; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Constants
-CC65_MMU_CFG = $0E ; Bank 0 with kernal ROM
IRQInd = $2FD ; JMP $0000 - used as indirect IRQ vector
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
tmp4: .res 1
regbank: .res 6 ; 6 byte register bank
-zpspace = * - zpstart ; Zero page space allocated
+zpspace = * - zpstart ; Zero page space allocated
+; Place the startup code in a special segment to cope with the quirks of
+; c128 banking. Do also create an empty segment named "NMI" to avoid
+; warnings if the rs232 routines are not used.
+.segment "NMI"
+; empty
+.segment "STARTUP"
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; BASIC header with a SYS call
.export _rs232_init, _rs232_params, _rs232_done, _rs232_get
.export _rs232_put, _rs232_pause, _rs232_unpause, _rs232_status
+ .include "c128.inc"
NmiExit = $ff33 ;exit address for nmi
;** check for super-cpu at 20 MHz
- bit $d0bc
+ bit SCPU_Detect
bmi @L4
bit $d0b8
bvs @L4
;** set up nmi's
- lda $318
- ldy $319
+ lda NMIVec
+ ldy NMIVec+1
sta NmiSave+0
sty NmiSave+1
lda #<NmiHandler
ldy #>NmiHandler
- sta $318
- sty $319
+ sta NMIVec
+ sty NMIVec+1
;** set default to 2400-8N1, enable interrupts
lda NmiSave+0
ldy NmiSave+1
- sta $318
- sty $319
+ sta NMIVec
+ sty NMIVec+1
; Flag uninitialized
; C64 @ 57.6k: 177 cycles avail, worstAvail=177-43? = 134
; SCPU @ 230.4k: 868 cycles avail: for a joke!
+; Because of the C128 banking, the NMI handler must go into the non banked
+; memory, since the ROM NMI entry point will switch to a configuration where
+; only the lowest 16K of RAM are visible. We will place the NMI handler into
+; it's own segment and map this segment into the lower 16K in the linker
+; config.
+.segment "NMI"
+ lda #CC65_MMU_CFG ;(2)
+ sta MMU_CR ;(4)
lda ACIA+RegStatus ;(4) ;status ;check for byte received
and #$08 ;(2)
beq @L9 ;(2*)
; Assert flow control
@L2: lda RtsOff ;(3) ;assert flow control if buffer space too low
- sta ACIA+RegCommand ;(4) ;command
+ sta ACIA+RegCommand ;(4) ;command
sta Stopped ;(3)
jmp NmiExit ;(3)
@L4: jmp NmiExit
@L9: jmp NmiContinue