QTreeWidgetItem* thisitem = mainWin->getFromHash(this);
+ connect(m_pbApply, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(applyPushed()));
+ connect(m_pbEdit, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(editPushed()));
+ connect(m_pbPurge, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(purgePushed()));
+ connect(m_pbDelete, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(deletePushed()));
+ connect(m_pbPrune, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(prunePushed()));
+ connect(m_tableMedia, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTableWidgetItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(showInfoForMedia(QTableWidgetItem *)));
/* mp_treeWidget, Storage Tree Tree Widget inherited from ui_medialist.h */
m_populated = false;
m_closeable = false;
+void MediaView::showInfoForMedia(QTableWidgetItem * item)
+ QTreeWidgetItem* pageSelectorTreeWidgetItem = mainWin->getFromHash(this);
+ int row = item->row();
+ QString vol = m_tableMedia->item(row, 0)->text();
+ new MediaInfo(pageSelectorTreeWidgetItem, vol);
+// connect(j, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(populateTree()));
+void MediaView::applyPushed()
+ populateTable();
+void MediaView::editPushed()
+ QStringList sel;
+ QString cmd;
+ getSelection(sel);
+ for(int i=0; i<sel.count(); i++) {
+ cmd =;
+ new MediaEdit(mainWin->getFromHash(this), cmd);
+ }
+void MediaView::purgePushed()
+bool MediaView::getSelection(QStringList &list)
+ QList<QTableWidgetItem*> items = m_tableMedia->selectedItems();
+ QTableWidgetItem *it;
+ int row;
+ int nb = items.count();
+ int *tab = (int *) malloc (nb * sizeof(int));
+ memset(tab, 0, sizeof(int)*nb);
+ for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
+ row = items[i]->row();
+ if (!tab[row]) {
+ tab[row]=1;
+ it = m_tableMedia->item(row, 0);
+ list.append(it->text());
+ }
+ }
+ free(tab);
+ return list.count() > 0;
+void MediaView::prunePushed()
+ QStringList sel;
+ QString cmd;
+ getSelection(sel);
+ for(int i=0; i<sel.count(); i++) {
+ cmd = "prune volume=" +;
+ consoleCommand(cmd);
+ }
+void MediaView::deletePushed()
+ QStringList sel;
+ QString cmd;
+ getSelection(sel);
+ if (QMessageBox::warning(this, "Bat",
+ tr("Are you sure you want to delete?? !!!.\n"
+"This delete command is used to delete a Volume record and all associated catalog"
+" records that were created. This command operates only on the Catalog"
+" database and has no effect on the actual data written to a Volume. This"
+" command can be dangerous and we strongly recommend that you do not use"
+" it unless you know what you are doing. All Jobs and all associated"
+" records (File and JobMedia) will be deleted from the catalog."
+ "Press OK to proceed with delete operation.?"),
+ QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel)
+ == QMessageBox::Cancel) { return; }
+ cmd = "delete volume=" + sel.join(",");
+ consoleCommand(cmd);
+void MediaView::populateForm()
+ m_cbPool->clear();
+ m_cbPool->addItem("");
+ m_cbPool->addItems(m_console->pool_list);
+ m_cbStatus->clear();
+ m_cbStatus->addItem("");
+ m_cbStatus->addItems(m_console->volstatus_list);
+ m_cbMediaType->clear();
+ m_cbMediaType->addItem("");
+ m_cbMediaType->addItems(m_console->mediatype_list);
+ m_cbLocation->clear();
+ m_cbLocation->addItem("");
+ m_cbLocation->addItems(m_console->location_list);
* The main meat of the class!! The function that querries the director and
* creates the widgets with appropriate values.
void MediaView::populateTable()
+ utime_t t;
+ time_t ttime;
+ QString stat, LastWritten;
+ char buf[256];
+ struct tm tm;
m_populated = true;
Freeze frz(*m_tableMedia); /* disable updating*/
+ QStringList where;
+ QString cmd;
+ if (m_cbPool->currentText() != "") {
+ cmd = " Pool.Name = '" + m_cbPool->currentText() + "'";
+ where.append(cmd);
+ }
+ if (m_cbStatus->currentText() != "") {
+ cmd = " Media.VolStatus = '" + m_cbStatus->currentText() + "'";
+ where.append(cmd);
+ }
+ if (m_cbStatus->currentText() != "") {
+ cmd = " Media.VolStatus = '" + m_cbStatus->currentText() + "'";
+ where.append(cmd);
+ }
+ if (m_cbMediaType->currentText() != "") {
+ cmd = " Media.MediaType = '" + m_cbMediaType->currentText() + "'";
+ where.append(cmd);
+ }
+ if (m_cbLocation->currentText() != "") {
+ cmd = " Location.Location = '" + m_cbLocation->currentText() + "'";
+ where.append(cmd);
+ }
+ if (m_textName->text() != "") {
+ cmd = " Media.VolumeName like '%" + m_textName->text() + "%'";
+ where.append(cmd);
+ }
+ if (where.size() > 0) {
+ cmd = " WHERE " + where.join(" AND ");
+ } else {
+ cmd = "";
+ }
+ m_tableMedia->clearContents();
+ QString query =
+ "SELECT MediaId, VolumeName, InChanger, Slot, VolBytes, VolStatus, "
+ "Pool.Name, "
+ "MediaType, LastWritten,"
+ "Media.VolRetention "
+ "FROM Media JOIN Pool USING (PoolId) "
+ "LEFT JOIN Location USING (LocationId) "
+ + cmd +
+ " ORDER BY VolumeName LIMIT " + m_sbLimit->cleanText();
+// Pmsg1(000, "MediaView query cmd : %s\n",query.toUtf8().data());
+ QStringList results;
+ if (m_console->sql_cmd(query, results)) {
+ QString resultline;
+ QStringList fieldlist;
+ m_tableMedia->setRowCount(results.size());
+ int row=0;
+ foreach (resultline, results) { // should have only one result
+ fieldlist = resultline.split("\t");
+ QStringListIterator fld(fieldlist);
+ int index=0;
+ TableItemFormatter mediaitem(*m_tableMedia, row);
+; // MediaId
+ /* VolumeName */
+ mediaitem.setTextFld(index++,;
+ /* Online */
+ mediaitem.setTextFld(index++,;
+; // Slot
+ /* Volume bytes */
+ mediaitem.setBytesFld(index++,;
+ /* Usage */
+ mediaitem.setTextFld(index++, "NYI");
+ /* Volstatus */
+ mediaitem.setVolStatusFld(index++,;
+ /* Pool */
+ mediaitem.setTextFld(index++,;
+ /* MediaType */
+ mediaitem.setTextFld(index++,;
+ /* LastWritten */
+ LastWritten =;
+ mediaitem.setTextFld(index++, LastWritten);
+ stat =;
+ t = str_to_utime(LastWritten.toAscii().data());
+ t = t + stat.toULongLong();
+ ttime = t;
+ localtime_r(&ttime, &tm);
+ strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm);
+ mediaitem.setTextFld(index++, buf);
+ row++;
+ }
+ }
+ m_tableMedia->resizeColumnsToContents();
+ m_tableMedia->resizeRowsToContents();
+ m_tableMedia->verticalHeader()->hide();
+ /* make read only */
+ m_tableMedia->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers);
connect(edit, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(populateTable()));
- * Called from the signal of the context sensitive menu!
- */
-void MediaView::showJobs()
- QTreeWidgetItem *parentItem = mainWin->getFromHash(this);
- mainWin->createPageJobList(m_currentVolumeName, "", "", "", parentItem);
* Called from the signal of the context sensitive menu!
void MediaView::PgSeltreeWidgetClicked()
if (!m_populated) {
+ populateForm();
void MediaView::currentStackItem()
if(!m_populated) {
+ populateForm();
QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel)
== QMessageBox::Cancel) { return; }
- QString cmd("delete volume=");
- cmd += m_currentVolumeName;
- consoleCommand(cmd);
+ QStringList lst;
+ QString cmd;
+ getSelection(lst);
+ for(int i=0; i<lst.count(); i++) {
+ cmd = "delete volume=" +;
+ consoleCommand(cmd);
+ }
+ populateTable();
QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel)
== QMessageBox::Cancel) { return; }
- QString cmd("purge volume=");
- cmd += m_currentVolumeName;
- consoleCommand(cmd);
+ QStringList lst;
+ QString cmd;
+ getSelection(lst);
+ for(int i=0; i<lst.count(); i++) {
+ cmd = "purge volume=" +;
+ consoleCommand(cmd);
+ }