reg_value = buf_get_u32(mips32->core_cache->reg_list[num].value, 0, 32);
mips_core_reg = mips32->core_cache->reg_list[num].arch_info;
mips32->core_regs[num] = reg_value;
- LOG_DEBUG("write core reg %i value 0x%x", num , reg_value);
+ LOG_DEBUG("write core reg %i value 0x%" PRIx32 "", num , reg_value);
mips32->core_cache->reg_list[num].valid = 1;
mips32->core_cache->reg_list[num].dirty = 0;
- LOG_USER("target halted due to %s, pc: 0x%8.8x",
+ LOG_USER("target halted due to %s, pc: 0x%8.8" PRIx32 "",
Jim_Nvp_value2name_simple( nvp_target_debug_reason, target->debug_reason )->name ,
buf_get_u32(mips32->core_cache->reg_list[MIPS32_PC].value, 0, 32));
return retval;
- LOG_DEBUG("DCR 0x%x numinst %i numdata %i", dcr, mips32->num_inst_bpoints, mips32->num_data_bpoints);
+ LOG_DEBUG("DCR 0x%" PRIx32 " numinst %i numdata %i", dcr, mips32->num_inst_bpoints, mips32->num_data_bpoints);
mips32->bp_scanned = 1;