use POSIX qw(mkfifo);
use File::Temp qw(:POSIX);
+SKIP: {
+ skip "X11::XCB too old (need >= 0.07)", 24 if $X11::XCB::VERSION < 0.07;
use ExtUtils::PkgConfig;
# setup dependency on libstartup-notification using pkg-config
static SnLauncheeContext *ctx;
static xcb_connection_t *conn;
-// TODO: this should use $x
-void init_ctx() {
- int screen;
- if ((conn = xcb_connect(NULL, &screen)) == NULL ||
- xcb_connection_has_error(conn))
- errx(1, "x11 conn failed");
- printf("screen = %d\n", screen);
+void init_ctx(void *connptr) {
+ conn = (xcb_connection_t*)connptr;
sndisplay = sn_xcb_display_new(conn, NULL, NULL);
- ctx = sn_launchee_context_new_from_environment(sndisplay, screen);
+ ctx = sn_launchee_context_new_from_environment(sndisplay, 0);
const char *get_startup_id() {
$ENV{DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID} = $startup_id;
# Create a new libstartup-notification launchee context
# Make sure the context was set up successfully
is(get_startup_id(), $startup_id, 'libstartup-notification returns the same id');
is($startup_id, '', 'startup_id empty');