--- /dev/null
+=head1 LICENSE
+ Bweb - A Bacula web interface
+ Bacula® - The Network Backup Solution
+ Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.
+ The main author of Bweb is Eric Bollengier.
+ The main author of Bacula is Kern Sibbald, with contributions from
+ many others, a complete list can be found in the file AUTHORS.
+ This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of version two of the GNU General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation plus additions
+ that are listed in the file LICENSE.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ 02110-1301, USA.
+ Bacula® is a registered trademark of John Walker.
+ The licensor of Bacula is the Free Software Foundation Europe
+ (FSFE), Fiduciary Program, Sumatrastrasse 25, 8006 Zurich,
+ Switzerland, email:ftf@fsfeurope.org.
+use strict ;
+use GD qw/gdSmallFont/;
+package GBalloon ;
+our $gd ;
+our @color_tab ;
+our $black ;
+our $white ;
+sub new
+ my ($class, %arg) = @_ ;
+ my $self = {
+ height => 800, # element height in px
+ width => 600, # element width in px
+ xmarge => 75,
+ ymarge => 100,
+ z_max_size => 50, # max circle size
+ z_min_size => 8, # min circle size
+ x_min => 0,
+ y_min => 0,
+ x_max => 0,
+ y_max => 0,
+ data => [],
+ type => {},
+ img_id => 'imggraph', # used to display graph
+ base_url => '',
+ } ;
+ map { $self->{$_} = $arg{$_} } keys %arg ;
+ bless $self ;
+ return $self ;
+sub get_imagemap
+ my ($self, $title, $img) = @_ ;
+ return "
+<map name='$self->{img_id}'>
+" . join ('', reverse @{$self->{image_map}}) . "
+<script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript'>
+ document.getElementById('$self->{img_id}').src='$img';
+" ;
+sub push_image_map
+ my ($self, $label, $tips, $x, $y, $z) = @_ ;
+ my $ret = sprintf("%.2f,%.2f,%.2f",
+ $x,$y,$z);
+ push @{$self->{image_map}},
+ "<area shape='circle' coords='$ret' ".
+ "title='$tips' href='$self->{base_url}${label}'>\n" ;
+sub init_gd
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ unless (defined $gd) {
+ my $height = $self->{height} ;
+ my $width = $self->{width} ;
+ $gd = new GD::Image($width+100,$height+100);
+ $white = $gd->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
+ push @color_tab, ($gd->colorAllocate(135,236,88),
+ $gd->colorAllocate( 255, 236, 139),
+ $gd->colorAllocate(255,95,95),
+ $gd->colorAllocate(255,149,0),
+ $gd->colorAllocate( 255, 174, 185),
+ $gd->colorAllocate( 179, 255, 58),
+ $gd->colorAllocate( 205, 133, 0),
+ $gd->colorAllocate(205, 133, 0 ),
+ $gd->colorAllocate(238, 238, 209),
+ ) ;
+ $black = $gd->colorAllocate(0,0,0);
+ $gd->transparent($white);
+# $gd->interlaced('true');
+ # x y x y
+ }
+use POSIX qw/strftime/;
+sub compute
+ my ($self, $d) = @_;
+# print STDERR "compute: x=$d->[0] y=$d->[1] z=$d->[2]\n";
+ # offset percent max
+ my $x = $self->{xmarge} + $d->[0] / $self->{x_max} * ($self->{width} - $self->{xmarge});
+ my $y = $self->{height} - $d->[1] / $self->{y_max} * ($self->{height} - $self->{ymarge});
+ my $z = sqrt($d->[2]) / $self->{z_max} * $self->{z_max_size};
+ if ($z < $self->{z_min_size}) {
+ $z += $self->{z_min_size}; # min size
+ }
+ return ($x, $y, $z);
+sub finalize
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ # we need to display big z before min z
+ my @data = sort { $b->[2] <=> $a->[2] } @{$self->{data}};
+ return unless (scalar(@data));
+ # the max z will take something like 10% of the total size
+ $self->{z_max} = sqrt($data[0]->[2]);
+ my $c=0;
+# print STDERR "max: x=$self->{x_max} y=$self->{y_max} z=$self->{z_max}\n";
+ foreach my $d (@data)
+ {
+ my ($x, $y, $z) = $self->compute($d);
+# print STDERR "current: x=$x y=$y z=$z\n";
+ $c = ($c+1) % scalar(@color_tab);
+ $gd->filledArc($x, $y, 2*$z, 2*$z, 0, 360, $color_tab[$c]);
+ $self->push_image_map($d->[3], $d->[4],$x,$y,$z);
+ }
+ $self->draw_axis();
+sub set_legend_axis
+ my ($self, %arg) = @_;
+ $self->{axis} = \%arg;
+sub draw_axis
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ # draw axis
+ $gd->line($self->{xmarge}, 5,
+ $self->{xmarge}, $self->{height},
+ $black);
+ $gd->line($self->{xmarge}, $self->{height},
+ $self->{width} - 5, $self->{height}, $black);
+ $gd->string(GD::Font->Small,
+ $self->{width} - 5,
+ $self->{height} + 10,
+ $self->{axis}->{x_title},
+ $black);
+ $gd->string(GD::Font->Small,
+ 0,
+ 10,
+ $self->{axis}->{y_title},
+ $black);
+ my $h = $self->{height} ;
+ my $w = $self->{width} - $self->{xmarge};
+ my $i=0;
+ for (my $p = $self->{xmarge}; $p <= $w; $p = $p + $w/7) {
+ $gd->string(GD::Font->Small,
+ $p,
+ $self->{height} + 10,
+ $self->{axis}->{x_func}($i),
+ $black);
+ $gd->line($p,
+ $self->{height} - 2,
+ $p,
+ $self->{height} + 2,
+ $black);
+ $i = $i + $self->{x_max}/7;
+ }
+ $i=0;
+ for (my $p = $h; $p >= 0; $p = $p - $h/7) {
+ $gd->string(GD::Font->Small,
+ 10, $p,
+ $self->{axis}->{y_func}($i),
+ $black);
+ $gd->line($self->{xmarge} - 2,
+ $p,
+ $self->{xmarge} + 2,
+ $p,
+ $black);
+ $i = $i + $self->{y_max}/7;
+ }
+sub add_point
+ my ($self, $x_val, $y_val, $z_val, $label, $link) = @_;
+ return unless ($x_val or $y_val or $z_val or $label);
+ if ($self->{x_max} < $x_val) {
+ $self->{x_max} = $x_val;
+ }
+ if ($self->{y_max} < $y_val) {
+ $self->{y_max} = $y_val;
+ }
+ if ($self->{x_min} > $x_val) {
+ $self->{x_min} = $x_val;
+ }
+ if ($self->{y_min} > $y_val) {
+ $self->{y_min} = $y_val;
+ }
+ # z will be compute after
+ push @{$self->{data}}, [$x_val, $y_val, $z_val, $label, $link];
+package main ;
+# display Mb/Gb/Kb
+sub human_size
+ my @unit = qw(B KB MB GB TB);
+ my $val = shift || 0;
+ my $i=0;
+ my $format = '%i %s';
+ while ($val / 1024 > 1) {
+ $i++;
+ $val /= 1024;
+ }
+ $format = ($i>0)?'%0.1f %s':'%i %s';
+ return sprintf($format, $val, $unit[$i]);
+# display Day, Hour, Year
+sub human_sec
+ use integer;
+ my $val = shift;
+ $val /= 60; # sec -> min
+ if ($val / 60 <= 1) {
+ return "$val mins";
+ }
+ $val /= 60; # min -> hour
+ if ($val / 24 <= 1) {
+ return "$val hours";
+ }
+ $val /= 24; # hour -> day
+ return "$val days";
+my $top = new GBalloon(debug => 1) ;
+$top->set_legend_axis(x_title => 'Time', x_func => \&human_sec,
+ y_title => 'Size', y_func => \&human_size,
+ z_title => 'Nb files');
+$top->add_point( 13*60+56 , 3518454692 , 6 , 'PRLISVCS_RMAN');
+$top->add_point( 23*60+31 , 2419151398 , 4 , 'RHREC_BACKUP' );
+$top->add_point( 12*60+07 , 1373969860 , 1044 , '3_DATA');
+$top->add_point( 13*60+40 , 2284109956 , 1121 , '4_DATA');
+$top->add_point( 13*60+40 , 2284109956 , 1 , '1_DATA');
+$top->add_point( 13*60+10 , 2284109956 , 1 , '2_DATA');
+$top->add_point( 13*60+10 , 2284109956 , 2000000 , '7_DATA');
+$top->finalize() ;
+#$top->draw_labels() ;
+# make sure we are writing to a binary stream
+binmode STDOUT;
+# Convert the image to PNG and print it on standard output
+print $gd->png;
+print STDERR "<html><body>";
+print STDERR $top->get_imagemap("example", "a.png");
+print STDERR "</body></html>";