OP_COPYFROM = %00001101
OP_COPYTO = %00001111
+START_BANK = 2 ; Start at $20000
PAGES = (2048 - 128) * 4
+ lda #$01
+ sta $d03f ; Enable extended register access
ldx #$FF
stx curpage+1 ; Invalidate curpage
inx ; X = 0
txa ; A/X = EM_ERR_OK
- rts
+; rts ; Run into UNINSTALL instead
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; UNINSTALL routine. Is called before the driver is removed from memory.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; PAGECOUNT: Return the total number of available pages in a/x.
; DTV DMA transfer routine. Expects the command in X.
+; NOTE: We're using knowledge about field order in the EM_COPY struct here!
- lda #$01 ; Enable extended features
- sta $d03f
+ jsr WAIT ; Wait until DMA is finished
-; Wait until the current DMA operation is finished
+; Modulo disable
- jsr WAIT
+ ldy #$00
+ sty $d31e
-; Setup the source address. Carry is clear.
+; Setup the target address and the source and target steps. Y contains zero,
+; which is EM_COPY::BUF.
- ldy #EM_COPY::OFFS
- lda (ptr1),y
- sta $d300
- ldy #EM_COPY::PAGE
+ sty $d307 ; Source step high = 0
+ sty $d309 ; Dest step high = 0
lda (ptr1),y
- sta $d301
- iny
+ sta $d303 ; Dest address low
+ iny ; Y = 1
+ sty $d306 ; Source step low = 1
+ sty $d308 ; Dest step low = 1
lda (ptr1),y
- adc #$42 ; Always RAM, start at $20000
- sta $d302
+ sta $d304
+ lda #$40 ; Dest is always RAM, start at $00000
+ sta $d305
-; Setup the target address
+; Setup the source address. Incrementing Y will make it point to EM_COPY::OFFS.
+; We will allow page numbers higher than PAGES and map them to ROM. This will
+; allow reading the ROM by specifying a page starting with PAGES.
- ldy #EM_COPY::BUF
+ iny ; EM_COPY::OFFS
lda (ptr1),y
- sta $d303
+ sta $d300
+ iny ; EM_COPY::PAGE
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ sta $d301
lda (ptr1),y
- sta $d304
- lda #$40 ; Always RAM, start at $00000
- sta $d305
-; Source and target steps
- lda #$01
- ldy #$00
- sta $d306
- sty $d307
- sta $d308
- sty $d309
-; Modulo disable
- sty $d31e
+ adc #START_BANK ; Carry clear here from WAIT
+ and #$3f
+ cmp #>PAGES+START_BANK ; Valid range?
+ bcs @L1 ; Jump if no
+ ora #$40 ; Address RAM
+@L1: sta $d302
; Length
+ iny ; EM_COPY::COUNT
lda (ptr1),y
sta $d30a
stx $d31f
-; Wait until DMA finished
- jsr WAIT
-; Disable access to the extended registers
- lda #$00
- sta $d03f
- rts
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Wait until DMA has finished
+; Wait until DMA is done
WAIT: lda $d31f
lsr a
bcs WAIT