; Driver for the 1351 proportional mouse. Parts of the code are from
; the Commodore 1351 mouse users guide.
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-12-29, 2009-09-26
+; 2009-09-26, Ullrich von Bassewitz
+; 2010-02-06, Greg King
.include "zeropage.inc"
; Constants
+SCREEN_HEIGHT = YSIZE * 8 - 1 ; (origin is zero)
; Global variables. The bounding box values are sorted so that they can be
OldPotX: .res 1 ; Old hw counter values
OldPotY: .res 1
-YPos: .res 2 ; Current mouse position, Y
XPos: .res 2 ; Current mouse position, X
+YPos: .res 2 ; Current mouse position, Y
XMin: .res 2 ; X1 value of bounding box
YMin: .res 2 ; Y1 value of bounding box
XMax: .res 2 ; X2 value of bounding box
YMax: .res 2 ; Y2 value of bounding box
+Buttons: .res 1 ; button status bits
OldValue: .res 1 ; Temp for MoveCheck routine
NewValue: .res 1 ; Temp for MoveCheck routine
+; (We use ".proc" because we want to define both a label and a scope.)
.proc DefVars
.byte 0, 0 ; OldPotX/OldPotY
- .word SCREEN_HEIGHT/2 ; YPos
.word SCREEN_WIDTH/2 ; XPos
+ .word SCREEN_HEIGHT/2 ; YPos
.word 0 ; XMin
.word 0 ; YMin
+ .byte %00000000 ; Buttons
ldx #$00
- rts ; Run into UNINSTALL instead
+ rts
; UNINSTALL routine. Is called before the driver is removed from memory.
stx ptr1+1 ; Save data pointer
ldy #.sizeof (MOUSE_BOX)-1
- sei
@L1: lda XMin,y
sta (ptr1),y
bpl @L1
- cli
; BUTTONS: Return the button mask in a/x.
- lda #$7F
- sei
- sta CIA1_PRA
- lda CIA1_PRB ; Read joystick #0
- cli
+ lda Buttons
ldx #0
and #$1F
- eor #$1F
; MUST return carry clear.
-IRQ: lda SID_ADConv1 ; Get mouse X movement
+; Record the state of the buttons.
+; Avoid crosstalk between the keyboard and the mouse.
+ ldy #%00000000 ; Set ports A and B to input
+ sty CIA1_DDRB
+ sty CIA1_DDRA ; Keyboard won't look like mouse
+ lda CIA1_PRB ; Read Control-Port 1
+ dec CIA1_DDRA ; Set port A back to output
+ eor #%11111111 ; Bit goes up when button goes down
+ sta Buttons
+ beq @L0 ;(bze)
+ dec CIA1_DDRB ; Mouse won't look like keyboard
+ sty CIA1_PRB ; Set "all keys pushed"
+@L0: lda SID_ADConv1 ; Get mouse X movement
ldy OldPotX
jsr MoveCheck ; Calculate movement vector
- sty OldPotX
; Skip processing if nothing has changed
bcc @SkipX
+ sty OldPotX
; Calculate the new X coordinate (--> a/y)
@SkipX: lda SID_ADConv2 ; Get mouse Y movement
ldy OldPotY
jsr MoveCheck ; Calculate movement
- sty OldPotY
; Skip processing if nothing has changed
bcc @SkipY
+ sty OldPotY
; Calculate the new Y coordinate (--> a/y)
@L4: sty YPos
stx YPos+1
-; Move the mouse pointer to the new X pos
+; Move the mouse pointer to the new Y pos
; Done
- clc ; Interrupt not handled
+ clc ; Interrupt not "handled"
@SkipY: rts
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
rts ; return
-@L1: ora #%11000000 ; else or in high order bits
+@L1: ora #%11000000 ; else, "or" in high-order bits
cmp #$FF ; if (a != -1)
beq @L2
; Driver for a "joystick mouse".
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2004-03-29, 2009-09-26
+; 2010-02-08, Greg King
.include "zeropage.inc"
stx ptr1+1 ; Save data pointer
ldy #.sizeof (MOUSE_BOX)-1
- sei
@L1: lda XMin,y
sta (ptr1),y
bpl @L1
- cli
; MUST return carry clear.
-IRQ: lda #$7F
- sta CIA1_PRA
- lda CIA1_PRB ; Read joystick #0
- and #$1F
- eor #$1F ; Make all bits active high
- sta Temp
+; Avoid crosstalk between the keyboard and a joystick.
+IRQ: ldy #%00000000 ; Set ports A and B to input
+ sty CIA1_DDRB
+ sty CIA1_DDRA ; Keyboard won't look like joystick
+ lda CIA1_PRB ; Read Control-Port 1
+ dec CIA1_DDRA ; Set port A back to output
+ eor #%11111111 ; Bit goes up when switch goes down
+ beq @Save ;(bze)
+ dec CIA1_DDRB ; Joystick won't look like keyboard
+ sty CIA1_PRB ; Set "all keys pushed"
+@Save: sta Temp
; Check for a pressed button and place the result into Buttons