will not work for Autochangers.
\item [Name = \lt{}Autochanger-Name\gt{}]
Specifies the Name of the Autochanger. This name is used in the
Director's Storage definition to refer to the autochanger. This
directive is required.
\item [Device = \lt{}Device-name1, device-name2, ...\gt{}]
Specifies the names of the Device resource or resources that correspond
to the autochanger drive. If you have a multiple drive autochanger, you
device names on a single line separated by commas, and/or you may
specify multiple Device directives. This directive is required.
\item [Changer Device = {\it name-string}]
\index[sd]{Changer Device}
The specified {\bf name-string} gives the system file name of the autochanger
resource (see above), it will take precedence over one specified in
the Autochanger resource.
\item [Changer Command = {\it name-string}]
\index[sd]{Changer Command }
The {\bf name-string} specifies an external program to be called that will
resource. If it is also specified in the Device resource, it will take
precedence over the one specified in the Autochanger resource.
The following is an example of a valid Autochanger resource definition:
can be done while jobs are running. The default is set to 32 and is usually
% \label{Director:SharedStorage}
%\item[SharedStorage = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
% \index[dir]{SharedStorage}
(Linux, \ldots{}) that provide the {\bf setsockopt} TCP\_KEEPIDLE function.
The default value is zero, which means no change is made to the socket.
+ \label{Director:Storage:End}
The following is an example of a valid Storage resource definition:
Start of the FileSet resource. One {\bf FileSet} resource must be
defined for each Backup job.
\item [Name = \lt{}name\gt{}]
The name of the FileSet resource. This directive is required.
\item [Ignore FileSet Changes = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
\index[dir]{Ignore FileSet Changes}
\index[dir]{Directive!Ignore FileSet Changes}
Exclude, Bacula will force a Full backup to ensure that everything is
properly backed up.
\item [Enable VSS = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
\index[dir]{Enable VSS}
\index[dir]{Directive!Enable VSS}
For more information, please see the
\ilink{Windows}{VSS} chapter of this manual.
\item [Include \{ Options \{\lt{}file-options\gt{}\} \ldots{};
\lt{}file-list\gt{} \} ]
\index[dir]{Include \{ [ Options \{\lt{}file-options\gt{}\} \ldots{}]
\item [Options \{ \lt{}file-options\gt{} \} ]
\index[dir]{Options \{ \lt{}file-options\gt{} \} }
\item [Exclude \{ \lt{}file-list\gt{} \}]
\index[dir]{Exclude \{ \lt{}file-list\gt{} \} }
The Include resource must contain a list of directories and/or files to be