$(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/xsessions
$(INSTALL) -m 0755 i3 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/
$(INSTALL) -m 0755 i3-migrate-config-to-v4 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 i3-sensible-editor $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 i3-sensible-pager $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 i3-sensible-terminal $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/
test -e $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/i3/config || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 i3.config $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/i3/config
test -e $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/i3/config.keycodes || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 i3.config.keycodes $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/i3/config.keycodes
$(INSTALL) -m 0644 i3.welcome $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/i3/welcome
Please make sure the manpage for i3 will be properly created and installed
in your package.
-Also please provide the path to a suitable terminal emulator which is installed
-as a dependency of your package (e.g. urxvt). On systems which have a special
-commend to launch the best available terminal emulator, please use this one
-(e.g. x-terminal-emulator on debian).
+Please check the i3-sensible-{editor,pager,terminal} scripts and modify them if
+necessary. The former two provide fallbacks in case $PAGER or $EDITOR is not
+set (which might be more common than you think, because they have to be set in
+~/.xsession, not in the shell configuration!) while the latter tries to launch
+a terminal emulator. The scripts are most prominently used in i3-nagbar, which
+alerts the user when the configuration is broken for some reason. Also,
+i3-sensible-terminal is used in the default configuration.
-On debian, this looks like this:
+If your distribution has a mechanism to get the preferred terminal, such as the
+x-terminal-emulator symlink in Debian, please use it in i3-sensible-terminal.
+On debian, compilation and installing the manpages looks like this:
# Compilation
- $(MAKE) TERM_EMU=x-terminal-emulator
+ $(MAKE)
$(MAKE) -C man
# Installation
# The escaping is absurd, but we need to escape for shell, sed, make, define
GIT_VERSION:="$(shell git describe --tags --always) ($(shell git log --pretty=format:%cd --date=short -n1), branch $(shell [ -f $(TOPDIR)/.git/HEAD ] && sed 's/ref: refs\/heads\/\(.*\)/\\\\\\"\1\\\\\\"/g' $(TOPDIR)/.git/HEAD || echo 'unknown'))"
VERSION:=$(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0)
--- /dev/null
+# This script tries to exec an editor by trying some known editors if $EDITOR is
+# not set.
+# Distributions/packagers can enhance this script with a
+# distribution-specific mechanism to find the preferred pager.
+which $VISUAL >/dev/null && exec $VISUAL "$@"
+which $EDITOR >/dev/null && exec $EDITOR "$@"
+# Hopefully one of these is installed (no flamewars about preference please!):
+which nano >/dev/null && exec nano "$@"
+which vim >/dev/null && exec vim "$@"
+which vi >/dev/null && exec vi "$@"
+which emacs >/dev/null && exec emacs "$@"
--- /dev/null
+# This script tries to exec a pager by trying some known pagers if $PAGER is
+# not set.
+# Distributions/packagers can enhance this script with a
+# distribution-specific mechanism to find the preferred pager.
+which $PAGER >/dev/null && exec $PAGER "$@"
+# Hopefully one of these is installed:
+which most >/dev/null && exec most "$@"
+which less >/dev/null && exec less "$@"
+# we don't use 'more' because it will exit if the file is 'too short'
+# If no pager is installed, try an editor
+exec i3-sensible-editor "$@"
--- /dev/null
+# This script tries to exec a terminal emulator by trying some known terminal
+# emulators.
+# Distributions/packagers should enhance this script with a
+# distribution-specific mechanism to find the preferred terminal emulator. On
+# Debian, there is the x-terminal-emulator symlink for example.
+# Please don't touch the first line, though:
+which $TERMINAL >/dev/null && exec $TERMINAL "$@"
+# Hopefully one of these is installed:
+which xterm >/dev/null && exec xterm "$@"
+which urxvt >/dev/null && exec urxvt "$@"
+which rxvt >/dev/null && exec rxvt "$@"
+which roxterm >/dev/null && exec roxterm "$@"
floating_modifier Mod1
# start a terminal
-bindsym Mod1+Return exec urxvt
+bindsym Mod1+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal
# kill focused window
bindsym Mod1+Shift+q kill
floating_modifier $mod
# start a terminal
-bindcode $mod+36 exec urxvt
+bindcode $mod+36 exec i3-sensible-terminal
# kill focused window
bindcode $mod+Shift+24 kill
if (configerror_pid == 0) {
char *editaction,
- if (asprintf(&editaction, TERM_EMU " -e sh -c \"${EDITOR:-vi} \"%s\" && i3-msg reload\"", config_path) == -1)
+ if (asprintf(&editaction, "i3-sensible-terminal -e sh -c \"i3-sensible-editor \\\"%s\\\" && i3-msg reload\"", config_path) == -1)
- if (asprintf(&pageraction, TERM_EMU " -e sh -c \"${PAGER:-less} \"%s\"\"", errorfilename) == -1)
+ if (asprintf(&pageraction, "i3-sensible-terminal -e i3-sensible-pager \"%s\"", errorfilename) == -1)
char *argv[] = {
NULL, /* will be replaced by the executable path */