; unsigned readjoy (unsigned char joy);
- .export _readjoy
+ .export _readjoy
- .include "vic20.inc"
+ .include "vic20.inc"
-.proc _readjoy
+; The current implemenation will ignore the joystick number because we do only
+; have one joystick
- tax ; Joystick number into X
- bne joy2
-; Read joystick 1
+.proc _readjoy
-joy1: lda #$7F
- ldx #$C3
- sei ; necessary?
- ldy VIA1_DDRA
- stx VIA1_DDRA
- ldx VIA1_JOY
- sty VIA1_DDRA
- ldy VIA2_DDRB
- sta VIA2_DDRB
- lda VIA2_JOY ; sw3 happens to be the 7th bit (i.e negative)
- sty VIA2_DDRB
- cli ; necessary?
-; all this mess below tries to normalize the returned results (see joystick.h)
-; by shifting bits around and inserting switch3 (right).
-; easier (and far smaller) would have been just to return the bits where they
-; lay and just #ifdef different joystick constants for the Vic20.
- bmi s3_off ; must stay valid from the VIA2_JOY load
- txa ; state: sw3 on, fire ?
- and #$20 ; find out if fire has been pressed
- bne f_off1
- txa ; state: sw3 on, fire on
- lsr
- lsr
- and #$07
- eor #$1F
- rts
-f_off1: txa ; state: sw3 on, fire off
- lsr
- lsr
- and #$07
- eor #$0F
- rts
-s3_off: txa ; state: sw3 off, fire ?
- and #$20 ; find out if fire has been pressed
- bne f_off2 ; yeah, that's just about my sentiment by now
- txa ; state: sw3 off, fire on
- lsr
- lsr
- and #$07
- eor #$17
- rts
-f_off2: txa ; state: sw3 off, fire off
- lsr
- lsr
- and #$07
- eor #$07
- rts
-; Read joystick 2 + (just return joy1)
+ lda #$C3 ; mask for VIA1 JOYBITS: sw0,sw1,sw2,sw4
+ ldx #$7F ; mask for VIA2 JOYBIT: sw3
+ sei ; necessary?
-joy2: jmp joy1 ; stub for more joysticks (pointless?)
+ ldy VIA1_DDRA ; remember the state of DDRA
+ sta VIA1_DDRA ; set JOYBITS on this VIA for input
+ lda VIA1_JOY ; read JOYBITS: sw0,sw1,sw2,sw4
+ sty VIA1_DDRA ; restore the state of DDRA
+ and #$3C ; Mask relevant bits...
+ sta tmp1 ; ...and save for later
+ ldy VIA2_DDRB ; remember the date of DDRB
+ stx VIA2_DDRB ; set JOYBITS on this VIA for input
+ lda VIA2_JOY ; read JOYBIT: sw3
+ sty VIA2_DDRB ; restore the state of DDRB
+ cli ; necessary?
+ and #$80 ; Mask sw3
+ ora tmp1 ; Get sw0, sw1, sw2, sw4
+ eor #$BC ; Active states are inverted
+ rts