+++ /dev/null
-\chapter{Bacula FD Plugin API}
-To write a Bacula plugin, you create a dynamic shared object program (or dll on
-Win32) with a particular name and two exported entry points, place it in the
-{\bf Plugins Directory}, which is defined in the {\bf bacula-fd.conf} file in
-the {\bf Client} resource, and when the FD starts, it will load all the plugins
-that end with {\bf -fd.so} (or {\bf -fd.dll} on Win32) found in that directory.
-\section{Normal vs Command Plugins}
-In general, there are two ways that plugins are called. The first way, is when
-a particular event is detected in Bacula, it will transfer control to each
-plugin that is loaded in turn informing the plugin of the event. This is very
-similar to how a {\bf RunScript} works, and the events are very similar. Once
-the plugin gets control, it can interact with Bacula by getting and setting
-Bacula variables. In this way, it behaves much like a RunScript. Currently
-very few Bacula variables are defined, but they will be implemented as the need
-arrises, and it is very extensible.
-We plan to have plugins register to receive events that they normally would
-not receive, such as an event for each file examined for backup or restore.
-This feature is not yet implemented.
-The second type of plugin, which is more useful and fully implemented in the
-current version is what we call a command plugin. As with all plugins, it gets
-notified of important events as noted above (details described below), but in
-addition, this kind of plugin can accept a command line, which is a:
- Plugin = <command-string>
-directive that is placed in the Include section of a FileSet and is very
-similar to the "File = " directive. When this Plugin directive is encountered
-by Bacula during backup, it passes the "command" part of the Plugin directive
-only to the plugin that is explicitly named in the first field of that command
-string. This allows that plugin to backup any file or files on the system that
-it wants. It can even create "virtual files" in the catalog that contain data
-to be restored but do not necessarily correspond to actual files on the
-The important features of the command plugin entry points are:
- \item It is triggered by a "Plugin =" directive in the FileSet
- \item Only a single plugin is called that is named on the "Plugin =" directive.
- \item The full command string after the "Plugin =" is passed to the plugin
- so that it can be told what to backup/restore.
-\section{Loading Plugins}
-Once the File daemon loads the plugins, it asks the OS for the
-two entry points (loadPlugin and unloadPlugin) then calls the
-{\bf loadPlugin} entry point (see below).
-Bacula passes information to the plugin through this call and it gets
-back information that it needs to use the plugin. Later, Bacula
- will call particular functions that are defined by the
-{\bf loadPlugin} interface.
-When Bacula is finished with the plugin
-(when Bacula is going to exit), it will call the {\bf unloadPlugin}
-entry point.
-The two entry points are:
-bRC loadPlugin(bInfo *lbinfo, bFuncs *lbfuncs, pInfo **pinfo, pFuncs **pfuncs)
-bRC unloadPlugin()
-both these external entry points to the shared object are defined as C entry
-points to avoid name mangling complications with C++. However, the shared
-object can actually be written in any language (preferrably C or C++) providing
-that it follows C language calling conventions.
-The definitions for {\bf bRC} and the arguments are {\bf
-src/filed/fd-plugins.h} and so this header file needs to be included in
-your plugin. It along with {\bf src/lib/plugins.h} define basically the whole
-plugin interface. Within this header file, it includes the following
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#include "bc_types.h"
-#include "lib/plugins.h"
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-Aside from the {\bf bc\_types.h} and {\bf confit.h} headers, the plugin
-definition uses the minimum code from Bacula. The bc\_types.h file is required
-to ensure that the data type defintions in arguments correspond to the Bacula
-core code.
-The return codes are defined as:
-typedef enum {
- bRC_OK = 0, /* OK */
- bRC_Stop = 1, /* Stop calling other plugins */
- bRC_Error = 2, /* Some kind of error */
- bRC_More = 3, /* More files to backup */
-} bRC;
-At a future point in time, we hope to make the Bacula libbac.a into a
-shared object so that the plugin can use much more of Bacula's
-infrastructure, but for this first cut, we have tried to minimize the
-dependence on Bacula.
-As previously mentioned, the {\bf loadPlugin} entry point in the plugin
-is called immediately after Bacula loads the plugin when the File daemon
-itself is first starting. This entry point is only called once during the
-execution of the File daemon. In calling the
-plugin, the first two arguments are information from Bacula that
-is passed to the plugin, and the last two arguments are information
-about the plugin that the plugin must return to Bacula. The call is:
-bRC loadPlugin(bInfo *lbinfo, bFuncs *lbfuncs, pInfo **pinfo, pFuncs **pfuncs)
-and the arguments are:
-\item [lbinfo]
-This is information about Bacula in general. Currently, the only value
-defined in the bInfo structure is the version, which is the Bacula plugin
-interface version, currently defined as 1. The {\bf size} is set to the
-byte size of the structure. The exact definition of the bInfo structure
-as of this writing is:
-typedef struct s_baculaInfo {
- uint32_t size;
- uint32_t version;
-} bInfo;
-\item [lbfuncs]
-The bFuncs structure defines the callback entry points within Bacula
-that the plugin can use register events, get Bacula values, set
-Bacula values, and send messages to the Job output or debug output.
-The exact definition as of this writing is:
-typedef struct s_baculaFuncs {
- uint32_t size;
- uint32_t version;
- bRC (*registerBaculaEvents)(bpContext *ctx, ...);
- bRC (*getBaculaValue)(bpContext *ctx, bVariable var, void *value);
- bRC (*setBaculaValue)(bpContext *ctx, bVariable var, void *value);
- bRC (*JobMessage)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
- int type, utime_t mtime, const char *fmt, ...);
- bRC (*DebugMessage)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
- int level, const char *fmt, ...);
- void *(*baculaMalloc)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
- size_t size);
- void (*baculaFree)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line, void *mem);
-} bFuncs;
-We will discuss these entry points and how to use them a bit later when
-describing the plugin code.
-\item [pInfo]
-When the loadPlugin entry point is called, the plugin must initialize
-an information structure about the plugin and return a pointer to
-this structure to Bacula.
-The exact definition as of this writing is:
-typedef struct s_pluginInfo {
- uint32_t size;
- uint32_t version;
- const char *plugin_magic;
- const char *plugin_license;
- const char *plugin_author;
- const char *plugin_date;
- const char *plugin_version;
- const char *plugin_description;
-} pInfo;
- \begin{description}
- \item [version] is the current Bacula defined plugin interface version, currently
- set to 1. If the interface version differs from the current version of
- Bacula, the plugin will not be run (not yet implemented).
- \item [plugin\_magic] is a pointer to the text string "*FDPluginData*", a
- sort of sanity check. If this value is not specified, the plugin
- will not be run (not yet implemented).
- \item [plugin\_license] is a pointer to a text string that describes the
- plugin license. Bacula will only accept compatible licenses (not yet
- implemented).
- \item [plugin\_author] is a pointer to the text name of the author of the program.
- This string can be anything but is generally the author's name.
- \item [plugin\_date] is the pointer text string containing the date of the plugin.
- This string can be anything but is generally some human readable form of
- the date.
- \item [plugin\_version] is a pointer to a text string containing the version of
- the plugin. The contents are determined by the plugin writer.
- \item [plugin\_description] is a pointer to a string describing what the
- plugin does. The contents are determined by the plugin writer.
- \end{description}
-The pInfo structure must be defined in static memory because Bacula does not
-copy it and may refer to the values at any time while the plugin is
-loaded. All values must be supplied or the plugin will not run (not yet
-implemented). All text strings must be either ASCII or UTF-8 strings that
-are terminated with a zero byte.
-\item [pFuncs]
-When the loadPlugin entry point is called, the plugin must initialize
-an entry point structure about the plugin and return a pointer to
-this structure to Bacula. This structure contains pointer to each
-of the entry points that the plugin must provide for Bacula. When
-Bacula is actually running the plugin, it will call the defined
-entry points at particular times. All entry points must be defined.
-The pFuncs structure must be defined in static memory because Bacula does not
-copy it and may refer to the values at any time while the plugin is
-The exact definition as of this writing is:
-typedef struct s_pluginFuncs {
- uint32_t size;
- uint32_t version;
- bRC (*newPlugin)(bpContext *ctx);
- bRC (*freePlugin)(bpContext *ctx);
- bRC (*getPluginValue)(bpContext *ctx, pVariable var, void *value);
- bRC (*setPluginValue)(bpContext *ctx, pVariable var, void *value);
- bRC (*handlePluginEvent)(bpContext *ctx, bEvent *event, void *value);
- bRC (*startBackupFile)(bpContext *ctx, struct save_pkt *sp);
- bRC (*endBackupFile)(bpContext *ctx);
- bRC (*startRestoreFile)(bpContext *ctx, const char *cmd);
- bRC (*endRestoreFile)(bpContext *ctx);
- bRC (*pluginIO)(bpContext *ctx, struct io_pkt *io);
- bRC (*createFile)(bpContext *ctx, struct restore_pkt *rp);
- bRC (*setFileAttributes)(bpContext *ctx, struct restore_pkt *rp);
- bRC (*checkFile)(bpContext *ctx, char *fname);
-} pFuncs;
-The details of the entry points will be presented in
-separate sections below.
- \begin{description}
- \item [size] is the byte size of the structure.
- \item [version] is the plugin interface version currently set to 3.
- \end{description}
-Sample code for loadPlugin:
- bfuncs = lbfuncs; /* set Bacula funct pointers */
- binfo = lbinfo;
- *pinfo = &pluginInfo; /* return pointer to our info */
- *pfuncs = &pluginFuncs; /* return pointer to our functions */
- return bRC_OK;
-where pluginInfo and pluginFuncs are statically defined structures.
-See bpipe-fd.c for details.
-\section{Plugin Entry Points}
-This section will describe each of the entry points (subroutines) within
-the plugin that the plugin must provide for Bacula, when they are called
-and their arguments. As noted above, pointers to these subroutines are
-passed back to Bacula in the pFuncs structure when Bacula calls the
-loadPlugin() externally defined entry point.
-\subsection{newPlugin(bpContext *ctx)}
- This is the entry point that Bacula will call
- when a new "instance" of the plugin is created. This typically
- happens at the beginning of a Job. If 10 Jobs are running
- simultaneously, there will be at least 10 instances of the
- plugin.
- The bpContext structure will be passed to the plugin, and
- during this call, if the plugin needs to have its private
- working storage that is associated with the particular
- instance of the plugin, it should create it from the heap
- (malloc the memory) and store a pointer to
- its private working storage in the {\bf pContext} variable.
- Note: since Bacula is a multi-threaded program, you must not
- keep any variable data in your plugin unless it is truely meant
- to apply globally to the whole plugin. In addition, you must
- be aware that except the first and last call to the plugin
- (loadPlugin and unloadPlugin) all the other calls will be
- made by threads that correspond to a Bacula job. The
- bpContext that will be passed for each thread will remain the
- same throughout the Job thus you can keep your privat Job specific
- data in it ({\bf bContext}).
-typedef struct s_bpContext {
- void *pContext; /* Plugin private context */
- void *bContext; /* Bacula private context */
-} bpContext;
- This context pointer will be passed as the first argument to all
- the entry points that Bacula calls within the plugin. Needless
- to say, the plugin should not change the bContext variable, which
- is Bacula's private context pointer for this instance (Job) of this
- plugin.
-\subsection{freePlugin(bpContext *ctx)}
-This entry point is called when the
-this instance of the plugin is no longer needed (the Job is
-ending), and the plugin should release all memory it may
-have allocated for this particular instance (Job) i.e. the pContext.
-This is not the final termination
-of the plugin signaled by a call to {\bf unloadPlugin}.
-Any other instances (Job) will
-continue to run, and the entry point {\bf newPlugin} may be called
-again if other jobs start.
-\subsection{getPluginValue(bpContext *ctx, pVariable var, void *value)}
-Bacula will call this entry point to get
-a value from the plugin. This entry point is currently not called.
-\subsection{setPluginValue(bpContext *ctx, pVariable var, void *value)}
-Bacula will call this entry point to set
-a value in the plugin. This entry point is currently not called.
-\subsection{handlePluginEvent(bpContext *ctx, bEvent *event, void *value)}
-This entry point is called when Bacula
-encounters certain events (discussed below). This is, in fact, the
-main way that most plugins get control when a Job runs and how
-they know what is happening in the job. It can be likened to the
-{\bf RunScript} feature that calls external programs and scripts,
-and is very similar to the Bacula Python interface.
-When the plugin is called, Bacula passes it the pointer to an event
-structure (bEvent), which currently has one item, the eventType:
-typedef struct s_bEvent {
- uint32_t eventType;
-} bEvent;
- which defines what event has been triggered, and for each event,
- Bacula will pass a pointer to a value associated with that event.
- If no value is associated with a particular event, Bacula will
- pass a NULL pointer, so the plugin must be careful to always check
- value pointer prior to dereferencing it.
- The current list of events are:
-typedef enum {
- bEventJobStart = 1,
- bEventJobEnd = 2,
- bEventStartBackupJob = 3,
- bEventEndBackupJob = 4,
- bEventStartRestoreJob = 5,
- bEventEndRestoreJob = 6,
- bEventStartVerifyJob = 7,
- bEventEndVerifyJob = 8,
- bEventBackupCommand = 9,
- bEventRestoreCommand = 10,
- bEventLevel = 11,
- bEventSince = 12,
-} bEventType;
-Most of the above are self-explanatory.
- \item [bEventJobStart] is called whenever a Job starts. The value
- passed is a pointer to a string that contains: "Jobid=nnn
- Job=job-name". Where nnn will be replaced by the JobId and job-name
- will be replaced by the Job name. The variable is temporary so if you
- need the values, you must copy them.
- \item [bEventJobEnd] is called whenever a Job ends. No value is passed.
- \item [bEventStartBackupJob] is called when a Backup Job begins. No value
- is passed.
- \item [bEventEndBackupJob] is called when a Backup Job ends. No value is
- passed.
- \item [bEventStartRestoreJob] is called when a Restore Job starts. No value
- is passed.
- \item [bEventEndRestoreJob] is called when a Restore Job ends. No value is
- passed.
- \item [bEventStartVerifyJob] is called when a Verify Job starts. No value
- is passed.
- \item [bEventEndVerifyJob] is called when a Verify Job ends. No value
- is passed.
- \item [bEventBackupCommand] is called prior to the bEventStartBackupJob and
- the plugin is passed the command string (everything after the equal sign
- in "Plugin =" as the value.
- Note, if you intend to backup a file, this is an important first point to
- write code that copies the command string passed into your pContext area
- so that you will know that a backup is being performed and you will know
- the full contents of the "Plugin =" command (i.e. what to backup and
- what virtual filename the user wants to call it.
- \item [bEventRestoreCommand] is called prior to the bEventStartRestoreJob and
- the plugin is passed the command string (everything after the equal sign
- in "Plugin =" as the value.
- See the notes above concerning backup and the command string. This is the
- point at which Bacula passes you the original command string that was
- specified during the backup, so you will want to save it in your pContext
- area for later use when Bacula calls the plugin again.
- \item [bEventLevel] is called when the level is set for a new Job. The value
- is a 32 bit integer stored in the void*, which represents the Job Level code.
- \item [bEventSince] is called when the since time is set for a new Job. The
- value is a time\_t time at which the last job was run.
-During each of the above calls, the plugin receives either no specific value or
-only one value, which in some cases may not be sufficient. However, knowing
-the context of the event, the plugin can call back to the Bacula entry points
-it was passed during the {\bf loadPlugin} call and get to a number of Bacula
-variables. (at the current time few Bacula variables are implemented, but it
-easily extended at a future time and as needs require).
-\subsection{startBackupFile(bpContext *ctx, struct save\_pkt *sp)}
-This entry point is called only if your plugin is a command plugin, and
-it is called when Bacula encounters the "Plugin = " directive in
-the Include section of the FileSet.
-Called when beginning the backup of a file. Here Bacula provides you
-with a pointer to the {\bf save\_pkt} structure and you must fill in
-this packet with the "attribute" data of the file.
-struct save_pkt {
- int32_t pkt_size; /* size of this packet */
- char *fname; /* Full path and filename */
- char *link; /* Link name if any */
- struct stat statp; /* System stat() packet for file */
- int32_t type; /* FT_xx for this file */
- uint32_t flags; /* Bacula internal flags */
- bool portable; /* set if data format is portable */
- char *cmd; /* command */
- int32_t pkt_end; /* end packet sentinel */
-The second argument is a pointer to the {\bf save\_pkt} structure for the file
-to be backed up. The plugin is responsible for filling in all the fields
-of the {\bf save\_pkt}. If you are backing up
-a real file, then generally, the statp structure can be filled in by doing
-a {\bf stat} system call on the file.
-If you are backing up a database or
-something that is more complex, you might want to create a virtual file.
-That is a file that does not actually exist on the filesystem, but represents
-say an object that you are backing up. In that case, you need to ensure
-that the {\bf fname} string that you pass back is unique so that it
-does not conflict with a real file on the system, and you need to
-artifically create values in the statp packet.
-Example programs such as {\bf bpipe-fd.c} show how to set these fields. You
-must take care not to store pointers the stack in the pointer fields such as
-fname and link, because when you return from your function, your stack entries
-will be destroyed. The solution in that case is to malloc() and return the
-pointer to it. In order to not have memory leaks, you should store a pointer to
-all memory allocated in your pContext structure so that in subsequent calls or
-at termination, you can release it back to the system.
-Once the backup has begun, Bacula will call your plugin at the {\bf pluginIO}
-entry point to "read" the data to be backed up. Please see the {\bf bpipe-fd.c}
-plugin for how to do I/O.
-Example of filling in the save\_pkt as used in bpipe-fd.c:
- struct plugin_ctx *p_ctx = (struct plugin_ctx *)ctx->pContext;
- time_t now = time(NULL);
- sp->fname = p_ctx->fname;
- sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFREG;
- sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
- sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
- sp->statp.st_atime = now;
- sp->statp.st_size = -1;
- sp->statp.st_blksize = 4096;
- sp->statp.st_blocks = 1;
- p_ctx->backup = true;
- return bRC_OK;
-Note: the filename to be created has already been created from the
-command string previously sent to the plugin and is in the plugin
-context (p\_ctx->fname) and is a malloc()ed string. This example
-creates a regular file (S\_IFREG), with various fields being created.
-In general, the sequence of commands issued from Bacula to the plugin
-to do a backup while processing the "Plugin = " directive are:
- \item generate a bEventBackupCommand event to the specified plugin
- and pass it the command string.
- \item make a startPluginBackup call to the plugin, which
- fills in the data needed in save\_pkt to save as the file
- attributes and to put on the Volume and in the catalog.
- \item call Bacula's internal save\_file() subroutine to save the specified
- file. The plugin will then be called at pluginIO() to "open"
- the file, and then to read the file data.
- Note, if you are dealing with a virtual file, the "open" operation
- is something the plugin does internally and it doesn't necessarily
- mean opening a file on the filesystem. For example in the case of
- the bpipe-fd.c program, it initiates a pipe to the requested program.
- Finally when the plugin signals to Bacula that all the data was read,
- Bacula will call the plugin with the "close" pluginIO() function.
-\subsection{endBackupFile(bpContext *ctx)}
-Called at the end of backing up a file for a command plugin. If the plugin's
-work is done, it should return bRC\_OK. If the plugin wishes to create another
-file and back it up, then it must return bRC\_More (not yet implemented). This
-is probably a good time to release any malloc()ed memory you used to pass back
-\subsection{startRestoreFile(bpContext *ctx, const char *cmd)}
-Called when the first record is read from the Volume that was
-previously written by the command plugin.
-\subsection{createFile(bpContext *ctx, struct restore\_pkt *rp)}
-Called for a command plugin to create a file during a Restore job before
-restoring the data.
-This entry point is called before any I/O is done on the file. After
-this call, Bacula will call pluginIO() to open the file for write.
-The data in the
-restore\_pkt is passed to the plugin and is based on the data that was
-originally given by the plugin during the backup and the current user
-restore settings (e.g. where, RegexWhere, replace). This allows the
-plugin to first create a file (if necessary) so that the data can
-be transmitted to it. The next call to the plugin will be a
-pluginIO command with a request to open the file write-only.
-This call must return one of the following values:
- enum {
- CF_SKIP = 1, /* skip file (not newer or something) */
- CF_ERROR, /* error creating file */
- CF_EXTRACT, /* file created, data to extract */
- CF_CREATED /* file created, no data to extract */
-in the restore\_pkt value {\bf create\_status}. For a normal file,
-unless there is an error, you must return {\bf CF\_EXTRACT}.
-struct restore_pkt {
- int32_t pkt_size; /* size of this packet */
- int32_t stream; /* attribute stream id */
- int32_t data_stream; /* id of data stream to follow */
- int32_t type; /* file type FT */
- int32_t file_index; /* file index */
- int32_t LinkFI; /* file index to data if hard link */
- uid_t uid; /* userid */
- struct stat statp; /* decoded stat packet */
- const char *attrEx; /* extended attributes if any */
- const char *ofname; /* output filename */
- const char *olname; /* output link name */
- const char *where; /* where */
- const char *RegexWhere; /* regex where */
- int replace; /* replace flag */
- int create_status; /* status from createFile() */
- int32_t pkt_end; /* end packet sentinel */
-Typical code to create a regular file would be the following:
- struct plugin_ctx *p_ctx = (struct plugin_ctx *)ctx->pContext;
- time_t now = time(NULL);
- sp->fname = p_ctx->fname; /* set the full path/filename I want to create */
- sp->type = FT_REG;
- sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFREG;
- sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
- sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
- sp->statp.st_atime = now;
- sp->statp.st_size = -1;
- sp->statp.st_blksize = 4096;
- sp->statp.st_blocks = 1;
- return bRC_OK;
-This will create a virtual file. If you are creating a file that actually
-exists, you will most likely want to fill the statp packet using the
-stat() system call.
-Creating a directory is similar, but requires a few extra steps:
- struct plugin_ctx *p_ctx = (struct plugin_ctx *)ctx->pContext;
- time_t now = time(NULL);
- sp->fname = p_ctx->fname; /* set the full path I want to create */
- sp->link = xxx; where xxx is p_ctx->fname with a trailing forward slash
- sp->type = FT_DIREND
- sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFDIR;
- sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
- sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
- sp->statp.st_atime = now;
- sp->statp.st_size = -1;
- sp->statp.st_blksize = 4096;
- sp->statp.st_blocks = 1;
- return bRC_OK;
-The link field must be set with the full cononical path name, which always
-ends with a forward slash. If you do not terminate it with a forward slash,
-you will surely have problems later.
-As with the example that creates a file, if you are backing up a real
-directory, you will want to do an stat() on the directory.
-Note, if you want the directory permissions and times to be correctly
-restored, you must create the directory {\bf after} all the file directories
-have been sent to Bacula. That allows the restore process to restore all the
-files in a directory using default directory options, then at the end, restore
-the directory permissions. If you do it the other way around, each time you
-restore a file, the OS will modify the time values for the directory entry.
-\subsection{setFileAttributes(bpContext *ctx, struct restore\_pkt *rp)}
-This is call not yet implemented. Called for a command plugin.
-See the definition of {\bf restre\_pkt} in the above section.
-\subsection{endRestoreFile(bpContext *ctx)}
-Called when a command plugin is done restoring a file.
-\subsection{pluginIO(bpContext *ctx, struct io\_pkt *io)}
-Called to do the input (backup) or output (restore) of data from or to a file
-for a command plugin. These routines simulate the Unix read(), write(), open(),
-close(), and lseek() I/O calls, and the arguments are passed in the packet and
-the return values are also placed in the packet. In addition for Win32 systems
-the plugin must return two additional values (described below).
- enum {
- IO_OPEN = 1,
- IO_READ = 2,
- IO_WRITE = 3,
- IO_CLOSE = 4,
- IO_SEEK = 5
-struct io_pkt {
- int32_t pkt_size; /* Size of this packet */
- int32_t func; /* Function code */
- int32_t count; /* read/write count */
- mode_t mode; /* permissions for created files */
- int32_t flags; /* Open flags */
- char *buf; /* read/write buffer */
- const char *fname; /* open filename */
- int32_t status; /* return status */
- int32_t io_errno; /* errno code */
- int32_t lerror; /* Win32 error code */
- int32_t whence; /* lseek argument */
- boffset_t offset; /* lseek argument */
- bool win32; /* Win32 GetLastError returned */
- int32_t pkt_end; /* end packet sentinel */
-The particular Unix function being simulated is indicated by the {\bf func},
-which will have one of the IO\_OPEN, IO\_READ, ... codes listed above. The
-status code that would be returned from a Unix call is returned in {\bf status}
-for IO\_OPEN, IO\_CLOSE, IO\_READ, and IO\_WRITE. The return value for IO\_SEEK
-is returned in {\bf offset} which in general is a 64 bit value.
-When there is an error on Unix systems, you must always set io\_error, and
-on a Win32 system, you must always set win32, and the returned value from
-the OS call GetLastError() in lerror.
-For all except IO\_SEEK, {\bf status} is the return result. In general it is
-a positive integer unless there is an error in which case it is -1.
-The following describes each call and what you get and what you
-should return:
- \item [IO\_OPEN]
- You will be passed fname, mode, and flags.
- You must set on return: status, and if there is a Unix error
- io\_errno must be set to the errno value, and if there is a
- Win32 error win32 and lerror.
- \item [IO\_READ]
- You will be passed: count, and buf (buffer of size count).
- You must set on return: status to the number of bytes
- read into the buffer (buf) or -1 on an error,
- and if there is a Unix error
- io\_errno must be set to the errno value, and if there is a
- Win32 error, win32 and lerror must be set.
- \item [IO\_WRITE]
- You will be passed: count, and buf (buffer of size count).
- You must set on return: status to the number of bytes
- written from the buffer (buf) or -1 on an error,
- and if there is a Unix error
- io\_errno must be set to the errno value, and if there is a
- Win32 error, win32 and lerror must be set.
- \item [IO\_CLOSE]
- Nothing will be passed to you. On return you must set
- status to 0 on success and -1 on failure. If there is a Unix error
- io\_errno must be set to the errno value, and if there is a
- Win32 error, win32 and lerror must be set.
- \item [IO\_LSEEK]
- You will be passed: offset, and whence. offset is a 64 bit value
- and is the position to seek to relative to whence. whence is one
- of the following SEEK\_SET, SEEK\_CUR, or SEEK\_END indicating to
- either to seek to an absolute possition, relative to the current
- position or relative to the end of the file.
- You must pass back in offset the absolute location to which you
- seeked. If there is an error, offset should be set to -1.
- If there is a Unix error
- io\_errno must be set to the errno value, and if there is a
- Win32 error, win32 and lerror must be set.
- Note: Bacula will call IO\_SEEK only when writing a sparse file.
-\subsection{bool checkFile(bpContext *ctx, char *fname)}
-If this entry point is set, Bacula will call it after backing up all file
-data during an Accurate backup. It will be passed the full filename for
-each file that Bacula is proposing to mark as deleted. Only files
-previously backed up but not backed up in the current session will be
-marked to be deleted. If you return {\bf false}, the file will be be
-marked deleted. If you return {\bf true} the file will not be marked
-deleted. This permits a plugin to ensure that previously saved virtual
-files or files controlled by your plugin that have not change (not backed
-up in the current job) are not marked to be deleted. This entry point will
-only be called during Accurate Incrmental and Differential backup jobs.
-\section{Bacula Plugin Entrypoints}
-When Bacula calls one of your plugin entrypoints, you can call back to
-the entrypoints in Bacula that were supplied during the xxx plugin call
-to get or set information within Bacula.
-\subsection{bRC registerBaculaEvents(bpContext *ctx, ...)}
-This Bacula entrypoint will allow you to register to receive events
-that are not autmatically passed to your plugin by default. This
-entrypoint currently is unimplemented.
-\subsection{bRC getBaculaValue(bpContext *ctx, bVariable var, void *value)}
-Calling this entrypoint, you can obtain specific values that are available
-in Bacula. The following Variables can be referenced:
-\item bVarJobId returns an int
-\item bVarFDName returns a char *
-\item bVarLevel returns an int
-\item bVarClient returns a char *
-\item bVarJobName returns a char *
-\item bVarJobStatus returns an int
-\item bVarSinceTime returns an int (time\_t)
-\item bVarAccurate returns an int
-\subsection{bRC setBaculaValue(bpContext *ctx, bVariable var, void *value)}
-Calling this entrypoint allows you to set particular values in
-Bacula. The only variable that can currently be set is
-{\bf bVarFileSeen} and the value passed is a char * that points
-to the full filename for a file that you are indicating has been
-seen and hence is not deleted.
-\subsection{bRC JobMessage(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
- int type, utime\_t mtime, const char *fmt, ...)}
-This call permits you to put a message in the Job Report.
-\subsection{bRC DebugMessage(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
- int level, const char *fmt, ...)}
-This call permits you to print a debug message.
-\subsection{void baculaMalloc(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
- size\_t size)}
-This call permits you to obtain memory from Bacula's memory allocator.
-\subsection{void baculaFree(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line, void *mem)}
-This call permits you to free memory obtained from Bacula's memory allocator.
--- /dev/null
+\chapter{Bacula FD Plugin API}
+To write a Bacula plugin, you create a dynamic shared object program (or dll on
+Win32) with a particular name and two exported entry points, place it in the
+{\bf Plugins Directory}, which is defined in the {\bf bacula-fd.conf} file in
+the {\bf Client} resource, and when the FD starts, it will load all the plugins
+that end with {\bf -fd.so} (or {\bf -fd.dll} on Win32) found in that directory.
+\section{Normal vs Command Plugins}
+In general, there are two ways that plugins are called. The first way, is when
+a particular event is detected in Bacula, it will transfer control to each
+plugin that is loaded in turn informing the plugin of the event. This is very
+similar to how a {\bf RunScript} works, and the events are very similar. Once
+the plugin gets control, it can interact with Bacula by getting and setting
+Bacula variables. In this way, it behaves much like a RunScript. Currently
+very few Bacula variables are defined, but they will be implemented as the need
+arrises, and it is very extensible.
+We plan to have plugins register to receive events that they normally would
+not receive, such as an event for each file examined for backup or restore.
+This feature is not yet implemented.
+The second type of plugin, which is more useful and fully implemented in the
+current version is what we call a command plugin. As with all plugins, it gets
+notified of important events as noted above (details described below), but in
+addition, this kind of plugin can accept a command line, which is a:
+ Plugin = <command-string>
+directive that is placed in the Include section of a FileSet and is very
+similar to the "File = " directive. When this Plugin directive is encountered
+by Bacula during backup, it passes the "command" part of the Plugin directive
+only to the plugin that is explicitly named in the first field of that command
+string. This allows that plugin to backup any file or files on the system that
+it wants. It can even create "virtual files" in the catalog that contain data
+to be restored but do not necessarily correspond to actual files on the
+The important features of the command plugin entry points are:
+ \item It is triggered by a "Plugin =" directive in the FileSet
+ \item Only a single plugin is called that is named on the "Plugin =" directive.
+ \item The full command string after the "Plugin =" is passed to the plugin
+ so that it can be told what to backup/restore.
+\section{Loading Plugins}
+Once the File daemon loads the plugins, it asks the OS for the
+two entry points (loadPlugin and unloadPlugin) then calls the
+{\bf loadPlugin} entry point (see below).
+Bacula passes information to the plugin through this call and it gets
+back information that it needs to use the plugin. Later, Bacula
+ will call particular functions that are defined by the
+{\bf loadPlugin} interface.
+When Bacula is finished with the plugin
+(when Bacula is going to exit), it will call the {\bf unloadPlugin}
+entry point.
+The two entry points are:
+bRC loadPlugin(bInfo *lbinfo, bFuncs *lbfuncs, pInfo **pinfo, pFuncs **pfuncs)
+bRC unloadPlugin()
+both these external entry points to the shared object are defined as C entry
+points to avoid name mangling complications with C++. However, the shared
+object can actually be written in any language (preferrably C or C++) providing
+that it follows C language calling conventions.
+The definitions for {\bf bRC} and the arguments are {\bf
+src/filed/fd-plugins.h} and so this header file needs to be included in
+your plugin. It along with {\bf src/lib/plugins.h} define basically the whole
+plugin interface. Within this header file, it includes the following
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include "bc_types.h"
+#include "lib/plugins.h"
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+Aside from the {\bf bc\_types.h} and {\bf confit.h} headers, the plugin
+definition uses the minimum code from Bacula. The bc\_types.h file is required
+to ensure that the data type defintions in arguments correspond to the Bacula
+core code.
+The return codes are defined as:
+typedef enum {
+ bRC_OK = 0, /* OK */
+ bRC_Stop = 1, /* Stop calling other plugins */
+ bRC_Error = 2, /* Some kind of error */
+ bRC_More = 3, /* More files to backup */
+} bRC;
+At a future point in time, we hope to make the Bacula libbac.a into a
+shared object so that the plugin can use much more of Bacula's
+infrastructure, but for this first cut, we have tried to minimize the
+dependence on Bacula.
+As previously mentioned, the {\bf loadPlugin} entry point in the plugin
+is called immediately after Bacula loads the plugin when the File daemon
+itself is first starting. This entry point is only called once during the
+execution of the File daemon. In calling the
+plugin, the first two arguments are information from Bacula that
+is passed to the plugin, and the last two arguments are information
+about the plugin that the plugin must return to Bacula. The call is:
+bRC loadPlugin(bInfo *lbinfo, bFuncs *lbfuncs, pInfo **pinfo, pFuncs **pfuncs)
+and the arguments are:
+\item [lbinfo]
+This is information about Bacula in general. Currently, the only value
+defined in the bInfo structure is the version, which is the Bacula plugin
+interface version, currently defined as 1. The {\bf size} is set to the
+byte size of the structure. The exact definition of the bInfo structure
+as of this writing is:
+typedef struct s_baculaInfo {
+ uint32_t size;
+ uint32_t version;
+} bInfo;
+\item [lbfuncs]
+The bFuncs structure defines the callback entry points within Bacula
+that the plugin can use register events, get Bacula values, set
+Bacula values, and send messages to the Job output or debug output.
+The exact definition as of this writing is:
+typedef struct s_baculaFuncs {
+ uint32_t size;
+ uint32_t version;
+ bRC (*registerBaculaEvents)(bpContext *ctx, ...);
+ bRC (*getBaculaValue)(bpContext *ctx, bVariable var, void *value);
+ bRC (*setBaculaValue)(bpContext *ctx, bVariable var, void *value);
+ bRC (*JobMessage)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
+ int type, utime_t mtime, const char *fmt, ...);
+ bRC (*DebugMessage)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
+ int level, const char *fmt, ...);
+ void *(*baculaMalloc)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
+ size_t size);
+ void (*baculaFree)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line, void *mem);
+} bFuncs;
+We will discuss these entry points and how to use them a bit later when
+describing the plugin code.
+\item [pInfo]
+When the loadPlugin entry point is called, the plugin must initialize
+an information structure about the plugin and return a pointer to
+this structure to Bacula.
+The exact definition as of this writing is:
+typedef struct s_pluginInfo {
+ uint32_t size;
+ uint32_t version;
+ const char *plugin_magic;
+ const char *plugin_license;
+ const char *plugin_author;
+ const char *plugin_date;
+ const char *plugin_version;
+ const char *plugin_description;
+} pInfo;
+ \begin{description}
+ \item [version] is the current Bacula defined plugin interface version, currently
+ set to 1. If the interface version differs from the current version of
+ Bacula, the plugin will not be run (not yet implemented).
+ \item [plugin\_magic] is a pointer to the text string "*FDPluginData*", a
+ sort of sanity check. If this value is not specified, the plugin
+ will not be run (not yet implemented).
+ \item [plugin\_license] is a pointer to a text string that describes the
+ plugin license. Bacula will only accept compatible licenses (not yet
+ implemented).
+ \item [plugin\_author] is a pointer to the text name of the author of the program.
+ This string can be anything but is generally the author's name.
+ \item [plugin\_date] is the pointer text string containing the date of the plugin.
+ This string can be anything but is generally some human readable form of
+ the date.
+ \item [plugin\_version] is a pointer to a text string containing the version of
+ the plugin. The contents are determined by the plugin writer.
+ \item [plugin\_description] is a pointer to a string describing what the
+ plugin does. The contents are determined by the plugin writer.
+ \end{description}
+The pInfo structure must be defined in static memory because Bacula does not
+copy it and may refer to the values at any time while the plugin is
+loaded. All values must be supplied or the plugin will not run (not yet
+implemented). All text strings must be either ASCII or UTF-8 strings that
+are terminated with a zero byte.
+\item [pFuncs]
+When the loadPlugin entry point is called, the plugin must initialize
+an entry point structure about the plugin and return a pointer to
+this structure to Bacula. This structure contains pointer to each
+of the entry points that the plugin must provide for Bacula. When
+Bacula is actually running the plugin, it will call the defined
+entry points at particular times. All entry points must be defined.
+The pFuncs structure must be defined in static memory because Bacula does not
+copy it and may refer to the values at any time while the plugin is
+The exact definition as of this writing is:
+typedef struct s_pluginFuncs {
+ uint32_t size;
+ uint32_t version;
+ bRC (*newPlugin)(bpContext *ctx);
+ bRC (*freePlugin)(bpContext *ctx);
+ bRC (*getPluginValue)(bpContext *ctx, pVariable var, void *value);
+ bRC (*setPluginValue)(bpContext *ctx, pVariable var, void *value);
+ bRC (*handlePluginEvent)(bpContext *ctx, bEvent *event, void *value);
+ bRC (*startBackupFile)(bpContext *ctx, struct save_pkt *sp);
+ bRC (*endBackupFile)(bpContext *ctx);
+ bRC (*startRestoreFile)(bpContext *ctx, const char *cmd);
+ bRC (*endRestoreFile)(bpContext *ctx);
+ bRC (*pluginIO)(bpContext *ctx, struct io_pkt *io);
+ bRC (*createFile)(bpContext *ctx, struct restore_pkt *rp);
+ bRC (*setFileAttributes)(bpContext *ctx, struct restore_pkt *rp);
+ bRC (*checkFile)(bpContext *ctx, char *fname);
+} pFuncs;
+The details of the entry points will be presented in
+separate sections below.
+ \begin{description}
+ \item [size] is the byte size of the structure.
+ \item [version] is the plugin interface version currently set to 3.
+ \end{description}
+Sample code for loadPlugin:
+ bfuncs = lbfuncs; /* set Bacula funct pointers */
+ binfo = lbinfo;
+ *pinfo = &pluginInfo; /* return pointer to our info */
+ *pfuncs = &pluginFuncs; /* return pointer to our functions */
+ return bRC_OK;
+where pluginInfo and pluginFuncs are statically defined structures.
+See bpipe-fd.c for details.
+\section{Plugin Entry Points}
+This section will describe each of the entry points (subroutines) within
+the plugin that the plugin must provide for Bacula, when they are called
+and their arguments. As noted above, pointers to these subroutines are
+passed back to Bacula in the pFuncs structure when Bacula calls the
+loadPlugin() externally defined entry point.
+\subsection{newPlugin(bpContext *ctx)}
+ This is the entry point that Bacula will call
+ when a new "instance" of the plugin is created. This typically
+ happens at the beginning of a Job. If 10 Jobs are running
+ simultaneously, there will be at least 10 instances of the
+ plugin.
+ The bpContext structure will be passed to the plugin, and
+ during this call, if the plugin needs to have its private
+ working storage that is associated with the particular
+ instance of the plugin, it should create it from the heap
+ (malloc the memory) and store a pointer to
+ its private working storage in the {\bf pContext} variable.
+ Note: since Bacula is a multi-threaded program, you must not
+ keep any variable data in your plugin unless it is truely meant
+ to apply globally to the whole plugin. In addition, you must
+ be aware that except the first and last call to the plugin
+ (loadPlugin and unloadPlugin) all the other calls will be
+ made by threads that correspond to a Bacula job. The
+ bpContext that will be passed for each thread will remain the
+ same throughout the Job thus you can keep your privat Job specific
+ data in it ({\bf bContext}).
+typedef struct s_bpContext {
+ void *pContext; /* Plugin private context */
+ void *bContext; /* Bacula private context */
+} bpContext;
+ This context pointer will be passed as the first argument to all
+ the entry points that Bacula calls within the plugin. Needless
+ to say, the plugin should not change the bContext variable, which
+ is Bacula's private context pointer for this instance (Job) of this
+ plugin.
+\subsection{freePlugin(bpContext *ctx)}
+This entry point is called when the
+this instance of the plugin is no longer needed (the Job is
+ending), and the plugin should release all memory it may
+have allocated for this particular instance (Job) i.e. the pContext.
+This is not the final termination
+of the plugin signaled by a call to {\bf unloadPlugin}.
+Any other instances (Job) will
+continue to run, and the entry point {\bf newPlugin} may be called
+again if other jobs start.
+\subsection{getPluginValue(bpContext *ctx, pVariable var, void *value)}
+Bacula will call this entry point to get
+a value from the plugin. This entry point is currently not called.
+\subsection{setPluginValue(bpContext *ctx, pVariable var, void *value)}
+Bacula will call this entry point to set
+a value in the plugin. This entry point is currently not called.
+\subsection{handlePluginEvent(bpContext *ctx, bEvent *event, void *value)}
+This entry point is called when Bacula
+encounters certain events (discussed below). This is, in fact, the
+main way that most plugins get control when a Job runs and how
+they know what is happening in the job. It can be likened to the
+{\bf RunScript} feature that calls external programs and scripts,
+and is very similar to the Bacula Python interface.
+When the plugin is called, Bacula passes it the pointer to an event
+structure (bEvent), which currently has one item, the eventType:
+typedef struct s_bEvent {
+ uint32_t eventType;
+} bEvent;
+ which defines what event has been triggered, and for each event,
+ Bacula will pass a pointer to a value associated with that event.
+ If no value is associated with a particular event, Bacula will
+ pass a NULL pointer, so the plugin must be careful to always check
+ value pointer prior to dereferencing it.
+ The current list of events are:
+typedef enum {
+ bEventJobStart = 1,
+ bEventJobEnd = 2,
+ bEventStartBackupJob = 3,
+ bEventEndBackupJob = 4,
+ bEventStartRestoreJob = 5,
+ bEventEndRestoreJob = 6,
+ bEventStartVerifyJob = 7,
+ bEventEndVerifyJob = 8,
+ bEventBackupCommand = 9,
+ bEventRestoreCommand = 10,
+ bEventLevel = 11,
+ bEventSince = 12,
+} bEventType;
+Most of the above are self-explanatory.
+ \item [bEventJobStart] is called whenever a Job starts. The value
+ passed is a pointer to a string that contains: "Jobid=nnn
+ Job=job-name". Where nnn will be replaced by the JobId and job-name
+ will be replaced by the Job name. The variable is temporary so if you
+ need the values, you must copy them.
+ \item [bEventJobEnd] is called whenever a Job ends. No value is passed.
+ \item [bEventStartBackupJob] is called when a Backup Job begins. No value
+ is passed.
+ \item [bEventEndBackupJob] is called when a Backup Job ends. No value is
+ passed.
+ \item [bEventStartRestoreJob] is called when a Restore Job starts. No value
+ is passed.
+ \item [bEventEndRestoreJob] is called when a Restore Job ends. No value is
+ passed.
+ \item [bEventStartVerifyJob] is called when a Verify Job starts. No value
+ is passed.
+ \item [bEventEndVerifyJob] is called when a Verify Job ends. No value
+ is passed.
+ \item [bEventBackupCommand] is called prior to the bEventStartBackupJob and
+ the plugin is passed the command string (everything after the equal sign
+ in "Plugin =" as the value.
+ Note, if you intend to backup a file, this is an important first point to
+ write code that copies the command string passed into your pContext area
+ so that you will know that a backup is being performed and you will know
+ the full contents of the "Plugin =" command (i.e. what to backup and
+ what virtual filename the user wants to call it.
+ \item [bEventRestoreCommand] is called prior to the bEventStartRestoreJob and
+ the plugin is passed the command string (everything after the equal sign
+ in "Plugin =" as the value.
+ See the notes above concerning backup and the command string. This is the
+ point at which Bacula passes you the original command string that was
+ specified during the backup, so you will want to save it in your pContext
+ area for later use when Bacula calls the plugin again.
+ \item [bEventLevel] is called when the level is set for a new Job. The value
+ is a 32 bit integer stored in the void*, which represents the Job Level code.
+ \item [bEventSince] is called when the since time is set for a new Job. The
+ value is a time\_t time at which the last job was run.
+During each of the above calls, the plugin receives either no specific value or
+only one value, which in some cases may not be sufficient. However, knowing
+the context of the event, the plugin can call back to the Bacula entry points
+it was passed during the {\bf loadPlugin} call and get to a number of Bacula
+variables. (at the current time few Bacula variables are implemented, but it
+easily extended at a future time and as needs require).
+\subsection{startBackupFile(bpContext *ctx, struct save\_pkt *sp)}
+This entry point is called only if your plugin is a command plugin, and
+it is called when Bacula encounters the "Plugin = " directive in
+the Include section of the FileSet.
+Called when beginning the backup of a file. Here Bacula provides you
+with a pointer to the {\bf save\_pkt} structure and you must fill in
+this packet with the "attribute" data of the file.
+struct save_pkt {
+ int32_t pkt_size; /* size of this packet */
+ char *fname; /* Full path and filename */
+ char *link; /* Link name if any */
+ struct stat statp; /* System stat() packet for file */
+ int32_t type; /* FT_xx for this file */
+ uint32_t flags; /* Bacula internal flags */
+ bool portable; /* set if data format is portable */
+ char *cmd; /* command */
+ int32_t pkt_end; /* end packet sentinel */
+The second argument is a pointer to the {\bf save\_pkt} structure for the file
+to be backed up. The plugin is responsible for filling in all the fields
+of the {\bf save\_pkt}. If you are backing up
+a real file, then generally, the statp structure can be filled in by doing
+a {\bf stat} system call on the file.
+If you are backing up a database or
+something that is more complex, you might want to create a virtual file.
+That is a file that does not actually exist on the filesystem, but represents
+say an object that you are backing up. In that case, you need to ensure
+that the {\bf fname} string that you pass back is unique so that it
+does not conflict with a real file on the system, and you need to
+artifically create values in the statp packet.
+Example programs such as {\bf bpipe-fd.c} show how to set these fields. You
+must take care not to store pointers the stack in the pointer fields such as
+fname and link, because when you return from your function, your stack entries
+will be destroyed. The solution in that case is to malloc() and return the
+pointer to it. In order to not have memory leaks, you should store a pointer to
+all memory allocated in your pContext structure so that in subsequent calls or
+at termination, you can release it back to the system.
+Once the backup has begun, Bacula will call your plugin at the {\bf pluginIO}
+entry point to "read" the data to be backed up. Please see the {\bf bpipe-fd.c}
+plugin for how to do I/O.
+Example of filling in the save\_pkt as used in bpipe-fd.c:
+ struct plugin_ctx *p_ctx = (struct plugin_ctx *)ctx->pContext;
+ time_t now = time(NULL);
+ sp->fname = p_ctx->fname;
+ sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFREG;
+ sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_atime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_size = -1;
+ sp->statp.st_blksize = 4096;
+ sp->statp.st_blocks = 1;
+ p_ctx->backup = true;
+ return bRC_OK;
+Note: the filename to be created has already been created from the
+command string previously sent to the plugin and is in the plugin
+context (p\_ctx->fname) and is a malloc()ed string. This example
+creates a regular file (S\_IFREG), with various fields being created.
+In general, the sequence of commands issued from Bacula to the plugin
+to do a backup while processing the "Plugin = " directive are:
+ \item generate a bEventBackupCommand event to the specified plugin
+ and pass it the command string.
+ \item make a startPluginBackup call to the plugin, which
+ fills in the data needed in save\_pkt to save as the file
+ attributes and to put on the Volume and in the catalog.
+ \item call Bacula's internal save\_file() subroutine to save the specified
+ file. The plugin will then be called at pluginIO() to "open"
+ the file, and then to read the file data.
+ Note, if you are dealing with a virtual file, the "open" operation
+ is something the plugin does internally and it doesn't necessarily
+ mean opening a file on the filesystem. For example in the case of
+ the bpipe-fd.c program, it initiates a pipe to the requested program.
+ Finally when the plugin signals to Bacula that all the data was read,
+ Bacula will call the plugin with the "close" pluginIO() function.
+\subsection{endBackupFile(bpContext *ctx)}
+Called at the end of backing up a file for a command plugin. If the plugin's
+work is done, it should return bRC\_OK. If the plugin wishes to create another
+file and back it up, then it must return bRC\_More (not yet implemented). This
+is probably a good time to release any malloc()ed memory you used to pass back
+\subsection{startRestoreFile(bpContext *ctx, const char *cmd)}
+Called when the first record is read from the Volume that was
+previously written by the command plugin.
+\subsection{createFile(bpContext *ctx, struct restore\_pkt *rp)}
+Called for a command plugin to create a file during a Restore job before
+restoring the data.
+This entry point is called before any I/O is done on the file. After
+this call, Bacula will call pluginIO() to open the file for write.
+The data in the
+restore\_pkt is passed to the plugin and is based on the data that was
+originally given by the plugin during the backup and the current user
+restore settings (e.g. where, RegexWhere, replace). This allows the
+plugin to first create a file (if necessary) so that the data can
+be transmitted to it. The next call to the plugin will be a
+pluginIO command with a request to open the file write-only.
+This call must return one of the following values:
+ enum {
+ CF_SKIP = 1, /* skip file (not newer or something) */
+ CF_ERROR, /* error creating file */
+ CF_EXTRACT, /* file created, data to extract */
+ CF_CREATED /* file created, no data to extract */
+in the restore\_pkt value {\bf create\_status}. For a normal file,
+unless there is an error, you must return {\bf CF\_EXTRACT}.
+struct restore_pkt {
+ int32_t pkt_size; /* size of this packet */
+ int32_t stream; /* attribute stream id */
+ int32_t data_stream; /* id of data stream to follow */
+ int32_t type; /* file type FT */
+ int32_t file_index; /* file index */
+ int32_t LinkFI; /* file index to data if hard link */
+ uid_t uid; /* userid */
+ struct stat statp; /* decoded stat packet */
+ const char *attrEx; /* extended attributes if any */
+ const char *ofname; /* output filename */
+ const char *olname; /* output link name */
+ const char *where; /* where */
+ const char *RegexWhere; /* regex where */
+ int replace; /* replace flag */
+ int create_status; /* status from createFile() */
+ int32_t pkt_end; /* end packet sentinel */
+Typical code to create a regular file would be the following:
+ struct plugin_ctx *p_ctx = (struct plugin_ctx *)ctx->pContext;
+ time_t now = time(NULL);
+ sp->fname = p_ctx->fname; /* set the full path/filename I want to create */
+ sp->type = FT_REG;
+ sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFREG;
+ sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_atime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_size = -1;
+ sp->statp.st_blksize = 4096;
+ sp->statp.st_blocks = 1;
+ return bRC_OK;
+This will create a virtual file. If you are creating a file that actually
+exists, you will most likely want to fill the statp packet using the
+stat() system call.
+Creating a directory is similar, but requires a few extra steps:
+ struct plugin_ctx *p_ctx = (struct plugin_ctx *)ctx->pContext;
+ time_t now = time(NULL);
+ sp->fname = p_ctx->fname; /* set the full path I want to create */
+ sp->link = xxx; where xxx is p_ctx->fname with a trailing forward slash
+ sp->type = FT_DIREND
+ sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFDIR;
+ sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_atime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_size = -1;
+ sp->statp.st_blksize = 4096;
+ sp->statp.st_blocks = 1;
+ return bRC_OK;
+The link field must be set with the full cononical path name, which always
+ends with a forward slash. If you do not terminate it with a forward slash,
+you will surely have problems later.
+As with the example that creates a file, if you are backing up a real
+directory, you will want to do an stat() on the directory.
+Note, if you want the directory permissions and times to be correctly
+restored, you must create the directory {\bf after} all the file directories
+have been sent to Bacula. That allows the restore process to restore all the
+files in a directory using default directory options, then at the end, restore
+the directory permissions. If you do it the other way around, each time you
+restore a file, the OS will modify the time values for the directory entry.
+\subsection{setFileAttributes(bpContext *ctx, struct restore\_pkt *rp)}
+This is call not yet implemented. Called for a command plugin.
+See the definition of {\bf restre\_pkt} in the above section.
+\subsection{endRestoreFile(bpContext *ctx)}
+Called when a command plugin is done restoring a file.
+\subsection{pluginIO(bpContext *ctx, struct io\_pkt *io)}
+Called to do the input (backup) or output (restore) of data from or to a file
+for a command plugin. These routines simulate the Unix read(), write(), open(),
+close(), and lseek() I/O calls, and the arguments are passed in the packet and
+the return values are also placed in the packet. In addition for Win32 systems
+the plugin must return two additional values (described below).
+ enum {
+ IO_OPEN = 1,
+ IO_READ = 2,
+ IO_WRITE = 3,
+ IO_CLOSE = 4,
+ IO_SEEK = 5
+struct io_pkt {
+ int32_t pkt_size; /* Size of this packet */
+ int32_t func; /* Function code */
+ int32_t count; /* read/write count */
+ mode_t mode; /* permissions for created files */
+ int32_t flags; /* Open flags */
+ char *buf; /* read/write buffer */
+ const char *fname; /* open filename */
+ int32_t status; /* return status */
+ int32_t io_errno; /* errno code */
+ int32_t lerror; /* Win32 error code */
+ int32_t whence; /* lseek argument */
+ boffset_t offset; /* lseek argument */
+ bool win32; /* Win32 GetLastError returned */
+ int32_t pkt_end; /* end packet sentinel */
+The particular Unix function being simulated is indicated by the {\bf func},
+which will have one of the IO\_OPEN, IO\_READ, ... codes listed above. The
+status code that would be returned from a Unix call is returned in {\bf status}
+for IO\_OPEN, IO\_CLOSE, IO\_READ, and IO\_WRITE. The return value for IO\_SEEK
+is returned in {\bf offset} which in general is a 64 bit value.
+When there is an error on Unix systems, you must always set io\_error, and
+on a Win32 system, you must always set win32, and the returned value from
+the OS call GetLastError() in lerror.
+For all except IO\_SEEK, {\bf status} is the return result. In general it is
+a positive integer unless there is an error in which case it is -1.
+The following describes each call and what you get and what you
+should return:
+ \item [IO\_OPEN]
+ You will be passed fname, mode, and flags.
+ You must set on return: status, and if there is a Unix error
+ io\_errno must be set to the errno value, and if there is a
+ Win32 error win32 and lerror.
+ \item [IO\_READ]
+ You will be passed: count, and buf (buffer of size count).
+ You must set on return: status to the number of bytes
+ read into the buffer (buf) or -1 on an error,
+ and if there is a Unix error
+ io\_errno must be set to the errno value, and if there is a
+ Win32 error, win32 and lerror must be set.
+ \item [IO\_WRITE]
+ You will be passed: count, and buf (buffer of size count).
+ You must set on return: status to the number of bytes
+ written from the buffer (buf) or -1 on an error,
+ and if there is a Unix error
+ io\_errno must be set to the errno value, and if there is a
+ Win32 error, win32 and lerror must be set.
+ \item [IO\_CLOSE]
+ Nothing will be passed to you. On return you must set
+ status to 0 on success and -1 on failure. If there is a Unix error
+ io\_errno must be set to the errno value, and if there is a
+ Win32 error, win32 and lerror must be set.
+ \item [IO\_LSEEK]
+ You will be passed: offset, and whence. offset is a 64 bit value
+ and is the position to seek to relative to whence. whence is one
+ of the following SEEK\_SET, SEEK\_CUR, or SEEK\_END indicating to
+ either to seek to an absolute possition, relative to the current
+ position or relative to the end of the file.
+ You must pass back in offset the absolute location to which you
+ seeked. If there is an error, offset should be set to -1.
+ If there is a Unix error
+ io\_errno must be set to the errno value, and if there is a
+ Win32 error, win32 and lerror must be set.
+ Note: Bacula will call IO\_SEEK only when writing a sparse file.
+\subsection{bool checkFile(bpContext *ctx, char *fname)}
+If this entry point is set, Bacula will call it after backing up all file
+data during an Accurate backup. It will be passed the full filename for
+each file that Bacula is proposing to mark as deleted. Only files
+previously backed up but not backed up in the current session will be
+marked to be deleted. If you return {\bf false}, the file will be be
+marked deleted. If you return {\bf true} the file will not be marked
+deleted. This permits a plugin to ensure that previously saved virtual
+files or files controlled by your plugin that have not change (not backed
+up in the current job) are not marked to be deleted. This entry point will
+only be called during Accurate Incrmental and Differential backup jobs.
+\section{Bacula Plugin Entrypoints}
+When Bacula calls one of your plugin entrypoints, you can call back to
+the entrypoints in Bacula that were supplied during the xxx plugin call
+to get or set information within Bacula.
+\subsection{bRC registerBaculaEvents(bpContext *ctx, ...)}
+This Bacula entrypoint will allow you to register to receive events
+that are not autmatically passed to your plugin by default. This
+entrypoint currently is unimplemented.
+\subsection{bRC getBaculaValue(bpContext *ctx, bVariable var, void *value)}
+Calling this entrypoint, you can obtain specific values that are available
+in Bacula. The following Variables can be referenced:
+\item bVarJobId returns an int
+\item bVarFDName returns a char *
+\item bVarLevel returns an int
+\item bVarClient returns a char *
+\item bVarJobName returns a char *
+\item bVarJobStatus returns an int
+\item bVarSinceTime returns an int (time\_t)
+\item bVarAccurate returns an int
+\subsection{bRC setBaculaValue(bpContext *ctx, bVariable var, void *value)}
+Calling this entrypoint allows you to set particular values in
+Bacula. The only variable that can currently be set is
+{\bf bVarFileSeen} and the value passed is a char * that points
+to the full filename for a file that you are indicating has been
+seen and hence is not deleted.
+\subsection{bRC JobMessage(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
+ int type, utime\_t mtime, const char *fmt, ...)}
+This call permits you to put a message in the Job Report.
+\subsection{bRC DebugMessage(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
+ int level, const char *fmt, ...)}
+This call permits you to print a debug message.
+\subsection{void baculaMalloc(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
+ size\_t size)}
+This call permits you to obtain memory from Bacula's memory allocator.
+\subsection{void baculaFree(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line, void *mem)}
+This call permits you to free memory obtained from Bacula's memory allocator.