> serverID 1
Note: You need to make sure that the {{serverID}} of each mirror node pair is
-different and that the {{provider}} syncrepl directive points to the opposite
-mirror node.
H4: Mirror Node Configuration
MirrorMode node 1:
> # syncrepl directives \r
-> syncrepl rid=1\r
+> syncrepl rid=001\r
+> provider=ldap://ldap-ridr1.example.com\r
+> bindmethod=simple\r
+> binddn="cn=mirrormode,dc=example,dc=com"\r
+> credentials=mirrormode\r
+> searchbase="dc=example,dc=com"\r
+> schemachecking=on\r
+> type=refreshAndPersist\r
+> retry="60 +"\r
+> syncrepl rid=002\r
> provider=ldap://ldap-rid2.example.com\r
> bindmethod=simple\r
> binddn="cn=mirrormode,dc=example,dc=com"\r
MirrorMode node 2:
> # syncrepl directives\r
-> syncrepl rid=1\r
-> provider=ldap://ldap-rid1.example.com\r
+> syncrepl rid=001\r
+> provider=ldap://ldap-ridr1.example.com\r
+> bindmethod=simple\r
+> binddn="cn=mirrormode,dc=example,dc=com"\r
+> credentials=mirrormode\r
+> searchbase="dc=example,dc=com"\r
+> schemachecking=on\r
+> type=refreshAndPersist\r
+> retry="60 +"\r
+> syncrepl rid=002\r
+> provider=ldap://ldap-rid2.example.com\r
> bindmethod=simple\r
> binddn="cn=mirrormode,dc=example,dc=com"\r
> credentials=mirrormode\r
> serverID 2
It's simple really; each MirrorMode node is setup {{B:exactly}} the same, except
-that the {{B:provider}} directive is set to point to the other MirrorMode node
-and the {{serverID}} is unique.
+that the {{serverID}} is unique.
H4: Failover Configuration