.B color
If specified, color mode is on. This affects WLAN which will be displayed red if WLAN is down and the run_watch system which will display the status in red/green.
+.B get_ethspeed
+Get current speed of the ethernet interface using the same mechanism as ethtool. You need to start wmiistatus with root privileges to use this.
.B normcolors
Specifies the colors for background/border in the same format (html colorcodes) as wmii's configuration, that is #222222 #333333 for example.
#include <glob.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <getopt.h>
+#include <linux/ethtool.h>
+#include <linux/sockios.h>
#include "wmiistatus.h"
else (void)snprintf(part, sizeof(part), "W: down");
} else {
- char *ip_address;
+ const char *ip_address;
(void)snprintf(part, sizeof(part), "W: (%02d%%) ", quality);
ip_address = get_ip_address(wlan_interface);
strcpy(part+strlen(part), ip_address);
static char *get_eth_info() {
static char part[512];
const char *ip_address = get_ip_address(eth_interface);
+ int ethspeed = 0;
+ if (get_ethspeed) {
+ struct ifreq ifr;
+ struct ethtool_cmd ecmd;
+ int fd, err;
+ if ((fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0)
+ write_error_to_statusbar("Could not open socket");
+ ecmd.cmd = ETHTOOL_GSET;
+ (void)memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
+ ifr.ifr_data = (caddr_t)&ecmd;
+ (void)strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, eth_interface);
+ if ((err = ioctl(fd, SIOCETHTOOL, &ifr)) == 0)
+ ethspeed = ecmd.speed;
+ else write_error_to_statusbar("Could not get interface speed. Insufficient privileges?");
+ (void)close(fd);
+ }
if (ip_address == NULL)
(void)snprintf(part, sizeof(part), "E: down");
- else (void)snprintf(part, sizeof(part), "E: %s", ip_address);
+ else {
+ if (get_ethspeed)
+ (void)snprintf(part, sizeof(part), "E: %s (%d Mbit/s)", ip_address, ethspeed);
+ else (void)snprintf(part, sizeof(part), "E: %s", ip_address);
+ }
return part;