disassembled. The given address is interpreted as an octal value if
preceeded with a '0' digit, as a hexadecimal value if preceeded with '0x',
'0X', or '$', and as a decimal value in all other cases. If no start address
- is specified, 0xC000 is used - which is often not what you want.
+ is specified, $10000 minus the size of the input file is used.
<tag><tt>-v, --verbose</tt></tag>
This attribute may be used instead of the <tt><ref id="option--pagelength"
name="--pagelength"></tt> option on the command line. It takes a numerical
- parameter. Using zero as page length (which is the default) means that no
+ parameter. Using zero as page length (which is the default) means that no
pages are generated.
This attribute may be used instead of the <tt><ref id="option--start-addr"
name="--start-addr"></tt> option on the command line. It takes a numerical
- parameter.
+ parameter. The default for the start address is $10000 minus the size of
+ the input file (this assumes that the input file is a ROM that contains the
+ reset and irq vectors).