+++ /dev/null
-; Atari 8-bit mouse routines -- 05/07/2000 Freddy Offenga
-; Some changes by Christian Groessler, Ullrich von Bassewitz
-; The following devices are supported:
-; - Atari trak-ball
-; - ST mouse
-; - Amiga mouse
-; Mouse checks are done in the timer 1 IRQ and the mouse arrow is
-; drawn in player 0 during the vertical blank
- .export _mouse_init, _mouse_done, _mouse_box
- .export _mouse_show, _mouse_hide, _mouse_move
- .export _mouse_buttons, _mouse_pos, _mouse_info
- .constructor initmouse,27
- .import popax
- .importzp ptr1
- .include "atari.inc"
-TRAK_BALL = 0 ; device Atari trak-ball
-ST_MOUSE = 1 ; device ST mouse
-AMIGA_MOUSE = 2 ; device Amiga mouse
-MAX_TYPE = 3 ; first illegal device type
-; the default values force the mouse cursor inside the test screen (no access to border)
-defxmin = 48 ; default x minimum
-defymin = 31 ; default y minimum
-defxmax = 204 ; default x maximum
-defymax = 211 ; default y maximum
-pmsize = 16 ; y size pm shape
-xinit = defxmin ; init. x pos.
-yinit = defymin ; init. y pos.
-; reserve memory for the mouse pointer
- lda APPMHI+1
- and #%11111000 ; make 2k aligned
- sec
- sbc #%00001000 ; reserve 2k
- tax
- adc #3 ; add 4 (C = 1)
- sta mouse_pm0
- lda #0
- sta APPMHI
- stx APPMHI+1
- rts
-; Initialize mouse routines
-; void __fastcall__ mouse_init (unsigned char type);
- cmp #MAX_TYPE+1 ; Check for a valid type
- bcc setup
-ifail: lda #0 ; init. failed
- tax
- rts
-setup: tax
- lda lvectab,x
- sta mouse_vec+1
- lda hvectab,x
- sta mouse_vec+2
- jsr pminit
- lda VTIMR1
- sta old_t1
- lda VTIMR1+1
- sta old_t1+1
- lda #<t1_vec
- sta VTIMR1
- lda #>t1_vec
- sta VTIMR1+1
- lda #%00000001
- sta AUDCTL
- lda #0
- sta AUDC1
- lda #15
- sta AUDF1
- sta STIMER
- sei
- lda POKMSK
- ora #%00000001 ; timer 1 enable
- sta POKMSK
- sta IRQEN
- cli
- lda VVBLKI
- sta vbi_jmp+1
- lda VVBLKI+1
- sta vbi_jmp+2
- lda #6
- ldy #<vbi
- ldx #>vbi
- jsr SETVBV
- lda #$C0
- sta NMIEN
- ldx #0
- lda #1
- sta mouse_off
- rts
-; Finish mouse routines
-; void mouse_done(void)
- sei
- lda POKMSK
- and #%11111110 ; timer 1 disable
- sta IRQEN
- sta POKMSK
- cli
- lda old_t1
- sta VTIMR1
- lda old_t1+1
- sta VTIMR1+1
- lda #$40
- sta NMIEN
- lda #6
- ldy vbi_jmp+1
- ldx vbi_jmp+2
- jsr SETVBV
- ldx #0
- stx GRACTL
- stx HPOSP0
- inx
- stx mouse_off
- rts
-; Set mouse limits
-; void __fastcall__ mouse_box(int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax)
- sta ymax
- jsr popax ; always ignore high byte
- sta xmax
- jsr popax
- sta ymin
- jsr popax
- sta xmin
- rts
-; Set mouse position
-; void __fastcall__ mouse_move(int xpos, int ypos)
- sta mousey ; always ignore high byte
- jsr popax
- sta mousex
- rts
-; Show mouse arrow
-; void mouse_show(void)
- lda mouse_off ; Already on?
- beq @L1
- dec mouse_off
-@L1: rts
-; Hide mouse arrow
-; void mouse_hide(void)
- inc mouse_off
- rts
-; Ask mouse button
-; unsigned char mouse_buttons(void)
- ldx #0
- lda STRIG0
- bne nobut
-; lda #14
-;??? sta COLOR1
- lda #1
- rts
-nobut: txa
- rts
-; Get the mouse position
-; void mouse_pos (struct mouse_pos* pos);
- sta ptr1
- stx ptr1+1 ; Store argument pointer
- ldy #0
- lda mousex ; X position
- sta (ptr1),y
- lda #0
- iny
- sta (ptr1),y
- lda mousey ; Y position
- iny
- sta (ptr1),y
- lda #0
- iny
- sta (ptr1),y
- rts
-; Get the mouse position and button information
-; void mouse_info (struct mouse_info* info);
-; We're cheating here to keep the code smaller: The first fields of the
-; mouse_info struct are identical to the mouse_pos struct, so we will just
-; call _mouse_pos to initialize the struct pointer and fill the position
-; fields.
- jsr _mouse_pos
-; Fill in the button state
- jsr _mouse_buttons ; Will not touch ptr1
- ldy #4
- sta (ptr1),y
- rts
-; Atari trak-ball check, A,Y = 4-bit port value
- eor oldval
- and #%00001000
- beq horiz
- tya
- and #%00000100
- beq mmup
- inc mousey
- bne horiz
-mmup: dec mousey
-horiz: tya
- eor oldval
- and #%00000010
- beq mmexit
- tya
- and #%00000001
- beq mmleft
- inc mousex
- bne mmexit
-mmleft: dec mousex
-mmexit: sty oldval
- rts
-; ST mouse check, A,Y = 4-bit port value
- and #%00000011
- ora dumx
- tax
- lda sttab,x
- bmi nxst
- beq xist
- dec mousex ; 1 = left
- bne nxst
-xist: inc mousex ; 0 = right
-nxst: tya
- and #%00001100
- ora dumy
- tax
- lda sttab,x
- bmi nyst
- bne yst
- dec mousey ; 0 = up
- bne nyst
-yst: inc mousey ; 1 = down
-; store old readings
-nyst: tya
- and #%00000011
- asl
- asl
- sta dumx
- tya
- and #%00001100
- lsr
- lsr
- sta dumy
- rts
-; Amiga mouse check, A,Y = 4-bit port value
- lsr
- and #%00000101
- ora dumx
- tax
- lda amitab,x
- bmi nxami
- bne xiami
- dec mousex ; 0 = left
- bne nxami
-xiami: inc mousex ; 1 = right
-nxami: tya
- and #%00000101
- ora dumy
- tax
- lda amitab,x
- bmi nyami
- bne yiami
- dec mousey ; 0 = up
- bne nyami
-yiami: inc mousey ; 1 = down
-; store old readings
-nyami: tya
- and #%00001010
- sta dumx
- tya
- and #%00000101
- asl
- sta dumy
- rts
-; timer 1 IRQ routine - check mouse
-t1_vec: tya
- pha
- txa
- pha
-.ifdef DEBUG
- lda RANDOM
- sta COLBK ; debug
- lda PORTA
- tay
- jsr st_check ; will be modified; won't be ROMmable
- pla
- tax
- pla
- tay
- pla
- rti
-; VBI - check mouse limits and display mouse arrow
-vbi: lda mousex
- cmp xmin
- bcs ok1 ; xmin <= mousex
- lda xmin
- sta mousex
-ok1: lda mousey
- cmp ymin
- bcs ok2 ; ymin <= mousey
- lda ymin
- sta mousey
-ok2: lda xmax
- cmp mousex
- bcs ok3 ; xmax >= mousex
- lda xmax
- sta mousex
-ok3: lda ymax
- cmp mousey
- bcs ok4 ; ymax >= mousey
- lda ymax
- sta mousey
-ok4: jsr clrpm
- lda mouse_off
- beq mon
- lda #0
- sta HPOSP0
- beq moff
-mon: jsr drwpm
- lda mousey
- sta omy
- lda #3
-moff: sta GRACTL
- jmp SYSVBV ; will be modified; won't be ROMmable
-; initialize mouse pm
-pminit: lda mouse_pm0
- sta mpatch1+2
- sta mpatch2+2
- sta mpatch3+2
- ldx #0
- txa
-clpm: sta $1000,x ; will be patched
- inx
- bne clpm
- lda mouse_pm0
- sec
- sbc #4
- sta PMBASE
- lda #62
- sta SDMCTL
- lda #1
- sta GPRIOR
- lda #0
- sta PCOLR0
- sta SIZEP0
- rts
-; draw new mouse pm
-drwpm: lda mousex
- sta HPOSP0
- lda mousey
- tax
- ldy #0
-fmp2: lda mskpm,y
- sta $1000,x ; will be patched
- inx
- iny
- cpy #pmsize
- bne fmp2
- rts
-; clear old mouse pm
-clrpm: lda omy
- tax
- ldy #0
- tya
-fmp1: sta $1000,x ; will be patched
- inx
- iny
- cpy #pmsize
- bne fmp1
- rts
- .rodata
-; mouse arrow - pm shape
-mskpm: .byte %00000000
- .byte %10000000
- .byte %11000000
- .byte %11000000
- .byte %11100000
- .byte %11100000
- .byte %11110000
- .byte %11100000
- .byte %11100000
- .byte %00100000
- .byte %00100000
- .byte %00110000
- .byte %00110000
- .byte %00000000
- .byte %00000000
- .byte %00000000
-; ST mouse lookup table
-sttab: .byte $FF,$01,$00,$01
- .byte $00,$FF,$00,$01
- .byte $01,$00,$FF,$00
- .byte $01,$00,$01,$FF
-; Amiga mouse lookup table
-amitab: .byte $FF,$01,$00,$FF
- .byte $00,$FF,$FF,$01
- .byte $01,$FF,$FF,$00
- .byte $FF,$00,$01,$FF
-; Device vectors
- .byte <trak_check, <st_check, <amiga_check
- .byte >trak_check, >st_check, >amiga_check
-; default values
-xmin: .byte defxmin
-ymin: .byte defymin
-xmax: .byte defxmax
-ymax: .byte defymax
-mousex: .byte xinit
-mousey: .byte yinit
- .bss
-; Misc. vars
-old_t1: .res 2 ; old timer interrupt vector
-oldval: .res 1 ; used by trakball routines
-dumx: .res 1
-dumy: .res 1
-omy: .res 1 ; old y pos
- .res 1
- .res 1