ok(@{$content} == 1, 'window still there');
# now kill the window
+cmd 'nop now killing the window';
my $id = $win->{id};
$i3->command(qq|[con_id="$id"] kill|)->recv;
+# give i3 some time to pick up the UnmapNotify event
+sleep 0.25;
+cmd 'nop checking if its gone';
$content = get_ws_content($tmp);
ok(@{$content} == 0, 'window killed');
use Test::Exception;
use Data::Dumper;
use AnyEvent::I3;
+use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
use Test::Deep qw(eq_deeply cmp_deeply cmp_set cmp_bag cmp_methods useclass noclass set bag subbagof superbagof subsetof supersetof superhashof subhashof bool str arraylength Isa ignore methods regexprefonly regexpmatches num regexponly scalref reftype hashkeysonly blessed array re hash regexpref hash_each shallow array_each code arrayelementsonly arraylengthonly scalarrefonly listmethods any hashkeys isa);
use v5.10;
use strict;