; The driver header
.struct MOUSE_HDR
- ID .byte 3 ; Contains 0x6D, 0x6F, 0x75 ("mou")
- VERSION .byte 1 ; Interface version
- JUMPTAB .struct
- INSTALL .addr
+ ID .byte 3 ; Contains 0x6D, 0x6F, 0x75 ("mou")
+ VERSION .byte 1 ; Interface version
+ JUMPTAB .struct
+ INSTALL .addr
HIDE .addr
SHOW .addr
POS .addr
INFO .addr
IOCTL .addr
- IRQ .addr
+ IRQ .addr
+ XPOS .word ; Mouse X position
+ YPOS .word ; Mouse Y position
+ CALLBACKS .struct ; Jump instructions
+ .byte ; JMP opcode
+ CHIDE .addr ; Jump address
+ .byte
+ CSHOW .addr
+ .byte
+ CMOVE .addr
+ .endstruct
; Variables
- .global _mouse_drv ; Pointer to driver
+ .global _mouse_drv ; Pointer to driver
+ .global _mouse_hidden ; Counter, 0 = mouse is visible
; C callable functions
.global _mouse_move
.global _mouse_buttons
.global _mouse_pos
- .global _mouse_info
+ .global _mouse_info
.global _mouse_ioctl
.global mouse_move
.global mouse_buttons
.global mouse_pos
- .global mouse_info
+ .global mouse_info
.global mouse_ioctl