.include "atari.inc"
+ .importzp tmp2,ptr4,sp
+ .import subysp,addysp
.export fdtoiocb
.export fdtoiocb_down
.export fd_table
+ .export fddecusage
+ .export newfd
ft_iocb = 1 ; iocb index (0,$10,$20,etc.), $ff for empty entry
ft_dev = 2 ; device of open iocb
ft_flag = 3 ; flags
+ ; lower 3 bits: device number (for R: and D:)
+; decrements usage counter for fd
+; if 0 reached, it's marked as unused
+; get fd index in tmp2
+; Y register preserved
+.proc fddecusage
+ lda tmp2 ; get fd
+ cmp #MAX_FD_VAL
+ bcs ret ; invalid index, do nothing
+ asl a ; create index into fd table
+ asl a
+ tax
+ lda #$ff
+ cmp fd_table+ft_iocb,x ; entry in use?
+ beq ret ; no, do nothing
+ lda fd_table+ft_usa,x ; get usage counter
+ beq ret ; 0? should not happen
+ sec
+ sbc #1 ; decrement by one
+ sta fd_table+ft_usa,x
+ bne ret ; not 0
+ lda #$ff ; 0, table entry unused now
+ sta fd_table+ft_iocb,y ; clear table entry
+ret: rts
+; newfd
+; called from open() function
+; finds a fd to use for an open request
+; checks whether it's a device or file (file: characters following the ':')
+; files always get an exclusive slot
+; for devices it is checked whether the device is already open, and if yes,
+; a link to this open device is returned
+; Calling paramteter:
+; AX - points to filename
+; Y - iocb to use (if we need a new open)
+; Return parameters:
+; tmp2 - fd num
+; C - 0/1 for no open needed/open should be performed
+; all registers preserved!
+; local variables:
+; AX - 0 (A-0,X-1)
+; Y - 2
+; ptr4 - 3,4 (backup)
+; devnum - 5
+loc_A = 0
+loc_X = 1
+loc_Y = 2
+loc_ptr4_l = 3
+loc_ptr4_h = 4
+loc_devnum = 5
+loc_size = 6
+.proc newfd
+ pha
+ txa
+ pha
+ tya
+ pha
+ ldy #loc_size
+ jsr subysp
+ ldy #loc_devnum
+ lda #0
+ sta (sp),y ; loc_devnum
+ dey
+ lda ptr4+1
+ sta (sp),y ; loc_ptr4_h
+ dey
+ lda ptr4
+ sta (sp),y ; loc_ptr4_l
+ dey
+ pla
+ sta (sp),y ; loc_Y
+ dey
+ pla
+ sta (sp),y ; loc_X
+ sta ptr4+1
+ dey
+ pla
+ sta (sp),y ; loc_A
+ sta ptr4
+ ; ptr4 points to filename
+ ldy #1
+ lda #':'
+ cmp (ptr4),y ; "X:"
+ beq colon1
+ iny
+ cmp (ptr4),y ; "Xn:"
+ beq colon2
+ ; no colon there!? OK, then we use a fresh iocb....
+do_open:nop ; @@@TODO
+ ldy #loc_size
+ jsr addysp
+ rts
+colon2: dey
+ tya
+ pha
+ lda (ptr4),y ; get device number
+ sec
+ sbc #'0'
+ ldy #loc_devnum
+ sta (sp),y ; save it
+ pla
+ tay