--- /dev/null
+`fstl` is a viewer for [.stl files](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STL_\(file_format\)).
+Here's a screenshot:
+![Eiffel tower](http://mattkeeter.com/projects/fstl/eiffel.png)
+(credit to [Pranav Panchal](https://grabcad.com/pranav.panchal))
+It is designed to quickly load and render very high-polygon models;
+showing 2 million triangles at 60+ FPS on a mid-range laptop.
+For more details, see the [project page](http://mattkeeter.com/projects/fstl).
+Issues and pull requests are welcome;
+the project is under 1K lines of code and should be fairly approachable.
+*p.s.* In my day job, I'm an engineer at [Formlabs](http://formlabs.com).
+If you think `fstl` is cool, you should check out our
+[jobs page](http://formlabs.com/jobs) -- we're hiring software developers
+and engineers of all stripes to work on interesting, hard problems in
+consumer-level 3D printing.