; Graphics driver for the 640x200x2 mode on the C128 VDC
; Maciej 'YTM/Elysium' Witkowiak <ytm@elysium.pl>
; 23.12.2002
+; 2004-04-04, Greg King
; For any smart monkey that will try to optimize this: PLEASE do tests on
ldy X1+1
jsr icmp
bcc @L0243
- beq @L0243
; dx = 1;
lda #1
bne @L0244
ldy Y1+1
jsr icmp
bcc @L024A
- beq @L024A
; dy = 1;
lda #1
bne @L024B
; (values for this mode based on Fred Bowen's document)
; Maciej 'YTM/Elysium' Witkowiak <ytm@elysium.pl>
; 23.12.2002
+; 2004-04-04, Greg King
; For any smart monkey that will try to optimize this: PLEASE do tests on
lda pages ; is there enough memory?
bne @L11 ; Jump if there is one screen
- lda #TGI_ERR_INV_MODE ; ## Error
+ lda #TGI_ERR_INV_MODE ; Error
bne @L9
; Initialize variables
ldy X1+1
jsr icmp
bcc @L0243
- beq @L0243
; dx = 1;
lda #1
bne @L0244
ldy Y1+1
jsr icmp
bcc @L024A
- beq @L024A
; dy = 1;
lda #1
bne @L024B