--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2010-11-14
+; This module supplies a small BASIC stub program that jumps to the machine
+; language code that follows it using SYS.
+ ; The following symbol is used by linker config to force the module
+ ; to get included into the output file
+ .export __EXEHDR__: absolute = 1
+.segment "EXEHDR"
+ .addr Next
+ .word .version ; Line number
+ .byte $9E ; SYS token
+ .byte <(((Start / 1000) .mod 10) + '0')
+ .byte <(((Start / 100) .mod 10) + '0')
+ .byte <(((Start / 10) .mod 10) + '0')
+ .byte <(((Start / 1) .mod 10) + '0')
+ .byte $00 ; End of BASIC line
+Next: .word 0 ; BASIC end marker