$(MV) -f ${DESTDIR}${scriptdir}/mtx-changer ${DESTDIR}${scriptdir}/mtx-changer.old; \
$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) mtx-changer $(DESTDIR)$(scriptdir)/mtx-changer
+ @if test -f ${DESTDIR}${scriptdir}/mtx-changer.conf; then \
+ echo " ==> Saving existing mtx-changer.conf to mtx-changer.conf.new"; \
+ $(INSTALL_SCRIPT) mtx-changer.conf $(DESTDIR)$(scriptdir)/mtx-changer.conf.new; \
+ else \
+ $(INSTALL_SCRIPT) mtx-changer.conf $(DESTDIR)$(scriptdir)/mtx-changer.conf; \
+ fi
@if test -f ${DESTDIR}${scriptdir}/disk-changer; then \
echo " ==> Saving existing disk-changer to disk-changer.old"; \
$(MV) -f ${DESTDIR}${scriptdir}/disk-changer ${DESTDIR}${scriptdir}/disk-changer.old; \
# exit code, Bacula will assume the request failed.
+# source our conf file
+. @scriptdir@/mtx-changer.conf
-# mt status output
-# SunOS No Additional Sense
-# FreeBSD Current Driver State: at rest.
-# Linux ONLINE
-# Note Debian has a different mt than the standard Linux version.
-# When no tape is in the drive it waits 2 minutes.
-# When a tape is in the drive, it prints user unfriendly output.
-# Note, with Ubuntu Gusty (8.04), there are two versions of mt,
-# so we attempt to figure out which one.
-case ${OS} in
- SunOS)
- ready="No Additional Sense"
- ;;
- FreeBSD)
- ready="Current Driver State: at rest."
- ;;
- Linux)
- ready="ONLINE"
- if test -f /etc/debian_version ; then
- mt --version|grep "mt-st" >/dev/null 2>&1
- if test $? -eq 1 ; then
- ready="drive status"
- fi
- fi
- ;;
-# log whats done
-# to turn on logging, uncomment the following line
-#touch @working_dir@/mtx.log
+if test ${debug_log} -ne 0 ; then
+ touch @working_dir@/mtx.log
debug() {
if test -f $dbgfile; then
case $cmd in
debug "Doing mtx -f $ctl unload $slot $drive"
-# enable the following line if you need to eject the cartridge
-# mt -f $device offline
-# sleep 10
+ if test ${offline} -eq 1 ; then
+ mt -f $device offline
+ fi
+ if test ${offline_sleep} -ne 0 ; then
+ sleep ${offline_sleep}
+ fi
${MTX} -f $ctl unload $slot $drive
debug "Doing mtx -f $ctl load $slot $drive"
${MTX} -f $ctl load $slot $drive
-# Increase the sleep time if you have a slow device
-# or remove the sleep and add the following:
-# sleep 15
+ if test ${load_sleep} -ne 0 ; then
+ sleep ${load_sleep}
+ fi
wait_for_drive $device
exit $rtn
debug "Doing mtx -f $ctl -- to list volumes"
-# Enable the following if you are using barcodes and need an inventory
-# ${MTX} -f $ctl inventory
+ if test ${inventory} -ne 0 ; then
+ ${MTX} -f $ctl inventory
+ }
${MTX} -f $ctl status >${TMPFILE}
- cat ${TMPFILE} | grep " Storage Element [0-9]*:.*Full" | awk "{print \$3 \$4}" | sed "s/Full *\(:VolumeTag=\)*//"
-# If you have a VXA PacketLoader and the above does not work, try
-# turning it off and enabling the following line.
-# cat ${TMPFILE} | grep " *Storage Element [0-9]*:.*Full" | sed "s/ Storage Element //" | sed "s/Full :VolumeTag=//"
+ if test ${vxa_packetloader} -ne 0 ; then
+ cat ${TMPFILE} | grep " *Storage Element [0-9]*:.*Full" | sed "s/ Storage Element //" | sed "s/Full :VolumeTag=//"
+ else
+ cat ${TMPFILE} | grep " Storage Element [0-9]*:.*Full" | awk "{print \$3 \$4}" | sed "s/Full *\(:VolumeTag=\)*//"
+ fi
cat ${TMPFILE} | grep "^Data Transfer Element [0-9]*:Full (Storage Element [0-9]" | awk '{printf "%s:%s\n",$7,$10}'
rm -f ${TMPFILE} >/dev/null 2>&1
exit $rtn