.export _exit
- .constructor initsp,26
+ .constructor initsp, 26
- .import getargs, argc, argv
- .import initlib, donelib
+ .import initlib, donelib, callmain
.import zerobss, pushax
- .import _main,__filetab,getfd
+ .import _main, __filetab, getfd
.import __CODE_LOAD__, __BSS_LOAD__
.include "zeropage.inc"
jsr getfd
sta __filetab + (2 * _FILE_size) ; setup stderr
-; Pass command line if present
+; Push arguments and call main
- jsr getargs
- lda argc
- ldx argc+1
- jsr pushax ; argc
- lda #<argv
- ldx #>argv
- jsr pushax ; argv
- ldy #4 ; Argument size
- jsr _main ; call the users code
+ jsr callmain
; Call module destructors. This is also the _exit entry.