int cortex_a8_init_debug_access(target_t *target)
-#if 0
-# Unlocking the debug registers for modification
-mww 0x54011FB0 0xC5ACCE55 4
-# Clear Sticky Power Down status Bit to enable access to
-# the registers in the Core Power Domain
-mdw 0x54011314
-# Check that it is cleared
-mdw 0x54011314
-# Now we can read Core Debug Registers at offset 0x080
-mdw 0x54011080 4
-# We can also read RAM.
-mdw 0x80000000 32
-mdw 0x5401d030
-mdw 0x54011FB8
-# Set DBGEN line for hardware debug (OMAP35xx)
-mww 0x5401d030 0x00002000
-mdw 0x54011FB8
-# Instr enable
-mww 0x54011088 0x2000
-mdw 0x54011080 4
- return ERROR_OK;
+ /* get pointers to arch-specific information */
+ armv4_5_common_t *armv4_5 = target->arch_info;
+ armv7a_common_t *armv7a = armv4_5->arch_info;
+ swjdp_common_t *swjdp = &armv7a->swjdp_info;
+ int retval;
+ uint32_t dummy;
+ LOG_DEBUG(" ");
+ /* Unlocking the debug registers for modification */
+ /* The debugport might be uninitialised so try twice */
+ retval = mem_ap_write_atomic_u32(swjdp, armv7a->debug_base + CPUDBG_LOCKACCESS, 0xC5ACCE55);
+ if (retval != ERROR_OK)
+ mem_ap_write_atomic_u32(swjdp, armv7a->debug_base + CPUDBG_LOCKACCESS, 0xC5ACCE55);
+ /* Clear Sticky Power Down status Bit in PRSR to enable access to
+ the registers in the Core Power Domain */
+ retval = mem_ap_read_atomic_u32(swjdp, armv7a->debug_base + CPUDBG_PRSR, &dummy);
+ /* Enabling of instruction execution in debug mode is done in debug_entry code */
+ return retval;
int cortex_a8_exec_opcode(target_t *target, uint32_t opcode)
LOG_DEBUG("Configured %i hw breakpoint pairs and %i hw watchpoint pairs",
cortex_a8->brp_num , cortex_a8->wrp_num);
+ /* Configure core debug access */
+ cortex_a8_init_debug_access(target);
target->type->examined = 1;
return retval;
+static int cortex_a8_handle_dbginit_command(struct command_context_s *cmd_ctx,
+ char *cmd, char **args, int argc)
+ target_t *target = get_current_target(cmd_ctx);
+ cortex_a8_init_debug_access(target);
+ return ERROR_OK;
int cortex_a8_register_commands(struct command_context_s *cmd_ctx)
command_t *cortex_a8_cmd;
cortex_a8_handle_cache_info_command, COMMAND_EXEC,
"display information about target caches");
+ register_command(cmd_ctx, cortex_a8_cmd, "dbginit",
+ cortex_a8_handle_dbginit_command, COMMAND_EXEC,
+ "Initialize core debug");
return retval;
jtag tapenable omap3530.dap
- # sleep 1000
- # dap apsel 1
- # sleep 1000
- # dap apsel 1
- # dap info 1
- # 0xd401.0000 - ETM
- # 0xd401.1000 - Cortex-A8
- # 0xd401.9000 - TPIU (traceport)
- # 0xd401.b000 - ETB
- # 0xd401.d000 - DAPCTL
- omap3.cpu mww 0x54011FB0 0xC5ACCE55
- omap3.cpu mdw 0x54011314
- omap3.cpu mdw 0x54011314
- # omap3.cpu mdw 0x54011080
+ # General Cortex A8 debug initialisation
+ cortex_a8 dbginit
+ # Enable DBGU singal for OMAP353x
omap3.cpu mww 0x5401d030 0x00002000
poll on