jsr popa ; Ignore type and port
- ldy OldIRQ+1 ; Already initialized?
+ lda OldIRQ+1 ; Already initialized?
bne AlreadyInitialized ; Jump if yes
; Initialize variables
ldx #0
- stx XPos
+ lda #XCORR
+ sta XPos
stx XPos+1
stx YPos
stx YPos+1
stx OldPotY
stx XMin
stx XMin+1 ; XMin = 0
- lda #50 ; ## FIXME: This is the PAL value
+ lda #50 ; ## FIXME: This is the PAL value
sta YCorr
+ sta YPos
+ stx YPos+1
sbc #SPRITE_HEIGHT ; Sprite height in pixels
sta YMin
lda IRQVec+1
sta OldIRQ+1
-; Set our own IRQ vector. We cheat here to save a few bytes of code:
-; The function is expected to return a value not equal to zero on success,
-; and since we know that the high byte of the IRQ handler address is never
-; zero, we will return just this byte.
+; Set our own IRQ vector.
- ldx #<MouseIRQ
- lda #>MouseIRQ
- bne SetIRQ ; Branch always
+ ldx #<MouseIRQ
+ ldy #>MouseIRQ
+ jsr SetIRQ ; Set our IRQ vector, disable sprite 0
+ lda #1 ; Mouse successfully initialized
+ rts
lda #0 ; Error
- ldx OldIRQ ; Initialized?
- lda OldIRQ+1
+ ldx OldIRQ
+ ldy OldIRQ+1 ; Initialized?
beq Done ; Jump if no
- ldy #0
- sty OldIRQ+1 ; Reset the initialized flag
-SetIRQ: sei ; Disable interrupts
+ lda #0
+ sta OldIRQ+1 ; Reset the initialized flag
+SetIRQ: sei ; Disable interrupts
stx IRQVec ; Set the new/old vector
- sta IRQVec+1
- cli ; Enable interrupts
+ sty IRQVec+1
+ lda VIC_SPR_ENA ; Get sprite enable register
+ and #$FE ; Disable sprite #0
+ sta VIC_SPR_ENA ; Write back
+ cli ; Enable interrupts
Done: rts
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; void mouse_hide (void);