-Supported systems at this time are: C64, C128, Plus/4, CBM 500, CBM 600/700,
-the newer PET machines (not 2001), Atari 8bit, and the Apple ][ (thanks to
+Supported systems at this time are: C64, C128, Plus/4, CBM 500, CBM 600/700,
+the newer PET machines (not 2001), Atari 8bit, and the Apple ][ (thanks to
Kevin Ruland, who did the port).
C64: The program runs in a memory configuration, where only the kernal ROM
free memory is reduced to 12K).
CBM 500:
- The C program runs in bank #0 and has about 61K memory available. The
- memory available on the CBM5x0 is slightly less than that available
- on its bigger brothers (CBM 600/700) because the video ram is also
- placed into bank #0 to allow sprites.
+ The C program runs in bank #0 and has a total of 48K memory available.
+ This is less than what is available on its bigger brothers (CBM
+ 600/700) because the character data and video RAM is placed in the
+ execution bank (#0) to allow the use of sprites.
CBM 600/700:
The C program runs in a separate segment and has almost full 64K of