.export fnparse, fnparsename, fnset
.export fnadd, fnaddmode, fncomplete, fndefunit
- .export fnunit, fnlen, fncmd, fnbuf
+ .export fnunit, fnlen, fnisfile, fncmd, fnbuf
.import SETNAM
.import __curunit, __filetype
lda #2 ; Length of drive spec
sta fnlen
-; Copy the name into the file name buffer. The subroutine returns an error
-; code in A and zero flag set if the were no errors.
+; Assume this is a standard file on disk
- jmp fnparsename
+ sta fnisfile
+; Special treatment for directory. If the file name is "$", things are
+; actually different: $ is directory for unit 0, $0 dito, $1 is directory
+; for unit 1. For simplicity, we won't check anything else if the first
+; character of the file name is '$'.
+ lda (ptr1),y ; Get first character
+ cmp #'$' ;
+ bne fnparsename
+; Juggle stuff
+ ldx fnbuf+0 ; unit
+ stx fnbuf+1
+ sta fnbuf+0
+; No need to check the name. Length is already 2
+ lda #0 ; ok flag
+ sta fnisfile ; This is not a real file
+ rts
-fnunit: .res 1
-fnlen: .res 1
+fnunit: .res 1
+fnlen: .res 1
+fnisfile: .res 1 ; Flags standard file (as opposed to "$")
-fncmd: .byte 's' ; Use as scratch command
-fnbuf: .res 35 ; Either 0:0123456789012345,t,m
- ; Or 0:0123456789012345=0123456789012345
+fncmd: .byte 's' ; Use as scratch command
+fnbuf: .res 35 ; Either 0:0123456789012345,t,m
+ ; Or 0:0123456789012345=0123456789012345
.import addysp, popax
.import scratch, fnparse, fnaddmode, fncomplete, fnset
.import opencmdchannel, closecmdchannel, readdiskerror
- .import fnunit
+ .import fnunit, fnisfile
.import _close
.importzp sp, tmp2, tmp3
ldx fnunit
- tay ; Use the LFN also as SA
+ ldy fnisfile ; Is this a standard file on disk?
+ beq nofile ; Branch if not
+ tay ; Use the LFN also as SA for files
+nofile: ; ... else use SA=0 (read)
jsr SETLFS ; Set the file params
jsr OPEN