my @lines = split("\n", $stdout);
@lines = grep { not /^# / } @lines;
- ## The criteria management calls are irrelevant and not what we want to test
- ## in the first place.
- #@lines = grep { !(/cmd_criteria_init()/ || /cmd_criteria_match_windows/) } @lines;
+ # The criteria management calls are irrelevant and not what we want to test
+ # in the first place.
+ @lines = grep { !(/cfg_criteria_init/ || /cfg_criteria_pop_state/) } @lines;
return join("\n", @lines) . "\n";
my $expected = <<'EOT';
-cfg_mode_binding(bindsym, Mod1,Shift, x, resize grow)
-cfg_mode_binding(bindcode, Mod1, 44, resize shrink)
+cfg_mode_binding(bindsym, Mod1,Shift, x, (null), resize grow)
+cfg_mode_binding(bindcode, Mod1, 44, (null), resize shrink)
'single number (move workspace 3) ok');
+# exec and exec_always
$config = <<'EOT';
exec geeqie
exec --no-startup-id /tmp/
- 'single number (move workspace 3) ok');
+ 'exec okay');
+# for_window
+$config = <<'EOT';
+for_window [class="^Chrome"] floating enable
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+cfg_criteria_add(class, ^Chrome)
+cfg_for_window(floating enable)
+ $expected,
+ 'for_window okay');
+# assign
+$config = <<'EOT';
+assign [class="^Chrome"] 4
+assign [class="^Chrome"] named workspace
+assign [class="^Chrome"] "quoted named workspace"
+assign [class="^Chrome"] → "quoted named workspace"
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+cfg_criteria_add(class, ^Chrome)
+cfg_criteria_add(class, ^Chrome)
+cfg_assign(named workspace)
+cfg_criteria_add(class, ^Chrome)
+cfg_assign(quoted named workspace)
+cfg_criteria_add(class, ^Chrome)
+cfg_assign(quoted named workspace)
+ $expected,
+ 'for_window okay');
+# floating_minimum_size / floating_maximum_size
+$config = <<'EOT';
+floating_minimum_size 80x55
+floating_minimum_size 80 x 55
+floating_maximum_size 73 x 10
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+cfg_floating_minimum_size(80, 55)
+cfg_floating_minimum_size(80, 55)
+cfg_floating_maximum_size(73, 10)
+ $expected,
+ 'floating_minimum_size ok');
+# floating_modifier
+$config = <<'EOT';
+floating_modifier Mod1
+floating_modifier mOd1
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+ $expected,
+ 'floating_modifier ok');
+# default_orientation
+$config = <<'EOT';
+default_orientation horizontal
+default_orientation vertical
+default_orientation auto
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+ $expected,
+ 'default_orientation ok');
+# workspace_layout
+$config = <<'EOT';
+workspace_layout default
+workspace_layout stacked
+workspace_layout stacking
+workspace_layout tabbed
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+ $expected,
+ 'workspace_layout ok');
+# new_window
+$config = <<'EOT';
+new_window 1pixel
+new_window normal
+new_window none
+new_float 1pixel
+new_float normal
+new_float none
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+cfg_new_window(new_window, 1pixel, -1)
+cfg_new_window(new_window, normal, 2)
+cfg_new_window(new_window, none, -1)
+cfg_new_window(new_float, 1pixel, -1)
+cfg_new_window(new_float, normal, 2)
+cfg_new_window(new_float, none, -1)
+ $expected,
+ 'new_window ok');
+# hide_edge_borders
+$config = <<'EOT';
+hide_edge_borders none
+hide_edge_borders vertical
+hide_edge_borders horizontal
+hide_edge_borders both
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+ $expected,
+ 'hide_edge_borders ok');
+# focus_follows_mouse
+$config = <<'EOT';
+focus_follows_mouse yes
+focus_follows_mouse no
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+ $expected,
+ 'focus_follows_mouse ok');
+# force_display_urgency_hint
+is(parser_calls('force_display_urgency_hint 300'),
+ "cfg_force_display_urgency_hint(300)\n",
+ 'force_display_urgency_hint ok');
+is(parser_calls('force_display_urgency_hint 500 ms'),
+ "cfg_force_display_urgency_hint(500)\n",
+ 'force_display_urgency_hint ok');
+is(parser_calls('force_display_urgency_hint 700ms'),
+ "cfg_force_display_urgency_hint(700)\n",
+ 'force_display_urgency_hint ok');
+$config = <<'EOT';
+force_display_urgency_hint 300
+force_display_urgency_hint 500 ms
+force_display_urgency_hint 700ms
+force_display_urgency_hint 700
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+ $expected,
+ 'force_display_urgency_hint ok');
+# workspace
+$config = <<'EOT';
+workspace 3 output VGA-1
+workspace "4: output" output VGA-2
+workspace bleh output LVDS1/I_1
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+cfg_workspace(3, VGA-1)
+cfg_workspace(4: output, VGA-2)
+cfg_workspace(bleh, LVDS1/I_1)
+ $expected,
+ 'workspace ok');
+# ipc-socket
+$config = <<'EOT';
+ipc-socket /tmp/i3.sock
+ipc_socket ~/.i3/i3.sock
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+ $expected,
+ 'ipc-socket ok');
+# colors
+$config = <<'EOT';
+client.focused #4c7899 #285577 #ffffff #2e9ef4
+client.focused_inactive #333333 #5f676a #ffffff #484e50
+client.unfocused #333333 #222222 #888888 #292d2e
+client.urgent #2f343a #900000 #ffffff #900000
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+cfg_color(client.focused, #4c7899, #285577, #ffffff, #2e9ef4)
+cfg_color(client.focused_inactive, #333333, #5f676a, #ffffff, #484e50)
+cfg_color(client.unfocused, #333333, #222222, #888888, #292d2e)
+cfg_color(client.urgent, #2f343a, #900000, #ffffff, #900000)
+ $expected,
+ 'colors ok');
+# Error message with 2+2 lines of context
+$config = <<'EOT';
+# i3 config file (v4)
+font foobar
+unknown qux
+# yay
+# this should not show up
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '#', 'set', 'bindsym', 'bindcode', 'bar', 'font', 'mode', 'floating_minimum_size', 'floating_maximum_size', 'floating_modifier', 'default_orientation', 'workspace_layout', 'new_window', 'new_float', 'hide_edge_borders', 'for_window', 'assign', 'focus_follows_mouse', 'force_focus_wrapping', 'force_xinerama', 'force-xinerama', 'workspace_auto_back_and_forth', 'fake_outputs', 'fake-outputs', 'force_display_urgency_hint', 'workspace', 'ipc_socket', 'ipc-socket', 'restart_state', 'popup_during_fullscreen', 'exec_always', 'exec', 'client.background', 'client.focused_inactive', 'client.focused', 'client.unfocused', 'client.urgent'
+ERROR: CONFIG: (in file <stdin>)
+ERROR: CONFIG: Line 3: font foobar
+ERROR: CONFIG: Line 5: unknown qux
+ERROR: CONFIG: ^^^^^^^^^^^
+ERROR: CONFIG: Line 7: # yay
+ $expected,
+ 'error message (2+2 context) ok');
+# Error message with 0+0 lines of context
+$config = <<'EOT';
+unknown qux
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '#', 'set', 'bindsym', 'bindcode', 'bar', 'font', 'mode', 'floating_minimum_size', 'floating_maximum_size', 'floating_modifier', 'default_orientation', 'workspace_layout', 'new_window', 'new_float', 'hide_edge_borders', 'for_window', 'assign', 'focus_follows_mouse', 'force_focus_wrapping', 'force_xinerama', 'force-xinerama', 'workspace_auto_back_and_forth', 'fake_outputs', 'fake-outputs', 'force_display_urgency_hint', 'workspace', 'ipc_socket', 'ipc-socket', 'restart_state', 'popup_during_fullscreen', 'exec_always', 'exec', 'client.background', 'client.focused_inactive', 'client.focused', 'client.unfocused', 'client.urgent'
+ERROR: CONFIG: (in file <stdin>)
+ERROR: CONFIG: Line 1: unknown qux
+ERROR: CONFIG: ^^^^^^^^^^^
+ $expected,
+ 'error message (0+0 context) ok');
+# Error message with 1+0 lines of context
+$config = <<'EOT';
+# context before
+unknown qux
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '#', 'set', 'bindsym', 'bindcode', 'bar', 'font', 'mode', 'floating_minimum_size', 'floating_maximum_size', 'floating_modifier', 'default_orientation', 'workspace_layout', 'new_window', 'new_float', 'hide_edge_borders', 'for_window', 'assign', 'focus_follows_mouse', 'force_focus_wrapping', 'force_xinerama', 'force-xinerama', 'workspace_auto_back_and_forth', 'fake_outputs', 'fake-outputs', 'force_display_urgency_hint', 'workspace', 'ipc_socket', 'ipc-socket', 'restart_state', 'popup_during_fullscreen', 'exec_always', 'exec', 'client.background', 'client.focused_inactive', 'client.focused', 'client.unfocused', 'client.urgent'
+ERROR: CONFIG: (in file <stdin>)
+ERROR: CONFIG: Line 1: # context before
+ERROR: CONFIG: Line 2: unknown qux
+ERROR: CONFIG: ^^^^^^^^^^^
+ $expected,
+ 'error message (1+0 context) ok');
+# Error message with 0+1 lines of context
+$config = <<'EOT';
+unknown qux
+# context after
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '#', 'set', 'bindsym', 'bindcode', 'bar', 'font', 'mode', 'floating_minimum_size', 'floating_maximum_size', 'floating_modifier', 'default_orientation', 'workspace_layout', 'new_window', 'new_float', 'hide_edge_borders', 'for_window', 'assign', 'focus_follows_mouse', 'force_focus_wrapping', 'force_xinerama', 'force-xinerama', 'workspace_auto_back_and_forth', 'fake_outputs', 'fake-outputs', 'force_display_urgency_hint', 'workspace', 'ipc_socket', 'ipc-socket', 'restart_state', 'popup_during_fullscreen', 'exec_always', 'exec', 'client.background', 'client.focused_inactive', 'client.focused', 'client.unfocused', 'client.urgent'
+ERROR: CONFIG: (in file <stdin>)
+ERROR: CONFIG: Line 1: unknown qux
+ERROR: CONFIG: ^^^^^^^^^^^
+ERROR: CONFIG: Line 2: # context after
+ $expected,
+ 'error message (0+1 context) ok');
+# Error message with 0+2 lines of context
+$config = <<'EOT';
+unknown qux
+# context after
+# context 2 after
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '#', 'set', 'bindsym', 'bindcode', 'bar', 'font', 'mode', 'floating_minimum_size', 'floating_maximum_size', 'floating_modifier', 'default_orientation', 'workspace_layout', 'new_window', 'new_float', 'hide_edge_borders', 'for_window', 'assign', 'focus_follows_mouse', 'force_focus_wrapping', 'force_xinerama', 'force-xinerama', 'workspace_auto_back_and_forth', 'fake_outputs', 'fake-outputs', 'force_display_urgency_hint', 'workspace', 'ipc_socket', 'ipc-socket', 'restart_state', 'popup_during_fullscreen', 'exec_always', 'exec', 'client.background', 'client.focused_inactive', 'client.focused', 'client.unfocused', 'client.urgent'
+ERROR: CONFIG: (in file <stdin>)
+ERROR: CONFIG: Line 1: unknown qux
+ERROR: CONFIG: ^^^^^^^^^^^
+ERROR: CONFIG: Line 2: # context after
+ERROR: CONFIG: Line 3: # context 2 after
+ $expected,
+ 'error message (0+2 context) ok');
+# Error message within mode blocks
+$config = <<'EOT';
+mode "yo" {
+ bindsym x resize shrink left
+ unknown qux
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+cfg_mode_binding(bindsym, (null), x, (null), resize shrink left)
+ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '#', 'set', 'bindsym', 'bindcode', '}'
+ERROR: CONFIG: (in file <stdin>)
+ERROR: CONFIG: Line 1: mode "yo" {
+ERROR: CONFIG: Line 2: bindsym x resize shrink left
+ERROR: CONFIG: Line 3: unknown qux
+ERROR: CONFIG: ^^^^^^^^^^^
+ERROR: CONFIG: Line 4: }
+ $expected,
+ 'error message (mode block) ok');
+# Error message within bar blocks
+$config = <<'EOT';
+bar {
+ output LVDS-1
+ unknown qux
+$expected = <<'EOT';
+ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '#', 'set', 'i3bar_command', 'status_command', 'socket_path', 'mode', 'modifier', 'position', 'output', 'tray_output', 'font', 'workspace_buttons', 'verbose', 'colors', '}'
+ERROR: CONFIG: (in file <stdin>)
+ERROR: CONFIG: Line 1: bar {
+ERROR: CONFIG: Line 2: output LVDS-1
+ERROR: CONFIG: Line 3: unknown qux
+ERROR: CONFIG: ^^^^^^^^^^^
+ERROR: CONFIG: Line 4: }
+ $expected,
+ 'error message (bar block) ok');