--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2008, SoftPLC Corporation http://softplc.com\r
+# Dick Hollenbeck dick@softplc.com\r
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\r
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\r
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2\r
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\r
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\r
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\r
+# GNU General Public License for more details.\r
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\r
+# along with this program; if not, you may find one here:\r
+# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html\r
+# or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,\r
+# or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\r
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA\r
+# A python program to convert an SVF file to an XSVF file. There is an\r
+# option to include comments containing the source file line number from the origin\r
+# SVF file before each outputted XSVF statement.\r
+# We deviate from the XSVF spec in that we introduce a new command called\r
+# XWAITSTATE which directly flows from the SVF RUNTEST command. Unfortunately\r
+# XRUNSTATE was ill conceived and is not used here. We also add support for the\r
+# three Lattice extensions to SVF: LCOUNT, LDELAY, and LSDR. The xsvf file\r
+# generated from this program is suitable for use with the xsvf player in\r
+# OpenOCD with my modifications to xsvf.c.\r
+# This program is written for python 3.0, and it is not easy to change this\r
+# back to 2.x. You may find it easier to use python 3.x even if that means\r
+# building it.\r
+import re\r
+import sys\r
+import struct\r
+# There are both ---<Lexer>--- and ---<Parser>--- sections to this program\r
+if len( sys.argv ) < 3:\r
+ print("usage %s <svf_filename> <xsvf_filename>" % sys.argv[0])\r
+ exit(1)\r
+inputFilename = sys.argv[1]\r
+outputFilename = sys.argv[2]\r
+doCOMMENTs = True # Save XCOMMENTs in the output xsvf file\r
+#doCOMMENTs = False # Save XCOMMENTs in the output xsvf file\r
+xrepeat = 0 # argument to XREPEAT, gives retry count for masked compares\r
+#-----< Lexer >---------------------------------------------------------------\r
+StateBin = (RESET,IDLE,\r
+# Any integer index into this tuple will be equal to its corresponding StateBin value\r
+StateTxt = ("RESET","IDLE",\r
+#Note: LCOUNT, LDELAY, and LSDR are Lattice extensions to SVF and provide a way to loop back\r
+# and check a completion status, essentially waiting on a part until it signals that it is done.\r
+# For example below: loop 25 times, each time through the loop do a LDELAY (same as a true RUNTEST)\r
+# and exit loop when LSDR compares match.\r
+LCOUNT 25;\r
+! Step to DRPAUSE give 5 clocks and wait for 1.00e+000 SEC.\r
+! Test for the completed status. Match means pass.\r
+! Loop back to LDELAY line if not match and loop count less than 25.\r
+LSDR 1 TDI (0)\r
+ TDO (1);\r
+LineNumber = 1\r
+def s_ident(scanner, token): return ("ident", token.upper(), LineNumber)\r
+def s_hex(scanner, token):\r
+ global LineNumber\r
+ LineNumber = LineNumber + token.count('\n')\r
+ token = ''.join(token.split())\r
+ return ("hex", token[1:-1], LineNumber)\r
+def s_int(scanner, token): return ("int", int(token), LineNumber)\r
+def s_float(scanner, token): return ("float", float(token), LineNumber)\r
+#def s_comment(scanner, token): return ("comment", token, LineNumber)\r
+def s_semicolon(scanner, token): return ("semi", token, LineNumber)\r
+def s_nl(scanner,token):\r
+ global LineNumber\r
+ LineNumber = LineNumber + 1\r
+ #print( 'LineNumber=', LineNumber, file=sys.stderr )\r
+ return None\r
+scanner = re.Scanner([\r
+ (r"[a-zA-Z]\w*", s_ident),\r
+# (r"[-+]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?", s_float),\r
+ (r"[-+]?[0-9]+(([.][0-9eE+-]*)|([eE]+[-+]?[0-9]+))", s_float),\r
+ (r"\d+", s_int),\r
+ (r"\(([0-9a-fA-F]|\s)*\)", s_hex),\r
+ (r"(!|//).*$", None),\r
+ (r";", s_semicolon),\r
+ (r"\n",s_nl),\r
+ (r"\s*", None),\r
+ ],\r
+ )\r
+# read all svf file input into string "input"\r
+input = open( sys.argv[1] ).read()\r
+# Lexer:\r
+# create a list of tuples containing (tokenType, tokenValue, LineNumber)\r
+tokens = scanner.scan( input )[0]\r
+input = None # allow gc to reclaim memory holding file\r
+#for tokenType, tokenValue, ln in tokens: print( "line %d: %s" % (ln, tokenType), tokenValue )\r
+tokVal = tokType = tokLn = None\r
+tup = iter( tokens )\r
+def nextTok():\r
+ """\r
+ Function to read the next token from tup into tokType, tokVal, tokLn (linenumber)\r
+ which are globals.\r
+ """\r
+ global tokType, tokVal, tokLn, tup\r
+ tokType, tokVal, tokLn = tup.__next__()\r
+class ParseError(Exception):\r
+ """A class to hold a parsing error message"""\r
+ def __init__(self, linenumber, token, message):\r
+ self.linenumber = linenumber\r
+ self.token = token\r
+ self.message = message\r
+ def __str__(self):\r
+ global inputFilename\r
+ return "Error in file \'%s\' at line %d near token %s\n %s" % (\r
+ inputFilename, self.linenumber, repr(self.token), self.message)\r
+class MASKSET(object):\r
+ """\r
+ Class MASKSET holds a set of bit vectors, all of which are related, will all\r
+ have the same length, and are associated with one of the seven shiftOps:\r
+ HIR, HDR, TIR, TDR, SIR, SDR, LSDR. One of these holds a mask, smask, tdi, tdo, and a\r
+ size.\r
+ """\r
+ def __init__(self, name):\r
+ self.empty()\r
+ self.name = name\r
+ def empty(self):\r
+ self.mask = bytearray()\r
+ self.smask = bytearray()\r
+ self.tdi = bytearray()\r
+ self.tdo = bytearray()\r
+ self.size = 0\r
+ def syncLengths( self, sawTDI, sawTDO, sawMASK, sawSMASK, newSize ):\r
+ """\r
+ Set all the lengths equal in the event some of the masks were\r
+ not seen as part of the last change set.\r
+ """\r
+ if self.size == newSize:\r
+ return\r
+ if newSize == 0:\r
+ self.empty()\r
+ return\r
+ # If an SIR was given without a MASK(), then use a mask of all zeros.\r
+ # this is not consistent with the SVF spec, but it makes sense because\r
+ # it would be odd to be testing an instruction register read out of a\r
+ # tap without giving a mask for it. Also, lattice seems to agree and is\r
+ # generating SVF files that comply with this philosophy.\r
+ if self.name == 'SIR' and not sawMASK:\r
+ self.mask = bytearray( newSize )\r
+ if newSize != len(self.mask):\r
+ self.mask = bytearray( newSize )\r
+ if self.name == 'SDR': # leave mask for HIR,HDR,TIR,TDR,SIR zeros\r
+ for i in range( newSize ):\r
+ self.mask[i] = 1\r
+ if newSize != len(self.tdo):\r
+ self.tdo = bytearray( newSize )\r
+ if newSize != len(self.tdi):\r
+ self.tdi = bytearray( newSize )\r
+ if newSize != len(self.smask):\r
+ self.smask = bytearray( newSize )\r
+ self.size = newSize\r
+def makeBitArray( hexString, bitCount ):\r
+ """\r
+ Converts a packed sequence of hex ascii characters into a bytearray where\r
+ each element in the array holds exactly one bit. Only "bitCount" bits are\r
+ scanned and these must be the least significant bits in the hex number. That\r
+ is, it is legal to have some unused bits in the must significant hex nibble\r
+ of the input "hexString". The string is scanned starting from the backend,\r
+ then just before returning we reverse the array. This way the append()\r
+ method can be used, which I assume is faster than an insert.\r
+ """\r
+ global tokLn\r
+ a = bytearray()\r
+ length = bitCount\r
+ hexString = list(hexString)\r
+ hexString.reverse()\r
+ #print(hexString)\r
+ for c in hexString:\r
+ if length <= 0:\r
+ break;\r
+ c = int(c, 16)\r
+ for mask in [1,2,4,8]:\r
+ if length <= 0:\r
+ break;\r
+ length = length - 1\r
+ a.append( (c & mask) != 0 )\r
+ if length > 0:\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, hexString, "Insufficient hex characters for given length of %d" % bitCount )\r
+ a.reverse()\r
+ #print(a)\r
+ return a\r
+def makeXSVFbytes( bitarray ):\r
+ """\r
+ Make a bytearray which is contains the XSVF bits which will be written\r
+ directly to disk. The number of bytes needed is calculated from the size\r
+ of the argument bitarray.\r
+ """\r
+ bitCount = len(bitarray)\r
+ byteCount = (bitCount+7)//8\r
+ ba = bytearray( byteCount )\r
+ firstBit = (bitCount % 8) - 1\r
+ if firstBit == -1:\r
+ firstBit = 7\r
+ bitNdx = 0\r
+ for byteNdx in range(byteCount):\r
+ mask = 1<<firstBit\r
+ byte = 0\r
+ while mask:\r
+ if bitarray[bitNdx]:\r
+ byte |= mask;\r
+ mask = mask >> 1\r
+ bitNdx = bitNdx + 1\r
+ ba[byteNdx] = byte\r
+ firstBit = 7\r
+ return ba\r
+def writeComment( outputFile, shiftOp_linenum, shiftOp ):\r
+ """\r
+ Write an XCOMMENT record to outputFile\r
+ """\r
+ comment = "%s @%d\0" % (shiftOp, shiftOp_linenum) # \0 is terminating nul\r
+ ba = bytearray(1)\r
+ ba[0] = XCOMMENT\r
+ ba += comment.encode()\r
+ outputFile.write( ba )\r
+def combineBitVectors( trailer, meat, header ):\r
+ """\r
+ Combine the 3 bit vectors comprizing a transmission. Since the least\r
+ significant bits are sent first, the header is put onto the list last so\r
+ they are sent first from that least significant position.\r
+ """\r
+ ret = bytearray()\r
+ ret.extend( trailer )\r
+ ret.extend( meat )\r
+ ret.extend( header )\r
+ return ret\r
+def writeRUNTEST( outputFile, run_state, end_state, run_count, min_time, tokenTxt ):\r
+ """\r
+ Write the output for the SVF RUNTEST command.\r
+ run_count - the number of clocks\r
+ min_time - the number of seconds\r
+ tokenTxt - either RUNTEST or LDELAY\r
+ """\r
+ # convert from secs to usecs\r
+ min_time = int( min_time * 1000000)\r
+ # the SVF RUNTEST command does NOT map to the XSVF XRUNTEST command. Check the SVF spec, then\r
+ # read the XSVF command. They are not the same. Use an XSVF XWAITSTATE to\r
+ # implement the required behavior of the SVF RUNTEST command.\r
+ if doCOMMENTs:\r
+ writeComment( output, tokLn, tokenTxt )\r
+ if tokenTxt == 'RUNTEST':\r
+ obuf = bytearray(11)\r
+ obuf[0] = XWAITSTATE\r
+ obuf[1] = run_state\r
+ obuf[2] = end_state\r
+ struct.pack_into(">i", obuf, 3, run_count ) # big endian 4 byte int to obuf\r
+ struct.pack_into(">i", obuf, 7, min_time ) # big endian 4 byte int to obuf\r
+ outputFile.write( obuf )\r
+ else: # == 'LDELAY'\r
+ obuf = bytearray(10)\r
+ obuf[0] = LDELAY\r
+ obuf[1] = run_state\r
+ # LDELAY has no end_state\r
+ struct.pack_into(">i", obuf, 2, run_count ) # big endian 4 byte int to obuf\r
+ struct.pack_into(">i", obuf, 6, min_time ) # big endian 4 byte int to obuf\r
+ outputFile.write( obuf )\r
+output = open( outputFilename, mode='wb' )\r
+hir = MASKSET('HIR')\r
+hdr = MASKSET('HDR')\r
+tir = MASKSET('TIR')\r
+tdr = MASKSET('TDR')\r
+sir = MASKSET('SIR')\r
+sdr = MASKSET('SDR')\r
+expecting_eof = True\r
+# one of the commands that take the shiftParts after the length, the parse\r
+# template for all of these commands is identical\r
+shiftOps = ('SDR', 'SIR', 'LSDR', 'HDR', 'HIR', 'TDR', 'TIR')\r
+# the order must correspond to shiftOps, this holds the MASKSETS. 'LSDR' shares sdr with 'SDR'\r
+shiftSets = (sdr, sir, sdr, hdr, hir, tdr, tir )\r
+# what to expect as parameters to a shiftOp, i.e. after a SDR length or SIR length\r
+shiftParts = ('TDI', 'TDO', 'MASK', 'SMASK')\r
+# the set of legal states which can trail the RUNTEST command\r
+run_state_allowed = ('IRPAUSE', 'DRPAUSE', 'RESET', 'IDLE')\r
+enddr_state_allowed = ('DRPAUSE', 'IDLE', 'RESET')\r
+endir_state_allowed = ('IRPAUSE', 'IDLE', 'RESET')\r
+enddr_state = IDLE\r
+endir_state = IDLE\r
+frequency = 1.00e+006 # HZ;\r
+# change detection for xsdrsize and xtdomask\r
+xsdrsize = -1 # the last one sent, send only on change\r
+xtdomask = bytearray() # the last one sent, send only on change\r
+# we use a number of single byte writes for the XSVF command below\r
+cmdbuf = bytearray(1)\r
+# Save the XREPEAT setting into the file as first thing.\r
+obuf = bytearray(2)\r
+obuf[0] = XREPEAT\r
+obuf[1] = xrepeat\r
+output.write( obuf )\r
+ while 1:\r
+ expecting_eof = True\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ expecting_eof = False\r
+ # print( tokType, tokVal, tokLn )\r
+ if tokVal in shiftOps:\r
+ shiftOp_linenum = tokLn\r
+ shiftOp = tokVal\r
+ set = shiftSets[shiftOps.index(shiftOp)]\r
+ # set flags false, if we see one later, set that one true later\r
+ sawTDI = sawTDO = sawMASK = sawSMASK = False\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokType != 'int':\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'int' giving %s length, got '%s'" % (shiftOp, tokType) )\r
+ length = tokVal\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ while tokVal != ';':\r
+ if tokVal not in shiftParts:\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting TDI, TDO, MASK, SMASK, or ';'")\r
+ shiftPart = tokVal\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokType != 'hex':\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting hex bits" )\r
+ bits = makeBitArray( tokVal, length )\r
+ if shiftPart == 'TDI':\r
+ sawTDI = True\r
+ set.tdi = bits\r
+ elif shiftPart == 'TDO':\r
+ sawTDO = True\r
+ set.tdo = bits\r
+ elif shiftPart == 'MASK':\r
+ sawMASK = True\r
+ set.mask = bits\r
+ elif shiftPart == 'SMASK':\r
+ sawSMASK = True\r
+ set.smask = bits\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ set.syncLengths( sawTDI, sawTDO, sawMASK, sawSMASK, length )\r
+ # process all the gathered parameters and generate outputs here\r
+ if shiftOp == 'SIR':\r
+ if doCOMMENTs:\r
+ writeComment( output, shiftOp_linenum, 'SIR' )\r
+ tdi = combineBitVectors( tir.tdi, sir.tdi, hir.tdi )\r
+ if len(tdi) > 255:\r
+ obuf = bytearray(3)\r
+ obuf[0] = XSIR2\r
+ struct.pack_into( ">h", obuf, 1, len(tdi) )\r
+ else:\r
+ obuf = bytearray(2)\r
+ obuf[0] = XSIR\r
+ obuf[1] = len(tdi)\r
+ output.write( obuf )\r
+ obuf = makeXSVFbytes( tdi )\r
+ output.write( obuf )\r
+ elif shiftOp == 'SDR':\r
+ if doCOMMENTs:\r
+ writeComment( output, shiftOp_linenum, shiftOp )\r
+ if not sawTDO:\r
+ # pass a zero filled bit vector for the sdr.mask\r
+ mask = combineBitVectors( tdr.mask, bytearray(sdr.size), hdr.mask )\r
+ tdi = combineBitVectors( tdr.tdi, sdr.tdi, hdr.tdi )\r
+ if xsdrsize != len(tdi):\r
+ xsdrsize = len(tdi)\r
+ cmdbuf[0] = XSDRSIZE\r
+ output.write( cmdbuf )\r
+ obuf = bytearray(4)\r
+ struct.pack_into( ">i", obuf, 0, xsdrsize ) # big endian 4 byte int to obuf\r
+ output.write( obuf )\r
+ if xtdomask != mask:\r
+ xtdomask = mask\r
+ cmdbuf[0] = XTDOMASK\r
+ output.write( cmdbuf )\r
+ obuf = makeXSVFbytes( mask )\r
+ output.write( obuf )\r
+ cmdbuf[0] = XSDR\r
+ output.write( cmdbuf )\r
+ obuf = makeXSVFbytes( tdi )\r
+ output.write( obuf )\r
+ else:\r
+ mask = combineBitVectors( tdr.mask, sdr.mask, hdr.mask )\r
+ tdi = combineBitVectors( tdr.tdi, sdr.tdi, hdr.tdi )\r
+ tdo = combineBitVectors( tdr.tdo, sdr.tdo, hdr.tdo )\r
+ if xsdrsize != len(tdi):\r
+ xsdrsize = len(tdi)\r
+ cmdbuf[0] = XSDRSIZE\r
+ output.write( cmdbuf )\r
+ obuf = bytearray(4)\r
+ struct.pack_into(">i", obuf, 0, xsdrsize ) # big endian 4 byte int to obuf\r
+ output.write( obuf )\r
+ if xtdomask != mask:\r
+ xtdomask = mask\r
+ cmdbuf[0] = XTDOMASK\r
+ output.write( cmdbuf )\r
+ obuf = makeXSVFbytes( mask )\r
+ output.write( obuf )\r
+ cmdbuf[0] = XSDRTDO\r
+ output.write( cmdbuf )\r
+ obuf = makeXSVFbytes( tdi )\r
+ output.write( obuf )\r
+ obuf = makeXSVFbytes( tdo )\r
+ output.write( obuf )\r
+ #print( "len(tdo)=", len(tdo), "len(tdr.tdo)=", len(tdr.tdo), "len(sdr.tdo)=", len(sdr.tdo), "len(hdr.tdo)=", len(hdr.tdo) )\r
+ elif shiftOp == 'LSDR':\r
+ if doCOMMENTs:\r
+ writeComment( output, shiftOp_linenum, shiftOp )\r
+ mask = combineBitVectors( tdr.mask, sdr.mask, hdr.mask )\r
+ tdi = combineBitVectors( tdr.tdi, sdr.tdi, hdr.tdi )\r
+ tdo = combineBitVectors( tdr.tdo, sdr.tdo, hdr.tdo )\r
+ if xsdrsize != len(tdi):\r
+ xsdrsize = len(tdi)\r
+ cmdbuf[0] = XSDRSIZE\r
+ output.write( cmdbuf )\r
+ obuf = bytearray(4)\r
+ struct.pack_into(">i", obuf, 0, xsdrsize ) # big endian 4 byte int to obuf\r
+ output.write( obuf )\r
+ if xtdomask != mask:\r
+ xtdomask = mask\r
+ cmdbuf[0] = XTDOMASK\r
+ output.write( cmdbuf )\r
+ obuf = makeXSVFbytes( mask )\r
+ output.write( obuf )\r
+ cmdbuf[0] = LSDR\r
+ output.write( cmdbuf )\r
+ obuf = makeXSVFbytes( tdi )\r
+ output.write( obuf )\r
+ obuf = makeXSVFbytes( tdo )\r
+ output.write( obuf )\r
+ #print( "len(tdo)=", len(tdo), "len(tdr.tdo)=", len(tdr.tdo), "len(sdr.tdo)=", len(sdr.tdo), "len(hdr.tdo)=", len(hdr.tdo) )\r
+ elif tokVal == 'RUNTEST' or tokVal == 'LDELAY':\r
+ # e.g. from lattice tools:\r
+ # "RUNTEST IDLE 5 TCK 1.00E-003 SEC;"\r
+ saveTok = tokVal\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ min_time = 0\r
+ run_count = 0\r
+ max_time = 600 # ten minutes\r
+ if tokVal in run_state_allowed:\r
+ run_state = StateTxt.index(tokVal)\r
+ end_state = run_state # bottom of page 17 of SVF spec\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokType != 'int' and tokType != 'float':\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'int' or 'float' after RUNTEST [run_state]")\r
+ timeval = tokVal;\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokVal != 'TCK' and tokVal != 'SEC' and tokVal != 'SCK':\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'TCK' or 'SEC' or 'SCK' after RUNTEST [run_state] (run_count|min_time)")\r
+ if tokVal == 'TCK' or tokVal == 'SCK':\r
+ run_count = int( timeval )\r
+ else:\r
+ min_time = timeval\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokType == 'int' or tokType == 'float':\r
+ min_time = tokVal\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokVal != 'SEC':\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'SEC' after RUNTEST [run_state] run_count min_time")\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokVal == 'MAXIMUM':\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokType != 'int' and tokType != 'float':\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'max_time' after RUNTEST [run_state] min_time SEC MAXIMUM")\r
+ max_time = tokVal\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokVal != 'SEC':\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'max_time' after RUNTEST [run_state] min_time SEC MAXIMUM max_time")\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokVal == 'ENDSTATE':\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokVal not in run_state_allowed:\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'run_state' after RUNTEST .... ENDSTATE")\r
+ end_state = StateTxt.index(tokVal)\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokVal != ';':\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting ';' after RUNTEST ....")\r
+ # print( "run_count=", run_count, "min_time=", min_time,\r
+ # "max_time=", max_time, "run_state=", State[run_state], "end_state=", State[end_state] )\r
+ writeRUNTEST( output, run_state, end_state, run_count, min_time, saveTok )\r
+ elif tokVal == 'LCOUNT':\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokType != 'int':\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting integer 'count' after LCOUNT")\r
+ loopCount = tokVal\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokVal != ';':\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting ';' after LCOUNT count")\r
+ if doCOMMENTs:\r
+ writeComment( output, tokLn, 'LCOUNT' )\r
+ obuf = bytearray(5)\r
+ obuf[0] = LCOUNT\r
+ struct.pack_into(">i", obuf, 1, loopCount ) # big endian 4 byte int to obuf\r
+ output.write( obuf )\r
+ elif tokVal == 'ENDDR':\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokVal not in enddr_state_allowed:\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'stable_state' after ENDDR. (one of: DRPAUSE, IDLE, RESET)")\r
+ enddr_state = StateTxt.index(tokVal)\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokVal != ';':\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting ';' after ENDDR stable_state")\r
+ if doCOMMENTs:\r
+ writeComment( output, tokLn, 'ENDDR' )\r
+ obuf = bytearray(2)\r
+ obuf[0] = XENDDR\r
+ obuf[1] = enddr_state\r
+ output.write( obuf )\r
+ elif tokVal == 'ENDIR':\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokVal not in endir_state_allowed:\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'stable_state' after ENDIR. (one of: IRPAUSE, IDLE, RESET)")\r
+ endir_state = StateTxt.index(tokVal)\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokVal != ';':\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting ';' after ENDIR stable_state")\r
+ if doCOMMENTs:\r
+ writeComment( output, tokLn, 'ENDIR' )\r
+ obuf = bytearray(2)\r
+ obuf[0] = XENDIR\r
+ obuf[1] = endir_state\r
+ output.write( obuf )\r
+ elif tokVal == 'STATE':\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ ln = tokLn\r
+ while tokVal != ';':\r
+ if tokVal not in StateTxt:\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'stable_state' after STATE")\r
+ stable_state = StateTxt.index( tokVal )\r
+ if doCOMMENTs and ln != -1:\r
+ writeComment( output, ln, 'STATE' )\r
+ ln = -1 # save comment only once\r
+ obuf = bytearray(2)\r
+ obuf[0] = XSTATE\r
+ obuf[1] = stable_state\r
+ output.write( obuf )\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ elif tokVal == 'FREQUENCY':\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokVal != ';':\r
+ if tokType != 'int' and tokType != 'float':\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'cycles HZ' after FREQUENCY")\r
+ frequency = tokVal\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokVal != 'HZ':\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'HZ' after FREQUENCY cycles")\r
+ nextTok()\r
+ if tokVal != ';':\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting ';' after FREQUENCY cycles HZ")\r
+ else:\r
+ raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Unknown token '%s'" % tokVal)\r
+except StopIteration:\r
+ if not expecting_eof:\r
+ print( "Unexpected End of File at line ", tokLn )\r
+except ParseError as pe:\r
+ print( "\n", pe )\r
+ # print( "closing file" )\r
+ cmdbuf[0] = XCOMPLETE\r
+ output.write( cmdbuf )\r
+ output.close()\r
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2008, SoftPLC Corporation http://softplc.com\r
+# Dick Hollenbeck dick@softplc.com\r
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\r
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\r
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2\r
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\r
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\r
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\r
+# GNU General Public License for more details.\r
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\r
+# along with this program; if not, you may find one here:\r
+# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html\r
+# or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,\r
+# or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\r
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA\r
+# Dump an Xilinx XSVF file to stdout\r
+# This program is written for python 3.0, and it is not easy to change this\r
+# back to 2.x. You may find it easier to use python 3.x even if that means\r
+# building it.\r
+import sys\r
+import struct\r
+LABEL = "A script to dump an XSVF file to stdout"\r
+Xsdrsize = 0\r
+State = ("RESET","IDLE",\r
+Setsdrmasks = 0\r
+SetsdrmasksOnesCount = 0\r
+def ReadSDRMASKS( f, len ):\r
+ global Setsdrmasks, SetsdrmasksOnesCount\r
+ byteCount = (len+7)//8\r
+ Setsdrmasks = f.read( byteCount )\r
+ ls = []\r
+ SetsdrmasksOnesCount = 0\r
+ for b in Setsdrmasks:\r
+ ls.append( "%x" % ((b & 0xf0) >> 4) )\r
+ ls.append( "%x" % ( b & 0x0f ) )\r
+ for i in range(8):\r
+ if b & (1<<i):\r
+ SetsdrmasksOnesCount = SetsdrmasksOnesCount +1\r
+ return ''.join(ls)\r
+def bytes2hexString( f, len ):\r
+ byteCount = (len+7)//8\r
+ bytebuf = f.read( byteCount )\r
+ ls = []\r
+ for b in bytebuf:\r
+ ls.append( "%x" % ((b & 0xf0) >> 4) )\r
+ ls.append( "%x" % ( b & 0x0f ) )\r
+ return ''.join(ls)\r
+def ReadByte( f ):\r
+ """Read a byte from a file and return it as an int in least significant 8 bits"""\r
+ b = f.read(1)\r
+ if b:\r
+ return 0xff & b[0];\r
+ else:\r
+ return -1\r
+def ShowState( state ):\r
+ """return the given state int as a state string"""\r
+ #return "0x%02x" % state # comment this out to get textual state form\r
+ global State\r
+ if 0 <= state <= IRUPDATE:\r
+ return State[state]\r
+ else:\r
+ return "Unknown state 0x%02x" % state\r
+def ShowOpcode( op, f ):\r
+ """return the given byte as an opcode string"""\r
+ global Xsdrsize\r
+ if op == XCOMPLETE:\r
+ print("XCOMPLETE")\r
+ elif op == XTDOMASK:\r
+ buf = bytes2hexString( f, Xsdrsize )\r
+ print("XTDOMASK 0x%s" % buf)\r
+ elif op == XSIR:\r
+ len = ReadByte( f )\r
+ buf = bytes2hexString( f, len )\r
+ print("XSIR 0x%02X 0x%s" % (len, buf))\r
+ elif op == XSDR:\r
+ tdi = bytes2hexString( f, Xsdrsize )\r
+ print("XSDR 0x%s" % tdi)\r
+ elif op == XRUNTEST:\r
+ len = struct.unpack( '>i', f.read(4) )[0]\r
+ print("XRUNTEST 0x%08X" % len)\r
+ elif op == XREPEAT:\r
+ len = ReadByte( f )\r
+ print("XREPEAT 0x%02X" % len)\r
+ elif op == XSDRSIZE:\r
+ Xsdrsize = struct.unpack( '>i', f.read(4) )[0]\r
+ #print("XSDRSIZE 0x%08X" % Xsdrsize, file=sys.stderr )\r
+ print("XSDRSIZE 0x%08X %d" % (Xsdrsize, Xsdrsize) )\r
+ elif op == XSDRTDO:\r
+ tdi = bytes2hexString( f, Xsdrsize )\r
+ tdo = bytes2hexString( f, Xsdrsize )\r
+ print("XSDRTDO 0x%s 0x%s" % (tdi, tdo) )\r
+ elif op == XSETSDRMASKS:\r
+ addrmask = bytes2hexString( f, Xsdrsize )\r
+ datamask = ReadSDRMASKS( f, Xsdrsize )\r
+ print("XSETSDRMASKS 0x%s 0x%s" % (addrmask, datamask) )\r
+ elif op == XSDRINC:\r
+ startaddr = bytes2hexString( f, Xsdrsize )\r
+ len = ReadByte(f)\r
+ print("XSDRINC 0x%s 0x%02X" % (startaddr, len), end='' )\r
+ for numTimes in range(len):\r
+ data = bytes2hexString( f, SetsdrmasksOnesCount)\r
+ print(" 0x%s" % data )\r
+ print() # newline\r
+ elif op == XSDRB:\r
+ tdi = bytes2hexString( f, Xsdrsize )\r
+ print("XSDRB 0x%s" % tdi )\r
+ elif op == XSDRC:\r
+ tdi = bytes2hexString( f, Xsdrsize )\r
+ print("XSDRC 0x%s" % tdi )\r
+ elif op == XSDRE:\r
+ tdi = bytes2hexString( f, Xsdrsize )\r
+ print("XSDRE 0x%s" % tdi )\r
+ elif op == XSDRTDOB:\r
+ tdo = bytes2hexString( f, Xsdrsize )\r
+ print("XSDRTDOB 0x%s" % tdo )\r
+ elif op == XSDRTDOC:\r
+ tdi = bytes2hexString( f, Xsdrsize )\r
+ tdo = bytes2hexString( f, Xsdrsize )\r
+ print("XSDRTDOC 0x%s 0x%s" % (tdi, tdo) )\r
+ elif op == XSDRTDOE:\r
+ tdi = bytes2hexString( f, Xsdrsize )\r
+ tdo = bytes2hexString( f, Xsdrsize )\r
+ print("XSDRTDOE 0x%s 0x%s" % (tdi, tdo) )\r
+ elif op == XSTATE:\r
+ b = ReadByte(f)\r
+ print("XSTATE %s" % ShowState(b))\r
+ elif op == XENDIR:\r
+ b = ReadByte( f )\r
+ print("XENDIR %s" % ShowState(b))\r
+ elif op == XENDDR:\r
+ b = ReadByte( f )\r
+ print("XENDDR %s" % ShowState(b))\r
+ elif op == XSIR2:\r
+ len = struct.unpack( '>H', f.read(2) )[0]\r
+ buf = bytes2hexString( f, len )\r
+ print("XSIR2 0x%04X 0x%s" % (len, buf))\r
+ elif op == XCOMMENT:\r
+ cmt = []\r
+ while 1:\r
+ b = ReadByte(f)\r
+ if b == 0: # terminating nul\r
+ break;\r
+ cmt.append( chr(b) )\r
+ print("XCOMMENT \"%s\"" % ''.join(cmt) )\r
+ elif op == XWAIT:\r
+ run_state = ReadByte(f)\r
+ end_state = ReadByte(f)\r
+ useconds = struct.unpack( '>i', f.read(4) )[0]\r
+ print("XWAIT %s %s" % (ShowState(run_state), ShowState(end_state)), useconds)\r
+ elif op == XWAITSTATE:\r
+ run_state = ReadByte(f)\r
+ end_state = ReadByte(f)\r
+ clocks = struct.unpack( '>i', f.read(4) )[0]\r
+ useconds = struct.unpack( '>i', f.read(4) )[0]\r
+ print("XWAITSTATE %s %s CLOCKS=%d USECS=%d" % (ShowState(run_state), ShowState(end_state), clocks, useconds) )\r
+ elif op == LCOUNT:\r
+ loop_count = struct.unpack( '>i', f.read(4) )[0]\r
+ print("LCOUNT", loop_count )\r
+ elif op == LDELAY:\r
+ run_state = ReadByte(f)\r
+ clocks = struct.unpack( '>i', f.read(4) )[0]\r
+ useconds = struct.unpack( '>i', f.read(4) )[0]\r
+ print("LDELAY %s CLOCKS=%d USECS=%d" % (ShowState(run_state), clocks, useconds) )\r
+ elif op == LSDR:\r
+ tdi = bytes2hexString( f, Xsdrsize )\r
+ tdo = bytes2hexString( f, Xsdrsize )\r
+ print("LSDR 0x%s 0x%s" % (tdi, tdo) )\r
+ else:\r
+ print("UNKNOWN op 0x%02X %d" % (op, op))\r
+ exit(1)\r
+def main():\r
+ if len( sys.argv ) < 2:\r
+ print("usage %s <xsvf_filename>" % sys.argv[0])\r
+ exit(1)\r
+ f = open( sys.argv[1], 'rb' )\r
+ opcode = ReadByte( f )\r
+ while opcode != -1:\r
+ # print the position within the file, then the command\r
+ print( "%d: " % f.tell(), end='' )\r
+ ShowOpcode( opcode, f )\r
+ opcode = ReadByte(f)\r
+if __name__ == "__main__":\r
+ main()\r