--- /dev/null
+ FreeRTOS V7.0.1 - Copyright (C) 2011 Real Time Engineers Ltd.\r
+ \r
+ ***************************************************************************\r
+ * *\r
+ * FreeRTOS tutorial books are available in pdf and paperback. *\r
+ * Complete, revised, and edited pdf reference manuals are also *\r
+ * available. *\r
+ * *\r
+ * Purchasing FreeRTOS documentation will not only help you, by *\r
+ * ensuring you get running as quickly as possible and with an *\r
+ * in-depth knowledge of how to use FreeRTOS, it will also help *\r
+ * the FreeRTOS project to continue with its mission of providing *\r
+ * professional grade, cross platform, de facto standard solutions *\r
+ * for microcontrollers - completely free of charge! *\r
+ * *\r
+ * >>> See http://www.FreeRTOS.org/Documentation for details. <<< *\r
+ * *\r
+ * Thank you for using FreeRTOS, and thank you for your support! *\r
+ * *\r
+ ***************************************************************************\r
+ This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.\r
+ FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under\r
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the\r
+ Free Software Foundation AND MODIFIED BY the FreeRTOS exception.\r
+ >>>NOTE<<< The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to\r
+ distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being obliged to\r
+ provide the source code for proprietary components outside of the FreeRTOS\r
+ kernel. FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\r
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY\r
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for\r
+ more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public\r
+ License and the FreeRTOS license exception along with FreeRTOS; if not it\r
+ can be viewed here: http://www.freertos.org/a00114.html and also obtained\r
+ by writing to Richard Barry, contact details for whom are available on the\r
+ FreeRTOS WEB site.\r
+ 1 tab == 4 spaces!\r
+ http://www.FreeRTOS.org - Documentation, latest information, license and\r
+ contact details.\r
+ http://www.SafeRTOS.com - A version that is certified for use in safety\r
+ critical systems.\r
+ http://www.OpenRTOS.com - Commercial support, development, porting,\r
+ licensing and training services.\r
+ * Implementation of functions defined in portable.h for the MicroBlaze port.\r
+ *----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
+/* Scheduler includes. */\r
+#include "FreeRTOS.h"\r
+#include "task.h"\r
+/* Standard includes. */\r
+#include <string.h>\r
+/* Hardware includes. */\r
+#include <xintc_i.h>\r
+#include <xil_exception.h>\r
+#include <microblaze_exceptions_g.h>\r
+/* Tasks are started with a critical section nesting of 0 - however, prior to \r
+the scheduler being commenced interrupts should not be enabled, so the critical \r
+nesting variable is initialised to a non-zero value. */\r
+#define portINITIAL_NESTING_VALUE ( 0xff )\r
+/* The bit within the MSR register that enabled/disables interrupts. */\r
+#define portMSR_IE ( 0x02U )\r
+/* If the floating point unit is included in the MicroBlaze build, then the\r
+FSR register is saved as part of the task context. portINITIAL_FSR is the value\r
+given to the FSR register when the initial context is set up for a task being\r
+created. */\r
+#define portINITIAL_FSR ( 0U )\r
+ * Initialise the interrupt controller instance.\r
+ */\r
+static long prvInitialiseInterruptController( void );\r
+/* Ensure the interrupt controller instance variable is initialised before it is \r
+ * used, and that the initialisation only happens once. \r
+ */\r
+static long prvEnsureInterruptControllerIsInitialised( void );\r
+/* Counts the nesting depth of calls to portENTER_CRITICAL(). Each task \r
+maintains its own count, so this variable is saved as part of the task\r
+context. */\r
+volatile unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxCriticalNesting = portINITIAL_NESTING_VALUE;\r
+/* This port uses a separate stack for interrupts. This prevents the stack of\r
+every task needing to be large enough to hold an entire interrupt stack on top\r
+of the task stack. */\r
+unsigned long *pulISRStack;\r
+/* If an interrupt requests a context switch, then ulTaskSwitchRequested will\r
+get set to 1. ulTaskSwitchRequested is inspected just before the main interrupt\r
+handler exits. If, at that time, ulTaskSwitchRequested is set to 1, the kernel\r
+will call vTaskSwitchContext() to ensure the task that runs immediately after\r
+the interrupt exists is the highest priority task that is able to run. This is \r
+an unusual mechanism, but is used for this port because a single interrupt can \r
+cause the servicing of multiple peripherals - and it is inefficient to call\r
+vTaskSwitchContext() multiple times as each peripheral is serviced. */\r
+volatile unsigned long ulTaskSwitchRequested = 0UL;\r
+/* The instance of the interrupt controller used by this port. This is required\r
+by the Xilinx library API functions. */\r
+static XIntc xInterruptControllerInstance;\r
+/* \r
+ * Initialise the stack of a task to look exactly as if a call to \r
+ * portSAVE_CONTEXT had been made.\r
+ * \r
+ * See the portable.h header file.\r
+ */\r
+portSTACK_TYPE *pxPortInitialiseStack( portSTACK_TYPE *pxTopOfStack, pdTASK_CODE pxCode, void *pvParameters )\r
+extern void *_SDA2_BASE_, *_SDA_BASE_;\r
+const unsigned long ulR2 = ( unsigned long ) &_SDA2_BASE_;\r
+const unsigned long ulR13 = ( unsigned long ) &_SDA_BASE_;\r
+ /* Place a few bytes of known values on the bottom of the stack. \r
+ This is essential for the Microblaze port and these lines must\r
+ not be omitted. */\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x00000000;\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x00000000;\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x00000000;\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ /* The FSR value placed in the initial task context is just 0. */\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = portINITIAL_FSR;\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ #endif\r
+ /* The MSR value placed in the initial task context should have interrupts\r
+ disabled. Each task will enable interrupts automatically when it enters\r
+ the running state for the first time. */\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = mfmsr() & ~portMSR_IE;\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ /* First stack an initial value for the critical section nesting. This\r
+ is initialised to zero. */\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x00;\r
+ \r
+ /* R0 is always zero. */\r
+ /* R1 is the SP. */\r
+ /* Place an initial value for all the general purpose registers. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) ulR2; /* R2 - read only small data area. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x03; /* R3 - return values and temporaries. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x04; /* R4 - return values and temporaries. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) pvParameters;/* R5 contains the function call parameters. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x06; /* R6 - other parameters and temporaries. Used as the return address from vPortTaskEntryPoint. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x07; /* R7 - other parameters and temporaries. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x08; /* R8 - other parameters and temporaries. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x09; /* R9 - other parameters and temporaries. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x0a; /* R10 - other parameters and temporaries. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x0b; /* R11 - temporaries. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x0c; /* R12 - temporaries. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ #else\r
+ pxTopOfStack-= 8;\r
+ #endif\r
+ \r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) ulR13; /* R13 - read/write small data area. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) pxCode; /* R14 - return address for interrupt. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) NULL; /* R15 - return address for subroutine. */\r
+ \r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x10; /* R16 - return address for trap (debugger). */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x11; /* R17 - return address for exceptions, if configured. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x12; /* R18 - reserved for assembler and compiler temporaries. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ #else\r
+ pxTopOfStack -= 4;\r
+ #endif\r
+ \r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x00; /* R19 - must be saved across function calls. Callee-save. Seems to be interpreted as the frame pointer. */\r
+ \r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x14; /* R20 - reserved for storing a pointer to the Global Offset Table (GOT) in Position Independent Code (PIC). Non-volatile in non-PIC code. Must be saved across function calls. Callee-save. Not used by FreeRTOS. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x15; /* R21 - must be saved across function calls. Callee-save. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x16; /* R22 - must be saved across function calls. Callee-save. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x17; /* R23 - must be saved across function calls. Callee-save. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x18; /* R24 - must be saved across function calls. Callee-save. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x19; /* R25 - must be saved across function calls. Callee-save. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x1a; /* R26 - must be saved across function calls. Callee-save. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x1b; /* R27 - must be saved across function calls. Callee-save. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x1c; /* R28 - must be saved across function calls. Callee-save. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x1d; /* R29 - must be saved across function calls. Callee-save. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x1e; /* R30 - must be saved across function calls. Callee-save. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ *pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x1f; /* R31 - must be saved across function calls. Callee-save. */\r
+ pxTopOfStack--;\r
+ #else\r
+ pxTopOfStack -= 13;\r
+ #endif\r
+ /* Return a pointer to the top of the stack that has been generated so this \r
+ can be stored in the task control block for the task. */\r
+ return pxTopOfStack;\r
+portBASE_TYPE xPortStartScheduler( void )\r
+extern void ( vPortStartFirstTask )( void );\r
+extern unsigned long _stack[];\r
+ /* Setup the hardware to generate the tick. Interrupts are disabled when\r
+ this function is called. \r
+ \r
+ This port uses an application defined callback function to install the tick\r
+ interrupt handler because the kernel will run on lots of different \r
+ MicroBlaze and FPGA configurations - not all of which will have the same \r
+ timer peripherals defined or available. An example definition of\r
+ vApplicationSetupTimerInterrupt() is provided in the official demo\r
+ application that accompanies this port. */\r
+ vApplicationSetupTimerInterrupt();\r
+ /* Reuse the stack from main() as the stack for the interrupts/exceptions. */\r
+ pulISRStack = ( unsigned long * ) _stack;\r
+ /* Ensure there is enough space for the functions called from the interrupt\r
+ service routines to write back into the stack frame of the caller. */
+ pulISRStack -= 2;\r
+ /* Restore the context of the first task that is going to run. From here\r
+ on, the created tasks will be executing. */\r
+ vPortStartFirstTask();\r
+ /* Should not get here as the tasks are now running! */\r
+ return pdFALSE;\r
+void vPortEndScheduler( void )\r
+ /* Not implemented. */\r
+ * Manual context switch called by portYIELD or taskYIELD. \r
+ */\r
+void vPortYield( void )\r
+extern void VPortYieldASM( void );\r
+ /* Perform the context switch in a critical section to assure it is\r
+ not interrupted by the tick ISR. It is not a problem to do this as\r
+ each task maintains its own interrupt status. */\r
+ {\r
+ /* Jump directly to the yield function to ensure there is no\r
+ compiler generated prologue code. */\r
+ asm volatile ( "bralid r14, VPortYieldASM \n\t" \\r
+ "or r0, r0, r0 \n\t" );\r
+ }\r
+ portEXIT_CRITICAL();\r
+void vPortEnableInterrupt( unsigned char ucInterruptID )\r
+long lReturn;\r
+ /* An API function is provided to enable an interrupt in the interrupt\r
+ controller because the interrupt controller instance variable is private\r
+ to this file. */\r
+ lReturn = prvEnsureInterruptControllerIsInitialised();\r
+ if( lReturn == pdPASS )\r
+ {\r
+ XIntc_Enable( &xInterruptControllerInstance, ucInterruptID );\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ configASSERT( lReturn );\r
+void vPortDisableInterrupt( unsigned char ucInterruptID )\r
+long lReturn;\r
+ /* An API function is provided to disable an interrupt in the interrupt\r
+ controller because the interrupt controller instance variable is private\r
+ to this file. */\r
+ lReturn = prvEnsureInterruptControllerIsInitialised();\r
+ \r
+ if( lReturn == pdPASS )\r
+ {\r
+ XIntc_Disable( &xInterruptControllerInstance, ucInterruptID );\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ configASSERT( lReturn );\r
+portBASE_TYPE xPortInstallInterruptHandler( unsigned char ucInterruptID, XInterruptHandler pxHandler, void *pvCallBackRef )\r
+long lReturn;\r
+ /* An API function is provided to install an interrupt handler because the \r
+ interrupt controller instance variable is private to this file. */\r
+ lReturn = prvEnsureInterruptControllerIsInitialised();\r
+ \r
+ if( lReturn == pdPASS )\r
+ {\r
+ lReturn = XIntc_Connect( &xInterruptControllerInstance, ucInterruptID, pxHandler, pvCallBackRef );\r
+ }\r
+ if( lReturn == XST_SUCCESS )\r
+ {\r
+ lReturn = pdPASS;\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ configASSERT( lReturn == pdPASS );\r
+ return lReturn;\r
+static long prvEnsureInterruptControllerIsInitialised( void )\r
+static long lInterruptControllerInitialised = pdFALSE;\r
+long lReturn;\r
+ /* Ensure the interrupt controller instance variable is initialised before\r
+ it is used, and that the initialisation only happens once. */\r
+ if( lInterruptControllerInitialised != pdTRUE )\r
+ {\r
+ lReturn = prvInitialiseInterruptController();\r
+ \r
+ if( lReturn == pdPASS )\r
+ {\r
+ lInterruptControllerInitialised = pdTRUE;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ lReturn = pdPASS;\r
+ }\r
+ return lReturn;\r
+/* \r
+ * Handler for the timer interrupt. This is the handler that the application\r
+ * defined callback function vApplicationSetupTimerInterrupt() should install.\r
+ */\r
+void vPortTickISR( void *pvUnused )\r
+extern void vApplicationClearTimerInterrupt( void );\r
+ /* Ensure the unused parameter does not generate a compiler warning. */\r
+ ( void ) pvUnused;\r
+ /* This port uses an application defined callback function to clear the tick\r
+ interrupt because the kernel will run on lots of different MicroBlaze and \r
+ FPGA configurations - not all of which will have the same timer peripherals \r
+ defined or available. An example definition of\r
+ vApplicationClearTimerInterrupt() is provided in the official demo\r
+ application that accompanies this port. */ \r
+ vApplicationClearTimerInterrupt();\r
+ /* Increment the RTOS tick - this might cause a task to unblock. */\r
+ vTaskIncrementTick();\r
+ /* If the preemptive scheduler is being used then a context switch should be\r
+ requested in case incrementing the tick unblocked a task, or a time slice\r
+ should cause another task to enter the Running state. */\r
+ #if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 1\r
+ /* Force vTaskSwitchContext() to be called as the interrupt exits. */\r
+ ulTaskSwitchRequested = 1;\r
+ #endif\r
+static long prvInitialiseInterruptController( void )\r
+long lStatus;\r
+ lStatus = XIntc_Initialize( &xInterruptControllerInstance, configINTERRUPT_CONTROLLER_TO_USE );\r
+ if( lStatus == XST_SUCCESS )\r
+ {\r
+ /* Initialise the exception table. */\r
+ Xil_ExceptionInit();\r
+ /* Service all pending interrupts each time the handler is entered. */\r
+ XIntc_SetIntrSvcOption( xInterruptControllerInstance.BaseAddress, XIN_SVC_ALL_ISRS_OPTION );\r
+ /* Install exception handlers if the MicroBlaze is configured to handle\r
+ exceptions, and the application defined constant\r
+ configINSTALL_EXCEPTION_HANDLERS is set to 1. */\r
+ {\r
+ vPortExceptionsInstallHandlers();\r
+ }\r
+ /* Start the interrupt controller. Interrupts are enabled when the\r
+ scheduler starts. */\r
+ lStatus = XIntc_Start( &xInterruptControllerInstance, XIN_REAL_MODE );\r
+ if( lStatus == XST_SUCCESS )\r
+ {\r
+ lStatus = pdPASS;\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ lStatus = pdFAIL;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ configASSERT( lStatus == pdPASS );\r
+ return lStatus;\r
--- /dev/null
+ FreeRTOS V7.0.1 - Copyright (C) 2011 Real Time Engineers Ltd.\r
+ \r
+ ***************************************************************************\r
+ * *\r
+ * FreeRTOS tutorial books are available in pdf and paperback. *\r
+ * Complete, revised, and edited pdf reference manuals are also *\r
+ * available. *\r
+ * *\r
+ * Purchasing FreeRTOS documentation will not only help you, by *\r
+ * ensuring you get running as quickly as possible and with an *\r
+ * in-depth knowledge of how to use FreeRTOS, it will also help *\r
+ * the FreeRTOS project to continue with its mission of providing *\r
+ * professional grade, cross platform, de facto standard solutions *\r
+ * for microcontrollers - completely free of charge! *\r
+ * *\r
+ * >>> See http://www.FreeRTOS.org/Documentation for details. <<< *\r
+ * *\r
+ * Thank you for using FreeRTOS, and thank you for your support! *\r
+ * *\r
+ ***************************************************************************\r
+ This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.\r
+ FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under\r
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the\r
+ Free Software Foundation AND MODIFIED BY the FreeRTOS exception.\r
+ >>>NOTE<<< The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to\r
+ distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being obliged to\r
+ provide the source code for proprietary components outside of the FreeRTOS\r
+ kernel. FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\r
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY\r
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for\r
+ more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public\r
+ License and the FreeRTOS license exception along with FreeRTOS; if not it\r
+ can be viewed here: http://www.freertos.org/a00114.html and also obtained\r
+ by writing to Richard Barry, contact details for whom are available on the\r
+ FreeRTOS WEB site.\r
+ 1 tab == 4 spaces!\r
+ http://www.FreeRTOS.org - Documentation, latest information, license and\r
+ contact details.\r
+ http://www.SafeRTOS.com - A version that is certified for use in safety\r
+ critical systems.\r
+ http://www.OpenRTOS.com - Commercial support, development, porting,\r
+ licensing and training services.\r
+/* Scheduler includes. */\r
+#include "FreeRTOS.h"\r
+#include "task.h"\r
+/* Hardware includes. */\r
+#include <microblaze_exceptions_i.h>\r
+#include <microblaze_exceptions_g.h>\r
+/* The Xilinx library defined exception entry point stacks a number of\r
+registers. These definitions are offsets from the stack pointer to the various\r
+stacked register values. */\r
+#define portexR3_STACK_OFFSET 4\r
+#define portexR4_STACK_OFFSET 5\r
+#define portexR5_STACK_OFFSET 6\r
+#define portexR6_STACK_OFFSET 7\r
+#define portexR7_STACK_OFFSET 8\r
+#define portexR8_STACK_OFFSET 9\r
+#define portexR9_STACK_OFFSET 10\r
+#define portexR10_STACK_OFFSET 11\r
+#define portexR11_STACK_OFFSET 12\r
+#define portexR12_STACK_OFFSET 13\r
+#define portexR15_STACK_OFFSET 16\r
+#define portexR18_STACK_OFFSET 19\r
+#define portexMSR_STACK_OFFSET 20\r
+#define portexR19_STACK_OFFSET -1\r
+/* This is defined to equal the size, in bytes, of the stack frame generated by\r
+the Xilinx standard library exception entry point. It is required to determine\r
+the stack pointer value prior to the exception being entered. */\r
+/* The number of bytes a MicroBlaze instruction consumes. */\r
+#define portexINSTRUCTION_SIZE 4\r
+/* Exclude this entire file if the MicroBlaze is not configured to handle\r
+exceptions, or the application defined configuration constant\r
+configINSTALL_EXCEPTION_HANDLERS is not set to 1. */\r
+/* This variable is set in the exception entry code, before\r
+vPortExceptionHandler is called. */\r
+unsigned long *pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry = NULL;\r
+/* This is the structure that is filled with the MicroBlaze context as it\r
+existed immediately prior to the exception occurrence. A pointer to this\r
+structure is passed into the vApplicationExceptionRegisterDump() callback\r
+function, if one is defined. */\r
+static xPortRegisterDump xRegisterDump;\r
+/* This is the FreeRTOS exception handler that is installed for all exception\r
+types. It is called from vPortExceptionHanlderEntry() - which is itself defined\r
+in portasm.S. */\r
+void vPortExceptionHandler( void *pvExceptionID );\r
+extern void vPortExceptionHandlerEntry( void *pvExceptionID );\r
+/* vApplicationExceptionRegisterDump() is a callback function that the \r
+application can optionally define to receive a populated xPortRegisterDump\r
+structure. If the application chooses not to define a version of \r
+vApplicationExceptionRegisterDump() then this weekly defined default \r
+implementation will be called instead. */\r
+extern void vApplicationExceptionRegisterDump( xPortRegisterDump *xRegisterDump ) __attribute__((weak));\r
+void vApplicationExceptionRegisterDump( xPortRegisterDump *xRegisterDump )\r
+ ( void ) xRegisterDump;\r
+ for( ;; )\r
+ {\r
+ portNOP();\r
+ }\r
+void vPortExceptionHandler( void *pvExceptionID )\r
+extern void *pxCurrentTCB;\r
+ /* Fill an xPortRegisterDump structure with the MicroBlaze context as it\r
+ was immediately before the exception occurrence. */\r
+ \r
+ /* First fill in the name and handle of the task that was in the Running \r
+ state when the exception occurred. */\r
+ xRegisterDump.xCurrentTaskHandle = pxCurrentTCB;\r
+ xRegisterDump.pcCurrentTaskName = pcTaskGetTaskName( NULL );\r
+ configASSERT( pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry );\r
+ /* Obtain the values of registers that were stacked prior to this function\r
+ being called, and may have changed since they were stacked. */
+ xRegisterDump.ulR3 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR3_STACK_OFFSET ];\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR4 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR4_STACK_OFFSET ];\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR5 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR5_STACK_OFFSET ];\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR6 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR6_STACK_OFFSET ];\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR7 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR7_STACK_OFFSET ];\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR8 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR8_STACK_OFFSET ];\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR9 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR9_STACK_OFFSET ];\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR10 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR10_STACK_OFFSET ];\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR11 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR11_STACK_OFFSET ];\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR12 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR12_STACK_OFFSET ];\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR15_return_address_from_subroutine = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR15_STACK_OFFSET ];\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR18 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR18_STACK_OFFSET ];\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR19 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR19_STACK_OFFSET ];\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulMSR = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexMSR_STACK_OFFSET ];\r
+ \r
+ /* Obtain the value of all other registers. */\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR2_small_data_area = mfgpr( R2 );\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR13_read_write_small_data_area = mfgpr( R13 );\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR14_return_address_from_interrupt = mfgpr( R14 );\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR16_return_address_from_trap = mfgpr( R16 );\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR17_return_address_from_exceptions = mfgpr( R17 );\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR20 = mfgpr( R20 );\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR21 = mfgpr( R21 );\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR22 = mfgpr( R22 );\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR23 = mfgpr( R23 );\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR24 = mfgpr( R24 );\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR25 = mfgpr( R25 );\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR26 = mfgpr( R26 );\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR27 = mfgpr( R27 );\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR28 = mfgpr( R28 );\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR29 = mfgpr( R29 );\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR30 = mfgpr( R30 );\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR31 = mfgpr( R31 );\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulR1_SP = ( ( unsigned long ) pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry ) + portexASM_HANDLER_STACK_FRAME_SIZE;\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulEAR = mfear();\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulESR = mfesr();\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulEDR = mfedr();\r
+ \r
+ /* Move the saved program counter back to the instruction that was executed\r
+ when the exception occurred. This is only valid for certain types of\r
+ exception. */\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulPC = xRegisterDump.ulR17_return_address_from_exceptions - portexINSTRUCTION_SIZE;\r
+ {\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulFSR = mffsr();\r
+ }\r
+ #else\r
+ {\r
+ xRegisterDump.ulFSR = 0UL;\r
+ }\r
+ #endif\r
+ /* Also fill in a string that describes what type of exception this is.\r
+ The string uses the same ID names as defined in the MicroBlaze standard\r
+ library exception header files. */\r
+ switch( ( unsigned long ) pvExceptionID )\r
+ {\r
+ case XEXC_ID_FSL :\r
+ xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( signed char * const ) "XEXC_ID_FSL";\r
+ break;\r
+ xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( signed char * const ) "XEXC_ID_UNALIGNED_ACCESS";\r
+ break;\r
+ xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( signed char * const ) "XEXC_ID_ILLEGAL_OPCODE";\r
+ break;\r
+ xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( signed char * const ) "XEXC_ID_M_AXI_I_EXCEPTION or XEXC_ID_IPLB_EXCEPTION";\r
+ break;\r
+ xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( signed char * const ) "XEXC_ID_M_AXI_D_EXCEPTION or XEXC_ID_DPLB_EXCEPTION";\r
+ break;\r
+ case XEXC_ID_DIV_BY_ZERO :\r
+ xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( signed char * const ) "XEXC_ID_DIV_BY_ZERO";\r
+ break;\r
+ xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( signed char * const ) "XEXC_ID_STACK_VIOLATION or XEXC_ID_MMU";\r
+ break;\r
+ case XEXC_ID_FPU :\r
+ /*_RB_ More decoding required here and in other exceptions. */\r
+ xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( signed char * const ) "XEXC_ID_FPU see ulFSR value";\r
+ break;\r
+ #endif /* XPAR_MICROBLAZE_0_USE_FPU */\r
+ }\r
+ /* vApplicationExceptionRegisterDump() is a callback function that the \r
+ application can optionally define to receive the populated xPortRegisterDump\r
+ structure. If the application chooses not to define a version of \r
+ vApplicationExceptionRegisterDump() then the weekly defined default \r
+ implementation within this file will be called instead. */\r
+ vApplicationExceptionRegisterDump( &xRegisterDump );\r
+ /* Must not attempt to leave this function! */\r
+ for( ;; )\r
+ {\r
+ portNOP();\r
+ }\r
+void vPortExceptionsInstallHandlers( void )\r
+static unsigned long ulHandlersAlreadyInstalled = pdFALSE;\r
+ if( ulHandlersAlreadyInstalled == pdFALSE )\r
+ {\r
+ ulHandlersAlreadyInstalled = pdTRUE;\r
+ microblaze_register_exception_handler( XEXC_ID_UNALIGNED_ACCESS, vPortExceptionHandlerEntry, ( void * ) XEXC_ID_UNALIGNED_ACCESS );\r
+ microblaze_register_exception_handler( XEXC_ID_ILLEGAL_OPCODE, vPortExceptionHandlerEntry, ( void * ) XEXC_ID_ILLEGAL_OPCODE );\r
+ microblaze_register_exception_handler( XEXC_ID_M_AXI_I_EXCEPTION, vPortExceptionHandlerEntry, ( void * ) XEXC_ID_M_AXI_I_EXCEPTION );\r
+ microblaze_register_exception_handler( XEXC_ID_M_AXI_D_EXCEPTION, vPortExceptionHandlerEntry, ( void * ) XEXC_ID_M_AXI_D_EXCEPTION );\r
+ microblaze_register_exception_handler( XEXC_ID_IPLB_EXCEPTION, vPortExceptionHandlerEntry, ( void * ) XEXC_ID_IPLB_EXCEPTION );\r
+ microblaze_register_exception_handler( XEXC_ID_DPLB_EXCEPTION, vPortExceptionHandlerEntry, ( void * ) XEXC_ID_DPLB_EXCEPTION );\r
+ microblaze_register_exception_handler( XEXC_ID_DIV_BY_ZERO, vPortExceptionHandlerEntry, ( void * ) XEXC_ID_DIV_BY_ZERO );\r
+ microblaze_register_exception_handler( XEXC_ID_FPU, vPortExceptionHandlerEntry, ( void * ) XEXC_ID_FPU );\r
+ microblaze_register_exception_handler( XEXC_ID_FSL, vPortExceptionHandlerEntry, ( void * ) XEXC_ID_FSL );\r
+ }\r
+/* Exclude the entire file if the MicroBlaze is not configured to handle\r
+exceptions, or the application defined configuration item \r
+configINSTALL_EXCEPTION_HANDLERS is not set to 1. */\r
--- /dev/null
+ FreeRTOS V7.0.1 - Copyright (C) 2011 Real Time Engineers Ltd.\r
+ FreeRTOS supports many tools and architectures. V7.0.0 is sponsored by:\r
+ Atollic AB - Atollic provides professional embedded systems development\r
+ tools for C/C++ development, code analysis and test automation.\r
+ See http://www.atollic.com\r
+ ***************************************************************************\r
+ * *\r
+ * FreeRTOS tutorial books are available in pdf and paperback. *\r
+ * Complete, revised, and edited pdf reference manuals are also *\r
+ * available. *\r
+ * *\r
+ * Purchasing FreeRTOS documentation will not only help you, by *\r
+ * ensuring you get running as quickly as possible and with an *\r
+ * in-depth knowledge of how to use FreeRTOS, it will also help *\r
+ * the FreeRTOS project to continue with its mission of providing *\r
+ * professional grade, cross platform, de facto standard solutions *\r
+ * for microcontrollers - completely free of charge! *\r
+ * *\r
+ * >>> See http://www.FreeRTOS.org/Documentation for details. <<< *\r
+ * *\r
+ * Thank you for using FreeRTOS, and thank you for your support! *\r
+ * *\r
+ ***************************************************************************\r
+ This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.\r
+ FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under\r
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the\r
+ Free Software Foundation AND MODIFIED BY the FreeRTOS exception.\r
+ >>>NOTE<<< The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to\r
+ distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being obliged to\r
+ provide the source code for proprietary components outside of the FreeRTOS\r
+ kernel. FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\r
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY\r
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for\r
+ more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public\r
+ License and the FreeRTOS license exception along with FreeRTOS; if not it\r
+ can be viewed here: http://www.freertos.org/a00114.html and also obtained\r
+ by writing to Richard Barry, contact details for whom are available on the\r
+ FreeRTOS WEB site.\r
+ 1 tab == 4 spaces!\r
+ http://www.FreeRTOS.org - Documentation, latest information, license and\r
+ contact details.\r
+ http://www.SafeRTOS.com - A version that is certified for use in safety\r
+ critical systems.\r
+ http://www.OpenRTOS.com - Commercial support, development, porting,\r
+ licensing and training services.\r
+/* FreeRTOS includes. */\r
+#include "FreeRTOSConfig.h"\r
+/* Xilinx library includes. */\r
+#include "microblaze_exceptions_g.h"\r
+#include "xparameters.h"\r
+/* The context is oversized to allow functions called from the ISR to write\r
+back into the caller stack. */\r
+ #define portCONTEXT_SIZE 136\r
+ #define portMINUS_CONTEXT_SIZE -136\r
+ #define portCONTEXT_SIZE 132\r
+ #define portMINUS_CONTEXT_SIZE -132\r
+/* Offsets from the stack pointer at which saved registers are placed. */\r
+#define portR31_OFFSET 4\r
+#define portR30_OFFSET 8\r
+#define portR29_OFFSET 12\r
+#define portR28_OFFSET 16\r
+#define portR27_OFFSET 20\r
+#define portR26_OFFSET 24\r
+#define portR25_OFFSET 28\r
+#define portR24_OFFSET 32\r
+#define portR23_OFFSET 36\r
+#define portR22_OFFSET 40\r
+#define portR21_OFFSET 44\r
+#define portR20_OFFSET 48\r
+#define portR19_OFFSET 52\r
+#define portR18_OFFSET 56\r
+#define portR17_OFFSET 60\r
+#define portR16_OFFSET 64\r
+#define portR15_OFFSET 68\r
+#define portR14_OFFSET 72\r
+#define portR13_OFFSET 76\r
+#define portR12_OFFSET 80\r
+#define portR11_OFFSET 84\r
+#define portR10_OFFSET 88\r
+#define portR9_OFFSET 92\r
+#define portR8_OFFSET 96\r
+#define portR7_OFFSET 100\r
+#define portR6_OFFSET 104\r
+#define portR5_OFFSET 108\r
+#define portR4_OFFSET 112\r
+#define portR3_OFFSET 116\r
+#define portR2_OFFSET 120\r
+#define portCRITICAL_NESTING_OFFSET 124\r
+#define portMSR_OFFSET 128\r
+#define portFSR_OFFSET 132\r
+ .extern pxCurrentTCB\r
+ .extern XIntc_DeviceInterruptHandler\r
+ .extern vTaskSwitchContext\r
+ .extern uxCriticalNesting\r
+ .extern pulISRStack\r
+ .extern ulTaskSwitchRequested\r
+ .extern vPortExceptionHandler\r
+ .extern pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry\r
+ .global _interrupt_handler\r
+ .global VPortYieldASM\r
+ .global vPortStartFirstTask\r
+ .global vPortExceptionHandlerEntry\r
+.macro portSAVE_CONTEXT\r
+ /* Make room for the context on the stack. */\r
+ addik r1, r1, portMINUS_CONTEXT_SIZE\r
+ /* Stack general registers. */\r
+ swi r31, r1, portR31_OFFSET\r
+ swi r30, r1, portR30_OFFSET\r
+ swi r29, r1, portR29_OFFSET\r
+ swi r28, r1, portR28_OFFSET\r
+ swi r27, r1, portR27_OFFSET\r
+ swi r26, r1, portR26_OFFSET\r
+ swi r25, r1, portR25_OFFSET\r
+ swi r24, r1, portR24_OFFSET\r
+ swi r23, r1, portR23_OFFSET\r
+ swi r22, r1, portR22_OFFSET\r
+ swi r21, r1, portR21_OFFSET\r
+ swi r20, r1, portR20_OFFSET\r
+ swi r19, r1, portR19_OFFSET\r
+ swi r18, r1, portR18_OFFSET\r
+ swi r17, r1, portR17_OFFSET\r
+ swi r16, r1, portR16_OFFSET\r
+ swi r15, r1, portR15_OFFSET\r
+ /* R14 is saved later as it needs adjustment if a yield is performed. */\r
+ swi r13, r1, portR13_OFFSET\r
+ swi r12, r1, portR12_OFFSET\r
+ swi r11, r1, portR11_OFFSET\r
+ swi r10, r1, portR10_OFFSET\r
+ swi r9, r1, portR9_OFFSET\r
+ swi r8, r1, portR8_OFFSET\r
+ swi r7, r1, portR7_OFFSET\r
+ swi r6, r1, portR6_OFFSET\r
+ swi r5, r1, portR5_OFFSET\r
+ swi r4, r1, portR4_OFFSET\r
+ swi r3, r1, portR3_OFFSET\r
+ swi r2, r1, portR2_OFFSET\r
+ /* Stack the critical section nesting value. */\r
+ lwi r18, r0, uxCriticalNesting\r
+ swi r18, r1, portCRITICAL_NESTING_OFFSET\r
+ /* Stack MSR. */\r
+ mfs r18, rmsr\r
+ swi r18, r1, portMSR_OFFSET\r
+ /* Stack FSR. */\r
+ mfs r18, rfsr\r
+ swi r18, r1, portFSR_OFFSET\r
+ #endif\r
+ /* Save the top of stack value to the TCB. */\r
+ lwi r3, r0, pxCurrentTCB\r
+ sw r1, r0, r3\r
+ \r
+ .endm\r
+.macro portRESTORE_CONTEXT\r
+ /* Load the top of stack value from the TCB. */\r
+ lwi r18, r0, pxCurrentTCB\r
+ lw r1, r0, r18\r
+ /* Restore the general registers. */\r
+ lwi r31, r1, portR31_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r30, r1, portR30_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r29, r1, portR29_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r28, r1, portR28_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r27, r1, portR27_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r26, r1, portR26_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r25, r1, portR25_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r24, r1, portR24_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r23, r1, portR23_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r22, r1, portR22_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r21, r1, portR21_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r20, r1, portR20_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r19, r1, portR19_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r17, r1, portR17_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r16, r1, portR16_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r15, r1, portR15_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r14, r1, portR14_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r13, r1, portR13_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r12, r1, portR12_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r11, r1, portR11_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r10, r1, portR10_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r9, r1, portR9_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r8, r1, portR8_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r7, r1, portR7_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r6, r1, portR6_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r5, r1, portR5_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r4, r1, portR4_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r3, r1, portR3_OFFSET\r
+ lwi r2, r1, portR2_OFFSET\r
+ /* Reload the rmsr from the stack. */\r
+ lwi r18, r1, portMSR_OFFSET\r
+ mts rmsr, r18\r
+ /* Reload the FSR from the stack. */\r
+ lwi r18, r1, portFSR_OFFSET\r
+ mts rfsr, r18\r
+ #endif\r
+ /* Load the critical nesting value. */\r
+ lwi r18, r1, portCRITICAL_NESTING_OFFSET\r
+ swi r18, r0, uxCriticalNesting\r
+ /* Test the critical nesting value. If it is non zero then the task last\r
+ exited the running state using a yield. If it is zero, then the task\r
+ last exited the running state through an interrupt. */\r
+ xori r18, r18, 0\r
+ bnei r18, exit_from_yield\r
+ /* r18 was being used as a temporary. Now restore its true value from the\r
+ stack. */\r
+ lwi r18, r1, portR18_OFFSET\r
+ /* Remove the stack frame. */\r
+ addik r1, r1, portCONTEXT_SIZE\r
+ /* Return using rtid so interrupts are re-enabled as this function is\r
+ exited. */\r
+ rtid r14, 0\r
+ or r0, r0, r0\r
+ .endm\r
+/* This function is used to exit portRESTORE_CONTEXT() if the task being\r
+returned to last left the Running state by calling taskYIELD() (rather than\r
+being preempted by an interrupt). */\r
+ .text\r
+ .align 2\r
+ /* r18 was being used as a temporary. Now restore its true value from the\r
+ stack. */\r
+ lwi r18, r1, portR18_OFFSET\r
+ /* Remove the stack frame. */\r
+ addik r1, r1, portCONTEXT_SIZE\r
+ /* Return to the task. */\r
+ rtsd r14, 0\r
+ or r0, r0, r0\r
+ .text\r
+ .align 2\r
+ /* Stack the return address. */\r
+ swi r14, r1, portR14_OFFSET\r
+ /* Switch to the ISR stack. */\r
+ lwi r1, r0, pulISRStack\r
+ /* The parameter to the interrupt handler. */\r
+ ori r5, r0, configINTERRUPT_CONTROLLER_TO_USE\r
+ /* Execute any pending interrupts. */\r
+ bralid r15, XIntc_DeviceInterruptHandler\r
+ or r0, r0, r0\r
+ /* See if a new task should be selected to execute. */\r
+ lwi r18, r0, ulTaskSwitchRequested\r
+ or r18, r18, r0\r
+ /* If ulTaskSwitchRequested is already zero, then jump straight to\r
+ restoring the task that is already in the Running state. */\r
+ beqi r18, task_switch_not_requested\r
+ /* Set ulTaskSwitchRequested back to zero as a task switch is about to be\r
+ performed. */\r
+ swi r0, r0, ulTaskSwitchRequested\r
+ /* ulTaskSwitchRequested was not 0 when tested. Select the next task to\r
+ execute. */\r
+ bralid r15, vTaskSwitchContext\r
+ or r0, r0, r0\r
+ /* Restore the context of the next task scheduled to execute. */\r
+ .text\r
+ .align 2\r
+ /* Modify the return address so a return is done to the instruction after\r
+ the call to VPortYieldASM. */\r
+ addi r14, r14, 8\r
+ swi r14, r1, portR14_OFFSET\r
+ /* Switch to use the ISR stack. */\r
+ lwi r1, r0, pulISRStack\r
+ /* Select the next task to execute. */\r
+ bralid r15, vTaskSwitchContext\r
+ or r0, r0, r0\r
+ /* Restore the context of the next task scheduled to execute. */\r
+ .text\r
+ .align 2\r
+ \r
+ \r
+ .text\r
+ .align 2\r
+ /* Take a copy of the stack pointer before vPortExecptionHandler is called,\r
+ storing its value prior to the function stack frame being created. */\r
+ swi r1, r0, pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry\r
+ bralid r15, vPortExceptionHandler\r
+ or r0, r0, r0\r
--- /dev/null
+ FreeRTOS V7.0.1 - Copyright (C) 2011 Real Time Engineers Ltd.\r
+ \r
+ ***************************************************************************\r
+ * *\r
+ * FreeRTOS tutorial books are available in pdf and paperback. *\r
+ * Complete, revised, and edited pdf reference manuals are also *\r
+ * available. *\r
+ * *\r
+ * Purchasing FreeRTOS documentation will not only help you, by *\r
+ * ensuring you get running as quickly as possible and with an *\r
+ * in-depth knowledge of how to use FreeRTOS, it will also help *\r
+ * the FreeRTOS project to continue with its mission of providing *\r
+ * professional grade, cross platform, de facto standard solutions *\r
+ * for microcontrollers - completely free of charge! *\r
+ * *\r
+ * >>> See http://www.FreeRTOS.org/Documentation for details. <<< *\r
+ * *\r
+ * Thank you for using FreeRTOS, and thank you for your support! *\r
+ * *\r
+ ***************************************************************************\r
+ This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.\r
+ FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under\r
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the\r
+ Free Software Foundation AND MODIFIED BY the FreeRTOS exception.\r
+ >>>NOTE<<< The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to\r
+ distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being obliged to\r
+ provide the source code for proprietary components outside of the FreeRTOS\r
+ kernel. FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\r
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY\r
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for\r
+ more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public\r
+ License and the FreeRTOS license exception along with FreeRTOS; if not it\r
+ can be viewed here: http://www.freertos.org/a00114.html and also obtained\r
+ by writing to Richard Barry, contact details for whom are available on the\r
+ FreeRTOS WEB site.\r
+ 1 tab == 4 spaces!\r
+ http://www.FreeRTOS.org - Documentation, latest information, license and\r
+ contact details.\r
+ http://www.SafeRTOS.com - A version that is certified for use in safety\r
+ critical systems.\r
+ http://www.OpenRTOS.com - Commercial support, development, porting,\r
+ licensing and training services.\r
+#ifndef PORTMACRO_H\r
+#define PORTMACRO_H\r
+#ifdef __cplusplus\r
+extern "C" {\r
+/* BSP includes. */\r
+#include <mb_interface.h>\r
+#include <xparameters.h>\r
+ * Port specific definitions. \r
+ *\r
+ * The settings in this file configure FreeRTOS correctly for the\r
+ * given hardware and compiler.\r
+ *\r
+ * These settings should not be altered.\r
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------\r
+ */\r
+/* Type definitions. */\r
+#define portCHAR char\r
+#define portFLOAT float\r
+#define portDOUBLE double\r
+#define portLONG long\r
+#define portSHORT short\r
+#define portSTACK_TYPE unsigned long\r
+#define portBASE_TYPE long\r
+#if( configUSE_16_BIT_TICKS == 1 )\r
+ typedef unsigned portSHORT portTickType;\r
+ #define portMAX_DELAY ( portTickType ) 0xffff\r
+ typedef unsigned portLONG portTickType;\r
+ #define portMAX_DELAY ( portTickType ) 0xffffffff\r
+/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ \r
+/* Interrupt control macros and functions. */\r
+void microblaze_disable_interrupts( void );\r
+void microblaze_enable_interrupts( void );\r
+#define portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS() microblaze_disable_interrupts()\r
+#define portENABLE_INTERRUPTS() microblaze_enable_interrupts()\r
+/* Critical section macros. */\r
+void vPortEnterCritical( void );\r
+void vPortExitCritical( void );\r
+#define portENTER_CRITICAL() { \\r
+ extern volatile unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxCriticalNesting; \\r
+ microblaze_disable_interrupts(); \\r
+ uxCriticalNesting++; \\r
+ }\r
+#define portEXIT_CRITICAL() { \\r
+ extern volatile unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxCriticalNesting; \\r
+ /* Interrupts are disabled, so we can */ \\r
+ /* access the variable directly. */ \\r
+ uxCriticalNesting--; \\r
+ if( uxCriticalNesting == 0 ) \\r
+ { \\r
+ /* The nesting has unwound and we \\r
+ can enable interrupts again. */ \\r
+ } \\r
+ }\r
+/* The yield macro maps directly to the vPortYield() function. */\r
+void vPortYield( void );\r
+#define portYIELD() vPortYield()\r
+/* portYIELD_FROM_ISR() does not directly call vTaskSwitchContext(), but instead\r
+sets a flag to say that a yield has been requested. The interrupt exit code\r
+then checks this flag, and calls vTaskSwitchContext() before restoring a task\r
+context, if the flag is not false. This is done to prevent multiple calls to\r
+vTaskSwitchContext() being made from a single interrupt, as a single interrupt\r
+can result in multiple peripherals being serviced. */\r
+extern volatile unsigned long ulTaskSwitchRequested;\r
+#define portYIELD_FROM_ISR( x ) if( x != pdFALSE ) ulTaskSwitchRequested = 1\r
+/* Hardware specifics. */\r
+#define portBYTE_ALIGNMENT 4\r
+#define portSTACK_GROWTH ( -1 )\r
+#define portTICK_RATE_MS ( ( portTickType ) 1000 / configTICK_RATE_HZ )\r
+#define portNOP() asm volatile ( "NOP" )\r
+/* Task function macros as described on the FreeRTOS.org WEB site. */\r
+#define portTASK_FUNCTION_PROTO( vFunction, pvParameters ) void vFunction( void *pvParameters )\r
+#define portTASK_FUNCTION( vFunction, pvParameters ) void vFunction( void *pvParameters )\r
+/* The following structure is used by the FreeRTOS exception handler. It is\r
+filled with the MicroBlaze context as it was at the time the exception occurred.\r
+This is done as an aid to debugging exception occurrences. */\r
+typedef struct PORT_REGISTER_DUMP\r
+ /* The following structure members hold the values of the MicroBlaze\r
+ registers at the time the exception was raised. */\r
+ unsigned long ulR1_SP;\r
+ unsigned long ulR2_small_data_area;\r
+ unsigned long ulR3;\r
+ unsigned long ulR4;\r
+ unsigned long ulR5;\r
+ unsigned long ulR6;\r
+ unsigned long ulR7;\r
+ unsigned long ulR8;\r
+ unsigned long ulR9;\r
+ unsigned long ulR10;\r
+ unsigned long ulR11;\r
+ unsigned long ulR12;\r
+ unsigned long ulR13_read_write_small_data_area;\r
+ unsigned long ulR14_return_address_from_interrupt;\r
+ unsigned long ulR15_return_address_from_subroutine;\r
+ unsigned long ulR16_return_address_from_trap;\r
+ unsigned long ulR17_return_address_from_exceptions; /* The exception entry code will copy the BTR into R17 if the exception occurred in the delay slot of a branch instruction. */\r
+ unsigned long ulR18;\r
+ unsigned long ulR19;\r
+ unsigned long ulR20;\r
+ unsigned long ulR21;\r
+ unsigned long ulR22;\r
+ unsigned long ulR23;\r
+ unsigned long ulR24;\r
+ unsigned long ulR25;\r
+ unsigned long ulR26;\r
+ unsigned long ulR27;\r
+ unsigned long ulR28;\r
+ unsigned long ulR29;\r
+ unsigned long ulR30;\r
+ unsigned long ulR31;\r
+ unsigned long ulPC;\r
+ unsigned long ulESR;\r
+ unsigned long ulMSR;\r
+ unsigned long ulEAR;\r
+ unsigned long ulFSR;\r
+ unsigned long ulEDR;\r
+ /* A human readable description of the exception cause. The strings used\r
+ are the same as the #define constant names found in the\r
+ microblaze_exceptions_i.h header file */\r
+ signed char *pcExceptionCause;\r
+ /* The human readable name of the task that was running at the time the\r
+ exception occurred. This is the name that was given to the task when the\r
+ task was created using the FreeRTOS xTaskCreate() API function. */\r
+ signed char *pcCurrentTaskName;\r
+ /* The handle of the task that was running a the time the exception\r
+ occurred. */\r
+ void * xCurrentTaskHandle;\r
+} xPortRegisterDump;\r
+ * Installs pxHandler as the interrupt handler for the peripheral specified by \r
+ * the ucInterruptID parameter.\r
+ *\r
+ * ucInterruptID:\r
+ * \r
+ * The ID of the peripheral that will have pxHandler assigned as its interrupt\r
+ * handler. Peripheral IDs are defined in the xparameters.h header file, which \r
+ * is itself part of the BSP project. For example, in the official demo \r
+ * application for this port, xparameters.h defines the following IDs for the \r
+ * four possible interrupt sources:\r
+ *\r
+ * XPAR_INTC_0_UARTLITE_1_VEC_ID - for the UARTlite peripheral.\r
+ * XPAR_INTC_0_TMRCTR_0_VEC_ID - for the AXI Timer 0 peripheral.\r
+ * XPAR_INTC_0_EMACLITE_0_VEC_ID - for the Ethernet lite peripheral.\r
+ * XPAR_INTC_0_GPIO_1_VEC_ID - for the button inputs.\r
+ *\r
+ *\r
+ * pxHandler:\r
+ * \r
+ * A pointer to the interrupt handler function itself. This must be a void\r
+ * function that takes a (void *) parameter.\r
+ *\r
+ *\r
+ * pvCallBackRef:\r
+ *\r
+ * The parameter passed into the handler function. In many cases this will not\r
+ * be used and can be NULL. Some times it is used to pass in a reference to\r
+ * the peripheral instance variable, so it can be accessed from inside the\r
+ * handler function.\r
+ *\r
+ * \r
+ * pdPASS is returned if the function executes successfully. Any other value\r
+ * being returned indicates that the function did not execute correctly.\r
+ */\r
+portBASE_TYPE xPortInstallInterruptHandler( unsigned char ucInterruptID, XInterruptHandler pxHandler, void *pvCallBackRef );\r
+ * Enables the interrupt, within the interrupt controller, for the peripheral \r
+ * specified by the ucInterruptID parameter.\r
+ *\r
+ * ucInterruptID:\r
+ * \r
+ * The ID of the peripheral that will have its interrupt enabled in the\r
+ * interrupt controller. Peripheral IDs are defined in the xparameters.h header \r
+ * file, which is itself part of the BSP project. For example, in the official \r
+ * demo application for this port, xparameters.h defines the following IDs for \r
+ * the four possible interrupt sources:\r
+ *\r
+ * XPAR_INTC_0_UARTLITE_1_VEC_ID - for the UARTlite peripheral.\r
+ * XPAR_INTC_0_TMRCTR_0_VEC_ID - for the AXI Timer 0 peripheral.\r
+ * XPAR_INTC_0_EMACLITE_0_VEC_ID - for the Ethernet lite peripheral.\r
+ * XPAR_INTC_0_GPIO_1_VEC_ID - for the button inputs.\r
+ *\r
+ */\r
+void vPortEnableInterrupt( unsigned char ucInterruptID );\r
+ * Disables the interrupt, within the interrupt controller, for the peripheral \r
+ * specified by the ucInterruptID parameter.\r
+ *\r
+ * ucInterruptID:\r
+ * \r
+ * The ID of the peripheral that will have its interrupt disabled in the\r
+ * interrupt controller. Peripheral IDs are defined in the xparameters.h header \r
+ * file, which is itself part of the BSP project. For example, in the official \r
+ * demo application for this port, xparameters.h defines the following IDs for \r
+ * the four possible interrupt sources:\r
+ *\r
+ * XPAR_INTC_0_UARTLITE_1_VEC_ID - for the UARTlite peripheral.\r
+ * XPAR_INTC_0_TMRCTR_0_VEC_ID - for the AXI Timer 0 peripheral.\r
+ * XPAR_INTC_0_EMACLITE_0_VEC_ID - for the Ethernet lite peripheral.\r
+ * XPAR_INTC_0_GPIO_1_VEC_ID - for the button inputs.\r
+ *\r
+ */\r
+void vPortDisableInterrupt( unsigned char ucInterruptID );\r
+ * This is an application defined callback function used to install the tick\r
+ * interrupt handler. It is provided as an application callback because the \r
+ * kernel will run on lots of different MicroBlaze and FPGA configurations - not \r
+ * all of which will have the same timer peripherals defined or available. This \r
+ * example uses the AXI Timer 0. If that is available on your hardware platform \r
+ * then this example callback implementation should not require modification. \r
+ * The name of the interrupt handler that should be installed is vPortTickISR(), \r
+ * which the function below declares as an extern.\r
+ */ \r
+void vApplicationSetupTimerInterrupt( void );\r
+/* \r
+ * This is an application defined callback function used to clear whichever\r
+ * interrupt was installed by the the vApplicationSetupTimerInterrupt() callback\r
+ * function - in this case the interrupt generated by the AXI timer. It is \r
+ * provided as an application callback because the kernel will run on lots of \r
+ * different MicroBlaze and FPGA configurations - not all of which will have the \r
+ * same timer peripherals defined or available. This example uses the AXI Timer 0. \r
+ * If that is available on your hardware platform then this example callback \r
+ * implementation should not require modification provided the example definition\r
+ * of vApplicationSetupTimerInterrupt() is also not modified. \r
+ */\r
+void vApplicationClearTimerInterrupt( void );\r
+ * vPortExceptionsInstallHandlers() is only available when the MicroBlaze\r
+ * is configured to include exception functionality, and \r
+ * configINSTALL_EXCEPTION_HANDLERS is set to 1 in FreeRTOSConfig.h.\r
+ *\r
+ * vPortExceptionsInstallHandlers() installs the FreeRTOS exception handler\r
+ * for every possible exception cause. \r
+ *\r
+ * vPortExceptionsInstallHandlers() can be called explicitly from application\r
+ * code. After that is done, the default FreeRTOS exception handler that will\r
+ * have been installed can be replaced for any specific exception cause by using \r
+ * the standard Xilinx library function microblaze_register_exception_handler().\r
+ *\r
+ * If vPortExceptionsInstallHandlers() is not called explicitly by the \r
+ * application, it will be called automatically by the kernel the first time\r
+ * xPortInstallInterruptHandler() is called. At that time, any exception \r
+ * handlers that may have already been installed will be replaced.\r
+ *\r
+ * See the description of vApplicationExceptionRegisterDump() for information\r
+ * on the processing performed by the FreeRTOS exception handler.\r
+ */\r
+void vPortExceptionsInstallHandlers( void );\r
+ * The FreeRTOS exception handler fills an xPortRegisterDump structure (defined \r
+ * in portmacro.h) with the MicroBlaze context, as it was at the time the \r
+ * exception occurred. The exception handler then calls\r
+ * vApplicationExceptionRegisterDump(), passing in the completed\r
+ * xPortRegisterDump structure as its parameter.\r
+ *\r
+ * The FreeRTOS kernel provides its own implementation of\r
+ * vApplicationExceptionRegisterDump(), but the kernel provided implementation \r
+ * is declared as being 'weak'. The weak definition allows the application \r
+ * writer to provide their own implementation, should they wish to use the \r
+ * register dump information. For example, an implementation could be provided\r
+ * that wrote the register dump data to a display, or a UART port.\r
+ */\r
+void vApplicationExceptionRegisterDump( xPortRegisterDump *xRegisterDump );\r
+#ifdef __cplusplus\r
+#endif /* PORTMACRO_H */\r