No matter whether i3 misbehaved in some way without crashing or whether it just
crashed, the logfile provides all information necessary to debug the problem.
-To save a compressed version of the logfile (suitable for attaching it to a
-bugreport), use:
-DISPLAY=:0 i3-dump-log | bzip2 -c > /tmp/i3.log.bz2
+To upload a compressed version of the logfile (for a bugreport), use:
+DISPLAY=:0 i3-dump-log | bzip2 -c | curl --data-binary @-
This command does not depend on i3 (it also works while i3 displays
the crash dialog), but it requires a working X11 connection.
+After running it, you will get a URL to the logfile. Please include that URL in
+your bug report.
== On crashes: Obtaining a backtrace
When i3 crashes, it will display a dialog stating “i3 just crashed”, offering