--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2012-07-22
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ em_load_driver (const char* name)
+; /* Load an extended memory driver and return an error code */
+ .include "em-kernel.inc"
+ .include "em-error.inc"
+ .include "modload.inc"
+ .include "fcntl.inc"
+ .import pushax
+ .import pusha0
+ .import incsp2
+ .import _open
+ .import _read
+ .import _close
+; Variables
+ctrl: .addr _read
+ .res 2 ; CALLERDATA
+ .res 2 ; MODULE
+ .res 2 ; MODULE_SIZE
+ .res 2 ; MODULE_ID
+; Code
+.proc _em_load_driver
+; Check if we do already have a driver loaded. This is an error. Do not
+; touch A/X because they contain the file name.
+ ldy _em_drv
+ bne @L0
+ ldy _em_drv+1
+ beq @L1
+ bne @L4
+; Push the name onto the C stack and open the file. The parameter will get
+; removed by open().
+; ctrl.callerdata = open (name, O_RDONLY);
+@L1: jsr pushax
+ lda #<O_RDONLY
+ jsr pusha0
+ ldy #4 ; Argument size
+ jsr _open
+ stx ctrl + MOD_CTRL::CALLERDATA+1
+; if (ctrl.callerdata >= 0) {
+ txa
+ bmi @L3
+; /* Load the module */
+; Res = mod_load (&ctrl);
+ lda #<ctrl
+ ldx #>ctrl
+ jsr _mod_load
+ pha
+; /* Close the input file */
+; close (ctrl.callerdata);
+ ldx ctrl + MOD_CTRL::CALLERDATA+1
+ jsr _close
+; /* Check the return code */
+; if (Res == MLOAD_OK) {
+ pla
+ bne @L3
+; Check the driver signature, install the driver.
+; Res = em_install (ctrl.module);
+ lda ctrl + MOD_CTRL::MODULE
+ ldx ctrl + MOD_CTRL::MODULE+1
+ jsr _em_install
+; If em_install was successful, we're done
+ tax
+ beq @L2
+; The driver didn't install correctly. Remove it from memory and return the
+; error code.
+ pha ; Save the error code
+ lda _em_drv
+ ldx _em_drv+1
+ jsr _mod_free ; Free the driver memory
+ jsr em_clear_ptr ; Clear em_drv
+ pla ; Restore the error code
+ ldx #0 ; We must return an int
+@L2: rts ; Done
+; Open or mod_load failed. Return an error code.
+@L4: ldx #0
+ rts