F1=0 f Source Files\r
F2=0 c Src\Main.c\r
F3=0 a Src\mb96348hs.asm\r
F15=0 c ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\__STD_LIB_sbrk.c\r
F16=0 c ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\port.c\r
F17=0 f Source Files\FreeRTOS Source\MemMang\r
-F18=0 c ..\..\..\Source\portable\MemMang\heap_1.c\r
-F19=0 c ..\..\..\Source\portable\MemMang\heap_2.c\r
-F20=0 c ..\..\..\Source\portable\MemMang\heap_3.c\r
-F21=0 f Source Files\Demo Source\r
-F22=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\BlockQ.c\r
-F23=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\blocktim.c\r
-F24=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\comtest.c\r
-F25=0 c Src\crflash_sk16fx100mpc.c\r
-F26=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\death.c\r
-F27=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\dynamic.c\r
-F28=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\flash.c\r
-F29=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\GenQTest.c\r
-F30=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\integer.c\r
-F31=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\PollQ.c\r
-F32=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\semtest.c\r
-F33=0 f Source Files\Demo Source\partest\r
-F34=0 c Src\partest\partest.c\r
-F35=0 f Source Files\Demo Source\utility\r
-F36=0 c Src\utility\taskutility.c\r
-F37=0 f Source Files\Demo Source\serial\r
-F38=0 c Src\serial\serial.c\r
-F39=0 f Include Files\r
+F18=0 c ..\..\..\Source\portable\MemMang\heap_3.c\r
+F19=0 f Source Files\Demo Source\r
+F20=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\BlockQ.c\r
+F21=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\blocktim.c\r
+F22=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\comtest.c\r
+F23=0 c Src\crflash_sk16fx100mpc.c\r
+F24=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\death.c\r
+F25=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\dynamic.c\r
+F26=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\flash.c\r
+F27=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\GenQTest.c\r
+F28=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\integer.c\r
+F29=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\PollQ.c\r
+F30=0 c ..\..\Common\Minimal\semtest.c\r
+F31=0 f Source Files\Demo Source\partest\r
+F32=0 c Src\partest\partest.c\r
+F33=0 f Source Files\Demo Source\utility\r
+F34=0 c Src\utility\printf_stdarg.c\r
+F35=0 c Src\utility\taskutility.c\r
+F36=0 f Source Files\Demo Source\serial\r
+F37=0 c Src\serial\serial.c\r
+F38=0 f Include Files\r
F1=0 m 1 STANDALONE\ABS\FreeRTOS_96348hs_SK16FX100PMC.abs\r
F2=27 c 1 Src\Main.c\r
F2-1=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
F5=2 c 1 Src\vectors.c\r
F5-1=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
F5-2=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F6=3 c 1 ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\__STD_LIB_sbrk.c\r
-F6-1=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
-F6-2=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F6-3=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F7=9 c 1 ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\port.c\r
+F6=9 c 1 ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\port.c\r
+F6-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
+F6-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
+F6-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
+F6-4=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
+F6-5=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F6-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
+F6-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
+F6-8=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F6-9=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F7=10 c 1 ..\..\..\Source\croutine.c\r
F7-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
F7-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
F7-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
F7-4=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
-F7-5=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F7-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
-F7-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
+F7-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
+F7-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
+F7-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\croutine.h\r
F7-8=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F7-9=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F8=10 c 1 ..\..\..\Source\croutine.c\r
+F7-9=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F7-10=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F8=9 c 1 ..\..\..\Source\list.c\r
F8-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
F8-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
F8-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
F8-4=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
-F8-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
-F8-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
-F8-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\croutine.h\r
-F8-8=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F8-9=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F8-10=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F9=9 c 1 ..\..\..\Source\list.c\r
+F8-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
+F8-6=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
+F8-7=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F8-8=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F8-9=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F9=12 c 1 ..\..\..\Source\queue.c\r
F9-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
F9-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
F9-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
F9-4=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
-F9-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
-F9-6=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
-F9-7=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F9-8=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F9-9=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F10=12 c 1 ..\..\..\Source\queue.c\r
+F9-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
+F9-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
+F9-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\croutine.h\r
+F9-8=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
+F9-9=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F9-10=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\string.h\r
+F9-11=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F9-12=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F10=13 c 1 ..\..\..\Source\tasks.c\r
F10-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
F10-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
F10-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
F10-4=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
F10-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
F10-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
-F10-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\croutine.h\r
-F10-8=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
-F10-9=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F10-10=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\string.h\r
-F10-11=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F10-12=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F11=13 c 1 ..\..\..\Source\tasks.c\r
+F10-7=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdio.h\r
+F10-8=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F10-9=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdarg.h\r
+F10-10=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
+F10-11=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\string.h\r
+F10-12=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F10-13=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F11=12 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\BlockQ.c\r
F11-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
F11-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
F11-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
F11-4=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
F11-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
F11-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
-F11-7=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdio.h\r
-F11-8=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F11-9=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdarg.h\r
-F11-10=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
-F11-11=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\string.h\r
-F11-12=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F11-13=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F12=12 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\BlockQ.c\r
+F11-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\queue.h\r
+F11-8=- ..\..\Common\include\BlockQ.h\r
+F11-9=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
+F11-10=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F11-11=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F11-12=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F12=11 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\blocktim.c\r
F12-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
F12-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
F12-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
F12-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
F12-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
F12-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\queue.h\r
-F12-8=- ..\..\Common\include\BlockQ.h\r
-F12-9=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
-F12-10=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F12-11=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F12-12=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F13=11 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\blocktim.c\r
+F12-8=- ..\..\Common\include\blocktim.h\r
+F12-9=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F12-10=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F12-11=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F13=13 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\comtest.c\r
F13-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
F13-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
F13-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
F13-4=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
F13-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
F13-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
-F13-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\queue.h\r
-F13-8=- ..\..\Common\include\blocktim.h\r
-F13-9=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F13-10=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F13-11=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F14=13 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\comtest.c\r
+F13-7=- ..\..\Common\include\serial.h\r
+F13-8=- ..\..\Common\include\comtest.h\r
+F13-9=- ..\..\Common\include\partest.h\r
+F13-10=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
+F13-11=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F13-12=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F13-13=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F14=11 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\death.c\r
F14-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
F14-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
F14-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
F14-4=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
F14-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
F14-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
-F14-7=- ..\..\Common\include\serial.h\r
-F14-8=- ..\..\Common\include\comtest.h\r
-F14-9=- ..\..\Common\include\partest.h\r
-F14-10=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
-F14-11=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F14-12=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F14-13=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F15=11 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\death.c\r
+F14-7=- ..\..\Common\include\death.h\r
+F14-8=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
+F14-9=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F14-10=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F14-11=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F15=13 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\dynamic.c\r
F15-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
F15-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
F15-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
F15-4=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
F15-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
F15-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
-F15-7=- ..\..\Common\include\death.h\r
-F15-8=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
-F15-9=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F15-10=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F15-11=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F16=13 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\dynamic.c\r
+F15-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\semphr.h\r
+F15-8=- ..\..\..\Source\include\queue.h\r
+F15-9=- ..\..\Common\include\dynamic.h\r
+F15-10=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
+F15-11=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F15-12=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F15-13=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F16=12 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\flash.c\r
F16-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
F16-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
F16-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
F16-4=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
F16-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
F16-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
-F16-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\semphr.h\r
-F16-8=- ..\..\..\Source\include\queue.h\r
-F16-9=- ..\..\Common\include\dynamic.h\r
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-F16-11=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F16-12=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F16-13=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F17=12 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\flash.c\r
+F16-7=- ..\..\Common\include\partest.h\r
+F16-8=- ..\..\Common\include\flash.h\r
+F16-9=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
+F16-10=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F16-11=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F16-12=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F17=13 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\GenQTest.c\r
F17-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
F17-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
F17-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
F17-4=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
F17-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
F17-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
-F17-7=- ..\..\Common\include\partest.h\r
-F17-8=- ..\..\Common\include\flash.h\r
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-F17-10=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F17-11=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F17-12=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F18=13 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\GenQTest.c\r
+F17-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\queue.h\r
+F17-8=- ..\..\..\Source\include\semphr.h\r
+F17-9=- ..\..\Common\include\GenQTest.h\r
+F17-10=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
+F17-11=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F17-12=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F17-13=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F18=11 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\integer.c\r
F18-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
F18-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
F18-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
F18-4=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
F18-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
F18-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
-F18-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\queue.h\r
-F18-8=- ..\..\..\Source\include\semphr.h\r
-F18-9=- ..\..\Common\include\GenQTest.h\r
-F18-10=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
-F18-11=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F18-12=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F18-13=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F19=11 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\integer.c\r
+F18-7=- ..\..\Common\include\integer.h\r
+F18-8=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
+F18-9=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F18-10=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F18-11=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F19=12 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\PollQ.c\r
F19-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
F19-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
F19-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
F19-4=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
F19-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
F19-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
-F19-7=- ..\..\Common\include\integer.h\r
-F19-8=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
-F19-9=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F19-10=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F19-11=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F20=12 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\PollQ.c\r
+F19-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\queue.h\r
+F19-8=- ..\..\Common\include\PollQ.h\r
+F19-9=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
+F19-10=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F19-11=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F19-12=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F20=13 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\semtest.c\r
F20-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
F20-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
F20-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
F20-4=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
F20-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
F20-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
-F20-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\queue.h\r
-F20-8=- ..\..\Common\include\PollQ.h\r
-F20-9=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
-F20-10=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F20-11=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F20-12=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F21=13 c 1 ..\..\Common\Minimal\semtest.c\r
+F20-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\semphr.h\r
+F20-8=- ..\..\..\Source\include\queue.h\r
+F20-9=- ..\..\Common\include\semtest.h\r
+F20-10=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
+F20-11=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F20-12=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F20-13=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F21=12 c 1 Src\serial\serial.c\r
F21-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
F21-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
F21-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
F21-4=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
-F21-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
-F21-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
-F21-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\semphr.h\r
-F21-8=- ..\..\..\Source\include\queue.h\r
-F21-9=- ..\..\Common\include\semtest.h\r
-F21-10=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
-F21-11=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F21-12=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F21-13=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F22=0 c 0 ..\..\..\Source\portable\MemMang\heap_1.c\r
-F23=0 c 0 ..\..\..\Source\portable\MemMang\heap_2.c\r
-F24=10 c 1 ..\..\..\Source\portable\MemMang\heap_3.c\r
+F21-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\queue.h\r
+F21-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
+F21-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
+F21-8=- ..\..\Common\include\serial.h\r
+F21-9=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
+F21-10=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F21-11=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F21-12=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F22=10 c 1 Src\watchdog\watchdog.c\r
+F22-1=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F22-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
+F22-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
+F22-4=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
+F22-5=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
+F22-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
+F22-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
+F22-8=- Src\watchdog\watchdog.h\r
+F22-9=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F22-10=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F23=10 c 1 Src\utility\taskutility.c\r
+F23-1=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F23-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
+F23-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
+F23-4=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
+F23-5=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
+F23-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
+F23-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
+F23-8=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F23-9=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F23-10=- ..\..\..\Source\include\queue.h\r
+F24=12 c 1 Src\crflash_sk16fx100mpc.c\r
F24-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
-F24-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
-F24-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
-F24-4=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
-F24-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
-F24-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
-F24-7=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
-F24-8=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F24-9=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F24-10=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F25=12 c 1 Src\serial\serial.c\r
+F24-2=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F24-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
+F24-4=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
+F24-5=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
+F24-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\croutine.h\r
+F24-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
+F24-8=- ..\..\..\Source\include\queue.h\r
+F24-9=- ..\..\Common\include\partest.h\r
+F24-10=- ..\..\Common\include\crflash.h\r
+F24-11=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F24-12=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F25=9 c 1 Src\partest\partest.c\r
F25-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
-F25-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
-F25-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
-F25-4=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
-F25-5=- ..\..\..\Source\include\queue.h\r
-F25-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
-F25-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
-F25-8=- ..\..\Common\include\serial.h\r
-F25-9=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
-F25-10=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F25-11=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F25-12=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F26=10 c 1 Src\watchdog\watchdog.c\r
-F26-1=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F26-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
-F26-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
-F26-4=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
-F26-5=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
-F26-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
-F26-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
-F26-8=- Src\watchdog\watchdog.h\r
-F26-9=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F26-10=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F27=9 c 1 Src\utility\taskutility.c\r
-F27-1=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F27-2=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
-F27-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
-F27-4=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
-F27-5=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
-F27-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
-F27-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
-F27-8=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F27-9=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F28=12 c 1 Src\crflash_sk16fx100mpc.c\r
-F28-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
+F25-2=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F25-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
+F25-4=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
+F25-5=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
+F25-6=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F25-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
+F25-8=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
+F25-9=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F26=1 c 1 Src\utility\printf_stdarg.c\r
+F26-1=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdarg.h\r
+F27=3 c 1 ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\__STD_LIB_sbrk.c\r
+F27-1=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F27-2=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
+F27-3=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
+F28=10 c 1 ..\..\..\Source\portable\MemMang\heap_3.c\r
+F28-1=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stdlib.h\r
F28-2=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F28-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
-F28-4=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
-F28-5=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
-F28-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\croutine.h\r
-F28-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
-F28-8=- ..\..\..\Source\include\queue.h\r
-F28-9=- ..\..\Common\include\partest.h\r
-F28-10=- ..\..\Common\include\crflash.h\r
-F28-11=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F28-12=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
-F29=9 c 1 Src\partest\partest.c\r
-F29-1=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
-F29-2=- ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\devtools\Softune\LIB\907\INCLUDE\stddef.h\r
-F29-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
-F29-4=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
-F29-5=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
-F29-6=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
-F29-7=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
-F29-8=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
-F29-9=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F28-3=- ..\..\..\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h\r
+F28-4=- ..\..\..\Source\include\projdefs.h\r
+F28-5=- Src\FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
+F28-6=- ..\..\..\Source\include\portable.h\r
+F28-7=- ..\..\..\Source\portable\Softune\MB96340\portmacro.h\r
+F28-8=- src\mb96348hs.h\r
+F28-9=- ..\..\..\Source\include\task.h\r
+F28-10=- ..\..\..\Source\include\list.h\r
--- /dev/null
+ Copyright 2001, 2002 Georges Menie (\r
+ stdarg version contributed by Christian Ettinger\r
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\r
+ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by\r
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\r
+ (at your option) any later version.\r
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\r
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\r
+ GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.\r
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License\r
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\r
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\r
+ putchar is the only external dependency for this file,\r
+ if you have a working putchar, leave it commented out.\r
+ If not, uncomment the define below and\r
+ replace outbyte(c) by your own function call.\r
+#define putchar(c) outbyte(c)\r
+#include <stdarg.h>\r
+static void printchar(char **str, int c)\r
+ extern int putchar(int c);\r
+ \r
+ if (str) {\r
+ **str = c;\r
+ ++(*str);\r
+ }\r
+ else (void)putchar(c);\r
+#define PAD_RIGHT 1\r
+#define PAD_ZERO 2\r
+static int prints(char **out, const char *string, int width, int pad)\r
+ register int pc = 0, padchar = ' ';\r
+ if (width > 0) {\r
+ register int len = 0;\r
+ register const char *ptr;\r
+ for (ptr = string; *ptr; ++ptr) ++len;\r
+ if (len >= width) width = 0;\r
+ else width -= len;\r
+ if (pad & PAD_ZERO) padchar = '0';\r
+ }\r
+ if (!(pad & PAD_RIGHT)) {\r
+ for ( ; width > 0; --width) {\r
+ printchar (out, padchar);\r
+ ++pc;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ for ( ; *string ; ++string) {\r
+ printchar (out, *string);\r
+ ++pc;\r
+ }\r
+ for ( ; width > 0; --width) {\r
+ printchar (out, padchar);\r
+ ++pc;\r
+ }\r
+ return pc;\r
+/* the following should be enough for 32 bit int */\r
+#define PRINT_BUF_LEN 12\r
+static int printi(char **out, int i, int b, int sg, int width, int pad, int letbase)\r
+ char print_buf[PRINT_BUF_LEN];\r
+ register char *s;\r
+ register int t, neg = 0, pc = 0;\r
+ register unsigned int u = i;\r
+ if (i == 0) {\r
+ print_buf[0] = '0';\r
+ print_buf[1] = '\0';\r
+ return prints (out, print_buf, width, pad);\r
+ }\r
+ if (sg && b == 10 && i < 0) {\r
+ neg = 1;\r
+ u = -i;\r
+ }\r
+ s = print_buf + PRINT_BUF_LEN-1;\r
+ *s = '\0';\r
+ while (u) {\r
+ t = u % b;\r
+ if( t >= 10 )\r
+ t += letbase - '0' - 10;\r
+ *--s = t + '0';\r
+ u /= b;\r
+ }\r
+ if (neg) {\r
+ if( width && (pad & PAD_ZERO) ) {\r
+ printchar (out, '-');\r
+ ++pc;\r
+ --width;\r
+ }\r
+ else {\r
+ *--s = '-';\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ return pc + prints (out, s, width, pad);\r
+static int print( char **out, const char *format, va_list args )\r
+ register int width, pad;\r
+ register int pc = 0;\r
+ char scr[2];\r
+ for (; *format != 0; ++format) {\r
+ if (*format == '%') {\r
+ ++format;\r
+ width = pad = 0;\r
+ if (*format == '\0') break;\r
+ if (*format == '%') goto out;\r
+ if (*format == '-') {\r
+ ++format;\r
+ pad = PAD_RIGHT;\r
+ }\r
+ while (*format == '0') {\r
+ ++format;\r
+ pad |= PAD_ZERO;\r
+ }\r
+ for ( ; *format >= '0' && *format <= '9'; ++format) {\r
+ width *= 10;\r
+ width += *format - '0';\r
+ }\r
+ if( *format == 's' ) {\r
+ register char *s = (char *)va_arg( args, int );\r
+ pc += prints (out, s?s:"(null)", width, pad);\r
+ continue;\r
+ }\r
+ if( *format == 'd' ) {\r
+ pc += printi (out, va_arg( args, int ), 10, 1, width, pad, 'a');\r
+ continue;\r
+ }\r
+ if( *format == 'x' ) {\r
+ pc += printi (out, va_arg( args, int ), 16, 0, width, pad, 'a');\r
+ continue;\r
+ }\r
+ if( *format == 'X' ) {\r
+ pc += printi (out, va_arg( args, int ), 16, 0, width, pad, 'A');\r
+ continue;\r
+ }\r
+ if( *format == 'u' ) {\r
+ pc += printi (out, va_arg( args, int ), 10, 0, width, pad, 'a');\r
+ continue;\r
+ }\r
+ if( *format == 'c' ) {\r
+ /* char are converted to int then pushed on the stack */\r
+ scr[0] = (char)va_arg( args, int );\r
+ scr[1] = '\0';\r
+ pc += prints (out, scr, width, pad);\r
+ continue;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ else {\r
+ out:\r
+ printchar (out, *format);\r
+ ++pc;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ if (out) **out = '\0';\r
+ va_end( args );\r
+ return pc;\r
+int printf(const char *format, ...)\r
+ va_list args;\r
+ \r
+ va_start( args, format );\r
+ return print( 0, format, args );\r
+int sprintf(char *out, const char *format, ...)\r
+ va_list args;\r
+ \r
+ va_start( args, format );\r
+ return print( &out, format, args );\r
+int snprintf( char *buf, unsigned int count, const char *format, ... )\r
+ va_list args;\r
+ \r
+ ( void ) count;\r
+ \r
+ va_start( args, format );\r
+ return print( &buf, format, args );\r
+#ifdef TEST_PRINTF\r
+int main(void)\r
+ char *ptr = "Hello world!";\r
+ char *np = 0;\r
+ int i = 5;\r
+ unsigned int bs = sizeof(int)*8;\r
+ int mi;\r
+ char buf[80];\r
+ mi = (1 << (bs-1)) + 1;\r
+ printf("%s\n", ptr);\r
+ printf("printf test\n");\r
+ printf("%s is null pointer\n", np);\r
+ printf("%d = 5\n", i);\r
+ printf("%d = - max int\n", mi);\r
+ printf("char %c = 'a'\n", 'a');\r
+ printf("hex %x = ff\n", 0xff);\r
+ printf("hex %02x = 00\n", 0);\r
+ printf("signed %d = unsigned %u = hex %x\n", -3, -3, -3);\r
+ printf("%d %s(s)%", 0, "message");\r
+ printf("\n");\r
+ printf("%d %s(s) with %%\n", 0, "message");\r
+ sprintf(buf, "justif: \"%-10s\"\n", "left"); printf("%s", buf);\r
+ sprintf(buf, "justif: \"%10s\"\n", "right"); printf("%s", buf);\r
+ sprintf(buf, " 3: %04d zero padded\n", 3); printf("%s", buf);\r
+ sprintf(buf, " 3: %-4d left justif.\n", 3); printf("%s", buf);\r
+ sprintf(buf, " 3: %4d right justif.\n", 3); printf("%s", buf);\r
+ sprintf(buf, "-3: %04d zero padded\n", -3); printf("%s", buf);\r
+ sprintf(buf, "-3: %-4d left justif.\n", -3); printf("%s", buf);\r
+ sprintf(buf, "-3: %4d right justif.\n", -3); printf("%s", buf);\r
+ return 0;\r
+ * if you compile this file with\r
+ * gcc -Wall $(YOUR_C_OPTIONS) -DTEST_PRINTF -c printf.c\r
+ * you will get a normal warning:\r
+ * printf.c:214: warning: spurious trailing `%' in format\r
+ * this line is testing an invalid % at the end of the format string.\r
+ *\r
+ * this should display (on 32bit int machine) :\r
+ *\r
+ * Hello world!\r
+ * printf test\r
+ * (null) is null pointer\r
+ * 5 = 5\r
+ * -2147483647 = - max int\r
+ * char a = 'a'\r
+ * hex ff = ff\r
+ * hex 00 = 00\r
+ * signed -3 = unsigned 4294967293 = hex fffffffd\r
+ * 0 message(s)\r
+ * 0 message(s) with %\r
+ * justif: "left "\r
+ * justif: " right"\r
+ * 3: 0003 zero padded\r
+ * 3: 3 left justif.\r
+ * 3: 3 right justif.\r
+ * -3: -003 zero padded\r
+ * -3: -3 left justif.\r
+ * -3: -3 right justif.\r
+ */\r
+/* To keep linker happy. */\r
+int write( int i, char* c, int n)\r
+ return 0;\r
#include "mb96348hs.h"\r
#include "FreeRTOS.h"\r
#include "task.h"\r
+#include "queue.h"\r
-static void vUART1Task( void *pvParameters );\r
+static void vUART0Task( void *pvParameters );\r
xTaskHandle UART_TaskHandle;\r
-void InitUart1( void )\r
+static xQueueHandle xQueue;\r
+void InitUart0( void )\r
/* Initialize UART asynchronous mode */\r
- BGR1 = configCLKP1_CLOCK_HZ / 9600; /* 9600 Baud @ CLKP1 - 56 MHz */\r
+ BGR0 = configCLKP1_CLOCK_HZ / 9600; /* 9600 Baud @ CLKP1 - 56 MHz */\r
- SCR1 = 0x17; /* 8N1 */\r
- SMR1 = 0x0d; /* enable SOT3, Reset, normal mode */\r
- SSR1 = 0x02; /* LSB first, enable receive interrupts */\r
+ SCR0 = 0x17; /* 8N1 */\r
+ SMR0 = 0x0d; /* enable SOT3, Reset, normal mode */\r
+ SSR0 = 0x02; /* LSB first, enable receive interrupts */\r
- PIER08_IE5 = 1; /* enable input */\r
- DDR08_D5 = 0; /* switch P08_5 to input */\r
- DDR08_D6 = 1; /* switch P08_6 to output */\r
+ PIER08_IE2 = 1; /* enable input */\r
+ DDR08_D2 = 0; /* switch P08_2 to input */\r
+ DDR08_D3 = 1; /* switch P08_3 to output */\r
-void Putch1( char ch ) /* sends a char */\r
+void Putch0( char ch ) /* sends a char */\r
- while( SSR1_TDRE == 0 );\r
+ while( SSR0_TDRE == 0 );\r
/* wait for transmit buffer empty */\r
- TDR1 = ch; /* put ch into buffer */\r
+ TDR0 = ch; /* put ch into buffer */\r
-char Getch1( void ) /* waits for and returns incomming char */\r
+char Getch0( void ) /* waits for and returns incomming char */\r
volatile unsigned ch;\r
- while( SSR1_RDRF == 0 );\r
+ while( SSR0_RDRF == 0 );\r
/* wait for data received */\r
- if( SSR1_ORE ) /* overrun error */\r
+ if( SSR0_ORE ) /* overrun error */\r
- ch = RDR1; /* reset error flags */\r
+ ch = RDR0; /* reset error flags */\r
return ( char ) ( -1 );\r
- return( RDR1 ); /* return char */\r
+ return( RDR0 ); /* return char */\r
-void Puts1( const char *Name1 ) /* Puts a String to UART */\r
+void Puts0( const char *Name1 ) /* Puts a String to UART */\r
volatile portSHORT i, len;\r
len = strlen( Name1 );\r
- for( i = 0; i < strlen(Name1); i++ ) /* go through string */\r
+ for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) /* go through string */\r
if( Name1[i] == 10 )\r
- Putch1( 13 );\r
+ Putch0( 13 );\r
- Putch1( Name1[i] ); /* send it out */\r
+ Putch0( Name1[i] ); /* send it out */\r
-void Puthex1( unsigned long n, unsigned char digits )\r
+void Puthex0( unsigned long n, unsigned char digits )\r
unsigned portCHAR digit = 0, div = 0, i;\r
for( i = 0; i < digits; i++ )\r
digit = ( (n >> div) & 0xF ); /* get hex-digit value */\r
- Putch1( digit + ((digit < 0xA) ? '0' : 'A' - 0xA) );\r
+ Putch0( digit + ((digit < 0xA) ? '0' : 'A' - 0xA) );\r
div -= 4; /* next digit shift */\r
-void Putdec1( unsigned long x, int digits )\r
+void Putdec0( unsigned long x, int digits )\r
portSHORT i;\r
portCHAR buf[10], sign = 1;\r
- Puts1( buf ); /* send string */\r
+ Puts0( buf ); /* send string */\r
-void vTraceListTasks( unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority )\r
+void vUtilityStartTraceTask( unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority )\r
- InitUart1();\r
- xTaskCreate( vUART1Task, (signed portCHAR *) "UART1", ( unsigned portSHORT ) 2048, ( void * ) NULL, uxPriority, &UART_TaskHandle );\r
+ xQueue = xQueueCreate( 5, sizeof( char ) );\r
+ if( xQueue != NULL )\r
+ {\r
+ InitUart0();\r
+ xTaskCreate( vUART0Task, (signed portCHAR *) "UART1", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE * 3, ( void * ) NULL, uxPriority, &UART_TaskHandle );\r
+ }\r
-static void vUART1Task( void *pvParameters )\r
+static void vUART0Task( void *pvParameters )\r
- portCHAR tasklist_buff[512];\r
- portCHAR trace_buff[512];\r
+ static portCHAR buff[ 800 ] = { 0 };\r
unsigned portLONG trace_len;\r
signed portLONG i, j, l = 0;\r
unsigned portCHAR ch;\r
( void ) pvParameters;\r
- Puts1( "\n -------------MB96348 FreeRTOS DEMO Task List and Trace Utility----------- \n" );\r
+ SSR0_RIE = 1;\r
+ Puts0( "\n -------------MB96348 FreeRTOS DEMO Task List and Trace Utility----------- \n" );\r
for( ;; )\r
- Puts1( "\n\rPress any of the following keys for the corresponding functionality: " );\r
+ Puts0( "\n\rPress any of the following keys for the corresponding functionality: " );\r
- Puts1( "\n\r1: To call vTaskList() and display current task status " );\r
+ Puts0( "\n\r1: To call vTaskList() and display current task status " );\r
- Puts1( "\n\r2: To call vTaskStartTrace() and to display trace results once the trace ends" );\r
+ Puts0( "\n\r2: To call vTaskStartTrace() and to display trace results once the trace ends" );\r
- SSR1_RIE = 1;\r
- vTaskSuspend( NULL );\r
- ch = Getch1();\r
+ /* Block on the semaphore. The UART interrupt will use the semaphore to\r
+ wake this task when required. */\r
+ xQueueReceive( xQueue, &ch, portMAX_DELAY );\r
switch( ch )\r
case '1':\r
- vTaskList( (signed char *) tasklist_buff );\r
- Puts1( "\n\rThe current task list is as follows...." );\r
- Puts1( "\n\r----------------------------------------------" );\r
- Puts1( "\n\rName State Priority Stack Number" );\r
- Puts1( "\n\r----------------------------------------------" );\r
- Puts1( tasklist_buff );\r
- Puts1( "\r----------------------------------------------" );\r
+ vTaskList( (signed char *) buff );\r
+ Puts0( "\n\rThe current task list is as follows...." );\r
+ Puts0( "\n\r----------------------------------------------" );\r
+ Puts0( "\n\rName State Priority Stack Number" );\r
+ Puts0( "\n\r----------------------------------------------" );\r
+ Puts0( buff );\r
+ Puts0( "\r----------------------------------------------" );\r
case '2':\r
- vTaskStartTrace( (signed char *) trace_buff, 512 );\r
- Puts1( "\n\rThe trace started!!" );\r
+ vTaskStartTrace( (signed char *) buff, sizeof( buff ) );\r
+ Puts0( "\n\rThe trace started!!" );\r
vTaskDelay( (portTickType) 500 );\r
trace_len = ulTaskEndTrace();\r
- Puts1( "\n\rThe trace ended!!" );\r
- Puts1( "\n\rThe trace is as follows...." );\r
- Puts1( "\n\r--------------------------------------------------------" );\r
- Puts1( "\n\r Tick | Task Number | Tick | Task Number |" );\r
- Puts1( "\n\r--------------------------------------------------------\n\r" );\r
+ Puts0( "\n\rThe trace ended!!" );\r
+ Puts0( "\n\rThe trace is as follows...." );\r
+ Puts0( "\n\r--------------------------------------------------------" );\r
+ Puts0( "\n\r Tick | Task Number | Tick | Task Number |" );\r
+ Puts0( "\n\r--------------------------------------------------------\n\r" );\r
for( i = 0; i < trace_len; i += 4 )\r
for( j = i + 3; j >= i; j-- )\r
- Puthex1( trace_buff[j], 2 );\r
+ Puthex0( buff[j], 2 );\r
- Puts1( " | " );\r
+ Puts0( " | " );\r
if( l == 4 )\r
- Puts1( "\n" );\r
+ Puts0( "\n" );\r
l = 0;\r
- Puts1( "\r--------------------------------------------------------" );\r
+ Puts0( "\r--------------------------------------------------------" );\r
- Puts1( "\n" );\r
+ Puts0( "\n" );\r
-__interrupt void UART1_RxISR( void )\r
+__interrupt void UART0_TraceRxISR( void )\r
- SSR1_RIE = 0;\r
- vTaskResume( UART_TaskHandle );\r
+unsigned portCHAR ch;\r
+ ch = RDR0;\r
+ xQueueSendFromISR( xQueue, &ch, pdFALSE );\r