; Read joystick 3
-joy3: dex
- bne joy4
lda #%10000000 ; cia 2 port B Data-Direction
sta CIA2_DDRB ; bit 7: out bit 6-0: in
+ dex
+ bne joy4
lda #$80 ; cia 2 port B read/write
sta CIA2_PRB ; (output one at PB7)
lda CIA2_PRB ; cia 2 port B read/write
and #$1f ; get bit 4-0 (PB4-PB0)
+ eor #$1f
; Read joystick 4
-joy4: lda #%10000000 ; cia 2 port B Data-Direction
- sta CIA2_DDRB ; bit 7: out bit 6-0: in
lda #$00 ; cia 2 port B read/write
sta CIA2_PRB ; (output zero at PB7)
and #%00100000 ; get bit 5 (PB5)
ora tmp1
+ eor #$1f
ldx #0