#include "../../Source/portable/IAR/78K0R/portmacro.h"\r
+/* Catch all to ensure portmacro.h is included in the build. Newer demos\r
+have the path as part of the project options, rather than as relative from\r
+the project location. If portENTER_CRITICAL() has not been defined then\r
+portmacro.h has not yet been included - as every portmacro.h provides a\r
+portENTER_CRITICAL() definition. Check the demo application for your demo\r
+to find the path to the correct portmacro.h file. */\r
+#ifndef portENTER_CRITICAL\r
+ #include "portmacro.h" \r
+ \r
#ifdef __cplusplus\r
extern "C" {\r
* Setup the stack of a new task so it is ready to be placed under the\r
* scheduler control. The registers have to be placed on the stack in\r
* the order that the port expects to find them.\r
+ *\r
portSTACK_TYPE *pxPortInitialiseStack( portSTACK_TYPE *pxTopOfStack, pdTASK_CODE pxCode, void *pvParameters );\r