SP_save: .res 1
-SHFLOK_save .res 1
+SHFLOK_save: .res 1
LMARGN_save: .res 1
.ifndef __ATARIXL__
APPMHI_save: .res 2
.export _get_ostype
+ .include "atari.inc"
+ .include "romswitch.inc"
.ifdef __ATARIXL__
- .include "atari.inc"
.import __CHARGEN_START__
.segment "LOWCODE"
-.macro disable_rom
+.macro disable_rom_save_a
- lda PORTB
- and #$fe
- sta PORTB
- lda #>__CHARGEN_START__
- sta CHBAS
- sta CHBASE
- pla
-.macro enable_rom
- lda PORTB
- ora #1
- sta PORTB
- lda #$E0
- sta CHBAS
- sta CHBASE
+ disable_rom
+ pla
.else ; above atarixl, below atari
-.macro disable_rom
-.macro enable_rom
+.macro disable_rom_save_a
+.endif ; .ifdef __ATARIXL__
-.proc _get_ostype
+; unknown ROM
+ lda #0
+ tax
+ disable_rom_save_a
+ rts
lda $fcd8
and #%00111000
ora #%11
_fin: ldx #0
- disable_rom
- rts
-; unknown ROM
- lda #0
- tax
- disable_rom
+ disable_rom_save_a
; 1200XL ROM
lda #%00010001
bne _fin
--- /dev/null
+; Macros to disable and enable the ROM on Atari XL systems.
+; Christian Groessler, chris@groessler.org, 19-Sep-2013
+.ifdef __ATARIXL__
+.macro wsync
+ sta WSYNC
+.macro wsync
+.macro disable_rom
+ lda PORTB
+ and #$fe
+ wsync
+ sta PORTB
+ lda #>__CHARGEN_START__
+ sta CHBAS
+ sta CHBASE
+.macro disable_rom_quick
+ lda PORTB
+ and #$fe
+ sta PORTB
+ lda #>__CHARGEN_START__
+ sta CHBAS
+ sta CHBASE
+.macro disable_rom_val val
+ lda val
+ wsync
+ sta PORTB
+ lda #>__CHARGEN_START__
+ sta CHBAS
+ sta CHBASE
+.macro enable_rom
+ lda PORTB
+ ora #1
+ wsync
+ sta PORTB
+ lda #$E0
+ sta CHBAS
+ sta CHBASE
+.macro enable_rom_quick
+ lda PORTB
+ ora #1
+ sta PORTB
+ lda #$E0
+ sta CHBAS
+ sta CHBASE
+.else ; above __ATARIXL__, below not
+.macro disable_rom
+.macro enable_rom
CHKBUF = 1 ; check if bounce buffering is needed (bounce buffering is always done if set to 0)
.ifdef __ATARIXL__
.include "atari.inc"
.include "save_area.inc"
.include "zeropage.inc"
+ .include "romswitch.inc"
.import __CHARGEN_START__
.export sram_init
BUFSZ = 128 ; bounce buffer size
-.macro wsync
- sta WSYNC
-.macro disable_rom
- lda PORTB
- and #$fe
- wsync
- sta PORTB
- lda #>__CHARGEN_START__
- sta CHBAS
- sta CHBASE
-.macro disable_rom_quick
- lda PORTB
- and #$fe
- sta PORTB
- lda #>__CHARGEN_START__
- sta CHBAS
- sta CHBASE
-.macro disable_rom_val val
- lda val
- wsync
- sta PORTB
- lda #>__CHARGEN_START__
- sta CHBAS
- sta CHBASE
-.macro enable_rom
- lda PORTB
- ora #1
- wsync
- sta PORTB
- lda #$E0
- sta CHBAS
- sta CHBASE
-.macro enable_rom_quick
- lda PORTB
- ora #1
- sta PORTB
- lda #$E0
- sta CHBAS
- sta CHBASE
.segment "INIT"
; Turn off ROMs, install system and interrupt wrappers, set new chargen pointer