+++ /dev/null
- * fopen.c
- *
- * Ullrich von Bassewitz, 17.06.1998
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include "_file.h"
-FILE* fopen (const char* name, const char* mode)
- FILE* f;
- /* Find a free file slot */
- if (!(f = _fdesc ())) {
- /* No slots */
- _errno = EMFILE; /* Too many files */
- return 0;
- }
- /* Open the file and return the descriptor */
- return _fopen (name, mode, f);
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; FILE* __fastcall__ fopen (const char* name, const char* mode)
+; /* Open a file */
+ .export _fopen
+ .import __fopen, __fdesc
+ .import pushax, return0
+ .include "errno.inc"
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Code
+.proc _fopen
+; Bring the mode parameter on the stack
+ jsr pushax
+; Allocate a new file stream
+ jsr __fdesc
+; Check if we have a stream
+ cmp #$00
+ bne @L1
+ cpx #$00
+ bne @L1
+; Failed to allocate a file stream
+ lda #EMFILE
+ sta __errno
+ lda #0
+ sta __errno+1
+ tax
+ rts ; Return zero
+; Open the file and return the file descriptor. All arguments are already
+; in place: name and mode on the stack, and f in a/x
+@L1: jmp __fopen