Squeezed one precious byte out of the loader code:-)
git-svn-id: svn://svn.cc65.org/cc65/trunk@3445
; Check if we have to free the allocated block
- lda Module
- ora Module+1
- beq @L1 ; Jump if no memory allocated
lda Module
ldx Module+1
- jsr _free ; Free the allocated block
+ bne @L1
+ tay ; Test high byte
+ beq @L2
+@L1: jsr _free ; Free the allocated block
; Restore the register bank
-@L1: jsr RestoreRegBank
+@L2: jsr RestoreRegBank
; Restore the error code and return to the caller
bne OSError
jsr ReadByte ; Get the operating system
- cmp #O65_OS_CC65_MODULE
+ cmp #O65_OS_CC65
bne OSError ; Wrong operating system
jsr ReadByte ; Get the version number, expect zero