- <item>The <tt/scanf/ family of functions
- <p>
<item>All functions that handle floating point numbers in some manner.
<item>Signals and all related functions (having <tt/SIGSEGV/ would be
- <item><tt>setbuf/setvbuf/ungetc</tt>
+ <item><tt>setbuf/setvbuf</tt>
Functions not available on all supported systems:
+ <item>atmos
<item>c16 (works also for the c116 with up to 32K memory)
<item>plus4 (or expanded c16/c116)
<item>cbm510 (40 column video)
<item>cbm610 (all CBM series-II computers with 80 column video)
+ <item>geos
+ <item>nes
<item>pet (all CBM PET systems except the 2001)