ZP: file = "", define = yes, start = $00E2, size = $001A;
TAPEHDR: file = %O, type = ro, start = $0000, size = $001F;
BASHEAD: file = %O, define = yes, start = $0501, size = $000D;
- MAIN: file = %O, define = yes, start = __BASHEAD_LAST__, size = __RAMEND__ - __MAIN_START__ - __STACKSIZE__;
+ MAIN: file = %O, define = yes, start = __BASHEAD_LAST__, size = __RAMEND__ - __MAIN_START__;
+ BSS: file = "", start = __ONCE_RUN__, size = __RAMEND__ - __STACKSIZE__ - __ONCE_RUN__;
ZEROPAGE: load = ZP, type = zp;
TAPEHDR: load = TAPEHDR, type = ro;
- BASHDR: load = BASHEAD, type = ro, define = yes, optional = yes;
+ BASHDR: load = BASHEAD, type = ro, optional = yes;
STARTUP: load = MAIN, type = ro;
- LOWCODE: load = MAIN, type = ro, optional = yes;
+ LOWCODE: load = MAIN, type = ro, optional = yes;
CODE: load = MAIN, type = ro;
RODATA: load = MAIN, type = ro;
- ONCE: load = MAIN, type = ro, optional = yes;
DATA: load = MAIN, type = rw;
- INIT: load = MAIN, type = rw, optional = yes;
- ZPSAVE1: load = MAIN, type = rw, define = yes; # ZPSAVE1, ZPSAVE2 must be together
- ZPSAVE2: load = MAIN, type = bss; # see "libsrc/atmos/crt0.s"
- BSS: load = MAIN, type = bss, define = yes;
+ INIT: load = MAIN, type = rw;
+ ONCE: load = MAIN, type = ro, define = yes;
+ BASTAIL: load = MAIN, type = ro, optional = yes;
+ BSS: load = BSS, type = bss, define = yes;
CONDES: type = constructor,
; 2010-11-14, Ullrich von Bassewitz
-; 2014-09-06, Greg King
+; 2016-03-17, Greg King
; This module supplies a small BASIC stub program that uses CALL
; to jump to the machine-language code that follows it.
.byte $00 ; End of BASIC line
Next: .addr $0000 ; BASIC program end marker
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; This padding is needed by a bug in the ROM.
+; (The CLOAD command starts BASIC's variables table on top of the last byte
+; that was loaded [instead of at the next address].)
+.segment "BASTAIL"
+ .byte 0
-; Put this constructor into a segment that can be re-used by programs.
+; Put this constructor into a segment whose space
+; will be re-used by BSS, the heap, and the C stack.
.segment "ONCE"
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Switch the cursor off. Code goes into the ONCE segment
-; which may be reused after it is run.
+; Switch the cursor off. Code goes into the ONCE segment,
+; which will be reused after it is run.
.segment "ONCE"
; Startup code for cc65 (Oric version)
; By Debrune Jérôme <jede@oric.org> and Ullrich von Bassewitz <uz@cc65.org>
-; 2015-01-09, Greg King
+; 2016-03-18, Greg King
.export _exit
.export __STARTUP__ : absolute = 1 ; Mark as startup
.import initlib, donelib
.import callmain, zerobss
- .import __MAIN_START__, __MAIN_SIZE__, __STACKSIZE__
+ .import __MAIN_START__, __MAIN_SIZE__
.include "zeropage.inc"
.include "atmos.inc"
.segment "STARTUP"
-; Save the zero-page area that we're about to use.
- ldx #zpspace-1
-L1: lda sp,x
- sta zpsave,x
- dex
- bpl L1
-; Clear the BSS data.
- jsr zerobss
-; Currently, color isn't supported on the text screen.
-; Unprotect screen columns 0 and 1 (where each line's color codes would sit).
- lda STATUS
- sta stsave
- and #%11011111
- sta STATUS
-; Save some system stuff; and, set up the stack.
stx spsave ; Save system stk ptr
- lda #<(__MAIN_START__ + __MAIN_SIZE__ + __STACKSIZE__)
- ldx #>(__MAIN_START__ + __MAIN_SIZE__ + __STACKSIZE__)
- sta sp
- stx sp+1 ; Set argument stack ptr
+; Save space by putting some of the start-up code in a segment
+; that will be re-used.
-; Call the module constructors.
+ jsr init
- jsr initlib
+; Clear the BSS variables (after the constructors have been run).
+ jsr zerobss
; Push the command-line arguments; and, call main().
; Copy back the zero-page stuff.
- ldx #zpspace-1
+ ldx #zpspace - 1
L2: lda zpsave,x
sta sp,x
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Put this code in a place that will be re-used by BSS, the heap,
+; and the C stack.
+.segment "ONCE"
-.segment "ZPSAVE1"
+; Save the zero-page area that we're about to use.
+init: ldx #zpspace - 1
+L1: lda sp,x
+ sta zpsave,x
+ dex
+ bpl L1
+; Currently, color isn't supported on the text screen.
+; Unprotect screen columns 0 and 1 (where each line's color codes would sit).
-; This padding is needed by a bug in the ROM.
-; (The CLOAD command starts BASIC's variables table on top of the last byte
-; that was loaded [instead of at the next address].)
-; This is overlaid on a buffer, so that it doesn't use extra space in RAM.
+ lda STATUS
+ sta stsave
+ and #%11011111
+ sta STATUS
- .byte 0
+; Set up the C stack.
-; The segments "ZPSAVE1" and "ZPSAVE2" always must be together.
-; They create a single object (the zpsave buffer).
+ lda #<(__MAIN_START__ + __MAIN_SIZE__)
+ ldx #>(__MAIN_START__ + __MAIN_SIZE__)
+ sta sp
+ stx sp+1 ; Set argument stack ptr
-.segment "ZPSAVE2"
+; Call the module constructors.
- .res zpspace - 1
+ jmp initlib
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+.segment "INIT"
spsave: .res 1
stsave: .res 1
+zpsave: .res zpspace
; Get possible command-line arguments. Goes into the special ONCE segment,
-; which may be reused after the startup code is run
+; which will be reused after the startup code is run.
.segment "ONCE"
-; These arrays are zeroed before initmainargs is called.
.segment "INIT"
term: .res 1
+; This array has zeroes when initmainargs starts.
; char* argv[MAXARGS+1]={name};
argv: .addr name
; Based on code by Debrune Jérôme <jede@oric.org>
-; 2015-01-08, Greg King
+; 2016-03-17, Greg King
; The following symbol is used by the linker config. file
.export __TAPEHDR__:abs = 1
; These symbols, also, come from the configuration file.
- .import __BASHDR_LOAD__, __ZPSAVE1_LOAD__, __AUTORUN__, __PROGFLAG__
+ .import __AUTORUN__, __PROGFLAG__
+ .import __BASHEAD_START__, __MAIN_LAST__
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
.segment "TAPEHDR"
- .byte $16, $16, $16 ; Sync bytes
- .byte $24 ; Beginning-of-header marker
+ .byte $16, $16, $16 ; Sync bytes
+ .byte $24 ; Beginning-of-header marker
- .byte $00 ; $2B0
- .byte $00 ; $2AF
- .byte <__PROGFLAG__ ; $2AE Language flag ($00=BASIC, $80=machine code)
- .byte <__AUTORUN__ ; $2AD Auto-run flag ($C7=run, $00=only load)
- .dbyt __ZPSAVE1_LOAD__ ;$2AB Address of end of file
- .dbyt __BASHDR_LOAD__ ; $2A9 Address of start of file
- .byte $00 ; $2A8
+ .byte $00 ; $2B0
+ .byte $00 ; $2AF
+ .byte <__PROGFLAG__ ; $2AE Language flag ($00=BASIC, $80=machine code)
+ .byte <__AUTORUN__ ; $2AD Auto-run flag ($C7=run, $00=only load)
+ .dbyt __MAIN_LAST__ - 1 ; $2AB Address of end of file
+ .dbyt __BASHEAD_START__ ; $2A9 Address of start of file
+ .byte $00 ; $2A8
; File name (a maximum of 17 characters), zero-terminated
.asciiz .sprintf("%u", .time)