--- /dev/null
+; Groepaz/Hitmen, 19.10.2015
+; import/overload stubs for the monochrome soft80 implementation
+; - optimized for size, almost 1k smaller footprint than the full color version
+; - textcolor() sets one common text color for the whole screen
+ .include "../soft80.inc"
+ ; soft80mono_cgetc.s
+ .import soft80mono_cgetc
+ .export _cgetc := soft80mono_cgetc ; cgetc.s
+ ; soft80mono_color.s
+ .import soft80mono_textcolor
+ .import soft80mono_bgcolor
+ .export _textcolor := soft80mono_textcolor ; color.s
+ .export _bgcolor := soft80mono_bgcolor ; color.s
+ ; soft80mono_cputc.s
+ .import soft80mono_cputc
+ .import soft80mono_cputcxy
+ .import soft80mono_cputdirect
+ .import soft80mono_putchar
+ .import soft80mono_newline
+ .import soft80mono_plot
+ .export _cputc := soft80mono_cputc ; cputc.s
+ .export _cputcxy := soft80mono_cputcxy ; cputc.s
+ .export cputdirect := soft80mono_cputdirect ; cputc.s
+ .export putchar := soft80mono_putchar ; cputc.s
+ .export newline := soft80mono_newline ; cputc.s
+ .export plot := soft80mono_plot ; cputc.s
+ ; soft80mono_kclrscr.s
+ .import soft80mono_kclrscr
+ .export _clrscr := soft80mono_kclrscr ; clrscr.s
+ .export CLRSCR := soft80mono_kclrscr ; kernal func (c64.inc)
+ ; soft80mono_kplot.s
+ .import soft80mono_kplot
+ .export PLOT := soft80mono_kplot ; kplot.s
+ ; soft80_kscreen.s
+ .import soft80_screensize
+ .export screensize := soft80_screensize ; _scrsize.s
+ .export SCREEN := soft80_screensize ; kernal func (kernal.s)
+ ; VIC sprite data for the mouse pointer
+ .export mcb_spritememory := soft80_spriteblock
+ .export mcb_spritepointer := (soft80_vram + $03F8)
+ ; Chars used by chline () and cvline ()
+ .exportzp chlinechar = CH_HLINE
+ .exportzp cvlinechar = CH_VLINE
--- /dev/null
+; Groepaz/Hitmen, 19.10.2015
+; high level implementation for the monochrome soft80 implementation
+; char cgetc (void);
+ .export soft80mono_cgetc
+ .import soft80mono_internal_cellcolor, soft80mono_internal_cursorxlsb
+ .import soft80mono_internal_nibble
+ .import cursor
+ .importzp tmp1
+ .include "c64.inc"
+ .include "soft80.inc"
+ lda KEY_COUNT ; Get number of characters
+ bne @L3 ; Jump if there are already chars waiting
+ jsr invertcursor ; set cursor on or off accordingly
+@L1: lda KEY_COUNT ; wait for key
+ beq @L1
+ jsr invertcursor ; set cursor on or off accordingly
+@L3: jsr KBDREAD ; Read char and return in A
+ ldx #0
+ rts
+; Switch the cursor on or off (invert)
+ lda cursor
+ bne @invert
+ rts
+ sei
+ lda $01 ; enable RAM under I/O
+ pha
+ lda #$34
+ sta $01
+ ldy #$00
+ ldx soft80mono_internal_cursorxlsb
+ lda (SCREEN_PTR),y
+ eor soft80mono_internal_nibble,x
+ sta (SCREEN_PTR),y
+ iny
+ cpy #8
+ bne @lp1
+ pla
+ sta $01 ; enable I/O
+ cli
+ rts
+; force the init constructor to be imported
+ .import soft80mono_init
+conio_init = soft80mono_init
--- /dev/null
+; Groepaz/Hitmen, 19.10.2015
+; high level implementation for the monochrome soft80 implementation
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ textcolor (unsigned char color);
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ bgcolor (unsigned char color);
+ .export soft80mono_textcolor, soft80mono_bgcolor
+ .import soft80mono_internal_cellcolor, soft80mono_internal_bgcolor
+ .importzp tmp1
+ .include "c64.inc"
+ .include "soft80.inc"
+ ldx CHARCOLOR ; get old value
+ stx tmp1 ; save old value
+ sta CHARCOLOR ; set new value
+ lda soft80mono_internal_bgcolor
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ sta soft80mono_internal_cellcolor ; text/bg combo for new chars
+ sei
+ ldy $01
+ lda #$34 ; enable RAM under I/O
+ sta $01
+ lda soft80mono_internal_cellcolor
+ ; clear loop for vram
+ ldx #$00
+ sta soft80_vram,x
+ sta soft80_vram+$100,x
+ sta soft80_vram+$200,x
+ sta soft80_vram+$2e8,x
+ inx
+ bne @lp1
+ sty $01
+ cli
+ lda tmp1 ; get old value
+ rts
+ ldx soft80mono_internal_bgcolor ; get old value
+ stx tmp1 ; save old value
+ sta soft80mono_internal_bgcolor ; set new value
+ jmp mkcharcolor
+; force the init constructor to be imported
+ .import soft80mono_init
+conio_init = soft80mono_init
--- /dev/null
+; Groepaz/Hitmen, 19.10.2015
+; Low level init code for the monochrome soft80 screen output/console input
+ .constructor soft80mono_init, 8
+ .destructor soft80mono_shutdown
+ .import soft80mono_kclrscr, soft80_charset
+ .export soft80mono_internal_bgcolor, soft80mono_internal_cellcolor
+ .export soft80mono_internal_cursorxlsb
+ .export soft80mono_internal_nibble
+ .importzp ptr1, ptr2, ptr3
+ .include "c64.inc"
+ .include "soft80.inc"
+ lda soft80mono_first_init
+ bne @skp
+ jsr firstinit
+ ; the "color voodoo" in other parts of the code relies on the vram and
+ ; colorram being set up as expected, which is why we cant use the
+ ; _bgcolor and _textcolor functions here.
+ lda CHARCOLOR ; use current textcolor
+ and #$0f ; make sure the upper nibble is 0s
+ lda VIC_BG_COLOR0 ; use current bgcolor
+ and #$0f
+ sta soft80mono_internal_bgcolor
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ sta soft80mono_internal_cellcolor
+ lda #$3b
+ sta VIC_CTRL1
+ lda #$00
+ sta CIA2_PRA
+ lda #$68
+ lda #$c8
+ sta VIC_CTRL2
+ jmp soft80mono_kclrscr
+ lda #$1b
+ sta VIC_CTRL1
+ lda #$03
+ sta CIA2_PRA
+ lda #$15
+ rts
+ .segment "INIT"
+ ; copy charset to RAM under I/O
+ sei
+ lda $01
+ pha
+ lda #$34
+ sta $01
+ inc soft80mono_first_init
+ lda #>soft80_charset
+ sta ptr1+1
+ lda #<soft80_charset
+ sta ptr1
+ lda #>soft80_lo_charset
+ sta ptr2+1
+ lda #<soft80_lo_charset
+ sta ptr2
+ lda #>soft80_hi_charset
+ sta ptr3+1
+ lda #<soft80_hi_charset
+ sta ptr3
+ ldx #4
+ ldy #0
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ sta (ptr2),y
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ sta (ptr3),y
+ iny
+ bne @l1
+ inc ptr1+1
+ inc ptr2+1
+ inc ptr3+1
+ dex
+ bne @l2
+ ; copy the kplot tables to ram under I/O
+ ;ldx #0 ; is 0
+ lda soft80_tables_data_start,x
+ sta soft80_bitmapxlo,x
+ lda soft80_tables_data_start + (soft80_tables_data_end - soft80_tables_data_start - $100) ,x
+ sta soft80_bitmapxlo + (soft80_tables_data_end - soft80_tables_data_start - $100),x
+ inx
+ bne @l3
+ pla
+ sta $01
+ cli
+ rts
+; the following tables take up 267 bytes, used by kplot
+ .repeat 80,col
+ .byte <((col/2)*8)
+ .endrepeat
+ .repeat 80,col
+ .byte >((col/2)*8)
+ .endrepeat
+ .repeat 25,row
+ .byte <(soft80_vram+(row*40))
+ .endrepeat
+ .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; padding to next page
+ .repeat 25,row
+ .byte >(soft80_vram+(row*40))
+ .endrepeat
+ .repeat 25,row
+ .byte <(soft80_bitmap+(row*40*8))
+ .endrepeat
+ .repeat 25,row
+ .byte >(soft80_bitmap+(row*40*8))
+ .endrepeat
+ .segment "INITBSS"
+ .res 1
+ .res 1
+ .res 1
+ .data
+ .byte 0 ; flag to check first init, this really must be in .data
+ .rodata
+ .byte $f0, $0f
--- /dev/null
+; Groepaz/Hitmen, 19.10.2015
+; high level implementation for the monochrome soft80 implementation
+; void cputcxy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, char c);
+; void cputc (char c);
+ .export soft80mono_cputcxy, soft80mono_cputc
+ .export soft80mono_cputdirect, soft80mono_putchar
+ .export soft80mono_newline, soft80mono_plot
+ .import popa, _gotoxy
+ .import soft80mono_kplot
+ .import soft80mono_internal_bgcolor, soft80mono_internal_cellcolor
+ .import soft80mono_internal_cursorxlsb, soft80mono_internal_nibble
+ .importzp tmp4, tmp3, ptr2
+ .include "c64.inc"
+ .include "soft80.inc"
+ pha ; Save C
+ jsr popa ; Get Y
+ jsr _gotoxy ; Set cursor, drop x
+ pla ; Restore C
+; Plot a character - also used as internal function
+ cmp #$0A ; CR?
+ bne L1
+ lda #0
+ sta CURS_X
+ ; Set cursor position, calculate RAM pointers
+ ldx CURS_Y
+ ldy CURS_X
+ clc
+ jmp soft80mono_kplot ; Set the new cursor
+L1: cmp #$0D ; LF?
+ beq soft80mono_newline ; Recalculate pointers
+ ; shortcut for codes < $80 ... codes $20-$7f can be printed directly,
+ ; codes $00-$1f are control codes which are not printable and thus may
+ ; give undefined result.
+ tay
+ bpl @L10
+ ; codes $80-$ff must get converted like this:
+ ; $80-$9f -> dont care (control codes)
+ ; $a0-$bf -> $00-$1f
+ ; $c0-$df -> $60-$7f
+ ; $e0-$ff -> $00-$1f
+ ora #%01000000 ; $40
+ clc
+ adc #%00100000 ; $20
+ and #%01111111 ; $7f
+ ; entry point for direct output of a character. the value passed in
+ ; akku must match the offset in the charset.
+ ; - the following may not modify tmp1
+ jsr soft80mono_putchar ; Write the character to the screen
+ ; Advance cursor position
+ iny ; contains CURS_X
+ cpy #charsperline
+ beq @L3
+ sty CURS_X
+ tya
+ and #$01
+ sta soft80mono_internal_cursorxlsb
+ bne @L4
+ clc
+ adc #8
+ bcc @L4
+ inc SCREEN_PTR+1
+ rts
+ inc CURS_Y ; new line
+ ldy #0 ; + cr
+ sty CURS_X
+ jmp soft80mono_plot
+ ; - the following may not modify tmp1
+ clc
+ adc #<(40*8)
+ lda SCREEN_PTR+1
+ adc #>(40*8)
+ sta SCREEN_PTR+1
+ inc CURS_Y
+ rts
+; output one character in internal encoding without advancing cursor position
+; generic entry point
+; - the following may not modify tmp1
+; in: A: charcode
+; out: Y: CURS_X
+ sta tmp3 ; save charcode
+ sei
+ lda $01
+ pha
+ lda #$34
+ sta $01 ; enable RAM under I/O
+ ldy #$00 ; will be $00 from now on
+ ldx soft80mono_internal_cursorxlsb
+ lda chardatal,x
+ clc
+ adc tmp3
+ sta ptr2
+ lda chardatah,x
+ adc #0
+ sta ptr2+1
+ lda RVS
+ bne draw_charinvers
+ lda nibble,x
+ sta tmp3
+ ;ldy #0 ; is still $00
+ lda (SCREEN_PTR),y
+ and tmp3
+ ora (ptr2),y
+ sta (SCREEN_PTR),y
+ clc
+ lda ptr2
+ adc #$7f
+ sta ptr2
+ bcc @sk1
+ inc ptr2+1
+ iny
+ cpy #8
+ bne @lp1
+ pla
+ sta $01
+ cli
+ ldy CURS_X
+ rts
+; output inverted character
+ lda soft80mono_internal_nibble,x
+ sta tmp3
+ ;ldy #0 ; is still $00
+ lda (SCREEN_PTR),y
+ ora tmp3
+ eor (ptr2),y
+ sta (SCREEN_PTR),y
+ clc
+ lda ptr2
+ adc #$7f
+ sta ptr2
+ bcc @sk1
+ inc ptr2+1
+ iny
+ cpy #8
+ bne @lp1
+ jmp draw_back
+ .rodata
+ .byte <soft80_hi_charset
+ .byte <soft80_lo_charset
+ .byte >soft80_hi_charset
+ .byte >soft80_lo_charset
+ .byte $0f, $f0
--- /dev/null
+; Groepaz/Hitmen, 19.10.2015
+; lowlevel kclrscr for the monochrome soft80 implementation
+ .export soft80mono_kclrscr
+ .import soft80mono_kplot
+ .import soft80mono_internal_bgcolor, soft80mono_internal_cellcolor
+ .importzp ptr1
+ .include "c64.inc"
+ .include "soft80.inc"
+ lda #<soft80_bitmap
+ sta ptr1
+ lda #>soft80_bitmap
+ sta ptr1+1
+ lda #$ff
+ ldx #$1f
+ ldy #0
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ iny
+ bne @lp1
+ inc ptr1+1
+ dex
+ bne @lp2
+ ;ldx #$00
+ sta soft80_bitmap+$1e40,x
+ inx
+ bne @lp3
+ sei
+ ldy $01
+ lda #$34 ; enable RAM under I/O
+ sta $01
+ lda soft80mono_internal_cellcolor
+ ; clear loop for vram
+ ;ldx #$00
+ sta soft80_vram,x
+ sta soft80_vram+$100,x
+ sta soft80_vram+$200,x
+ sta soft80_vram+$2e8,x
+ inx
+ bne @lp4
+ sty $01
+ cli
+ ldx #0
+ ldy #0
+ clc
+ jmp soft80mono_kplot
--- /dev/null
+; Groepaz/Hitmen, 19.10.2015
+; lowlevel kplot function for the monochrome soft80 implementation
+ .export soft80mono_kplot
+ .import soft80mono_internal_cursorxlsb
+ .include "c64.inc"
+ .include "soft80.inc"
+ bcs @getpos
+ stx CURS_Y
+ sty CURS_X
+ sei
+ lda $01
+ pha
+ lda #$34 ; enable RAM under I/O
+ sta $01
+ ; calc pointer to bitmap
+ lda soft80_bitmapylo,x
+ clc
+ adc soft80_bitmapxlo,y
+ lda soft80_bitmapyhi,x
+ adc soft80_bitmapxhi,y
+ sta SCREEN_PTR+1
+ tya
+ and #1
+ sta soft80mono_internal_cursorxlsb
+ pla
+ sta $01
+ cli
+ ldx CURS_Y
+ ldy CURS_X
+ rts
+; force the init constructor to be imported
+ .import soft80mono_init
+conio_init = soft80mono_init