Used to associate a set of attributes to an index. Each attribute
set is associated with an index number from 0 to <numattrsets>-1.
-These indices are used by the addtemplate directive to define
+These indices are used by the proxyTemplate directive to define
cacheable templates.
H3: Specifying cacheable templates
> index cn,sn,uid,mail pres,eq,sub
+H: Cacheable Queries
+A LDAP search query is cacheable when its filter matches one of the
+templates as defined in the "proxyTemplate" statements and when it references
+only the attributes specified in the corresponding attribute set.
+In the example above the attribute set number 0 defines that only the
+attributes: {{EX:mail postaladdress telephonenumber}} are cached for the following
+H4: Examples:
+> Filter: (&(sn=Richard*)(givenName=jack))
+> Attrs: mail telephoneNumber
+ is cacheable, because it matches the template {{EX:(&(sn=)(givenName=))}} and its
+ attributes are contained in proxyAttrset 0.
+> Filter: (&(sn=Richard*)(telephoneNumber))
+> Attrs: givenName
+ is not cacheable, because the filter does not match the template,
+ nor is the attribute givenName stored in the cache
+> Filter: (|(sn=Richard*)(givenName=jack))
+> Attrs: mail telephoneNumber
+ is not cacheable, because the filter does not match the template ( logical
+ OR "|" condition instead of logical AND "&" )