#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
+#include <elf.h>
#include "image.h"
#include "fileio.h"
#include "target.h"
+/* convert ELF header field to host endianness */
+#define field16(elf,field)\
+ ((elf->endianness==ELFDATA2LSB)? \
+ le_to_h_u16((u8*)&field):be_to_h_u16((u8*)&field))
+#define field32(elf,field)\
+ ((elf->endianness==ELFDATA2LSB)? \
+ le_to_h_u32((u8*)&field):be_to_h_u32((u8*)&field))
int image_ihex_buffer_complete(image_t *image)
image_ihex_t *ihex = image->type_private;
/* we can't determine the number of sections that we'll have to create ahead of time,
* so we locally hold them until parsing is finished */
image_section_t section[IMAGE_MAX_SECTIONS];
- u8 *section_pointer[IMAGE_MAX_SECTIONS];
if ((retval = fileio_read(fileio, fileio->size, (u8*)buffer, &raw_bytes_read)) != ERROR_OK)
raw_bytes = 0x0;
cooked_bytes = 0x0;
image->num_sections = 0;
- section_pointer[image->num_sections] = &ihex->buffer[cooked_bytes];
+ section[image->num_sections].private = &ihex->buffer[cooked_bytes];
section[image->num_sections].base_address = 0x0;
section[image->num_sections].size = 0x0;
section[image->num_sections].flags = 0;
section[image->num_sections].size = 0x0;
section[image->num_sections].flags = 0;
- section_pointer[image->num_sections] = &ihex->buffer[cooked_bytes];
+ section[image->num_sections].private = &ihex->buffer[cooked_bytes];
section[image->num_sections].base_address =
(full_address & 0xffff0000) | address;
/* copy section information */
- ihex->section_pointer = malloc(sizeof(u8*) * image->num_sections);
image->sections = malloc(sizeof(image_section_t) * image->num_sections);
for (i = 0; i < image->num_sections; i++)
- ihex->section_pointer[i] = section_pointer[i];
+ image->sections[i].private = section[i].private;
image->sections[i].base_address = section[i].base_address +
((image->base_address_set) ? image->base_address : 0);
image->sections[i].size = section[i].size;
section[image->num_sections].size = 0x0;
section[image->num_sections].flags = 0;
- section_pointer[image->num_sections] = &ihex->buffer[cooked_bytes];
+ section[image->num_sections].private = &ihex->buffer[cooked_bytes];
section[image->num_sections].base_address =
(full_address & 0xffff) | (upper_address << 16);
+int image_elf_read_headers(image_t *image)
+ image_elf_t *elf = image->type_private;
+ u32 read_bytes;
+ u32 i,j;
+ int retval;
+ elf->header = malloc(sizeof(Elf32_Ehdr));
+ if ((retval = fileio_read(&elf->fileio, sizeof(Elf32_Ehdr), (u8*)elf->header, &read_bytes)) != ERROR_OK)
+ {
+ ERROR("cannot read ELF file header, read failed");
+ }
+ if (read_bytes != sizeof(Elf32_Ehdr))
+ {
+ ERROR("cannot read ELF file header, only partially read");
+ }
+ if (strncmp((char*)elf->header->e_ident,ELFMAG,SELFMAG)!=0)
+ {
+ ERROR("invalid ELF file, bad magic number");
+ }
+ if (elf->header->e_ident[EI_CLASS]!=ELFCLASS32)
+ {
+ ERROR("invalid ELF file, only 32bits files are supported");
+ }
+ elf->endianness = elf->header->e_ident[EI_DATA];
+ if ((elf->endianness==ELFDATANONE)
+ ||(elf->endianness>=ELFDATANUM))
+ {
+ ERROR("invalid ELF file, unknown endianess setting");
+ }
+ elf->segment_count = field16(elf,elf->header->e_phnum);
+ if (elf->segment_count==0)
+ {
+ ERROR("invalid ELF file, no program headers");
+ }
+ elf->segments = malloc(elf->segment_count*sizeof(Elf32_Phdr));
+ if ((retval = fileio_read(&elf->fileio, elf->segment_count*sizeof(Elf32_Phdr), (u8*)elf->segments, &read_bytes)) != ERROR_OK)
+ {
+ ERROR("cannot read ELF segment headers, read failed");
+ return retval;
+ }
+ if (read_bytes != elf->segment_count*sizeof(Elf32_Phdr))
+ {
+ ERROR("cannot read ELF segment headers, only partially read");
+ }
+ /* count useful segments (loadable) */
+ image->num_sections = 0;
+ for (i=0;i<elf->segment_count;i++)
+ if (field32(elf,elf->segments[i].p_type) == PT_LOAD)
+ image->num_sections++;
+ /* alloc and fill sections array with loadable segments */
+ image->sections = malloc(image->num_sections * sizeof(image_section_t));
+ for (i=0,j=0;i<elf->segment_count;i++)
+ {
+ if (field32(elf,elf->segments[i].p_type) == PT_LOAD)
+ {
+ image->sections[j].size = field32(elf,elf->segments[i].p_memsz);
+ image->sections[j].base_address = field32(elf,elf->segments[i].p_vaddr);
+ image->sections[j].private = &elf->segments[i];
+ image->sections[j].flags = field32(elf,elf->segments[i].p_flags);
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ image->start_address_set = 1;
+ image->start_address = field32(elf,elf->header->e_entry);
+ return ERROR_OK;
+int image_elf_read_section(image_t *image, int section, u32 offset, u32 size, u8 *buffer, u32 *size_read)
+ image_elf_t *elf = image->type_private;
+ Elf32_Phdr *segment = (Elf32_Phdr *)image->sections[section].private;
+ u32 read_size,really_read;
+ int retval;
+ *size_read = 0;
+ DEBUG("load segment %d at 0x%x (sz=0x%x)",section,offset,size);
+ /* read initialized data in current segment if any */
+ if (offset<field32(elf,segment->p_filesz))
+ {
+ /* maximal size present in file for the current segment */
+ read_size = MIN(size, field32(elf,segment->p_filesz)-offset);
+ DEBUG("read elf: size = 0x%x at 0x%x",read_size,
+ field32(elf,segment->p_offset)+offset);
+ /* read initialized area of the segment */
+ if ((retval = fileio_seek(&elf->fileio, field32(elf,segment->p_offset)+offset)) != ERROR_OK)
+ {
+ ERROR("cannot find ELF segment content, seek failed");
+ return retval;
+ }
+ if ((retval = fileio_read(&elf->fileio, read_size, buffer, &really_read)) != ERROR_OK)
+ {
+ ERROR("cannot read ELF segment content, read failed");
+ return retval;
+ }
+ buffer += read_size;
+ size -= read_size;
+ offset += read_size;
+ *size_read += read_size;
+ /* need more data ? */
+ if (!size)
+ return ERROR_OK;
+ }
+ /* if there is remaining zeroed area in current segment */
+ if (offset<field32(elf,segment->p_memsz))
+ {
+ /* fill zeroed part (BSS) of the segment */
+ read_size = MIN(size, field32(elf,segment->p_memsz)-offset);
+ DEBUG("zero fill: size = 0x%x",read_size);
+ memset(buffer,0,read_size);
+ *size_read += read_size;
+ }
+ return ERROR_OK;
int image_open(image_t *image, void *source, enum fileio_access access)
int retval = ERROR_OK;
return retval;
+ else if (image->type == IMAGE_ELF)
+ {
+ image_elf_t *image_elf;
+ char *url = source;
+ image_elf = image->type_private = malloc(sizeof(image_elf_t));
+ if ((retval = fileio_open(&image_elf->fileio, url, FILEIO_READ, FILEIO_BINARY)) != ERROR_OK)
+ {
+ strncpy(image->error_str, image_elf->fileio.error_str, IMAGE_MAX_ERROR_STRING);
+ ERROR(image->error_str);
+ return retval;
+ }
+ if ((retval = image_elf_read_headers(image)) != ERROR_OK)
+ {
+ snprintf(image->error_str, IMAGE_MAX_ERROR_STRING,
+ "failed to read ELF headers, check daemon output for additional information");
+ ERROR(image->error_str);
+ fileio_close(&image_elf->fileio);
+ return retval;
+ }
+ }
else if (image->type == IMAGE_MEMORY)
image_memory_t *image_memory;
else if (image->type == IMAGE_IHEX)
- image_ihex_t *image_ihex = image->type_private;
- memcpy(buffer, image_ihex->section_pointer[section] + offset, size);
+ memcpy(buffer, (u8*)image->sections[section].private + offset, size);
*size_read = size;
image->error_str[0] = '\0';
return ERROR_OK;
+ else if (image->type == IMAGE_ELF)
+ {
+ return image_elf_read_section(image, section, offset, size, buffer, size_read);
+ }
else if (image->type == IMAGE_MEMORY)
/* TODO: handle target memory pseudo image */
if (image_ihex->buffer)
+ else if (image->type == IMAGE_ELF)
+ {
+ image_elf_t *image_elf = image->type_private;
+ fileio_close(&image_elf->fileio);
+ if (image_elf->header)
+ free(image_elf->header);
+ if (image_elf->segments)
+ free(image_elf->segments);
+ }
else if (image->type == IMAGE_MEMORY)
/* do nothing for now */
*type = IMAGE_IHEX;
+ else if (!strcmp(type_string, "elf"))
+ {
+ *type = IMAGE_ELF;
+ }