured in the default configuration files, but you must ensure that the
default {\bf root} address is replaced by your email address.
-For examples of how I (Kern) configure my system, please take a look at the
+For additional examples of how to configure a Bacula, please take a look at the
{\bf .conf} files found in the {\bf examples} sub-directory. We recommend the
following configuration (where you change the paths and email address to
correspond to your setup). Note, the {\bf mailcommand} and {\bf
message will be sent, but the output will still be appended to the log file as
well as sent to the Console program.
-\subsection*{Getting Email Notification to Work}
+\section{Getting Email Notification to Work}
\index[general]{Work!Getting Email Notification to }
\index[general]{Getting Email Notification to Work }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Getting Email Notification to Work}
The section above describes how to get email notification of job status.
Occasionally, however, users have problems receiving any email at all. In that
-\subsection*{Getting Notified that Bacula is Running}
+\section{Getting Notified that Bacula is Running}
\index[general]{Running!Getting Notified that Bacula is }
\index[general]{Getting Notified that Bacula is Running }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Getting Notified that Bacula is Running}
If like me, you have setup Bacula so that email is sent only when a Job has
errors, as described in the previous section of this chapter, inevitably, one
-\subsection*{Maintaining a Valid Bootstrap File}
+\section{Maintaining a Valid Bootstrap File}
\index[general]{Maintaining a Valid Bootstrap File }
\index[general]{File!Maintaining a Valid Bootstrap }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Maintaining a Valid Bootstrap File}
By using a
\ilink{ WriteBootstrap}{writebootstrap} record in each of your
Director's Job resources, you can constantly maintain a
-\ilink{bootstrap}{_ChapterStart43} file that will enable you to
+\ilink{bootstrap}{BootstrapChapter} file that will enable you to
recover the state of your system as of the last backup without having the
Bacula catalog. This permits you to more easily recover from a disaster that
destroys your Bacula catalog.
Note, one disadvantage of writing to an NFS mounted volume as I do is
that if the other machine goes down, the OS will wait forever on the fopen()
call that Bacula makes. As a consequence, Bacula will completely stall until
-the machine exporting the NSF mounts comes back up. A possible solution to this
+the machine exporting the NFS mounts comes back up. A possible solution to this
problem was provided by Andrew Hilborne, and consists of using the {\bf soft}
option instead of the {\bf hard} option when mounting the NFS volume, which is
typically done in {\bf /etc/fstab}/. The NFS documentation explains these
(in the Console program)
-*{\bf restore}
First you select one or more JobIds that contain files
to be restored. You will then be presented several methods
of specifying the JobIds. Then you will be allowed to
4: Enter SQL list command
5: Select the most recent backup for a client
6: Cancel
-Select item: (1-6): {\bf 5}
+Select item: (1-6): 5
The defined Client resources are:
1: Minimatou
2: Rufus
3: Timmy
-Select Client (File daemon) resource (1-3): {\bf 2}
+Select Client (File daemon) resource (1-3): 2
The defined FileSet resources are:
- 1: Kerns Files
+ 1: Other Files
Item 1 selected automatically.
| JobId | Levl | Files | StrtTim | VolName | File | SesId | VolSesTime |
remove files to be restored. All files are initially added.
Enter "done" to leave this mode.
cwd is: /
-$ {\bf done}
+$ done
84 files selected to restore.
Run Restore job
JobName: kernsrestore
Bootstrap: /home/kern/bacula/working/restore.bsr
Where: /tmp/bacula-restores
-FileSet: Kerns Files
+FileSet: Other Files
Client: Rufus
Storage: File
JobId: *None*
-OK to run? (yes/mod/no): {\bf no}
-{\bf quit}
+OK to run? (yes/mod/no): no
(in a shell window)
-{\bf cp ../working/restore.bsr /mnt/deuter/files/backup/rufus.bsr}
+cp ../working/restore.bsr /mnt/deuter/files/backup/rufus.bsr
-\subsection*{Rejected Volumes After a Crash}
+\section{Rejected Volumes After a Crash}
\index[general]{Crash!Rejected Volumes After a }
\index[general]{Rejected Volumes After a Crash }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Rejected Volumes After a Crash}
Bacula keeps a count of the number of files on each Volume in its Catalog
database so that before appending to a tape, it can verify that the number of
and even if the catalog contains references to files saved in file 11,
everything will be OK and nothing will be lost. Note that if the SD had
written several file marks to the volume, the difference between the Volume
-cound and the Catalog count could be larger than one, but this is unusual.
+count and the Catalog count could be larger than one, but this is unusual.
If on the other hand the catalog is marked as having more files than Bacula
found on the tape, you need to consider the possible negative consequences of
-{\bf update}
Update choice:
1: Volume parameters
2: Pool from resource
3: Slots from autochanger
-Choose catalog item to update (1-3): {\bf 1}
+Choose catalog item to update (1-3): 1
Defined Pools:
1: Default
2: File
| 1 | test01 | DDS-4 | Error | 352427156 | ... | 31536000 | 1 | 0 |
-Enter MediaId or Volume name: {\bf 1}
+Enter MediaId or Volume name: 1
9: Volume Files
10: Pool
11: Done
-Select parameter to modify (1-11): {\bf 9}
+Select parameter to modify (1-11): 9
Warning changing Volume Files can result
in loss of data on your Volume
Current Volume Files is: 10
-Enter new number of Files for Volume: {\bf 11}
+Enter new number of Files for Volume: 11
New Volume Files is: 11
Updating Volume "test01"
Parameters to modify:
9: Volume Files
10: Pool
11: Done
-Select parameter to modify (1-10): {\bf 1}
+Select parameter to modify (1-10): 1
4: Full
5: Used
6: Read-Only
-Choose new Volume Status (1-6): {\bf 1}
+Choose new Volume Status (1-6): 1
New Volume status is: Append
Updating Volume "test01"
Parameters to modify:
9: Volume Files
10: Pool
11: Done
-Select parameter to modify (1-11): {\bf 11}
+Select parameter to modify (1-11): 11
Selection done.
files the catalog claims are actually stored on that Volume, and back them up
to another tape and recycle this tape.
-\subsection*{Security Considerations}
+\section{Security Considerations}
\index[general]{Considerations!Security }
\index[general]{Security Considerations }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Security Considerations}
Only the File daemon needs to run with root permission (so that it can access
all files). As a consequence, you may run your Director, Storage daemon, and
assign the user {\bf bacula} a userid and add it to your Director's
configuration file in the appropriate Catalog resource.
-\subsection*{Creating Holiday Schedules}
+\section{Creating Holiday Schedules}
\index[general]{Schedules!Creating Holiday }
\index[general]{Creating Holiday Schedules }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Creating Holiday Schedules}
If you normally change tapes every day or at least every Friday, but Thursday
is a holiday, you can use a trick proposed by Lutz Kittler to ensure that no
modify the script to return non-zero on any day when you do not want Bacula to
run the job.
-\subsection*{Automatic Labeling Using Your Autochanger}
+\section{Automatic Labeling Using Your Autochanger}
\index[general]{Automatic Labeling Using Your Autochanger }
\index[general]{Autochanger!Automatic Labeling Using Your }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Automatic Labeling Using Your Autochanger}
If you have an autochanger but it does not support barcodes, using a "trick"
you can make Bacula automatically label all the volumes in your autochanger's
and you should see all the volumes nicely created.
-\subsection*{Backing Up Portables Using DHCP}
+\section{Backing Up Portables Using DHCP}
\index[general]{DHCP!Backing Up Portables Using }
\index[general]{Backing Up Portables Using DHCP }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Backing Up Portables Using DHCP}
You may want to backup laptops or portables that are not always connected to
the network. If you are using DHCP to assign an IP address to those machines
to assign a name to those machines that can be used in the Address field of
the Client resource in the Director's conf file.
-\subsection*{Going on Vacation}
+\section{Going on Vacation}
\index[general]{Vacation!Going on }
\index[general]{Going on Vacation }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Going on Vacation}
At some point, you may want to be absent for a week or two and you want to
make sure Bacula has enough tape left so that the backups will complete. You
-{\bf list volumes}
+list volumes
Using default Catalog name=BackupDB DB=bacula
Pool: Default
replaced it with a fresh tape that I labeled as DLT-28Jun03, thus assuring
myself that the backups would all complete without my intervention.
-\subsection*{How to Excude File on Windows Regardless of Case}
+\section{Exclude Files on Windows Regardless of Case}
-\index[general]{How to Excude File on Windows Regardless of Case }
-\index[general]{Case!How to Excude File on Windows Regardless of }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{How to Excude File on Windows Regardless of
+\index[general]{Exclude Files on Windows Regardless of Case}
+% TODO: should this be put in the win32 chapter?
+% TODO: should all these tips be placed in other chapters?
This tip was submitted by Marc Brueckner who wasn't sure of the case of some
of his files on Win32, which is case insensitive. The problem is that Bacula
Please note that this works only in Bacula Exclude statement and not in
-\subsection*{Executing Scripts on a Remote Machine}
+\section{Executing Scripts on a Remote Machine}
\index[general]{Machine!Executing Scripts on a Remote }
\index[general]{Executing Scripts on a Remote Machine }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Executing Scripts on a Remote Machine}
This tip also comes from Marc Brueckner. (Note, this tip is probably outdated
by the addition of {\bf ClientRunBeforJob} and {\bf ClientRunAfterJob} Job
records, but the technique still could be useful.) First I thought the "Run
Before Job" statement in the Job-resource is for executing a script on the
-remote machine(the machine to be backed up). It could be usefull to execute
+remote machine (the machine to be backed up). (Note, this is possible as mentioned
+above by using {\bf ClientRunBeforJob} and {\bf ClientRunAfterJob}).
+It could be useful to execute
scripts on the remote machine e.g. for stopping databases or other services
while doing the backup. (Of course I have to start the services again when the
backup has finished) I found the following solution: Bacula could execute
-scrips on the remote machine by using ssh. The authentication is done
-automatically using a private key. First You have to generate a keypair. I've
+scripts on the remote machine by using ssh. The authentication is done
+automatically using a private key. First you have to generate a keypair. I've
done this by:
-ssh -i Bacula_key -l root "ls -la"
+ssh -i Bacula_key -l root <machine-name-or-ip-address> "ls -la"
-Even though Bacula version 1.32 has a ClientRunBeforeJob, the ssh method still
+Even though Bacula version 1.32 and later has a ClientRunBeforeJob, the ssh method still
could be useful for updating all the Bacula clients on several remote machines
in a single script.
-\subsection*{Recycling All Your Volumes}
+\section{Recycling All Your Volumes}
\index[general]{Recycling All Your Volumes }
\index[general]{Volumes!Recycling All Your }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Recycling All Your Volumes}
This tip comes from Phil Stracchino.
{\bf add} command, then go into the catalog and manually set the VolStatus of
every tape to {\bf Recycle}.
-The SQL command to do this is very simple:
+The SQL command to do this is very simple, either use your vendor's
+command line interface (mysql, postgres, sqlite, ...) or use the sql
+command in the Bacula console:
-update Media set VolStatus = "Recycle";
+update Media set VolStatus='Recycle';
Bacula will then ignore the data already stored on the tapes and just re-use
each tape without further objection.
-\subsection*{Backing up ACLs on ext3 or XFS filesystems}
+\section{Backing up ACLs on ext3 or XFS filesystems}
\index[general]{Filesystems!Backing up ACLs on ext3 or XFS }
\index[general]{Backing up ACLs on ext3 or XFS filesystems }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Backing up ACLs on ext3 or XFS filesystems}
This tip comes from Volker Sauer.
-\subsection*{Total Automation of Bacula Tape Handling}
+\section{Total Automation of Bacula Tape Handling}
\index[general]{Handling!Total Automation of Bacula Tape }
\index[general]{Total Automation of Bacula Tape Handling }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Total Automation of Bacula Tape Handling}
This tip was provided by Alexander Kuehn.
-\elink{Bacula}{http://www.bacula.org/} is a really nice backup program except
+\elink{Bacula}{\url{http://www.bacula.org/}} is a really nice backup program except
that the manual tape changing requires user interaction with the bacula
Bacula supports a variety of tape changers through the use of mtx-changer
scripts/programs. This highly flexible approach allowed me to create
-\ilink{this shell script}{mtx-changer.txt} which does the following:
+\elink{this shell script}{\url{http://www.bacula.org/rel-manual/mtx-changer.txt}} which does the following:
+% TODO: We need to include this in book appendix and point to it.
+% TODO:
Whenever a new tape is required it sends a mail to the operator to insert the
new tape. Then it waits until a tape has been inserted, sends a mail again to
-say thank you and let's bacula continue it's backup.
+say thank you and let's bacula continue its backup.
So you can schedule and run backups without ever having to log on or see the
To make the whole thing work you need to create a Device resource which looks
-The above should be all on one line, and it effectivly tells Bacula that
+The above should be all on one line, and it effectively tells Bacula that
volume "VOL-0001" is located in slot 1 (which is our lowest slot), that
volume "VOL-0002" is located in slot 2 and so on..
The script also maintains a logfile (/var/log/mtx.log) where you can monitor
its operation.
-\subsection*{Running Concurrent Jobs}
+\section{Running Concurrent Jobs}
\index[general]{Jobs!Running Concurrent}
\index[general]{Running Concurrent Jobs}
\index[general]{Concurrent Jobs}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Running Concurrent Jobs}
Bacula can run multiple concurrent jobs, but the default configuration files
-are not set to do so. Using the {\bf Maximum Concurrent Jobs} directive, you
-have a lot of control over how many jobs can run at the same time, and which
-jobs can run simultaneously. The downside is that it can be a bit tricky to
-set it up for the first time as you need to set the concurrency in at least
-five different places.
-The Director, the File daemon, and the Storage daemon each have a {\bf Maximum
-Concurrent Jobs} directive that determines overall number of concurrent jobs
-the daemon will run. The default is one for the Director and ten for both the
-File daemon and the Storage daemon, so assuming you will not be running more
-than ten concurrent jobs, the only changes that are needed are in the
-Director's conf file (bacula-dir.conf).
-Within the Director's configuration file, {\bf Maximum Concurrent Jobs} can be
-set in the Direct, Job, Client, and Storage resources. Each one must be set
-properly, according to your needs, otherwise your jobs may be run one at a
+do not enable it. Using the {\bf Maximum Concurrent Jobs} directive, you
+can configure how many and which jobs can be run simultaneously.
+The Director's default value for {\bf Maximum Concurrent Jobs} is "1".
+To initially setup concurrent jobs you need to define {\bf Maximum Concurrent Jobs} in
+the Director's configuration file (bacula-dir.conf) in the
+Director, Job, Client, and Storage resources.
+Additionally the File daemon, and the Storage daemon each have their own
+{\bf Maximum Concurrent Jobs} directive that sets the overall maximum
+number of concurrent jobs the daemon will run. The default for both the
+File daemon and the Storage daemon is "20".
For example, if you want two different jobs to run simultaneously backing up
-the same Client to the same Storage device, they will run concurrentl only if
+the same Client to the same Storage device, they will run concurrently only if
you have set {\bf Maximum Concurrent Jobs} greater than one in the Director
resource, the Client resource, and the Storage resource in bacula-dir.conf.
-We recommend that you carefully test your multiple concurrent backup including
-doing thorough restore testing before you put it into production.
+We recommend that you read the \ilink{Data
+Spooling}{SpoolingChapter} of this manual first, then test your multiple
+concurrent backup including restore testing before you put it into
Below is a super stripped down bacula-dir.conf file showing you the four
-places where the the file has been modified to allow the same job {\bf
+places where the the file must be modified to allow the same job {\bf
NightlySave} to run up to four times concurrently. The change to the Job
resource is not necessary if you want different Jobs to run at the same time,
which is the normal case.
-2.2.4 (14 September 2007)
+2.2.5 (09 October 2007)
-\section*{The Windows Version of Bacula}
-\index[general]{Windows Version of Bacula }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Windows Version of Bacula}
-\index[general]{General }
-At the current time only the File daemon or Client program has been tested on
-Windows. As a consequence, when we speak of the Windows version of Bacula
-below, we are referring to the File daemon only.
+\chapter{The Windows Version of Bacula}
+\index[general]{Windows Version of Bacula}
+At the current time only the File daemon or Client program has
+been thouroughly tested on Windows and is suitable for a
+production environment. As a consequence, when we
+speak of the Windows version of Bacula below, we are referring to
+the File daemon (client) only.
+As of Bacula version 1.39.20 or greater, the installer is capable
+of installing not just the Client program, but also the Director
+and the Storage daemon and all the other programs that were
+previously available only on Unix systems. These additional
+programs, notably the Director and Storage daemon, have been partially
+tested, are reported to have some bugs, and still need to be documented.
+They are not yet supported, and we cannot currently accept or fix
+bug reports on them. Consequently, please test them carefully before putting
+them into a critical production environment.
The Windows version of the Bacula File daemon has been tested on Win98, WinMe,
-WinNT, and Win2000 systems. We have coded to support Win95, but no longer have
-a system for testing. The Windows version of Bacula is a native Win32 port,
-but there are very few source code changes to the Unix code, which means that the Windows
-version is for the most part running code that has long proved stable on Unix
-systems. When running, it is perfectly integrated with Windows and displays
-its icon in the system icon tray, and provides a system tray menu to obtain
-additional information on how Bacula is running (status and events dialog
-boxes). If so desired, it can also be stopped by using the system tray menu,
-though this should normally never be necessary.
+WinNT, WinXP, Win2000, and Windows 2003 systems. We have coded to support
+Win95, but no longer have a system for testing. The Windows version of
+Bacula is a native Win32 port, but there are very few source code changes
+to the Unix code, which means that the Windows version is for the most part
+running code that has long proved stable on Unix systems. When running, it
+is perfectly integrated with Windows and displays its icon in the system
+icon tray, and provides a system tray menu to obtain additional information
+on how Bacula is running (status and events dialog boxes). If so desired,
+it can also be stopped by using the system tray menu, though this should
+normally never be necessary.
Once installed Bacula normally runs as a system service. This means that it is
immediately started by the operating system when the system is booted, and
runs in the background even if there is no user logged into the system.
-\subsection*{Win32 Installation}
+\section{Win32 Installation}
-\index[general]{Installation }
-\index[general]{Win32!Installation }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Win32 Installation}
Normally, you will install the Windows version of Bacula from the binaries.
This install is standard Windows .exe that runs an install wizard using the
NSIS Free Software installer, so if you have already installed Windows
software, it should be very familiar to you.
-If you have a previous version Cygwin of Bacula (1.32 or lower) installed,
-you should stop the service, uninstall it, and remove the Bacula
-installation directory possibly saving your bacula-fd.conf file for use
-with the new version you will install. The new native version of Bacula
-has far fewer files than the old Cygwin version, so it is better to start
-with a clean directory.
+If you have a previous version Bacula (1.39.20 or lower)
+installed, you should stop the service, uninstall it, and remove
+the Bacula installation directory possibly saving your
+bacula-fd.conf, bconsole.conf, and bwx-console.conf files
+for use with the new version you will install. The Uninstall
+program is normally found in {\bf c:\textbackslash{}bacula\textbackslash{}Uninstall.exe}.
+We also recommend that you completely remove the directory
+{\bf c:\textbackslash{}bacula}, because the current installer
+uses a different directory structure (see below).
+Providing you do not already have Bacula installed,
+the new installer (1.39.22 and later) installs the binaries and dlls in
+c:\textbackslash{}Program Files\textbackslash{}Bacula\textbackslash{}bin
+and the configuration files
+in c:\textbackslash{}Documents and Settings\textbackslash{}All Users\textbackslash{}Application Data\textbackslash{}Bacula
+In addition, the {\bf Start\-\gt{}All Programs\-\gt{}Bacula} menu item
+will be created during the installation, and on that menu, you
+will find items for editing the configuration files, displaying
+the document, and starting bwx-console or bconsole.
Finally, proceed with the installation.
-\item You must be logged in as Administrator to do a correct installation,
- if not, please do so before continuing.
+\item You must be logged in as Administrator to the local machine
+to do a correct installation, if not, please do so before continuing.
+Some users have attempted to install logged in as a domain administrator
+account and experienced permissions problems attempting to run
+Bacula, so we don't recommend that option.
\item Simply double click on the {\bf winbacula-1.xx.0.exe} NSIS install
icon. The actual name of the icon will vary from one release version to
\includegraphics{./win32-nsis.eps} winbacula-1.xx.0.exe
\item Once launched, the installer wizard will ask you if you want to install
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Win32 Client Setup Wizard}
+\item Next you will be asked to select the installation type.
+\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Win32 Installation Type}
\item If you proceed, you will be asked to select the components to be
installed. You may install the Bacula program (Bacula File Service) and or
the documentation. Both will be installed in sub-directories of the install
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Win32 Component Selection Dialog}
-\item Next you will be asked to select an installation directory.
+\item If you are installing for the first time, you will be asked to
+ enter some very basic information about your configuration. If
+ you are not sure what to enter, or have previously saved configuration
+ files, you can put anything you want into the fields, then either
+ replace the configuration files later with the ones saved, or edit
+ the file.
- \addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Win32 Directory Selection Dialog}
+ If you are upgrading an existing installation, the following will
+ not be displayed.
-\item If you are installing for the first time, you will be asked if you want
- to edit the bacula-fd.conf file, and if you respond with yes, it will be
- opened in notepad. Note, if you have installed Bacula to a drive other
- than C: you probably should prefix the installation drive name to each
- of the directory references in the bacula-fd.conf file, in particular
- the {\bf WorkingDirectory} and the {\bf Pid Directory} directives.
- Also, if you do not wish to see the full listing of all files restored
- in the job output after running a restore job, you can add {\bf ,
- !restored} to the {\bf director} directive in the {\bf Messages}
- resource.
+\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Win32 Configure}
-\item Then the installer will ask if you wish to install Bacula as a service. You
- should always choose to do so:
+\item While the various files are being loaded, you will see the following
+ dialog:
-\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Win32 Client Service Selection}
-\item If everything goes well, you will receive the following confirmation:
- \addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Win32 Client Service Confirmation}
- \includegraphics{./win32-service-ok.eps}
-\item Then you will be asked if you wish to start the service. If you respond
- with yes, any running Bacula will be shutdown and the new one started. You
- may see a DOS box momentarily appear on the screen as the service is started.
- It should disappear in a second or two:
-\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Win32 Client Start}
+ \addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Win32 Install Progress}
+ \includegraphics{./win32-installing.eps}
\item Finally, the finish dialog will appear:
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Win32 Client Setup Completed}
and if there is an error, the holes in the cassette icon will change to red
-If you are using remote desktop connections between your windows boxes, be
+If you are using remote desktop connections between your Windows boxes, be
warned that that tray icon does not always appear. It will always be visible
when you log into the console, but the remote desktop may not display it.
-\subsection*{Post Win32 Installation}
-\index[general]{Post Win32 Installation }
-\index[general]{Win32!Post Installation }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Post Win32 Installation}
+\section{Post Win32 Installation}
+\index[general]{Post Win32 Installation}
+\index[general]{Win32!Post Installation}
After installing Bacula and before running it, you should check the contents
-of {\bf
-c:\textbackslash{}bacula\textbackslash{}bin\textbackslash{}bacula-fd.conf} to
-ensure that it corresponds to your configuration.
+of the configuration files to ensure that they correspond to your
+installation. You can get to them by using:
+the {\bf Start\-\gt{}All Programs\-\gt{}Bacula} menu item.
Finally, but pulling up the Task Manager (ctl-alt-del), verify that Bacula
is running as a process (not an Application) with User Name SYSTEM. If this is
Administrator, and hence it will be unlikely that Bacula can access
all the system files.
-\subsection*{Uninstalling Bacula on Win32}
-\index[general]{Win32!Uninstalling Bacula }
-\index[general]{Uninstalling Bacula on Win32 }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Uninstalling Bacula on Win32}
+\section{Uninstalling Bacula on Win32}
+\index[general]{Win32!Uninstalling Bacula}
+\index[general]{Uninstalling Bacula on Win32}
Once Bacula has been installed, it can be uninstalled using the standard
Windows Add/Remove Programs dialog found on the Control panel.
-\subsection*{Dealing with Win32 Problems}
+\section{Dealing with Win32 Problems}
-\index[general]{Win32!Dealing with Problems }
-\index[general]{Dealing with Win32 Problems }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Dealing with Win32 Problems}
+\index[general]{Win32!Dealing with Problems}
+\index[general]{Dealing with Win32 Problems}
+Sometimes Win32 machines the File daemon may have very slow
+backup transfer rates compared to other machines. To you might
+try setting the Maximum Network Buffer Size to 32,768 in both the
+File daemon and in the Storage daemon. The default size is larger,
+and apparently some Windows ethernet controllers do not deal with
+a larger network buffer size.
+Many Windows ethernet drivers have a tendency to either run slowly
+due to old broken firmware, or because they are running in half-duplex
+mode. Please check with the ethernet card manufacturer for the latest
+firmware and use whatever techniques are necessary to ensure that the
+card is running in duplex.
+If you are not using the portable option, and you have VSS
+(Volume Shadow Copy) enabled in the Director, and you experience
+problems with Bacula not being able to open files, it is most
+likely that you are running an antivirus program that blocks
+Bacula from doing certain operations. In this case, disable the
+antivirus program and try another backup. If it succeeds, either
+get a different (better) antivirus program or use something like
+RunClientJobBefore/After to turn off the antivirus program while
+the backup is running.
+If turning off anti-virus software does not resolve your VSS
+problems, you might have to turn on VSS debugging. The following
+link describes how to do this:
+In Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 the VSS Writer for Exchange
+is turned off by default. To turn it on, please see the following link:
The most likely source of problems is authentication when the Director
attempts to connect to the File daemon that you installed. This can occur if
the names and the passwords defined in the File daemon's configuration file
-c:\textbackslash{}bacula\textbackslash{}bin\textbackslash{}bacula-fd.conf} on
+{\bf bacula-fd.conf} file on
the Windows machine do not match with the names and the passwords in the
Director's configuration file {\bf bacula-dir.conf} located on your Unix/Linux
One user had serious problems with the configuration file until he realized
that the Unix end of line conventions were used and Bacula wanted them in
-Windows format. This has not been confirmed though.
+Windows format. This has not been confirmed though, and Bacula version 2.0.0
+and above should now accept all end of line conventions (Win32,
+Unix, Mac).
Running Unix like programs on Windows machines is a bit frustrating because
the Windows command line shell (DOS Window) is rather primitive. As a
Start a DOS shell Window.
- cd c:\bacula\bin
- bacula-fd -t >out
+ c:\Program Files\bacula\bin\bacula-fd -t >out
type out
+The precise path to bacula-fd depends on where it is installed. The
+example above is the default used in 1.39.22 and later.
The {\bf -t} option will cause Bacula to read the configuration file, print
any error messages and then exit. the {\bf \gt{}} redirects the output to the
file named {\bf out}, which you can list with the {\bf type} command.
- bacula-fd -d 100 >out
+ c:\Program Files\bacula\bin\bacula-fd -d 100 >out
then run the job, and once you have terminated the File daemon, you will find
-the debug output in the {\bf bacula.trace} file.
+the debug output in the {\bf bacula.trace} file, which will probably be
+located in the same directory as bacula-fd.exe.
In addition, you should look in the System Applications log on the Control
Panel to find any Windows errors that Bacula got during the startup process.
information to the file {\bf bacula.trace} in the directory from which Bacula
is executing.
+If you are having problems with ClientRunBeforeJob scripts randomly dying,
+it is possible that you have run into an Oracle bug. See bug number 622 in
+the bugs.bacula.org database. The following information has been
+provided by a user on this issue:
+The information in this document applies to:
+ Oracle HTTP Server - Version: 9.0.4
+ Microsoft Windows Server 2003
+ Symptoms
+ When starting an OC4J instance, the System Clock runs faster, about 7
+seconds per minute.
+ Cause
+ + This is caused by the Sun JVM bug 4500388, which states that "Calling
+Thread.sleep() with a small argument affects the system clock". Although
+this is reported as fixed in JDK 1.4.0_02, several reports contradict this
+(see the bug in
+ + Also reported by Microsoft as "The system clock may run fast when you
+use the ACPI power management timer as a high-resolution counter on Windows
+2000-based computers" (See http://support.microsoft.com/?id=821893)
-\subsection*{Windows Compatibility Considerations}
-\index[general]{Windows Compatibility Considerations }
-\index[general]{Considerations!Windows Compatibility }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Windows Compatibility Considerations}
-If any applications are running during the backup and they have files
-opened exclusively, Bacula will not be able to backup those files, so be
-sure you close your applications (or tell your users to close their
-applications) before the backup. Fortunately,
-most Microsoft applications do not open
-files exclusively so that they can be backed up. However, you will need to
-experiment. In any case, if Bacula cannot open the file, it will print an
-error message, so you will always know which files were not backed up.
-For version 1.37.25 and greater, see the section below on
-Volume Shadow Copy Service.
+\section{Windows Compatibility Considerations}
+\index[general]{Windows Compatibility Considerations}
+\index[general]{Considerations!Windows Compatibility}
+If you are not using the VSS (Volume Shadow Copy) option described in the
+next section of this chapter, and if any applications are running during
+the backup and they have files opened exclusively, Bacula will not be able
+to backup those files, so be sure you close your applications (or tell your
+users to close their applications) before the backup. Fortunately, most
+Microsoft applications do not open files exclusively so that they can be
+backed up. However, you will need to experiment. In any case, if Bacula
+cannot open the file, it will print an error message, so you will always
+know which files were not backed up. For version 1.37.25 and greater, see
+the section below on Volume Shadow Copy Service that permits backing up any
During backup, Bacula doesn't know about the system registry, so you will
either need to write it out to an ASCII file using {\bf regedit~~/e} or use a
First, the advantages are that on WinNT/2K/XP systems, the security and
ownership information is now backed up. In addition, with the exception of
-files in exclusive use by another program (a major disaster for backup
-programs on Windows), Bacula can now access all system files. This means
-that when you restore files, the security and ownership information will be
-restored on WinNT/2K/XP along with the data.
+files in exclusive use by another program, Bacula can now access all system
+files. This means that when you restore files, the security and ownership
+information will be restored on WinNT/2K/XP along with the data.
The disadvantage of the Windows backup API calls is that it produces
non-portable backups. That is files and their data that are backed up on
(not yet tested). In addition, the stand-alone tools such as {\bf bls} and
{\bf bextract} cannot be used to retrieve the data for those files because
those tools are not available on Windows. All restores must use the Bacula
-{\bf restore} command. This restriction is mentioned for completeness, but
-in practice should not create any problems.
+{\bf restore} command. As of Bacula 1.39.x, thanks to Thorsten Engel, this
+restriction is removed, and Bacula should be able to read non-portable
+backups on any system and restore the data appropriately. However,
+on a system that does not have the BackupRead/BackupWrite calls (older
+Windows versions and all Unix/Linux machines), though the file data
+can be restored, the Windows security and access control data will not be restored.
+This means that a standard set of access permissions will be set for
+such restored files.
As a default, Bacula backs up Windows systems using the Windows API calls.
If you want to backup data on a WinNT/2K/XP system and restore it on a
The following matrix will give you an idea of what you can expect. Thanks to
Marc Brueckner for doing the tests:
\addcontentsline{lot}{table}{WinNT/2K/XP Restore Portability Status}
-\multicolumn{1}{|c| }{\bf Backup OS } & \multicolumn{1}{c| }{\bf Restore OS }
-& \multicolumn{1}{c| }{\bf Results } \\
- \hline {WinMe } & {WinMe } & {Works } \\
- \hline {WinMe } & {WinNT } & {Works (SYSTEM permissions) } \\
- \hline {WinMe } & {WinXP } & {Works (SYSTEM permissions) } \\
- \hline {WinMe } & {Linux } & {Works (SYSTEM permissions) } \\
- \hline {\ } & {\ } & {\ } \\
- \hline {WinXP } & {WinXP } & {Works } \\
- \hline {WinXP } & {WinNT } & {Works (all files OK, but got "The data is invalid"
-message) } \\
- \hline {WinXP } & {WinMe } & {Error: Win32 data stream not supported. } \\
- \hline {WinXP } & {WinMe } & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup.} \\
- \hline {WinXP } & {Linux } & {Error: Win32 data stream not supported. } \\
- \hline {WinXP } & {Linux } & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup.}\\
- \hline {\ } & {\ } & {\ } \\
- \hline {WinNT } & {WinNT } & {Works } \\
- \hline {WinNT } & {WinXP } & {Works } \\
- \hline {WinNT } & {WinMe } & {Error: Win32 data stream not supported. } \\
- \hline {WinNT } & {WinMe } & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup.}\\
- \hline {WinNT } & {Linux } & {Error: Win32 data stream not supported. } \\
- \hline {WinNT } & {Linux } & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup. }\\
- \hline {\ } & {\ } & {\ } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {Linux } & {Works } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {WinNT } & {Works (SYSTEM permissions) } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {WinMe } & {Works } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {WinXP } & {Works (SYSTEM permissions) }
+\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\bf Backup OS} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Restore OS}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Results } \\
+ \hline {WinMe} & {WinMe} & {Works } \\
+ \hline {WinMe} & {WinNT} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions) } \\
+ \hline {WinMe} & {WinXP} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions) } \\
+ \hline {WinMe} & {Linux} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions) } \\
+ \hline {\ } & {\ } & {\ } \\
+ \hline {WinXP} & {WinXP} & {Works } \\
+ \hline {WinXP} & {WinNT} & {Works (all files OK, but got "The data is invalid"
+message) } \\
+ \hline {WinXP} & {WinMe} & {Error: Win32 data stream not supported. } \\
+ \hline {WinXP} & {WinMe} & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup.} \\
+ \hline {WinXP} & {Linux} & {Error: Win32 data stream not supported. } \\
+ \hline {WinXP} & {Linux} & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup.}\\
+ \hline {\ } & {\ } & {\ } \\
+ \hline {WinNT} & {WinNT} & {Works } \\
+ \hline {WinNT} & {WinXP} & {Works } \\
+ \hline {WinNT} & {WinMe} & {Error: Win32 data stream not supported. } \\
+ \hline {WinNT} & {WinMe} & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup.}\\
+ \hline {WinNT} & {Linux} & {Error: Win32 data stream not supported. } \\
+ \hline {WinNT} & {Linux} & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup. }\\
+ \hline {\ } & {\ } & {\ } \\
+ \hline {Linux} & {Linux} & {Works } \\
+ \hline {Linux} & {WinNT} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions) } \\
+ \hline {Linux} & {WinMe} & {Works } \\
+ \hline {Linux} & {WinXP} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions)}
\\ \hline
+Note: with Bacula versions 1.39.x and later, non-portable Windows data can
+be restore to any machine.
-\subsection*{Volume Shadow Copy Service}
+\section{Volume Shadow Copy Service}
\index[general]{Volume Shadow Copy Service}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Volume Shadow Copy Service}
In version 1.37.30 and greater, you can turn on Microsoft's Volume
Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
in your FileSet resource.
-Important Note!! Under the current implementation, you may only
-run a single job at a time in any Win32 File daemon that has VSS
-active. Running multiple simultanous jobs in the File daemon
-will most likely cause jobs to fail. This restriction does not apply
-to the Director, Storage daemons, or any File daemons not running
The VSS aware File daemon has the letters VSS on the signon line that
it produces when contacted by the console. For example:
In the above Job Report listing, you see that the VSS snapshot was generated for drive C (if
other drives are backed up, they will be listed on the {\bf Drive(s)="C"} You also see the
-reports from each of the writer program. Here they all report VSS_WS_STABLE, which means
+reports from each of the writer program. Here they all report VSS\_WS\_STABLE, which means
that you will get a consistent snapshot of the data handled by that writer.
-\subsection*{Windows Firewalls}
-\index[general]{Firewalls!Windows }
-\index[general]{Windows Firewalls }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Windows Firewalls}
+\section{VSS Problems}
+\index[fd] {Problems!VSS}
+\index[general]{VSS Problems}
+\index[fd]{VSS Problems}
+If you are experiencing problems such as VSS hanging on MSDE, first try
+running {\bf vssadmin} to check for problems, then try running {\bf
+ntbackup} which also uses VSS to see if it has similar problems. If so, you
+know that the problem is in your Windows machine and not with Bacula.
+The FD hang problems were reported with {\bf MSDEwriter} when:
+\item a local firewall locked local access to the MSDE TCP port (MSDEwriter
+seems to use TCP/IP and not Named Pipes).
+\item msdtcs was installed to run under "localsystem": try running msdtcs
+under networking account (instead of local system) (com+ seems to work
+better with this configuration).
+\section{Windows Firewalls}
+\index[general]{Windows Firewalls}
If you turn on the firewalling feature on Windows (default in WinXP SP2), you
are likely to find that the Bacula ports are blocked and you cannot
is purported to disable the firewall, but this command is not accepted on my
WinXP Home machine.
-\subsection*{Windows Port Usage}
-\index[general]{Windows Port Usage }
-\index[general]{Usage!Windows Port }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Windows Port Usage}
+\section{Windows Port Usage}
+\index[general]{Windows Port Usage}
+\index[general]{Usage!Windows Port}
If you want to see if the File daemon has properly opened the port and is
listening, you can enter the following command in a shell window:
-\subsection*{Windows Disaster Recovery}
-\index[general]{Recovery!Windows Disaster }
-\index[general]{Windows Disaster Recovery }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Windows Disaster Recovery}
+TopView is another program that has been recommend, but it is not a
+standard Win32 program, so you must find and download it from the Internet.
+\section{Windows Disaster Recovery}
+\index[general]{Recovery!Windows Disaster}
+\index[general]{Windows Disaster Recovery}
We don't currently have a good solution for disaster recovery on Windows as we
do on Linux. The main piece lacking is a Windows boot floppy or a Windows boot
It looks like Bart PE Builder, which creates a Windows PE (Pre-installation
Environment) Boot-CD, may be just what is needed to build a complete disaster
recovery system for Win32. This distribution can be found at
-\elink{http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/ }{http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/}.
-\subsection*{Windows Restore Problems}
+\section{Windows Restore Problems}
\index[general]{Problems!Windows Restore}
\index[general]{Windows Restore Problems}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Windows Restore Problems}
Please see the
\ilink{Restore Chapter}{Windows} of this manual for problems
that you might encounter doing a restore.
+section{Windows Backup Problems}
+\index[general]{Problems!Windows Backup}
+\index[general]{Windows Backup Problems}
+If during a Backup, you get the message:
+{\bf ERR=Access is denied} and you are using the portable option,
+you should try both adding both the non-portable (backup API) and
+the Volume Shadow Copy options to your Director's conf file.
-\subsection*{Windows Ownership and Permissions Problems}
-\index[general]{Problems!Windows Ownership and Permissions }
-\index[general]{Windows Ownership and Permissions Problems }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Windows Ownership and Permissions
+In the Options resource:
+portable = no
+In the FileSet resource:
+enablevss = yes
+In general, specifying these two options should allow you to backup
+any file on a Windows system. However, in some cases, if users
+have allowed to have full control of their folders, even system programs
+such a Bacula can be locked out. In this case, you must identify
+which folders or files are creating the problem and do the following:
+\item Grant ownership of the file/folder to the Administrators group,
+with the option to replace the owner on all child objects.
+\item Grant full control permissions to the Administrators group,
+and change the user's group to only have Modify permission to
+the file/folder and all child objects.
+Thanks to Georger Araujo for the above information.
+\section{Windows Ownership and Permissions Problems}
+\index[general]{Problems!Windows Ownership and Permissions}
+\index[general]{Windows Ownership and Permissions Problems}
If you restore files backed up from WinNT/XP/2K to an alternate directory,
Bacula may need to create some higher level directories that were not saved
to cease the ownership of those files and thus change the permissions.
However, a much better solution to working with and changing Win32 permissions
is the program {\bf SetACL}, which can be found at
-\elink{http://setacl.sourceforge.net/ }{http://setacl.sourceforge.net/}.
If you have not installed Bacula while running as Administrator
and if Bacula is not running as a Process with the userid (User Name) SYSTEM,
the problem.
-\subsection*{Manually resetting the Permissions}
-\index[general]{Manually resetting the Permissions }
-\index[general]{Permissions!Manually resetting the }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Manually resetting the Permissions}
+\section{Manually resetting the Permissions}
+\index[general]{Manually resetting the Permissions}
+\index[general]{Permissions!Manually resetting the}
The following solution was provided by Dan Langille \lt{}dan at langille in
the dot org domain\gt{}. The steps are performed using Windows 2000 Server but
In addition to the above methods of changing permissions, there is a Microsoft
program named {\bf cacls} that can perform similar functions.
-\subsection*{Backing Up the WinNT/XP/2K System State}
-\index[general]{State!Backing Up the WinNT/XP/2K System }
-\index[general]{Backing Up the WinNT/XP/2K System State }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Backing Up the WinNT/XP/2K System State}
+\section{Backing Up the WinNT/XP/2K System State}
+\index[general]{State!Backing Up the WinNT/XP/2K System}
+\index[general]{Backing Up the WinNT/XP/2K System State}
A suggestion by Damian Coutts using Microsoft's NTBackup utility in
conjunction with Bacula should permit a full restore of any damaged system
To the best of my knowledge, this has not yet been tested. If you test it,
please report your results to the Bacula email list.
-\subsection*{Windows Considerations for Filename Specifications}
-\index[general]{Specifications!Windows Considerations for Filename }
-\index[general]{Windows Considerations for Filename Specifications }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Windows Considerations for Filename
+\section{Considerations for Filename Specifications}
+\index[general]{Windows!Considerations for Filename Specifications}
Please see the
\ilink{Director's Configuration chapter}{win32} of this manual
Bacula versions prior to 1.37.28 do not support Windows Unicode filenames.
-As of that version, both {\bf bconsole} and {\bf wx-console} support Windows
+As of that version, both {\bf bconsole} and {\bf bwx-console} support Windows
Unicode filenames. There may still be some problems with multiple byte
characters (e.g. Chinese, ...) where it is a two byte character but the
displayed character is not two characters wide.
-\index[general]{Win32 path length restriction}
-Path/filenames longer than 260 characters are not supported. This may be
-possible in a future version.
+\index[general]{Win32 Path Length Restriction}
+Path/filenames longer than 260 characters (up to 32,000) are supported
+beginning with Bacula version 1.39.20. Older Bacula versions support
+only 260 character path/filenames.
-\subsection*{Command Line Options Specific to the Bacula Windows File
-Daemon (Client)}
-\index[general]{Client!Command Line Options Specific to the Bacula Windows
-File Daemon }
-\index[general]{Command Line Options Specific to the Bacula Windows File
-Daemon (Client) }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Command Line Options Specific to the
-Bacula Windows File Daemon (Client)}
+\section{Win32 Specific File daemon Command Line}
+\index[general]{Client!Win32 Specific File daemon Command Line Options}
+\index[general]{Win32 Specific File daemon Command Line Options}
These options are not normally seen or used by the user, and are documented
here only for information purposes. At the current time, to change the default
-\item [/servicehelper ]
- \index[fd]{/servicehelper }
- Run the service helper application (don't use this it is deprecated.).
\item [/service ]
- \index[fd]{/service }
+ \index[fd]{/service}
Start Bacula as a service
\item [/run ]
- \index[fd]{/run }
+ \index[fd]{/run}
Run the Bacula application
\item [/install ]
- \index[fd]{/install }
+ \index[fd]{/install}
Install Bacula as a service in the system registry
\item [/remove ]
- \index[fd]{/remove }
+ \index[fd]{/remove}
Uninstall Bacula from the system registry
\item [/about ]
- \index[fd]{/about }
+ \index[fd]{/about}
Show the Bacula about dialogue box
\item [/status ]
- \index[fd]{/status }
+ \index[fd]{/status}
Show the Bacula status dialogue box
\item [/events ]
- \index[fd]{/events }
+ \index[fd]{/events}
Show the Bacula events dialogue box (not yet implemented)
\item [/kill ]
- \index[fd]{/kill }
+ \index[fd]{/kill}
Stop any running {\bf Bacula}
\item [/help ]
- \index[fd]{/help }
+ \index[fd]{/help}
Show the Bacula help dialogue box
automatically once Bacula is installed. However, you may note these options in
some of the .bat files that have been created for your use.
-\subsection*{Shutting down Windows Systems}
-\index[general]{Shutting down Windows Systems }
-\index[general]{Systems!Shutting down Windows }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Shutting down Windows Systems}
+\section{Shutting down Windows Systems}
+\index[general]{Shutting down Windows Systems}
+\index[general]{Systems!Shutting down Windows}
-Some users like to shutdown their windows machines after a backup using a
+Some users like to shutdown their Windows machines after a backup using a
Client Run After Job directive. If you want to do something similar, you might
take the shutdown program from the
-\elink{apcupsd project}{http://www.apcupsd.com} or one from the
-\elink{Sysinternals project}{http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/freeware/psshutdown.shtml}.
+\elink{apcupsd project}{\url{http://www.apcupsd.com}} or one from the
+\elink{Sysinternals project}
latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula User's Guide" -long_titles 4 \
-toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl -white -notransparent bacula >tex.out 2>&1
./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names bacula/Bacula_Users_Guide.html
- cp -f bacula/Bacula_Freque_Asked_Questi.html bacula/faq.html
+ -cp -f bacula/Bacula_Freque_Asked_Questi.html bacula/faq.html
@echo "Done making web"
xdvi bacula
Connecting to Director rufus:8101
1000 OK: rufus-dir Version: 1.26 (4 October 2002)
\index[general]{Stream }
The value specifies a Stream, a list of Streams, or a range of Streams to be
selected from the current Volume. Unless you really know what you are doing
- (the internals of {\bf Bacula}, you should avoid this specification.
+ (the internals of {\bf Bacula}), you should avoid this specification.
This value is optional and not used by Bacula to restore files.
\item [*JobType]
One thing that is probably worth knowing: the bootstrap files that are
generated automatically at the end of the job are not as optimized as those
-generated by the restore command. This is because the ones created at the end
-of the file, contain all files written to the Volume for that job. As a
-consequence, all the files saved to an Incremental or Differential job will be
+generated by the restore command. This is because during Incremental and
+Differential jobs, the records pertaining to the files written for the
+Job are appended to the end of the bootstrap file.
+As consequence, all the files saved to an Incremental or Differential job will be
restored first by the Full save, then by any Incremental or Differential
- ./console
+ ./bconsole
restore client=xxx select all
+ done
Backup bootstrap file.
-\section{A Final Example}
-\index[general]{Example!Final }
-\index[general]{Final Example }
+\section{A Final Bootstrap Example}
+\index[general]{Bootstrap Example}
If you want to extract or copy a single Job, you can do it by selecting by
JobId (code not tested) or better yet, if you know the VolSessionTime and the
In order for one daemon to contact another daemon, it must authorize itself
with a password. In most cases, the password corresponds to a particular name,
-so both the name and the password must match to be authorized.
+so both the name and the password must match to be authorized. Passwords are
+plain text, any text. They are not generated by any special process; just
+use random text.
The default configuration files are automatically defined for correct
authorization with random passwords. If you add to or modify these files, you
\item [allfrompool]
Permitted on the update command to specify that all Volumes in the
pool (specified on the command line) should be updated.
+\item [allfrompools]
+ Permitted on the update command to specify that all Volumes in all
+ pools should be updated.
\item [before]
Used in the restore command.
\item [bootstrap]
Volume Files
Volume from Pool
All Volumes from Pool
+ All Volumes from all Pools
For Pool {\bf update pool}, Bacula will move the Volume record from its
existing pool to the pool specified.
- For {\bf Volume from Pool} and {\bf All Volumes from Pool}, the
- following values are updated from the Pool record: Recycle, RecyclePool,
- VolRetention, VolUseDuration, MaxVolJobs, MaxVolFiles, and MaxVolBytes.
- (RecyclePool feature is available with bacula 2.1.4 or higher.)
+ For {\bf Volume from Pool}, {\bf All Volumes from Pool} and {\bf All Volumes
+ from all Pools}, the following values are updated from the Pool record:
+ Recycle, RecyclePool, VolRetention, VolUseDuration, MaxVolJobs, MaxVolFiles,
+ and MaxVolBytes. (RecyclePool feature is available with bacula 2.1.4 or
+ higher.)
The full form of the update command with all command line arguments is:
process, otherwise it will be left blank and you must manually supply
+ The password is plain text. It is not generated through any special
+ process but as noted above, it is better to use random text for
+ security reasons.
\item [Messages = \lt{}Messages-resource-name\gt{}]
\item [DifferentialPool=Differential]
- specifies to use the Pool named {\bf Differential} if the job is a
-differential backup.
+ specifies to use the Pool named {\bf Differential} if the job is a
+ differential backup.
\item [IncrementalPool=Incremental]
tells Bacula to request the Storage daemon to spool data to a disk file
-before putting it on tape.
+ before writing it to the Volume (normally a tape). Thus the data is
+ written in large blocks to the Volume rather than small blocks. This
+ directive is particularly useful when running multiple simultaneous
+ backups to tape. It prevents interleaving of the job data and reduces
+ or eliminates tape drive stop and start commonly known as "shoe-shine".
+\item [SpoolSize={\it bytes}]
+ \index[dir]{SpoolSize}
+ \index[dir]{Directive!SpoolSize}
+ where the bytes specify the maximum spool size for this job.
+ The default is take from Device Maximum Spool Size limit.
+ This directive is available only in Bacula version 2.3.5 or
+ later.
\item [WritePartAfterJob=yes|no]
Bacula will generate a random password during the configuration process,
otherwise it will be left blank.
+ The password is plain text. It is not generated through any special
+ process, but it is preferable for security reasons to make the text
+ random.
\item [File Retention = \lt{}time-period-specification\gt{}]
\index[dir]{File Retention}
Bacula will generate a random password during the configuration process,
otherwise it will be left blank.
+ The password is plain text. It is not generated through any special
+ process, but it is preferable for security reasons to use random text.
\item [Device = \lt{}device-name\gt{}]
machine, Bacula will generate a random password during the configuration
process, otherwise it will be left blank.
+ The password is plain text. It is not generated through any special
+ process. However, it is preferable for security reasons to choose
+ random text.
\item [JobACL = \lt{}name-list\gt{}]
This will ensure that any Bacula traffic will not get terminated because
of high usage rates.
-\section{How to I tell the Job which Volume to use?}
+\section{How do I tell the Job which Volume to use?}
\item[I can't figure out how to tell the job which volume to use]
\index[general]{What tape to mount}
This is an interesting statement. I now see that a number of people new to
work that backs up say one directory, or even one file. You will quickly find
out what tape it wants, and you can mount it before you go home ...
+\label{Password generation}
+\section{Password generation}
+\item [How do I generate a password?]
+ Each daemon needs a password. This password occurs in the configuration
+ file for that daemon and in the bacula-dir.conf file. These passwords are
+ plain text. There is no special generation procedure. Most people just
+ use random text.
+ Passwords are never sent over the wire in plain text. They are always
+ encrypted.
+ Security surrounding these passwords is best left security to your
+ operating system. Passwords are not encrypted within Bacula
+ configuration files.
\ No newline at end of file
{-}{-}datadir} option. You must manually install any po files as
Bacula does not (yet) automatically do so.
+\item [ {-}{-}archivedir=\lt{}path\gt{} ]
+ \index[general]{{-}{-}archivedir}
+ The directory used for disk-based backups. Default value is /tmp.
+ This parameter sets the default values in the bacula-dir.conf and bacula-sd.conf
+ configuration files. For example, it sets the Where directive for the
+ default restore job and the Archive Device directive for the FileStorage
+ device.
+ This option is designed primarily for use in regression testing.
+ Most users can safely ignore this option.
\item [ {-}{-}disable-ipv6 ]
the catalog database, which is much faster (10 times or more) than
without this option for large numbers of files. However, this option
will automatically be disabled if your SQL libraries are not
- thread safe. SQLite2 is not thread safe, so this option cannot
- be enabled when using it. However, on most systems, PostgreSQL,
- and SQLite3 are thread safe. Bacula always links to the thread safe
- MySQL libraries.
+ thread safe. If you find that batch mode is not enabled on your Bacula
+ installation, then your database most likely does not support threads.
+ SQLite2 is not thread safe. Batch insert cannot be enabled when using
+ SQLite2
+ On most systems, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite3 are thread safe.
+ To verify that your PostgreSQL is thread safe, you can try this
+ (change the path to point to your particular installed libpq.a;
+ these commands were issued on FreeBSD 6.2):
+$ nm /usr/local/lib/libpq.a | grep PQputCopyData
+00001b08 T PQputCopyData
+$ nm /usr/local/lib/libpq.a | grep mutex
+ U pthread_mutex_lock
+ U pthread_mutex_unlock
+ U pthread_mutex_init
+ U pthread_mutex_lock
+ U pthread_mutex_unlock
+ The above example shows a libpq that contains the required function
+ PQputCopyData and is thread enabled (i.e. the pthread\_mutex* entries).
+ If you do not see PQputCopyData, your version of PostgreSQL is too old
+ to allow batch insert. If you do not see the mutex entries, then thread
+ support has not been enabled. Our tests indicate you usually need to
+ change the configuration options and recompile/reinstall the PostgreSQL
+ client software to get thread support.
- As far as we can determine SQLite2 is not thread safe and so should
- not be used if you have enabled batch insert in Bacula.
+ Bacula always links to the thread safe MySQL libraries.
As a default, Bacula runs SQLite3 with {\bf PRAGMA synchronous=OFF}
because it improves performance by more than 30 times. However, it
-2.2.4 (14 September 2007)
+2.2.5 (09 October 2007)