ndbm. The default is {\bf no}, so no checks are made for sparse files.
You may specify {\bf sparse=yes} even on files that are not sparse file.
No harm will be done, but there will be a small additional overhead to
- check for buffers of all zero, and a small additional amount of space on
- the output archive will be used to save the seek address of each
- non-zero record read.
+ check for buffers of all zero, and if there is a 32K block of all zeros
+ (see below), that block will become a hole in the file, which
+ may not be desirable if the original file was not a sparse file.
{\bf Restrictions:} Bacula reads files in 32K buffers. If the whole
buffer is zero, it will be treated as a sparse block and not written to
benchmark the difference or set sparse for only those files that are
really sparse.
+ You probably should not use this option on files or raw disk devices
+ that are not really sparse files (i.e. have holes in them).
\item [readfifo=yes\vb{}no]