--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+ diff.pl -- Helper to diff files (rights, acl and content)
+=head2 USAGE
+ diff.pl -s source -d dest [--acl | --attr]
+use strict;
+use Cwd 'chdir';
+use File::Find;
+no warnings 'File::Find';
+use Digest::MD5;
+use Getopt::Long ;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Cwd;
+my ($src, $dst, $help, $acl, $attr);
+my %src_attr;
+my %dst_attr;
+my $hash;
+my $ret=0;
+GetOptions("src=s" => \$src,
+ "dst=s" => \$dst,
+ "acl" => \$acl,
+ "attr" => \$attr,
+ "help" => \$help,
+ ) or pod2usage(-verbose => 1,
+ -exitval => 1);
+if (!$src or !$dst) {
+ pod2usage(-verbose => 1,
+ -exitval => 1);
+if ($help) {
+ pod2usage(-verbose => 2,
+ -exitval => 0);
+my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
+my $dir = getcwd;
+$hash = \%src_attr;
+find(\&wanted_src, '.');
+chdir ($dir);
+$hash = \%dst_attr;
+find(\&wanted_src, '.');
+#print Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%src_attr);
+#print Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%dst_attr);
+foreach my $f (keys %src_attr)
+ if (!defined $dst_attr{$f}) {
+ $ret++;
+ print "E: Can't find $f in dst\n";
+ } else {
+ compare($src_attr{$f}, $dst_attr{$f});
+ }
+ delete $src_attr{$f};
+ delete $dst_attr{$f};
+foreach my $f (keys %dst_attr)
+ $ret++;
+ print "E: Can't find $f in src\n";
+exit $ret;
+sub compare
+ my ($h1, $h2) = @_;
+ my ($f1, $f2) = ($h1->{file}, $h2->{file});
+ foreach my $k (keys %$h1) {
+ if (!exists $h2->{$k}) {
+ $ret++;
+ print "E: Can't find $k for dest $f2 ($k=$h1->{$k})\n";
+ }
+ if ($h2->{$k} ne $h1->{$k}) {
+ $ret++;
+ print "E: src and dst $f2 differ on $k ($h1->{$k} != $h2->{$k})\n";
+ }
+ delete $h1->{$k};
+ delete $h2->{$k};
+ }
+ foreach my $k (keys %$h2) {
+ $ret++;
+ print "E: Found $k on dst file and not on src ($k=$h2->{$k})\n";
+ }
+sub wanted_src
+ my $f = $_;
+ my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
+ $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($f);
+ if (-l $f) {
+ my $target = readlink($f);
+ $hash->{$File::Find::name} = {
+ nlink => $nlink,
+ uid => $uid,
+ gid => $gid,
+ atime => $atime,
+ mtime => $mtime,
+ ctime => $ctime,
+ target => $target,
+ type => 'l',
+ file => $File::Find::name,
+ };
+ } elsif (-f $f) {
+ $hash->{$File::Find::name} = {
+ mode => $mode,
+ nlink => $nlink,
+ uid => $uid,
+ gid => $gid,
+ size => $size,
+ atime => $atime,
+ mtime => $mtime,
+ ctime => $ctime,
+ type => 'f',
+ file => $File::Find::name,
+ };
+ $md5->reset;
+ open(FILE, $f) or die "Can't open '$f': $!";
+ binmode(FILE);
+ $hash->{$File::Find::name}->{md5} = $md5->addfile(*FILE)->hexdigest;
+ close(FILE);
+ if ($acl) {
+ $hash->{$File::Find::name}->{acl} = `getfacl $f 2>/dev/null`;
+ }
+ if ($attr) {
+ $hash->{$File::Find::name}->{attr} = `getfattr $f 2>/dev/null`;
+ }
+ } elsif (-d $f) {
+ $hash->{$File::Find::name} = {
+ mode => $mode,
+ uid => $uid,
+ gid => $gid,
+ atime => $atime,
+ mtime => $mtime,
+ ctime => $ctime,
+ type => 'd',
+ file => $File::Find::name,
+ };
+ if ($acl) {
+ $hash->{$File::Find::name}->{acl} = `getfacl $f 2>/dev/null`;
+ }
+ if ($attr) {
+ $hash->{$File::Find::name}->{attr} = `getfattr $f 2>/dev/null`;
+ }
+ } else {
+ }