; code avoids this by using locking mechanisms, but it's complex and
; has a size and performance penalty.
-; As the normal condes routine, this one has the limitation of 127 table
+; As the normal condes routine, this one has the limitation of 127 table
; entries.
.export callirq
+ .export callirq_y ; Same but with Y preloaded
-.proc callirq
- ldy #.lobyte(__IRQFUNC_COUNT__)
-loop: dey
+ ldy #.lobyte(__IRQFUNC_COUNT__*2)
+ dey
lda __IRQFUNC_TABLE__+1,y
sta jmpvec+2 ; Modify code below
sty index+1 ; Modify code below
jmpvec: jsr $FFFF ; Patched at runtime
index: ldy #$FF ; Patched at runtime
- bne loop
+ bne callirq_y