; Christian Groessler, October 2000
-; this file provides the _dio_chs_to_snum function
+; this file provides the _dio_phys_to_log function
+; (previously called _dio_chs_to_snum, so the filename)
; on the Atari this function is a dummy, it ignores
-; cylinder and head 0 and returns as sector number the
+; cylinder and head and returns as sector number the
; sector number it got
-; _sectnum_t __fastcall__ _dio_chs_to_snum(_dhandle_t handle,
-; unsigned int cyl,
-; unsigned int head,
-; unsigned int sector);
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ _dio_phys_to_log(_dhandle_t handle,
+; _dio_phys_pos *physpos, /* input */
+; _sectnum_t *sectnum); /* output */
; _dhandle_t - 16bit (ptr)
; _sectnum_t - 16bit
- .export __dio_chs_to_snum
- .import addsp4,popax
- .importzp ptr1
+ .export __dio_phys_to_log
+ .import popax,__oserror
+ .importzp ptr1,ptr2,ptr3
.include "atari.inc"
-.proc __dio_chs_to_snum
+.proc __dio_phys_to_log
- pha ; save sector value
- txa
- pha
- jsr addsp4 ; ignore other parameters
+ sta ptr1
+ stx ptr1+1 ; pointer to result
jsr popax
- sta ptr1
- stx ptr1+1
+ sta ptr2
+ stx ptr2+1 ; pointer to input structure
+ jsr popax
+ sta ptr3
+ stx ptr3+1 ; pointer to handle
ldy #sst_flag
- lda (ptr1),y
+ lda (ptr3),y
and #128
beq _inv_hand ; handle not open or invalid
- pla
- tay
- pla
- rts
+; ignore head and track and return the sector value
- pla
- pla
- ldx #255
+ ldy #diopp_sector
+ lda (ptr2),y
+ tax
+ iny
+ lda (ptr2),y
+ ldy #1
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ dey
+ txa
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ ldx #0
- rts
+ sta __oserror
+ rts ; return success
+; invalid handle
+ ldx #0
+ lda #BADIOC
+ bne ret
; Christian Groessler, October 2000
-; this file provides the _dio_snum_to_chs function
+; this file provides the _dio_log_to_phys function
+; (previously called _dio_snum_to_chs, so the filename)
; on the Atari this function is a dummy, it returns
; cylinder and head 0 and as sector the sectnum it got
-; void __fastcall__ _dio_snum_to_chs(_dhandle_t handle,
-; _sectnum_t sect_num,
-; unsigned int *cyl,
-; unsigned int *head,
-; unsigned int *sector);
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ _dio_log_to_phys(_dhandle_t handle,
+; _dio_phys_pos *physpos, /* output */
+; _sectnum_t *sectnum); /* input */
; _dhandle_t - 16bit (ptr)
; _sectnum_t - 16bit
- .export __dio_snum_to_chs
+ .export __dio_log_to_phys
.include "atari.inc"
- .importzp ptr1,ptr2
- .import popax,addsp2
+ .importzp ptr1,ptr2,ptr3
+ .import popax,__oserror
-.proc __dio_snum_to_chs
+.proc __dio_log_to_phys
sta ptr1
- stx ptr1+1 ; save pointer to sector #
- jsr popax ; get pointer to head
+ stx ptr1+1 ; save pointer to input data
+ jsr popax
sta ptr2
- stx ptr2+1
+ stx ptr2+1 ; pointer to output structure
+ jsr popax
+ sta ptr3
+ stx ptr3+1 ; pointer to handle
+ ldy #sst_flag
+ lda (ptr3),y
+ and #128
+ beq _inv_hand ; handle not open or invalid
lda #0
- sta (ptr2),y ; set head number
+ tax
+ sta (ptr2),y ; head
+ sta (ptr2),y ; track (low)
+ iny
+ sta (ptr2),y ; track (high)
+ iny
+ lda (ptr1,x)
sta (ptr2),y
- jsr popax ; get pointer to cyl
- sta ptr2
- stx ptr2+1
- dey
- tya
- sta (ptr2),y ; set cylinder number
+ inc ptr1
+ bne _l1
+ inc ptr1+1
+_l1: lda (ptr1,x)
sta (ptr2),y
- jsr popax ; get sector #
- dey
- sta (ptr1),y
- iny
+ ldx #0
- sta (ptr1),y
+ sta __oserror
+ rts ; return success
- jsr addsp2
+; invalid handle
- rts
+ ldx #0
+ lda #BADIOC
+ bne ret