use lib qw(lib);
use SocketActivation;
use StartXDummy;
+use StatusLine;
# the following modules are not shipped with Perl
use AnyEvent;
use AnyEvent::Handle;
+# convinience wrapper to write to the log file
+my $log;
+sub Log { say $log "@_" }
my $coverage_testing = 0;
my $valgrind = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $screen;
my $x = X11::XCB->new($display, $screen);
if ($x->has_error) {
- say STDERR "WARNING: Not using X11 display $display, could not connect";
+ Log "WARNING: Not using X11 display $display, could not connect";
} else {
push @conns, $x;
push @wdisplays, $display;
unlink("latest") if -e "latest";
symlink("$outdir", "latest") or die "Could not symlink latest to $outdir";
+my $logfile = "$outdir/complete-run.log";
+open $log, '>', $logfile or die "Could not create '$logfile': $!";
+say "Writing logfile to '$logfile'...";
# 3: run all tests
my @done;
my $num = @testfiles;
my $aggregator = TAP::Parser::Aggregator->new();
+status_init(displays => \@wdisplays, tests => $num);
# We start tests concurrently: For each display, one test gets started. Every
# test starts another test after completing.
take_job($_) for @wdisplays;
my $test = shift @testfiles;
return unless $test;
my $dont_start = (slurp($test) =~ /# !NO_I3_INSTANCE!/);
- my $logpath = "$outdir/i3-log-for-" . basename($test);
+ my $basename = basename($test);
+ my $logpath = "$outdir/i3-log-for-$basename";
- my ($fh, $tmpfile) = tempfile('i3-run-cfg.XXXXXX', UNLINK => 1);
+ my ($fh, $tmpfile) = tempfile("i3-cfg-for-$basename.XXXXXX", UNLINK => 1);
say $fh $config;
say $fh "ipc-socket /tmp/nested-$display";
my $child_watcher;
$child_watcher = AnyEvent->child(pid => $pid, cb => sub {
- say "child died. pid = $pid";
+ Log status($display, "child died. pid = $pid");
undef $child_watcher;
# files are not written) and fallback to killing it
if ($coverage_testing || $valgrind) {
my $exited = 0;
- say "[$display] Exiting i3 cleanly...";
+ Log status($display, 'Exiting i3 cleanly...');
my $i3 = i3("/tmp/nested-$display");
$i3->connect->cb(sub {
if (!$_[0]->recv) {
} else {
+ Log status($display, 'killing i3');
# No coverage testing or valgrind? Just kill -9 i3.
kill(9, $pid) or die "Could not kill i3 using kill($pid)";
my $start_duration = tv_interval($time_before_start, $time_activating);
my ($status) = $activate_cv->recv;
if ($dont_start) {
- say "[$display] Not starting i3, testcase does that";
+ Log status($display, 'Not starting i3, testcase does that');
} else {
- say "[$display] i3 startup: took " . sprintf("%.2f", $start_duration) . "s, status = $status";
+ my $duration = sprintf("%.2f", $start_duration);
+ Log status($display, "i3 startup: took $duration sec, status = $status");
- say "[$display] Running $test with logfile $logpath";
+ Log status($display, "Starting $test with logfile $logpath");
my $output;
open(my $spool, '>', \$output);
merge => 1,
+ my $tests_completed;
my @watchers;
my ($stdout, $stderr) = $parser->get_select_handles;
for my $handle ($parser->get_select_handles) {
my $result = $parser->next;
if (defined($result)) {
+ $tests_completed++;
+ status($display, "Running $test: [$tests_completed/??]");
# TODO: check if we should bail out
# $result is not defined, we are done parsing
- say "[$display] $test finished";
+ Log status($display, "$test finished");
$aggregator->add($test, $parser);
push @done, [ $test, $output ];
+ status_completed(scalar @done);
my $exitcv = $kill_i3->();
$exitcv->cb(sub {
-# Disable buffering to make sure the output and summary appear before we exit.
-$| = 1;
+# print empty lines to seperate failed tests from statuslines
+print "\n\n";
for (@done) {
my ($test, $output) = @$_;
- say "output for $test:";
- say $output;
+ Log "output for $test:";
+ Log $output;
+ # print error messages of failed tests
+ say for $output =~ /^not ok.+\n+((?:^#.+\n)+)/mg
# 4: print summary
+close $log;
kill(15, $_) for @childpids;
--- /dev/null
+package StatusLine;
+use strict; use warnings;
+# enable autoflush on STDOUT.
+# this is essential, because we print our statuslines without a newline
+$| = 1;
+use Exporter 'import';
+our @EXPORT = qw/status_init status status_completed/;
+my $ansi_clear_line = "\033[2K";
+my $ansi_save_cursor = "\0337";
+my $ansi_restore_cursor = "\0338";
+my %ansi_line_upwards;
+my $tests_total;
+# setup %ansi_line_upwards to map all working displays to the
+# specific movement commands and initialize all status lines
+sub status_init {
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $displays = $args{displays};
+ $tests_total = $args{tests};
+ for my $n (1 .. @$displays) {
+ # since we are moving upwards, get $display in reverse order
+ my $display = $displays->[-$n];
+ $ansi_line_upwards{$display} = "\033[$n\101";
+ # print an empty line for this status line
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ status_completed(0);
+# generates the status text, prints it in the appropiate line
+# and returns it, so it can be used in conjuction with C<Log()>
+sub status {
+ my ($display, $msg) = @_;
+ my $status = "[$display] $msg";
+ print
+ $ansi_save_cursor,
+ $ansi_line_upwards{$display},
+ $ansi_clear_line,
+ $status,
+ $ansi_restore_cursor;
+ return $status;
+sub status_completed {
+ my $num = shift;
+ print
+ $ansi_save_cursor,
+ $ansi_clear_line,
+ "completed $num of $tests_total tests",
+ $ansi_restore_cursor;
+__PACKAGE__ __END__