.export _exit
- .import initlib, donelib
+ .import initlib, donelib, condes
.import zerobss, push0
.import callmain
.import __RAM_START__, __RAM_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
.include "zeropage.inc"
jsr initlib
+; If we have IRQ functions, chain our stub into the IRQ vector
+ lda #<__IRQFUNC_COUNT__
+ beq NoIRQ1
+ lda IRQVec
+ ldx IRQVec+1
+ sta IRQInd+1
+ stx IRQInd+2
+ lda #<IRQStub
+ ldx #>IRQStub
+ sei
+ sta IRQVec
+ stx IRQVec+1
+ cli
; Push arguments and call main
- jsr callmain
+NoIRQ1: jsr callmain
+; Back from main (This is also the _exit entry). Reset the IRQ vector if we
+; chained it.
+_exit: pha ; Save the return code on stack
+ lda #<__IRQFUNC_COUNT__
+ beq NoIRQ2
+ lda IRQInd+1
+ ldx IRQInd+2
+ sei
+ sta IRQVec
+ stx IRQVec+1
+ cli
-; Call module destructors. This is also the _exit entry.
+; Run module destructors
-_exit: pha ; Save the return code
- jsr donelib ; Run module destructors
+NoIRQ2: jsr donelib
; Copy back the zero page stuff
ldx #zpspace-1
-L2: lda zpsave,x
- sta sp,x
- dex
+L2: lda zpsave,x
+ sta sp,x
+ dex
bpl L2
; Place the program return code into ST
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; The IRQ vector jumps here, if condes routines are defined with type 2.
+ cld ; Just to be sure
+ ldy #<(__IRQFUNC_COUNT__*2)
+ lda #<__IRQFUNC_TABLE__
+ ldx #>__IRQFUNC_TABLE__
+ jsr condes ; Call the functions
+ jmp IRQInd ; Jump to the saved IRQ vector
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Data
zpsave: .res zpspace
+IRQInd: jmp $0000
type = destructor,
+ # condes functions with type 2 are called in the interrupt
+ CONDES: segment = RODATA,
+ type = 2,
+ label = __IRQFUNC_TABLE__,
+ count = __IRQFUNC_COUNT__;
__STACKSIZE__ = $800; # 2K stack